Craigslist is a classified advertising website started in San Francisco that allows users to post free classified ads for jobs, housing, items for sale, and services for over 450 cities worldwide. It is one of the most popular sites on the internet that enables users to find houses to rent or buy, barter services, and more through classified listings. However, users need to be careful when buying items on Craigslist as there is a risk of receiving unwanted items or being the victim of a scam, so it's important never to share personal details with unknown buyers or sellers.
2. History of the Craigslist?
Craigslist is a web sites that is established in
SanFrancisco. That is now one of the most
visited English language web sites, with local
classifieds for more than 450 cities worldwide.
4. What is the Craigslist?
Craigslist is one of the most popular and useful sites on the Web.
We can find a house to buy or rent and barter services for
something in the craigslist. That's just few things. There are more
things we can do with Craigslist.
5. We can do on Craigslist.
?Post free classified ads
? Find a job on craigslist
? Craigslist housing
? Subscribe to RSS feeds
6. To be careful!
If you will buy on Craigslist, it is need to know
disadvantage of it.
You never reply things you had bought.
Other there is case that receive unwant.