522 web resourcessballantineGoogle Drive is a cloud-based storage system that allows users to store and access their files from any device with an Internet connection. It provides 5GB of free storage that can be expanded. Files can be created and edited directly in Drive or through Google Docs, Sheets, and ݺߣs. Drive makes collaboration easier by allowing multiple users to work on and share files simultaneously without emailing attachments. While convenient for storage and sharing, Drive does have weaknesses like requiring an Internet connection, lack of all MS Office features, and unclear version control during collaboration.
55206mifthahuljannahrPerencanaan tes mencakup beberapa hal penting seperti menyusun butir soal tes uraian dan objektif yang mencakup ide pokok materi, menghindari kecurangan, dan memberikan pedoman jawaban yang jelas. Kisi-kisi tes digunakan untuk merumuskan ruang lingkup dan tekanan tes sehingga memudahkan penyusunan soal. Format kisi-kisi harus mewakili kurikulum dan memberikan contoh soal sesuai indikator yang diukur.
Anthony Palmer on Filming the Olympic Park's construction Cool Content Anthony Palmer was responsible for managing the visual content of the 2012 Olympic Park for all channels. His role involved providing the latest images and video through media releases and publications to communicate the progress of the park's regeneration and design. He hosted video content on the 2012.com website and explored automated and specialist ways of re-purposing the content to leave a visual legacy of the 'mega project'.
Assets recognitionMohammed AlashiThis document discusses accounting standards for investment property. It defines investment property and outlines how to initially recognize, subsequently measure, and transfer property within the investment property classification. The key points are:
1) Investment property is property held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation. It is initially recognized at cost and can subsequently be measured at fair value or cost depending on whether fair value can be reliably measured.
2) If fair value can be reliably measured, investment property is carried at fair value after initial recognition. Otherwise, it is carried at cost less depreciation and impairment.
3) If fair value becomes reliably measurable, the property transfers to the fair value model. If fair value becomes unreliable, it transfers
Getting the-press-attention Jeff Gauger ConvergeSouth2012Converge SouthThe document provides tips for getting media attention and working with the press. It discusses understanding commercial media and the differences between paid advertising and editorial content. Building relationships with reporters and editors is key. Credibility is also important - be honest, don't oversell, and understand the media's priorities like appealing stories and helping their business. When pitching a story, keep it focused and make it easy for busy journalists. Suggesting partnerships can also help get coverage. The document ends with an exercise to have the reader take on the role of an editor to select stories from a list.
TEKNOLOGI PENDIDIKAN(perkembangan mata)mohamaddinie91Deria penglihatan kanak-kanak berkembang secara berperingkat dari bayi baru lahir hingga 4 tahun. Pada bayi baru lahir, penglihatan masih kabur tetapi akan berkembang dengan pesat sehingga boleh memfokus objek dengan jelas pada usia 4 tahun.
Conventions of a school based dramaliamborehamThis document discusses the conventions of a school-based drama film genre. It outlines the traditional main characters, which include the protagonist rookie who is unpopular at first, the attractive "jock", and the antagonist who is the most popular and dislikes the rookie. It describes the typical narrative of the rookie joining the school without friends, falling for the jock, having issues arise due to the antagonist, and ultimately ending with the rookie and jock together while the antagonist is dismissed. Examples of films that follow these conventions are provided. The document also briefly describes the openings of two example school drama films, Lean on Me and Dangerous Minds, noting elements of mise-en-scene. In conclusion, the author decides to
Power Point for Assignment 1peiwen0813The group chose Dell as their main brand for devices due to its affordable prices, good customer support through various channels, free upgrades, and ability to meet the needs of businesses of various sizes. They analyzed laptops from Asus, Dell, and Acer and found Dell to have the best combination of processor power, ports, battery life, and size for mobility needs. The group also selected software including WinZip for file compression, TM UniFi internet package for connectivity, Avira antivirus for system protection, UBS accounting software for financial management, and SAP for its integrated nature and ease of system maintenance.
The parachuteTaylor WilsonThe document discusses the history and development of parachutes from their conception by Leonardo Da Vinci to modern usage. Da Vinci designed one made of linen but it took 500 years for someone to test it. Adrian Nichols built a prototype based on Da Vinci's design and successfully deployed it in 2000. Modern parachutes are made of light, strong materials like nylon and include additional safety features like harnesses for controlled descents from aircraft, military operations, and recreational skydiving and parasailing.
Barack ObamaSanjay SharmaBarack Obama was born in 1961 in Hawaii and served as the 44th President of the United States from 2009 to 2017. He has a background as a constitutional law professor and served in the Illinois State Senate from 1997 to 2004 and as a U.S. Senator from 2005 to 2008. As President, Obama advocated for policies promoting compromise and established priorities around health care reform, economic recovery, and foreign policy changes including improved relations with Russia and the Islamic world.
Mand aMohd AqleemThis document discusses mergers and acquisitions (M&A). It defines key terms related to corporate control and structure. It provides examples of recent large mergers across various industries. It outlines both sensible and dubious rationales for mergers, including economies of scale, filling complementary needs, surplus funds, diversification, and earnings per share manipulation. The document discusses estimating potential economic gains from mergers using discounted cash flow models. It also covers leveraged buyouts, takeover defenses, and methods of acquiring companies like tender offers and proxy contests.
2 8 pasos del exito1jerry53Este documento proporciona pasos para definir un propósito y metas claras. Incluye identificar un sueño, definirlo con detalle, convertirlo en un deseo ardiente, establecer objetivos a corto, mediano y largo plazo, y comprometerse plenamente con el proceso. También ofrece consejos sobre cómo construir una lista de contactos, sacar citas, capacitarse, dar seguimiento y enseñar a otros. El objetivo general es motivar a las personas a alcanzar sus metas a través de la determinación y el trabajo
Mutual Ispp,Annuity,Cepclement okundaye, ACA,CISA,ACTI,ACSThe document describes three mutual plans - a savings and protection plan, an annuity plan, and a child education plan. The savings plan helps policyholders achieve financial goals like business startup or property purchase. The annuity plan provides steady retirement income. The child education plan enables parents to save for their children's education. All three plans provide tax benefits and competitive returns.
Los lumiere: inventores de un dispositivo monstruosoArmando Andrade ZamarripaLos hermanos Lumiere inventaron el cinematógrafo en 1894, un dispositivo que permitía tanto filmar como proyectar películas y que sentó las bases de la industria cinematográfica. Antes del cinematógrafo, otros inventores habían creado dispositivos como el zootropo, praxinoscopio, corotoscopio y kinescopio que mostraban imágenes en movimiento, pero la invención de los Lumiere fue la primera en combinar una cámara, un proyector y una moviola en un solo aparato.
GatewaycempalaSistem ini membangun aplikasi SMS gateway untuk memberikan akses mahasiswa Universitas Syiah Kuala terhadap data akademik mereka seperti Kartu Hasil Studi melalui SMS. Aplikasi dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java, database MySQL, dan perangkat lunak Gammu untuk menghubungkan modem dan komputer. Tujuannya adalah memudahkan mahasiswa mendapatkan informasi nilai akademik dimanapun mereka berada melalui SMS.
Sportsza tosontsengel L.Tsendiin neremjit 11 JilThis document lists various hobbies and activities ranked from 1 to 12. It includes both indoor and outdoor activities such as football, chess, windsurfing, mountain climbing, skiing, fishing, cards, basketball, volleyball, crosswords, jigsaw puzzles.
Rc24060Vijayshankar_AThis document summarizes research on computing similarities between natural language descriptions of knowledge and skills. It evaluates four parsers on their ability to extract semantic role information from skill statements. A similarity measure based on common semantic roles extracted from parse trees was found to be superior to a statistical information-theoretic measure and comparable to human judgments of similarity. The research aims to improve job searching by finding approximate instead of just exact matches between available employees and open positions based on related skills.
The parachuteTaylor WilsonThe document discusses the history and development of parachutes from their conception by Leonardo Da Vinci to modern usage. Da Vinci designed one made of linen but it took 500 years for someone to test it. Adrian Nichols built a prototype based on Da Vinci's design and successfully deployed it in 2000. Modern parachutes are made of light, strong materials like nylon and include additional safety features like harnesses for controlled descents from aircraft, military operations, and recreational skydiving and parasailing.
Barack ObamaSanjay SharmaBarack Obama was born in 1961 in Hawaii and served as the 44th President of the United States from 2009 to 2017. He has a background as a constitutional law professor and served in the Illinois State Senate from 1997 to 2004 and as a U.S. Senator from 2005 to 2008. As President, Obama advocated for policies promoting compromise and established priorities around health care reform, economic recovery, and foreign policy changes including improved relations with Russia and the Islamic world.
Mand aMohd AqleemThis document discusses mergers and acquisitions (M&A). It defines key terms related to corporate control and structure. It provides examples of recent large mergers across various industries. It outlines both sensible and dubious rationales for mergers, including economies of scale, filling complementary needs, surplus funds, diversification, and earnings per share manipulation. The document discusses estimating potential economic gains from mergers using discounted cash flow models. It also covers leveraged buyouts, takeover defenses, and methods of acquiring companies like tender offers and proxy contests.
2 8 pasos del exito1jerry53Este documento proporciona pasos para definir un propósito y metas claras. Incluye identificar un sueño, definirlo con detalle, convertirlo en un deseo ardiente, establecer objetivos a corto, mediano y largo plazo, y comprometerse plenamente con el proceso. También ofrece consejos sobre cómo construir una lista de contactos, sacar citas, capacitarse, dar seguimiento y enseñar a otros. El objetivo general es motivar a las personas a alcanzar sus metas a través de la determinación y el trabajo
Mutual Ispp,Annuity,Cepclement okundaye, ACA,CISA,ACTI,ACSThe document describes three mutual plans - a savings and protection plan, an annuity plan, and a child education plan. The savings plan helps policyholders achieve financial goals like business startup or property purchase. The annuity plan provides steady retirement income. The child education plan enables parents to save for their children's education. All three plans provide tax benefits and competitive returns.
Los lumiere: inventores de un dispositivo monstruosoArmando Andrade ZamarripaLos hermanos Lumiere inventaron el cinematógrafo en 1894, un dispositivo que permitía tanto filmar como proyectar películas y que sentó las bases de la industria cinematográfica. Antes del cinematógrafo, otros inventores habían creado dispositivos como el zootropo, praxinoscopio, corotoscopio y kinescopio que mostraban imágenes en movimiento, pero la invención de los Lumiere fue la primera en combinar una cámara, un proyector y una moviola en un solo aparato.
GatewaycempalaSistem ini membangun aplikasi SMS gateway untuk memberikan akses mahasiswa Universitas Syiah Kuala terhadap data akademik mereka seperti Kartu Hasil Studi melalui SMS. Aplikasi dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java, database MySQL, dan perangkat lunak Gammu untuk menghubungkan modem dan komputer. Tujuannya adalah memudahkan mahasiswa mendapatkan informasi nilai akademik dimanapun mereka berada melalui SMS.
Sportsza tosontsengel L.Tsendiin neremjit 11 JilThis document lists various hobbies and activities ranked from 1 to 12. It includes both indoor and outdoor activities such as football, chess, windsurfing, mountain climbing, skiing, fishing, cards, basketball, volleyball, crosswords, jigsaw puzzles.
Rc24060Vijayshankar_AThis document summarizes research on computing similarities between natural language descriptions of knowledge and skills. It evaluates four parsers on their ability to extract semantic role information from skill statements. A similarity measure based on common semantic roles extracted from parse trees was found to be superior to a statistical information-theoretic measure and comparable to human judgments of similarity. The research aims to improve job searching by finding approximate instead of just exact matches between available employees and open positions based on related skills.