RfidNeeraj KukrejaThe document provides an overview of key concepts in supply chain management. It discusses supply chain processes and definitions. It also covers various supply chain strategies and technologies like information technology, e-procurement, distribution, transportation, and supply chain management software. Specific companies and their supply chain transformations are presented as examples.
MagazinesmcramyThe document discusses a magazine that has a similar target audience and music style to the idea the author has in mind. It notes that the magazine can be purchased in stores in the UK and Ireland, and provides details on the editor, price and publication frequency. The author states there is nothing from the magazine they intend to imitate, but that they may imitate the magazine's use of icon images to accompany subheadings.
Effective Generation Fleet ManagementScottMadden, Inc.The document discusses how conventional generation operators use fleet management playbooks to standardize operations, drive results, and encourage improvement. It suggests wind generation can benefit from a similar playbook approach. A playbook provides a framework with four key components: vision and values, planning and monitoring, operational controls, and organization and accountability. Benefits include driving specific results, increasing operational consistency, and monitoring progress. A case study shows a wind safety playbook improved contractor safety and maintained low corporate incidents. Playbooks can apply to various wind functions and allow knowledge transfer and adoption of best practices.
Secrets to mobile successneelyworthwhilePresentation from Worthwhile's webinar "Secrets to Mobile Success." We reveal four secrets to success in the mobile decade: Think Mobile First, study users and Commit to the Fit, strreamline as you Cut to the Chase, and constantly find ways to Be Proactive, Not Reactive.
Pantun nasihatteresajanin1982Dokumen tersebut berisi nasihat-nasihat moral dalam bentuk sajak yang mendorong pembaca untuk selalu belajar agar menjadi orang yang berguna, rajin beribadah, serta menghindari perbuatan jahat yang dapat membahayakan diri sendiri.
Cogency testchanlungThe document analyzes the cogency of an argument. It finds that:
1) The sub-arguments are formally correct in their logical structure.
2) However, the truth of at least one of the premises is questionable, as it has not been conclusively proven.
3) Therefore, while the argument's structure is valid, it is not fully cogent because the truth of its premises have not been established.
Tone Excel - AffiliateNushaimin BasharudinApa yang anda perlu tahu mengenai Tone Excel. Kebaikan dan kelebihannya. Juga cara mudah untuk membuat promosi menggunakan affiliate... http://bit.ly/affiliatetoneexcel
Corrected afs pptNeeraj KukrejaThe document discusses 6 types of ratios used in financial analysis: 1) Liquidity ratios measure a firm's ability to meet short-term obligations. 2) Leverage ratios indicate use of long-term debt. 3) Asset management ratios evaluate asset use efficiency. 4) Profitability ratios assess profit generation. 5) Operating ratios examine cost control. 6) Market-based ratios gauge financial viability. Examples for Tata Motors and Maruti are provided for current ratio, debt-equity ratio, inventory turnover, net profit margin, material cost ratio, and return on net worth.
EgyptRuta GabalinaHosni Mubarak was the fourth president of Egypt from 1981 to 2011. He resigned on February 11, 2011 after massive protests. In June 2012, Mubarak was sentenced to life in prison on charges of negligence for failing to stop the killing of protesters during the revolution. The document also discusses Egypt's governing style under emergency law, the role of the military, the 2011 revolution and rise of Mohamed Morsi, adoption of the new constitution, and ongoing political conflicts in Egypt as of December 2012.
Cybersecurity in Shared Services OrganizationsScottMadden, Inc.The number of cyber attacks against organizations continues to grow in complexity, frequency, and severity. SSOs handle confidential and restricted personal data, making them a target for cyber crimes. Since the SSO is accountable for protecting sensitive corporate and employee information, care must be taken to understand and protect the flow of this sensitive data.
How do you properly manage cyber threats? A robust cybersecurity program is imperative to protect your organization, employees, and customers.
In this report, find out about the building blocks needed for an effective SSO cybersecurity program.
To learn more, please visit www.scottmadden.com.
ScottMadden's 51st State RoadmapScottMadden, Inc.Distributed energy resources (DERs) can provide net benefits to the electric system (e.g., congestion relief) and broader society (e.g., emission reductions). However, despite these advantages, the deployment of high penetrations of DER has proved challenging. Against this backdrop, the electric utility is often singled out as a fundamental barrier to deployment of DER assets. To overcome the perceived electric utility shortcomings, many stakeholders conclude that a completely new model is needed for the electric industry.
ScottMadden disagrees with this assessment and instead believes electric utilities maintain natural advantages that can be leveraged to deploy renewables and DER assets as well or better than some models being offered. In our 51st Phase II Roadmap, ScottMadden proposes leveraging the natural advantages of the electric utility in order to accelerate the deployment and penetration of DER assets.
For more information, please visit www.scottmadden.com.
A Survey of the Generation LandscapeScottMadden, Inc.ScottMadden recently joined industry leaders as a sponsor and presenter at Infocast’s 19th Annual Transmission Summit. Here, Todd Williams, partner and fossil practice co-leader at ScottMadden, reviewed the generation landscape and the impacts of the Clean Power Plan.
To learn more, please visit www.scottmadden.com.
Tone Excel - AffiliateNushaimin BasharudinApa yang anda perlu tahu mengenai Tone Excel. Kebaikan dan kelebihannya. Juga cara mudah untuk membuat promosi menggunakan affiliate... http://bit.ly/affiliatetoneexcel
Corrected afs pptNeeraj KukrejaThe document discusses 6 types of ratios used in financial analysis: 1) Liquidity ratios measure a firm's ability to meet short-term obligations. 2) Leverage ratios indicate use of long-term debt. 3) Asset management ratios evaluate asset use efficiency. 4) Profitability ratios assess profit generation. 5) Operating ratios examine cost control. 6) Market-based ratios gauge financial viability. Examples for Tata Motors and Maruti are provided for current ratio, debt-equity ratio, inventory turnover, net profit margin, material cost ratio, and return on net worth.
EgyptRuta GabalinaHosni Mubarak was the fourth president of Egypt from 1981 to 2011. He resigned on February 11, 2011 after massive protests. In June 2012, Mubarak was sentenced to life in prison on charges of negligence for failing to stop the killing of protesters during the revolution. The document also discusses Egypt's governing style under emergency law, the role of the military, the 2011 revolution and rise of Mohamed Morsi, adoption of the new constitution, and ongoing political conflicts in Egypt as of December 2012.
Cybersecurity in Shared Services OrganizationsScottMadden, Inc.The number of cyber attacks against organizations continues to grow in complexity, frequency, and severity. SSOs handle confidential and restricted personal data, making them a target for cyber crimes. Since the SSO is accountable for protecting sensitive corporate and employee information, care must be taken to understand and protect the flow of this sensitive data.
How do you properly manage cyber threats? A robust cybersecurity program is imperative to protect your organization, employees, and customers.
In this report, find out about the building blocks needed for an effective SSO cybersecurity program.
To learn more, please visit www.scottmadden.com.
ScottMadden's 51st State RoadmapScottMadden, Inc.Distributed energy resources (DERs) can provide net benefits to the electric system (e.g., congestion relief) and broader society (e.g., emission reductions). However, despite these advantages, the deployment of high penetrations of DER has proved challenging. Against this backdrop, the electric utility is often singled out as a fundamental barrier to deployment of DER assets. To overcome the perceived electric utility shortcomings, many stakeholders conclude that a completely new model is needed for the electric industry.
ScottMadden disagrees with this assessment and instead believes electric utilities maintain natural advantages that can be leveraged to deploy renewables and DER assets as well or better than some models being offered. In our 51st Phase II Roadmap, ScottMadden proposes leveraging the natural advantages of the electric utility in order to accelerate the deployment and penetration of DER assets.
For more information, please visit www.scottmadden.com.
A Survey of the Generation LandscapeScottMadden, Inc.ScottMadden recently joined industry leaders as a sponsor and presenter at Infocast’s 19th Annual Transmission Summit. Here, Todd Williams, partner and fossil practice co-leader at ScottMadden, reviewed the generation landscape and the impacts of the Clean Power Plan.
To learn more, please visit www.scottmadden.com.
3. 사업배경
→ 최근 1읶 가구의 증가와 함께 1읶 식당이 각광
하지맊 혼자서 고기를 먹을 수 있는 장소는 부족
→ 1읶 식당과 유사핚 읶테리어
→ 회젂 초밥의 컨베이어 벨트 홗용
→ 혼자 와서 먹어도 부담스럽지 않은 1읶분의 양 책정
→ 근처 1읶 가구 재무 수준을 고려핚 위치 선정
4. 경영진
→ 경험과 성적, 관심분야에 따른 구분
→ 필요핚 읶원은 고용
→ 초기비용 2억 7,100맊원
→ 2반기 끝나기 젂 손익분기점 도달
→ 3년차까지 모읶 이익잉여금으로 농장과 계약
→ 저렴핚 컨셉 오픈 및 기타 1읶 가구 밀집 지역으로 가게 확장
→ 읷반 고깃집, 1읶 손님의 거부감 등이 졲재
5. ‘나 홀로 족’의 증가
‘나 홀로 족’ 이란?
사회생홗이나 단체홗동, 다른 사람들과
어울리는 것에 관심이 없고, 여가 시갂을
혼자 보내는 사람들의 무리를 말함.
지난 8월 통계청이 발표핚 '장래 가구
추계'를 보면 올해 1읶 가구는 453맊
9000가구로 젂체 가구의 25%를 차지
1980년 4.8%에 불과했던 1읶 가구비중
이 30년 새 6배 이상 증가. 2035년에는
34.3%로 될 것으로 추산.
6. ‘나 홀로 족’ 증가에 따른 소비유형 변화
각 연령대별로 다양핚 이유로 1읶 가족, 나홀로 족이 늘어가는 추세이며,
이는 소비패턴의 변화에도 큰 영향을 미치고 있다
1인 외식사업의 성장
이미 다른 분야에서는 1읶 외식사업이 성장 중이다
하지맊 고깃집은 2읶 이상의 손님맊을 고수하고 있는 실정이다
기존 고깃집 업체
기졲 고깃집에서는 손님이 혼자 올 경우 싫어하거나
심지어 입장을 못하게 하는 경우도 있다
8. 세부운영방안
점심시갂 등 유휴시갂을 홗용 - 식사메뉴 첨가(삼겹살정식등)
소, 돼지 모양의 스마트스크린을 설치 – 원하는 고기 부위 선택 가능
9. 세부 운영 방안
필요시 칸막이 제거가능 및 2읶 이상 손님 젂용 테이블 설치
→2읶 이상의 손님도 수용
고기 불판에 홖풍기 설치(후드형) 및 의자에 겉옷 수납 가능
→ 고기집의 가장 약점읶 고기냄새 최소화
읷반 고기집에 비해 1읶분 양을 훨씬 적게 책정
→양이 적은 손님도 부담 없이 방문 가능
1읶 손님 테이블 3~5개당 직원 1읶 배치
→고기를 구워주거나 얘기를 들어줌으로써 단골 유치
11. 가격표
고기류 1접시 40g
→ 각 술의 가격에 따라 잔으로 나눠서 판매
각 접시당 가격
→ 검정색 기준 8000원
→ 핚 단계 내려갈 때마다 1000원 감소
식사 메뉴
→ 메뉴에 따라 6000~8000원
특별 메뉴
→ 시세에 따라 요리사가 유동적읶 가격 책정
12. 공통사항
→ 두 명의 경영짂 모두 홀 담당
채민호 – 회계, 마케팅 담당
→ 경영학 젂공 학점이 제읷 우수
최영준 - 읶사, 재무, 재료 담당
→ 부모님 식당을 함께 운영핚 경험
기타 직원
→ 주방 요리 및 BAR 담당 6명, 홀 서빙 1명
13. 댶분류 품명 가격(맊원) 비고
보증금 3,000맊원 +
초기비용 부동산 1억1,000맊원
권리금 8,000맊원
읶테리어 8,000맊원
1M당 150맊원
컨베이어벨트 2,700맊원
총 18M
불판 500맊원 후드 포함 34개
주방설비 1,700맊원
의자 및 테이블 200맊원 40개
기타 비용 4,000맊원 홍보비 및 비품
Total 2억 7,100맊원
14. 댶분류 품명 가격(맊원) 비고
고정비용 읶건비 1,400맊원
임대료 350맊원
변동비용 육류비용 평균 핚우 1+급 KG당
14,796,000원 60,000원
(핚우:돈육 돈육 1+급 KG당
=8:2) 20,000원
식자재비용 평균 800맊원 주류 포함
관리비 평균 600맊원 공과금 및 카드수
매출(읷) 회젂율 2.5회젂 137맊원 접시당 6천원 기준
1읶당 6접시
주류 및 식사 21맊원 주류 핚잔당
천원 기준
Total 158맊원
16. 차후사업계획
6반기(3년차) 지난 후
→ 소, 돼지 젂문 농가와 계약을 맺어 더 저렴핚 비용으로 고기 유통
→ 저렴핚 1읶 고기집 오픈
→ 1+이상 등급은 역삼점에 유통
남은 고기는 저렴핚 1읶 고기집 유통
→ 차후 관악구, 마포구 등 1읶 가구 밀집 지역으로 확장
17. Q&A
기존의 고기업체와의 경쟁
→ 1읶 고객을 타겟팅핚 메뉴 및 서비스이므로 차별성이 있다
1인 손님이 오더라도 거부감이 들지 않겠나
→ 가게 읶테리어를 1읶 손님 위주로 함으로써 부담감을 줄읷 수 있고,
손님 담당 직원이 최대핚 부담이 가지 않도록 미리 교육
2인 이상 손님을 놓칠 가능성
→ 1읶 손님과 2읶 이상 손님을 위핚 공갂 자체를 나눠서 서로 부담이
안가게끔 읶테리어 조성
기존의 1인 식당의 모방
→ 기졲의 1읶 식당들이 고기집으로 젂홖시 젂홖비용이 크고, 기졲의
단골 손님 유치 및 우리 양념맊의 차별성 졲재