Music video analysisrook529The document analyzes the music video for "To Be The Best" by Tenacious D. It finds that the video is mainly narrative, though it contains some aspects of disjuncture and performance during the song portions. The video appears to parody typical narrative music videos through its ridiculous elements and comedy-film-like style. It also notes that the song itself takes up little time in the full video, showing that modern music videos are viewed more as an art form than a way to simply showcase a song.
Los 10 comportamientos digitalesrosario_olayaEste documento presenta 10 principios para el uso responsable y respetuoso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC). Los principios incluyen respetar a los demás, ejercer la libertad de manera responsable, proteger la identidad y privacidad propia y de los demás, cuidar la integridad personal, compartir información de forma apropiada, desarrollarse libremente a través de las TIC respetando la diversidad, usar las TIC para mejorar la calidad de vida, acompañar a los menores de edad de
What to Know About Fat Burning FoodgigglenutFat loss foods that can help with weight loss include a diet low in carbohydrates and high in lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits. Essential fats like olive oil and nuts should also be included. If carbohydrates are consumed, they should be baked or steamed instead of fried and without added oils or fats. The goal is to eat a variety of low-calorie proteins, carbohydrates, and fats along with lots of vegetables and fruits. Calcium and herbs can also aid in fat loss.
Mgt 307 final examnbvhgfuyt876This document provides 30 multiple choice questions that appear to be from a final exam for an MGT/307 organizational behavior course. The questions cover topics like organizational culture, group development, motivation theories, leadership styles, and organizational design.
Normas netiquetarosario_olayaEste documento presenta las 10 reglas básicas de la "netiqueta" o etiqueta en internet. La primera regla es recordar que del otro lado de la pantalla hay seres humanos con sentimientos, y tratar a los demás en internet como quisieras ser tratado. Otras reglas incluyen seguir los mismos estándares éticos que en la vida real, entender que las normas varían en diferentes espacios online, y respetar el tiempo y ancho de banda de los demás usuarios.
Los 10 comportamientos digitalesrosario_olayaEste documento presenta 10 principios para el uso responsable y respetuoso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC). Los principios incluyen respetar a los demás, ejercer la libertad de manera responsable, proteger la identidad y privacidad propia y de los demás, usar las TIC de forma segura, compartir información de manera apropiada y respetar los derechos de autor.
Film distributionrook529Film distributors handle the distribution and marketing of films in cinemas and on DVD/Blu-ray. Their main objectives are to persuade cinemas to screen films and advertise them. They secure contracts with cinemas, collect ticket sales, ensure accurate reporting of profits, and split profits between production companies. Distributors also dub/subtitle films for international release and ensure any censoring meets other countries' standards. Vertigo Films is a UK distributor that handles both British and foreign independent films.
The Future of the Internet in IndiaKiran MandrawadkarThis document discusses the history and growth of internet usage in India. It notes that internet access first became available in India in 1995, accessed primarily through slow dial-up connections. Usage expanded in the late 1990s and 2000s with improvements in speeds and declines in costs. The growth of mobile internet beginning in the late 2000s further expanded access, especially in rural areas. The internet now accounts for an estimated 3-5% of India's GDP, a figure expected to continue growing rapidly with further expansion of e-commerce, digital payments, entertainment, and other internet-based services and industries.
Los 10 comportamientos digitalesrosario_olayaEste documento presenta 10 principios para el uso responsable y respetuoso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC). Los principios incluyen respetar a los demás, ejercer la libertad de manera responsable, proteger la identidad y privacidad propia y de los demás, usar las TIC de forma segura, compartir información de manera apropiada y respetar los derechos de autor.
Film distributionrook529Film distributors handle the distribution and marketing of films in cinemas and on DVD/Blu-ray. Their main objectives are to persuade cinemas to screen films and advertise them. They secure contracts with cinemas, collect ticket sales, ensure accurate reporting of profits, and split profits between production companies. Distributors also dub/subtitle films for international release and ensure any censoring meets other countries' standards. Vertigo Films is a UK distributor that handles both British and foreign independent films.
The Future of the Internet in IndiaKiran MandrawadkarThis document discusses the history and growth of internet usage in India. It notes that internet access first became available in India in 1995, accessed primarily through slow dial-up connections. Usage expanded in the late 1990s and 2000s with improvements in speeds and declines in costs. The growth of mobile internet beginning in the late 2000s further expanded access, especially in rural areas. The internet now accounts for an estimated 3-5% of India's GDP, a figure expected to continue growing rapidly with further expansion of e-commerce, digital payments, entertainment, and other internet-based services and industries.
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가톨릭 83%, 개신교 9%, 이슬람교 5%
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