4. agents conference uc lan _business school_poutziourisSuad AlhalwachiThe document provides information on business programs offered at a British university in Cyprus. It summarizes various undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in areas like business administration, accounting and finance, hospitality and tourism. Details are given on course structures, modules, duration, pathways and exemptions for professional qualifications. Faculty members and teaching methods employed are also mentioned. The university aims to provide a world-class British education along with practical experience and opportunities for employment or entrepreneurship.
3. uc lan cyprus int agent conference may 2013Suad AlhalwachiThis document provides information about a British university experience in Cyprus. It discusses the admissions team, the roles of the admissions office, Cyprus's education system of universities and colleges, and Cyprus as a tourist destination with over 3.5 million visitors annually from countries in Europe and beyond. The tourism section notes attributes like the sea, sun, food, relaxing atmosphere, fun activities, safety, and affordability that attract visitors to Cyprus.
Conectivismo ok siAlejandra AnndiEl documento habla sobre el conectivismo y la sociedad de la información. Explica que el conectivismo es un modelo de aprendizaje que se basa en las conexiones entre campos de conocimiento, y que en la sociedad de la información las tecnologías digitales permiten que las personas se conecten y compartan información a nivel global de forma rápida y sencilla.
A story of five women ingenioSuad AlhalwachiThis document summarizes the stories of five women that the author has mentored:
1. Asmaa, who has suffered tremendously from her abusive husband and in-laws. She believes she is afflicted by evil eyes and black magic. Her husband took a second wife, devastating Asmaa.
2. Rawya, a highly educated woman who was not allowed to work by her husband. She found fulfillment through teaching but lost her home and possessions during political unrest.
3. Ledia, who never married and devoted herself to her studies and politics. She was imprisoned and tortured for participating in pro-democracy demonstrations, leaving her traumatized.
4. The document
A story of four womenSuad AlhalwachiNadia expresses frustration with relationship issues to her friend Suad. She feels angry that her partner fails to communicate and this clouds her mind with negative thoughts. Suad encourages Nadia to practice relaxation techniques like meditation and focus on the good in her relationship rather than let others' experiences influence her. Nadia realizes she has become too negative and needs to change her attitude. She will work on her emotions and hopes it brings positive results.
B bmed sc_presentation_(shorter)Suad AlhalwachiThe document discusses Victoria University of Wellington's biomedical science degree program. It provides background on biomedical science and its role in supporting human health and clinical medicine. It then defines biomedical science areas like genetics, immunology, and pharmacology. The purpose of the three-year biomedical science degree is to link training in modern biology fundamentals with current health practices, and prepare students for postgraduate medical or paramedical training. Graduates will have skills in ethics, the scientific method, technology's role in society, problem-solving, communication and more.
Children and education finalSuad AlhalwachiThe document summarizes responses from children ages 8-17 about how they would run their own ideal school. Key ideas included having more hands-on and outdoor learning, shorter school days and lessons, more sports and extracurricular activities, healthier food options, and giving students more choices in subjects and activities. Many emphasized making learning fun and interactive through experiments, discussions, and practical examples. Overall, the children favored a school environment that was engaging, relaxed, and focused on their well-being in addition to academics.
I am not sure why people forward emailsSuad AlhalwachiThe document summarizes an underwater film called Oceans for Pathi that took 4 years and £45 million to produce. It used various filming techniques like remote controlled mini helicopters, divers with cameras, and cameras dragged behind boats. Over 500 hours of footage was recorded of 80 species of marine life in 50 locations worldwide. The film aims to tell the story of the oceans in a magical way, showing dolphins, whales, fish and other sea creatures from new intimate perspectives.
7. student support presentationSuad AlhalwachiThis document provides information about student support services at UCLan Cyprus. It summarizes the high levels of student satisfaction with learning resources and tutor support. It encourages students to contact student support via email, Facebook, or in person to receive help with issues like disabilities, study skills, finances, travel and more. The university is committed to inclusion and providing accommodations for students with disabilities.
Examples of my worldSuad AlhalwachiThe article profiles Ameera Abdul Rahim Binkaram, the Chairperson of the Sharjah Business Women Council. It discusses how she developed an early interest in social work through participating in fundraising events in school. She has been working with cancer patients for 11 years through an organization called Friends of Cancer Patients. Her priorities are her work with this organization to help cancer patients and develop the oncology sector in the UAE. She believes women in the UAE are privileged compared to other parts of the world and that every woman should engage in meaningful work, whether a career or charity work.
Women in gulf security sr15 webSuad AlhalwachiThis document provides an overview of women's participation in security forces in Gulf countries. It discusses the emergence of women in policing and armed forces in countries like the UAE and Bahrain. For police forces, it outlines typical entry requirements, such as age limits and education levels. It also describes police training programs, which generally involve both practical and academic components lasting several weeks or years. For armed forces, it discusses similar entry standards and basic training programs of around 6 months. It then highlights some specific details about women's roles in the UAE and Bahrain security forces, such as the establishment of the first female military school in the UAE and statistics on numbers of female police and promotions achieved in Bahrain.
Mena worldbank report 1998Suad AlhalwachiThis document discusses education in the Middle East and North Africa region. It provides context on the economic, social, and political environment. It then outlines five development objectives for education in the region: 1) emphasize learning skills and reach internationally competitive standards, 2) improve system effectiveness and social cohesion, 3) ensure universal completion of quality compulsory education, 4) increase information on education and reform effects, and 5) maintain sustainable education financing. It proposes six strategic paths to achieve these objectives, including establishing comprehensive policy frameworks and focusing on performance and results.
Education in new zealand oman 2012Suad AlhalwachiNew Zealand has a temperate climate and is situated in the South Pacific east of Australia. It has a population of 4 million people who are mostly of European descent but also include Maori, Pacific Islanders, Chinese and Indians. New Zealand offers high quality education from top ranked universities and polytechnics to international students. Students can expect a safe, secure environment with costs of living around $12,000-15,000 per year including accommodation, food and textbooks. There are also opportunities to work part-time while studying.
4. agents conference uc lan _business school_poutziourisSuad AlhalwachiThe document provides information on business programs offered at a British university in Cyprus. It summarizes various undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in areas like business administration, accounting and finance, hospitality and tourism. Details are given on course structures, modules, duration, pathways and exemptions for professional qualifications. Faculty members and teaching methods employed are also mentioned. The university aims to provide a world-class British education along with practical experience and opportunities for employment or entrepreneurship.
3. uc lan cyprus int agent conference may 2013Suad AlhalwachiThis document provides information about a British university experience in Cyprus. It discusses the admissions team, the roles of the admissions office, Cyprus's education system of universities and colleges, and Cyprus as a tourist destination with over 3.5 million visitors annually from countries in Europe and beyond. The tourism section notes attributes like the sea, sun, food, relaxing atmosphere, fun activities, safety, and affordability that attract visitors to Cyprus.
Conectivismo ok siAlejandra AnndiEl documento habla sobre el conectivismo y la sociedad de la información. Explica que el conectivismo es un modelo de aprendizaje que se basa en las conexiones entre campos de conocimiento, y que en la sociedad de la información las tecnologías digitales permiten que las personas se conecten y compartan información a nivel global de forma rápida y sencilla.
A story of five women ingenioSuad AlhalwachiThis document summarizes the stories of five women that the author has mentored:
1. Asmaa, who has suffered tremendously from her abusive husband and in-laws. She believes she is afflicted by evil eyes and black magic. Her husband took a second wife, devastating Asmaa.
2. Rawya, a highly educated woman who was not allowed to work by her husband. She found fulfillment through teaching but lost her home and possessions during political unrest.
3. Ledia, who never married and devoted herself to her studies and politics. She was imprisoned and tortured for participating in pro-democracy demonstrations, leaving her traumatized.
4. The document
A story of four womenSuad AlhalwachiNadia expresses frustration with relationship issues to her friend Suad. She feels angry that her partner fails to communicate and this clouds her mind with negative thoughts. Suad encourages Nadia to practice relaxation techniques like meditation and focus on the good in her relationship rather than let others' experiences influence her. Nadia realizes she has become too negative and needs to change her attitude. She will work on her emotions and hopes it brings positive results.
B bmed sc_presentation_(shorter)Suad AlhalwachiThe document discusses Victoria University of Wellington's biomedical science degree program. It provides background on biomedical science and its role in supporting human health and clinical medicine. It then defines biomedical science areas like genetics, immunology, and pharmacology. The purpose of the three-year biomedical science degree is to link training in modern biology fundamentals with current health practices, and prepare students for postgraduate medical or paramedical training. Graduates will have skills in ethics, the scientific method, technology's role in society, problem-solving, communication and more.
Children and education finalSuad AlhalwachiThe document summarizes responses from children ages 8-17 about how they would run their own ideal school. Key ideas included having more hands-on and outdoor learning, shorter school days and lessons, more sports and extracurricular activities, healthier food options, and giving students more choices in subjects and activities. Many emphasized making learning fun and interactive through experiments, discussions, and practical examples. Overall, the children favored a school environment that was engaging, relaxed, and focused on their well-being in addition to academics.
I am not sure why people forward emailsSuad AlhalwachiThe document summarizes an underwater film called Oceans for Pathi that took 4 years and £45 million to produce. It used various filming techniques like remote controlled mini helicopters, divers with cameras, and cameras dragged behind boats. Over 500 hours of footage was recorded of 80 species of marine life in 50 locations worldwide. The film aims to tell the story of the oceans in a magical way, showing dolphins, whales, fish and other sea creatures from new intimate perspectives.
7. student support presentationSuad AlhalwachiThis document provides information about student support services at UCLan Cyprus. It summarizes the high levels of student satisfaction with learning resources and tutor support. It encourages students to contact student support via email, Facebook, or in person to receive help with issues like disabilities, study skills, finances, travel and more. The university is committed to inclusion and providing accommodations for students with disabilities.
Examples of my worldSuad AlhalwachiThe article profiles Ameera Abdul Rahim Binkaram, the Chairperson of the Sharjah Business Women Council. It discusses how she developed an early interest in social work through participating in fundraising events in school. She has been working with cancer patients for 11 years through an organization called Friends of Cancer Patients. Her priorities are her work with this organization to help cancer patients and develop the oncology sector in the UAE. She believes women in the UAE are privileged compared to other parts of the world and that every woman should engage in meaningful work, whether a career or charity work.
Women in gulf security sr15 webSuad AlhalwachiThis document provides an overview of women's participation in security forces in Gulf countries. It discusses the emergence of women in policing and armed forces in countries like the UAE and Bahrain. For police forces, it outlines typical entry requirements, such as age limits and education levels. It also describes police training programs, which generally involve both practical and academic components lasting several weeks or years. For armed forces, it discusses similar entry standards and basic training programs of around 6 months. It then highlights some specific details about women's roles in the UAE and Bahrain security forces, such as the establishment of the first female military school in the UAE and statistics on numbers of female police and promotions achieved in Bahrain.
Mena worldbank report 1998Suad AlhalwachiThis document discusses education in the Middle East and North Africa region. It provides context on the economic, social, and political environment. It then outlines five development objectives for education in the region: 1) emphasize learning skills and reach internationally competitive standards, 2) improve system effectiveness and social cohesion, 3) ensure universal completion of quality compulsory education, 4) increase information on education and reform effects, and 5) maintain sustainable education financing. It proposes six strategic paths to achieve these objectives, including establishing comprehensive policy frameworks and focusing on performance and results.
Education in new zealand oman 2012Suad AlhalwachiNew Zealand has a temperate climate and is situated in the South Pacific east of Australia. It has a population of 4 million people who are mostly of European descent but also include Maori, Pacific Islanders, Chinese and Indians. New Zealand offers high quality education from top ranked universities and polytechnics to international students. Students can expect a safe, secure environment with costs of living around $12,000-15,000 per year including accommodation, food and textbooks. There are also opportunities to work part-time while studying.
『밑바닥부터 시작하는 딥러닝』 - 미리보기복연 이사이토 고키 지음 | 개앞맵시(이복연) 옮김 | 24,000원 | 한빛미디어 | 2017.01.03
"직접 구현하고 움직여보며 익히는 가장 쉬운 딥러닝 입문서 "
이 책은 라이브러리나 프레임워크에 의존하지 않고, 딥러닝의 핵심을 ‘밑바닥부터’ 직접 만들어보며 즐겁게 배울 수 있는 본격 딥러닝 입문서입니다. 술술 읽힐 만큼 쉽게 설명하였고, 역전파처럼 어려운 내용은 ‘계산 그래프’ 기법으로 시각적으로 풀이했습니다. 무엇보다 작동하는 코드가 있어 직접 돌려보고 요리조리 수정해보면 어려운 이론도 명확하게 이해할 수 있습니다. 딥러닝에 새롭게 입문하려는 분과 기초를 다시금 정리하고 싶은 현업 연구자와 개발자에게 최고의 책이 될 것입니다.
3. 마인드맵에 대해….
• 마인드맵은 생각의 지도로도 불리며 우뇌와 좌뇌
를 모두 사용해 사고력,창의력,기억력을 향상시켜
주는 기능을 가지고 있음
여행계획, 자기계발, 독서록, 결혼준비 등 다양한 분
야에서 활용하여 계획을 짤 수 있음
4. 마인드맵 작성방법
• 첫번째, 방사형구조 사용, 즉 중앙의 중심이미지
를 기반으로 가지치기
• 두번째, 중심이미지를 중앙에 크고 화려하게 삽입
• 세번째, 중심이미지에 가까울수록 굵고 멀수록 가
늘게, 즉 주가지와 부가지치기
• 네번째, 하나의 가지에는 하나의 키워드만 그리고
이미지는 간단하고 입체적으로 표시
5. 마인드맵 배우고 초기에 작성한 마인드맵
중앙이미지가 작고 색깔로 단조로워서 한눈에 쉽게 들어오지 않음
각 가지안의 내용의 밸런스가 불안정하여 어지러운 느낌을 줌
6. 최근에 작성한 마인드맵
중앙이미지가 눈에 확 들어오고 색깔을 사용해 주가지와 부가지를 알아 보기 쉬
각 가지안의 내용의 밸런스가 일정하여 잘 정리된 느낌을 줌
8. • 1. 웹클리핑
▫ 웹 클리핑이란 인터넷에서 원하는 기사나 사진 등
을 찾았을 때 손쉽게 그 자료를 에버노트에 옮기는
9. • 2.노트북,노트 기능
에버노트는 대분류로 노트북, 소분류로 노트라는 명
칭을 사용해 분류하고 있음.
▫ 에버노트는 노트북을 다른 사람과 공유할 수 있고
필요한 경우 노트를 합칠 수 있는 기능을 제공하고
10. • 3. 높은 호환성
▫ 페이스북과 트위터 등 여러 SNS와 호환가능
▫ 스마트폰, PC, 태블릿PC 등 다양한 기기에서 사용
11. • 수업시간에 본 김우성 학생의 사례
▫ 웹클리핑 기능으로 원하는 자료 캡쳐
▫ 시험공부 할때 MAC에서 정리하여 ipad로 공부
▫ 그 밖에 플래너,독서록 등에 활용
• 나의 사례
▫ 스마트폰으로 찍은 사진 USB 필요 없이 손쉽게 PC
로 옮길때 사용
12. 3.드롭박스
• 2012.9.17 수업을 통해 드롭박스를 처음 사용함
드롭박스의 기능을 간단하게 알아보면,
1.드롭박스는 온라인 파일 저장서비스로, 제한없이
모든 사람과 공유 가능
2.드롭박스는 멀티디바이스에 최적화되어 공동작
업에 유용함
13. 공유기능은 드롭박스의 가장 큰 장점 중 하나
드롭박스는 지원하는 파일형식이 다양하고 드롭박
스를 사용하는 회원 내에서 내 폴더를 다른사람과
즉, 내가 만든 파일을 다른 사람에게 보여줄수 있고
그 사람이 만든 파일을 내가 볼 수도 있으며 서로
전달할 수도 있음
14. 또한 공유하기 버튼을 이용해 다른 앱에 넣을 수도
있고 다른 앱으로 전환할 수도 있음.
뿐만 아니라, 드롭박스에서 꺼내서 N드라이브에 넣
을 수도 있고 이메일을 상대방에게 보내서 상대방
에 보게 할 수도 있음.
15. 4.페이스북
• 2011년, 작년부터 페이스북 사용 시작
• 전 세계최대의 소셜 네트워크 서비스(SNS)로, 서
로의 개인정보와 글, 동영상 등을 상호 교류하는
온라인 인맥 서비스의 대표격이다.
16. • 친구+친구+친구 기능
▫ 함께 아는 친구를 통해 연락이 끊긴 오랜친구와 연락이
▫ 보고싶거나 찾고싶은 친구를 검색을 통해 찾을수 있음
17. • 좋아요, 댓글기능
▫ 페이스북 친구의 글이나 사진에 좋아요(Like)버튼
을 눌리거나 댓글을 남길 수 있음.
▫ 또한 댓글에 @이름을 작성하면 직접 그 사람을 언
급할 수 있음.
18. 담벼락 기능
▫ 페이스북 친구에 한해 담벼락에 글을 남길 수 있음.
▫ 담벼락에 글을 남기면 그 사람의 페이스북에 페이지에
글이 저장됨.
19. • 그룹기능
▫ 나의 경우 사적인 그룹 4개 수업과 관련된 공적인 그룹 3개 가지고
▫ 페이스북 내 그룹을 만들어서 그룹원들과 글과 사진을 공유 할 수
20. • 채팅기능
▫ 페이스북에 접속해 있는 사용자와 페이스북에서 채팅이 가능
▫ 친구들을 초대해서 그룹채팅도 가능
▫ 오프라인 상대방에게 채팅을 하면 그 상대방에게 알람이 감