Детский исследовательский проект Макет нашего микрорайона МБДОУ детский сад №9Anastasia SimonovaДетский исследовательский проект Макет нашего микрорайона МБДОУ детский сад №9
WTC Moscow Congress Center 2012WTCMoscowCongress Center of World Trade Center Moscow, a purpose-built world class venue, is considered to be the most advanced, professionally equipped and complete convention site in Russia.
Btec level 3 ass 1 u4 5 and 62Willbrooks030295This document provides an assignment brief for a digital video production project. Learners will produce a promotional video for a college department based on negotiations with a client. They will submit a proposal on using digital video technology, document all client communications, develop a brief with the client, and conduct a SWOT analysis. The assignment aims to take learners through the process of working to a brief, developing ideas with a client, and self-evaluating their completed work.
WTC Moscow Congress Center 2012WTCMoscowCongress Center of World Trade Center Moscow, a purpose-built world class venue, is considered to be the most advanced, professionally equipped and complete convention site in Russia.
Btec level 3 ass 1 u4 5 and 62Willbrooks030295This document provides an assignment brief for a digital video production project. Learners will produce a promotional video for a college department based on negotiations with a client. They will submit a proposal on using digital video technology, document all client communications, develop a brief with the client, and conduct a SWOT analysis. The assignment aims to take learners through the process of working to a brief, developing ideas with a client, and self-evaluating their completed work.
Развитие международной торговли на базе принципов втоWTCMoscowВыступление генерального директора ОАО "ЦМТ" В.Ю. Саламатова на Международном форуме делового сообщества в Минске
1. «Дарит осень чудеса…»
С 23.10.2012 г. и до 29.10.2012 г. в МКДОУ
«Детский сад №29» проводилась выставка
совместных работ воспитанников и
родителей из осенних даров.