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The Jerusalem Mosaic: A Delicate Balance. Meir Kraus at UCLA's convention: "I...The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesMeir Kraus at UCLA's convention: "Israel in 3D": The Jerusalem Mosaic: A Delicate Balance
Visit us at jiis.org. to find out more
בקרו אותנו באתר מכון ירושלים לחקר ישראל למידע נוסף: jiis.org.il
Sustainable jerusalem Glenn YaguThe Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies- The Milken Innovation Center is a financial R&D center based at the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies that focuses on building financial solutions to help Israel transition from a "start-up nation" to a "scale-up nation."
- The Center works on practical, data-driven projects and has worked with various Israeli government ministries and organizations. Example projects include affordable housing, capital access, cultural heritage financing, and more.
- The document then discusses potential next steps and investment opportunities for Jerusalem in areas like affordable communities, downtown partnerships, sustainable infrastructure, and East Jerusalem economic development. It provides examples of potential projects and financial structures in each area.
The jerusalem mainstream הצגה לקרן בריThe Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studiesפילנתרופים מקרן ראסל ברי האמריקאית הגיעו לביקור בישראל במרץ 2015, וביקשו לקבל מידע אודות האוכלוסיה ה"כללית" בירושלים, שאינה חרדית ואינה ערבית- נתונים דמוגרפיים, אתגרים וחסמים.
בקרו אותנו באתר מכון ירושלים למידע נוסף: JIIS.org.il
Visit us at JIIS.org to find out more.
Jiis key figures 2015The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesMair Kraus, Concordia University, Canada. About the JIIS - the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies: Our goals, challenges and vision for the city of Jerusalem and the state of Israel.
Visit us at JIIS.org to find out more.
בקרו אותנו באתר מכון ירושלים לחקר ישראל: jiis.org.il
עליית יהודים ותפילה על הר הבית 1967 2015The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studiesסיכום דבריו של ד"ר אמנון רמון, חוקר במכון ירושלים לחקר ישראל, בערב העיון על הר הבית לזכר פרופ' יעקב בר-סימן-טוב ב-26.3.2015. על הפעילות ההולכת ומתרחבת של קבוצות הר הבית, הקוראות לבניית בית המקדש השלישי ומשקפות את השינוי התיאולוגי בחברה הדתית, כולל בקרב החברה הדתית לאומית.
שכונות פלסטיניות במזרח ירושלים: צור באחר, אום טובא ובית חנינאThe Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studiesממצאי מחקר תשתית והערכה של השכונות בית חנינא, צור באהר ואום טובא הוצגו בערב עיון שהתקיים במכון ירושלים לחקר ישראל בדצמבר 2014. מחקר זה הוא חלק מסדרה של מחקרים העוסקים בשכונות הפלסטיניות במזרח-ירושלים ומטרתם לשרטט פרופיל חברתי ותשתיתי של השכונות במגוון תחומי חיים: אוכלוסייה, חברה, מוסדות, כלכלה, שירותים ותשתיות. המצגת הוכנה על ידי אחד ממובילי המחקר, ישראל קמחי.
Project papers fullThe Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThis document outlines four proposed projects by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies to study different aspects of life in Jerusalem and issues related to the city. The first project involves producing a series of reports on topics like education, health, housing, and transportation in Jerusalem. The second focuses on researching and supporting the Christian communities in Jerusalem. The third aims to draft proposals to help Israeli negotiators address the issue of Jerusalem in future negotiations with Palestinians. The fourth seeks to analyze legal status and quality of life issues facing residents in East Jerusalem.
Urban Sustainability in JerusalemThe Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThis document discusses a project to promote urban sustainability in Jerusalem, Israel. The project aims to identify factors influencing sustainability, define goals and indicators to measure progress, and outline a vision for Jerusalem as a sustainable city by drawing on models from other cities. It will incorporate sociological, behavioral, and environmental perspectives. The final report is intended to provide recommendations to policymakers to advance sustainable lifestyles in Jerusalem and across Israel. The lead researchers will present the findings to government officials and other professionals to influence policy changes.
Jerusalem and the Christian WorldThe Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThe document discusses the importance of Christianity in Jerusalem and the challenge of fostering local Christian communities in the city. It proposes a two-year project to research and support Christian communities, churches, and institutions in Jerusalem. The project aims to formulate policies strengthening the relationship between Christians worldwide and Jerusalem, and to increase pilgrimage tourism. It will produce periodic reports, policy papers, and host seminars on Christian communities with the goals of updated government policy and greater pilgrimage tourism to Jerusalem. The project will be led by four researchers and cost $120,000 per year.
The Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations over JerusalemThe Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThe document outlines a project plan to help Israeli negotiators in discussions regarding Jerusalem. It will include background materials on Jerusalem, possible scenarios for resolving issues in the city, and lessons from previous negotiations. Researchers will also assess a "special regime" model for jointly governing the Old City area between Israel and Palestine. The anticipated products are a negotiations guide for Israel on Jerusalem topics and a model for special administration of the Old City. The goal is to better prepare negotiators and policymakers by thoroughly examining alternative scenarios and steps that can be taken in the absence of an agreement on Jerusalem.
Dapey proekt mahon jer10The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThis project aims to improve the quality of life for the 300,000 residents of East Jerusalem. It will analyze the unique legal status of East Jerusalem residents and make policy recommendations. It will map East Jerusalem's neighborhoods and areas of tension, and evaluate regulations impacting daily life. Roundtable meetings with experts will explore issues around water, education, welfare, and transportation to formulate recommendations. The anticipated impacts are shaping policy to improve services in neighborhoods and defining policy on residency status and citizenship requests.
Dapey proekt mahon jer9The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThe document discusses a project plan to enhance Jerusalem's potential as a world city for people of all backgrounds. The plan includes establishing a forum for ideas, mapping the city's infrastructure, identifying groups that could boost its universal appeal through events, conducting an economic analysis, and formulating policy. The anticipated impacts are strengthening Jerusalem's status as a world city, reducing tensions between groups, and reinforcing its universal significance. The lead researchers estimate a cost of $160,000 per year for 2 years to fund reports, activities, and a new database on Jerusalem as a world city.
Dapey proekt mahon jer8The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThe document discusses changes to the ultra-Orthodox population in Jerusalem and the challenges facing their integration into broader Israeli society. Around 40% of Jerusalem's Jewish population, or 200,000 people, are ultra-Orthodox. Issues like education, employment, poverty, and geographic distribution must be addressed at the municipal level. In the last decade, some ultra-Orthodox residents have begun pursuing vocational training, higher education, jobs, and entrepreneurship. The proposed project will research and report on changes in attitudes among the ultra-Orthodox regarding education, employment, consumer patterns, and population distribution to help shape urban policies that promote their prosperity and integration.
Dapey proekt mahon jer7The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThis document discusses a project to analyze and address weaknesses in Jerusalem's employment structure. It aims to identify areas for potential job growth, barriers preventing certain social groups from working, and ways to attract new industries. The project would produce a report with recommendations to diversify the labor market, boost participation, and create new employment opportunities. The expected impact is that adopting the report's policies would stimulate diverse jobs, encourage broad participation, and provide more work for young people in Jerusalem.
Dapey proekt mahon jer6The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThis document discusses a project to address the lack of affordable housing for young people in Jerusalem. It aims to assess public lands suitable for affordable housing construction, examine ways to lower real estate prices, and develop strategies to increase urban renewal and affordable housing. The project will produce a policy paper with recommendations around land allocation, planning, pricing, and implementation to increase affordable housing availability and incentives for young people to remain in the city after education.
Dapey proekt mahon jer5The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThe document outlines a plan to monitor and develop high-tech industries in Jerusalem. It proposes examining existing high-tech companies and government policies encouraging these industries. It also aims to understand factors influencing companies' decisions to establish operations in Jerusalem. Annual reports will analyze the biotech, high-tech, and new media industries and provide policy recommendations. The goal is to increase the number of knowledge-based companies and jobs in Jerusalem by influencing supportive municipal policies. Dr. Dan Kaufmann and Yamit Naftali will lead the research at an estimated cost of $60,000 per annual report.
Dapey proekt mahon jer4The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThe document outlines a project plan to develop the tourism industry in Jerusalem by producing an annual report on the state of tourism in the city. The report will examine tourism infrastructure, survey visitors and professionals, identify new markets, and provide policy recommendations. The project aims to increase annual tourists to 5 million by the end of the decade by accelerating development, improving sites and experience, and boosting the overall tourism industry in Jerusalem.
Dapey proekt mahon jer3The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThe Statistical Yearbook of Jerusalem is a research project by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies that collects and analyzes data on Jerusalem. It contains information on population, socioeconomics, industry, infrastructure, education, health and other aspects of life in Jerusalem. The Yearbook has been published annually for 30 years, providing comparisons between Jerusalem and other Israeli cities. It is available online and in print in English and Hebrew. A companion volume called Jerusalem: Facts and Trends presents the main trends from the Yearbook in a concise format. The Yearbook is an important resource used by decision-makers, researchers, students and the public to understand and plan the city.
Dapey proekt mahon jer1The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThis document outlines a project plan to produce a series of progress reports on different aspects of life in Jerusalem over three years. The reports will provide an overview and data on topics like education, welfare, health, employment, and more. They will show trends over time to identify challenges and future trends. The goal is to present timely information to decision makers to facilitate improvements and advance Jerusalem for all its residents. Each of the 12 reports will focus on a different sphere and cost $50,000 to produce. In total, the project will cost $600,000 over three years.
Dapey proekt mahon jer2The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThe document discusses a demographic challenge facing Jerusalem - the city is experiencing negative migration patterns as higher socioeconomic groups and young people leave, affecting its social and economic makeup. To address this, the document outlines a project to examine migration motives, forecast Jerusalem's population to 2040 based on its diverse communities, and assess the middle class to strengthen its bond to the city. The anticipated products include a 2040 population forecast, a report on reasons for migration, and policy recommendations. The impact would be revising policies to stem migration and attract groups, using the forecast to guide municipal planning.
Introduction to SPREE projectThe Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesSPREE project (Servicizing Policy for Resource Efficient Economy) is a three-year project within the environment theme under the European Commision’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7). The aim of SPREE project is to identify potential “Servicizing Policy Packages” for the establishment of Servicizing systems which facilitate the transition from selling products to providing services.
שכונות פלסטיניות במזרח ירושלים: צור באחר, אום טובא ובית חנינאThe Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studiesממצאי מחקר תשתית והערכה של השכונות בית חנינא, צור באהר ואום טובא הוצגו בערב עיון שהתקיים במכון ירושלים לחקר ישראל בדצמבר 2014. מחקר זה הוא חלק מסדרה של מחקרים העוסקים בשכונות הפלסטיניות במזרח-ירושלים ומטרתם לשרטט פרופיל חברתי ותשתיתי של השכונות במגוון תחומי חיים: אוכלוסייה, חברה, מוסדות, כלכלה, שירותים ותשתיות. המצגת הוכנה על ידי אחד ממובילי המחקר, ישראל קמחי.
Project papers fullThe Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThis document outlines four proposed projects by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies to study different aspects of life in Jerusalem and issues related to the city. The first project involves producing a series of reports on topics like education, health, housing, and transportation in Jerusalem. The second focuses on researching and supporting the Christian communities in Jerusalem. The third aims to draft proposals to help Israeli negotiators address the issue of Jerusalem in future negotiations with Palestinians. The fourth seeks to analyze legal status and quality of life issues facing residents in East Jerusalem.
Urban Sustainability in JerusalemThe Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThis document discusses a project to promote urban sustainability in Jerusalem, Israel. The project aims to identify factors influencing sustainability, define goals and indicators to measure progress, and outline a vision for Jerusalem as a sustainable city by drawing on models from other cities. It will incorporate sociological, behavioral, and environmental perspectives. The final report is intended to provide recommendations to policymakers to advance sustainable lifestyles in Jerusalem and across Israel. The lead researchers will present the findings to government officials and other professionals to influence policy changes.
Jerusalem and the Christian WorldThe Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThe document discusses the importance of Christianity in Jerusalem and the challenge of fostering local Christian communities in the city. It proposes a two-year project to research and support Christian communities, churches, and institutions in Jerusalem. The project aims to formulate policies strengthening the relationship between Christians worldwide and Jerusalem, and to increase pilgrimage tourism. It will produce periodic reports, policy papers, and host seminars on Christian communities with the goals of updated government policy and greater pilgrimage tourism to Jerusalem. The project will be led by four researchers and cost $120,000 per year.
The Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations over JerusalemThe Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThe document outlines a project plan to help Israeli negotiators in discussions regarding Jerusalem. It will include background materials on Jerusalem, possible scenarios for resolving issues in the city, and lessons from previous negotiations. Researchers will also assess a "special regime" model for jointly governing the Old City area between Israel and Palestine. The anticipated products are a negotiations guide for Israel on Jerusalem topics and a model for special administration of the Old City. The goal is to better prepare negotiators and policymakers by thoroughly examining alternative scenarios and steps that can be taken in the absence of an agreement on Jerusalem.
Dapey proekt mahon jer10The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThis project aims to improve the quality of life for the 300,000 residents of East Jerusalem. It will analyze the unique legal status of East Jerusalem residents and make policy recommendations. It will map East Jerusalem's neighborhoods and areas of tension, and evaluate regulations impacting daily life. Roundtable meetings with experts will explore issues around water, education, welfare, and transportation to formulate recommendations. The anticipated impacts are shaping policy to improve services in neighborhoods and defining policy on residency status and citizenship requests.
Dapey proekt mahon jer9The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThe document discusses a project plan to enhance Jerusalem's potential as a world city for people of all backgrounds. The plan includes establishing a forum for ideas, mapping the city's infrastructure, identifying groups that could boost its universal appeal through events, conducting an economic analysis, and formulating policy. The anticipated impacts are strengthening Jerusalem's status as a world city, reducing tensions between groups, and reinforcing its universal significance. The lead researchers estimate a cost of $160,000 per year for 2 years to fund reports, activities, and a new database on Jerusalem as a world city.
Dapey proekt mahon jer8The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThe document discusses changes to the ultra-Orthodox population in Jerusalem and the challenges facing their integration into broader Israeli society. Around 40% of Jerusalem's Jewish population, or 200,000 people, are ultra-Orthodox. Issues like education, employment, poverty, and geographic distribution must be addressed at the municipal level. In the last decade, some ultra-Orthodox residents have begun pursuing vocational training, higher education, jobs, and entrepreneurship. The proposed project will research and report on changes in attitudes among the ultra-Orthodox regarding education, employment, consumer patterns, and population distribution to help shape urban policies that promote their prosperity and integration.
Dapey proekt mahon jer7The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThis document discusses a project to analyze and address weaknesses in Jerusalem's employment structure. It aims to identify areas for potential job growth, barriers preventing certain social groups from working, and ways to attract new industries. The project would produce a report with recommendations to diversify the labor market, boost participation, and create new employment opportunities. The expected impact is that adopting the report's policies would stimulate diverse jobs, encourage broad participation, and provide more work for young people in Jerusalem.
Dapey proekt mahon jer6The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThis document discusses a project to address the lack of affordable housing for young people in Jerusalem. It aims to assess public lands suitable for affordable housing construction, examine ways to lower real estate prices, and develop strategies to increase urban renewal and affordable housing. The project will produce a policy paper with recommendations around land allocation, planning, pricing, and implementation to increase affordable housing availability and incentives for young people to remain in the city after education.
Dapey proekt mahon jer5The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThe document outlines a plan to monitor and develop high-tech industries in Jerusalem. It proposes examining existing high-tech companies and government policies encouraging these industries. It also aims to understand factors influencing companies' decisions to establish operations in Jerusalem. Annual reports will analyze the biotech, high-tech, and new media industries and provide policy recommendations. The goal is to increase the number of knowledge-based companies and jobs in Jerusalem by influencing supportive municipal policies. Dr. Dan Kaufmann and Yamit Naftali will lead the research at an estimated cost of $60,000 per annual report.
Dapey proekt mahon jer4The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThe document outlines a project plan to develop the tourism industry in Jerusalem by producing an annual report on the state of tourism in the city. The report will examine tourism infrastructure, survey visitors and professionals, identify new markets, and provide policy recommendations. The project aims to increase annual tourists to 5 million by the end of the decade by accelerating development, improving sites and experience, and boosting the overall tourism industry in Jerusalem.
Dapey proekt mahon jer3The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThe Statistical Yearbook of Jerusalem is a research project by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies that collects and analyzes data on Jerusalem. It contains information on population, socioeconomics, industry, infrastructure, education, health and other aspects of life in Jerusalem. The Yearbook has been published annually for 30 years, providing comparisons between Jerusalem and other Israeli cities. It is available online and in print in English and Hebrew. A companion volume called Jerusalem: Facts and Trends presents the main trends from the Yearbook in a concise format. The Yearbook is an important resource used by decision-makers, researchers, students and the public to understand and plan the city.
Dapey proekt mahon jer1The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThis document outlines a project plan to produce a series of progress reports on different aspects of life in Jerusalem over three years. The reports will provide an overview and data on topics like education, welfare, health, employment, and more. They will show trends over time to identify challenges and future trends. The goal is to present timely information to decision makers to facilitate improvements and advance Jerusalem for all its residents. Each of the 12 reports will focus on a different sphere and cost $50,000 to produce. In total, the project will cost $600,000 over three years.
Dapey proekt mahon jer2The Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesThe document discusses a demographic challenge facing Jerusalem - the city is experiencing negative migration patterns as higher socioeconomic groups and young people leave, affecting its social and economic makeup. To address this, the document outlines a project to examine migration motives, forecast Jerusalem's population to 2040 based on its diverse communities, and assess the middle class to strengthen its bond to the city. The anticipated products include a 2040 population forecast, a report on reasons for migration, and policy recommendations. The impact would be revising policies to stem migration and attract groups, using the forecast to guide municipal planning.
Introduction to SPREE projectThe Jerusalem Institute for Israel StudiesSPREE project (Servicizing Policy for Resource Efficient Economy) is a three-year project within the environment theme under the European Commision’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7). The aim of SPREE project is to identify potential “Servicizing Policy Packages” for the establishment of Servicizing systems which facilitate the transition from selling products to providing services.