An¨¢lise de Seguran?a da Informa??o utilizando C¨®digos Bidimensionais 2D MWOOC...Heitor Galv?o
1. O documento analisa a seguran?a de c¨®digos ¨®pticos ortogonais em m¨²ltiplos comprimentos de onda (MWOOCs) em redes ¨®pticas passivas com acesso m¨²ltiplo por divis?o de c¨®digo (OCDMA-PONs).
2. A taxa de erro de bit (Pe) e a probabilidade de quebra da codifica??o OCDMA (Pq) s?o par?metros usados para verificar a seguran?a dos c¨®digos.
3. Os resultados das simula??es mostraram que a taxa de erro de bit diminui com o aumento do n¨²mero de usu
5 incredible facts about the size of the internetPankaj Valia
This document does not contain any meaningful content to summarize. It only contains repeated text fragments that do not provide essential information or a high level view of the topic.
An¨¢lise de Seguran?a da Informa??o utilizando C¨®digos Bidimensionais 2D MWOOC...Heitor Galv?o
1. O documento analisa a seguran?a de c¨®digos ¨®pticos ortogonais em m¨²ltiplos comprimentos de onda (MWOOCs) em redes ¨®pticas passivas com acesso m¨²ltiplo por divis?o de c¨®digo (OCDMA-PONs).
2. A taxa de erro de bit (Pe) e a probabilidade de quebra da codifica??o OCDMA (Pq) s?o par?metros usados para verificar a seguran?a dos c¨®digos.
3. Os resultados das simula??es mostraram que a taxa de erro de bit diminui com o aumento do n¨²mero de usu
5 incredible facts about the size of the internetPankaj Valia
This document does not contain any meaningful content to summarize. It only contains repeated text fragments that do not provide essential information or a high level view of the topic.
The document is an IBM redbook that discusses dimensional modeling for business intelligence environments. It covers dimensional modeling techniques, data warehouse architectures, the data modeling lifecycle, and considerations for dimensional modeling like identifying grains, dimensions, and handling dimension types and hierarchies. The goal of dimensional modeling is to organize data to facilitate analysis and enable flexible, high-performance querying of business metrics and key performance indicators.
5 incredible facts about the size of the internetPankaj Valia
This document does not contain any meaningful content to summarize. It only lists the source "Business Insider" multiple times without providing any details.
1. O documento discute as diferentes topologias e t¨¦cnicas de acesso m¨²ltiplo em redes ¨®pticas passivas (PONs), incluindo TDM-PON, WDM-PON, OFDM-PON e OCDMA-PON.
2. ? apresentada uma implementa??o computacional de uma rede GPON de 64 ONUs usando a ferramenta Optisystem para ilustrar o funcionamento de uma TDM-PON.
3. S?o descritas simula??es computacionais dos c¨®digos ¨®pticos ortogonais baseados em m¨²lt
Data warehousing interview_questionsandanswersSourav Singh
A data warehouse is a repository of integrated data from multiple sources that is organized for analysis. It contains historical data to support decision making. There are four fundamental stages of data warehousing: offline operational databases, offline data warehouse, real-time data warehouse, and integrated data warehouse. Dimensional modeling involves facts tables containing measurements and dimension tables containing context for the measurements. (191 words)
This document summarizes a symposium on neuromarketing research conducted by Martin Lindstrom called "Buyology". The research examined consumers' brains using brain scanning technology to understand decision making. It revealed that branding influences
Contoh Perilaku Dalam Menjaga Keutuhan NKRINunu Aziizah
Dokumen tersebut membahas upaya-upaya dalam menjaga keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, yaitu secara fisik melalui TNI, Polri, pelatihan militer untuk masyarakat, dan secara non fisik di lingkungan keluarga, sekolah, dan masyarakat.