Государственно-частное партнерство: серийное создание стартаповSergey LourieПрезентация генерального директора наноцентра "Дубна" Алексея Гостомельского для круглого стола "Законодательное обеспечение деятельности институтов развития. РОСНАНО: итоги первой пятилетки", 15 апреля 2013 года.
Legal Crash Test 2012 - Алексей Соломатин Smartag TVlegalcampspbSmartag.tv is pioneering the future of interactive video by challenging the status quo of modern video technology. They are developing a cloud-based service for the production and distribution of interactive video content that can be viewed on computers, phones, and tablets. This new type of video will be more engaging for users by allowing interactivity and will meet growing demands as people consume more video online and on mobile devices. Smartag aims to launch their service in Russia and the US in 2013, providing tools for businesses in news, media production and events to create immersive interactive video experiences.
А.С.Гонноченко Тренды и Перспективы развития РобототехникиSkolkovo Robotics Centerпрезентация к докладу на VI инновационной сессии государственной корпорации «Ростех»
Legal Crash Test 2012 - Алексей Соломатин Smartag TVlegalcampspbSmartag.tv is pioneering the future of interactive video by challenging the status quo of modern video technology. They are developing a cloud-based service for the production and distribution of interactive video content that can be viewed on computers, phones, and tablets. This new type of video will be more engaging for users by allowing interactivity and will meet growing demands as people consume more video online and on mobile devices. Smartag aims to launch their service in Russia and the US in 2013, providing tools for businesses in news, media production and events to create immersive interactive video experiences.
А.С.Гонноченко Тренды и Перспективы развития РобототехникиSkolkovo Robotics Centerпрезентация к докладу на VI инновационной сессии государственной корпорации «Ростех»
Риски и возможности финансирования компаний ранней стадии развитияBridge International GroupРиски и возможности финансирования компаний ранней стадии развития