Verteego provides environmental performance software solutions to help organizations measure, improve, and communicate their environmental impact. Their flagship products are Carbonpark, a carbon and energy management platform, and Reach Garden, a collaborative platform for sharing chemical data. Verteego aims to build the leading environmental management software suite, and currently has over 1000 customers including large corporations and local governments. Their solutions allow customers to track metrics like greenhouse gas emissions, chemical usage, and energy consumption to help reduce costs and comply with regulations.
The Moving Figure: Anatomical Arts Competition & Exhibition by OCAD Studentsguest1e29322e
This document announces a creative arts competition and exhibition focused on anatomical movement. Students are invited to examine the human figure through artistic exploration or by creating patient education tools on specific medical conditions. The goals are to study the body beyond a typical course, show joint movement from live models, and gain experience participating in and presenting work for a university-level competition. Submissions can take any form of media and will be featured online and in an exhibition.
Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson is a painting by Rembrandt that depicts a public dissection. The painting shows a group of men gathered around a table where a dissection is taking place. It captures the intense focus and engagement of both the surgeons and onlookers as knowledge is gained by exploring the interior of the human body.
Olivia Marie Lee-ScrumAlliance_CSM_Certificate (1)Olivia Lee
Olivia Marie Lee was awarded the Certified ScrumMaster? designation on October 16, 2016 by Scrum Alliance? for completing their certification requirements. Her certification is valid until October 16, 2018 and entitles her to privileges and benefits from Scrum Alliance?.
verteego, the platform of responsible companies: an easy way to create your s...verteego
This document describes Verteego, an online sustainability platform that allows organizations to assess and report on their sustainable development performance. Users can create a profile by filling out questionnaires on various sustainability themes, then view their results and share their public profile. The process involves personalizing a homepage, defining key figures and goals, answering questions across topics like environment and governance, and accessing a network of other sustainable organizations' profiles. Verteego aims to help users highlight their social responsibility efforts and improve their sustainability.
El documento presenta una introducci¨®n a los valores ¨¦ticos y morales. Se divide en cuatro unidades que cubren la identificaci¨®n de valores esenciales, la importancia de la ¨¦tica y la moral, el an¨¢lisis de situaciones en el ¨¢mbito laboral, y la aplicaci¨®n de los conocimientos a trav¨¦s de debates de casos reales.
Bachelor of Design - Fashion Technology at Virtual Voyage CollegeVasudha Jain
Fashion Technology is relatively a new field & demand in depth knowledge on varied subjects. Hence at Virtual Voyage College the syllabus of Bachelor of Design- Fashion Technology, is exhaustively prepared for students, spread over three years or 12 quarters. It includes even management subjects like Retail management, CRM inclusive of industrial visits, practical exposure & many live projects.
Este documento presenta varias actividades y ejercicios para una clase de espa?ol para principiantes. Incluye instrucciones para presentarse a s¨ª mismo y a otros estudiantes, practicar vocabulario b¨¢sico como saludos, preguntas y respuestas comunes, y aprender sobre la cultura y geograf¨ªa de pa¨ªses hispanohablantes. El objetivo es ayudar a los estudiantes a comunicarse en espa?ol a trav¨¦s de ejercicios interactivos de parejas y grupos peque?os.
El documento presenta una introducci¨®n a los valores ¨¦ticos y morales. Se divide en cuatro unidades que cubren la identificaci¨®n de valores esenciales, la importancia de la ¨¦tica y la moral, el an¨¢lisis de situaciones en el ¨¢mbito laboral, y la aplicaci¨®n de los conocimientos a trav¨¦s de debates de casos reales.
Bachelor of Design - Fashion Technology at Virtual Voyage CollegeVasudha Jain
Fashion Technology is relatively a new field & demand in depth knowledge on varied subjects. Hence at Virtual Voyage College the syllabus of Bachelor of Design- Fashion Technology, is exhaustively prepared for students, spread over three years or 12 quarters. It includes even management subjects like Retail management, CRM inclusive of industrial visits, practical exposure & many live projects.
Este documento presenta varias actividades y ejercicios para una clase de espa?ol para principiantes. Incluye instrucciones para presentarse a s¨ª mismo y a otros estudiantes, practicar vocabulario b¨¢sico como saludos, preguntas y respuestas comunes, y aprender sobre la cultura y geograf¨ªa de pa¨ªses hispanohablantes. El objetivo es ayudar a los estudiantes a comunicarse en espa?ol a trav¨¦s de ejercicios interactivos de parejas y grupos peque?os.