Anatomie Chirurgicale du CouMichel TriffauxSpinal Nurse Course Depuy Synthes Belgium
Anatomie chirurgical du cou en neurochirurgie
Rappel anatomique et étiologies des complications en chirurgie de la colonne cervicale par abord antérieur et abord postérieur.
Cours destiné au personnel de salle d'opération
Acetabular FracturesLake Area Technical InstituteAcetabular fractures are serious orthopedic injuries that occur when the femoral head is driven through the acetabulum, sometimes resulting in hip dislocation. They require rapid treatment and often surgery due to difficult access and proximity to blood vessels and nerves. Patients typically experience intense pain, swelling, deformity, and limited range of motion. While traction and immobilization are initial treatments, most patients need open reduction and internal fixation surgery to precisely realign the bones and prevent long-term issues. Major post-operative concerns include blood clots, infections, and avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Extensive physical therapy focuses on range of motion, strength, and mobility exercises to aid recovery.
Spine infectionKirie KozanegawaThe document discusses spine infections, including pyogenic (bacterial) spine infections and non-pyogenic tuberculosis spine infections. Pyogenic infections are usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus and can spread hematogenously, presenting with back pain and fever. Diagnosis involves blood tests, imaging like CT/MRI, and treatment consists of antibiotics and possible surgery. Tuberculosis spine infections typically involve the thoracic vertebrae and can cause angular deformities. They present with chronic back pain and exposure risk factors and are treated with anti-TB drugs.
Osteonecrosis ugSarthy VelayuthamThis document discusses osteonecrosis (avascular necrosis), specifically of the hip, and Perthes' disease. It covers anatomy, causes, pathogenesis, pathology, imaging, staging, and various management approaches. For osteonecrosis of the hip, management may include core decompression, unloading osteotomy, or arthroplasty. For Perthes' disease, which causes avascular necrosis of the femoral head, treatment depends on the stage, age, and bone age of the patient and may include symptomatic treatment, abduction bracing, or operative containment such as osteotomies. The goal of treatment is to contain the femoral head within the acetabulum to allow healing.
Calcaneum fracture- pathoanatomy & various fracture patternGirish MotwaniDR. GIRISH MOTWANI
Consultant Foot & Ankle surgeon (Paediatric & Adult)
1)Sushrut Hospital, Research Centre & PostGraduate Institute of Orthopaedics, Nagpur west
2)Aman hospital,Nagpur east
3)South point clinic, Nagpur south
Femoral fractures in childrenSaleem KhetranFemoral fractures in children can be treated with various methods depending on the child's age, weight, injury characteristics, and goals of treatment. Immediate spica casting is ideal for children under 5 years old with less than 2 cm of shortening and no other injuries. Traction and casting may be used for unstable fractures, those with more shortening, or in older children from 6-11 years old. The goals are to achieve symmetric length and alignment while allowing mobility and growth.
LCDCP Ponnilavan PonzThe document discusses the LC-DCP (Locking Compression Plate), a type of bone plate developed in 1994. The LC-DCP uses an oval hole shape and eccentric screw placement to generate compression at the fracture site, bringing the bone and plate closer together. This subjects the bone to compression and puts the plate in tension. The trapezoidal cross-section and undercuts of the LC-DCP allow for self-compression, tensioning, eccentric screw placement, and reduced plate-bone contact to preserve blood supply and minimize issues underneath the plate.
Bone tumor staging systemsAbdulla KamalBone tumors can be primary, originating in bone tissue, or secondary/metastatic tumors that have spread from other sites. There are several staging systems for classifying bone tumors, including the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS) or Enneking System and the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) System. The MSTS system classifies benign tumors on a scale of 1-3 based on activity level and defines malignant tumors using Roman numerals based on grade and tumor compartments. The AJCC system incorporates tumor grade, size, lymph node and distant metastasis in its classification. Accurate staging is important for determining prognosis, treatment planning, and comparing outcomes across studies.
Module 3. Évaluation nutritionnelle des enfantsNutrition Resource CentreLes fournisseurs de service qui évaluent des personnes ayant des risques de nutrition graves, surtout les diététistes professionnel(le)s, doivent connaître les renseignements généraux et l’information clinique concernant la nutrition pédiatrique, ainsi qu'avoir les compétences en counselling nécessaires auprès des familles et des enfants.
Nous avons préparé et évalué cinq modules de formation autonomes pour répondre à ces besoins; ils existent aussi en français.
Acute osteomyelitisSudeep KashyapAcute osteomyelitis is a bacterial bone infection, most commonly caused by Staphylococcus aureus. It typically presents in children as fever, pain and swelling near the metaphysis of long bones. Investigations like blood tests, X-rays and MRI can help with diagnosis. Treatment involves antibiotics, splinting and possible surgical drainage, with precautions taken to prevent complications like chronic osteomyelitis, pathological fractures or growth plate disturbances.
Traumatologie, Membre supérieurmassyleTraumatologie pratique
Imaging in scurvyVikram PatilThis document summarizes the key radiological features of scurvy seen on imaging. It describes the dense zone of provisional calcification, corner sign, Pelken's spurs, scorbutic zone, subperiosteal hemorrhage, white line of Frankel, Wimberger sign, Trummerfeld zone, and Pelkan's spur that are characteristic of scurvy. Examples of imaging findings in the knees are provided to demonstrate these radiological signs.
Supracondylar humerus fracture percutaneous pinning video demoAnil Kumar PrakashSupracondylar humerus fractures are common pediatric elbow fractures that are usually caused by a fall onto an outstretched hand. They are classified using the Gartland or modified Gartland classification. Type I fractures are nondisplaced, while Type III have complete displacement. Type III and unstable fractures are typically treated with closed reduction and percutaneous pinning (CRPP) or open reduction if needed. CRPP involves realigning the bones under imaging guidance and inserting two divergent lateral pins. Complications can include pin migration, infection, and nerve injury.
The pulseless pink hand after supracondylar fracture humerusujjalrajbangshiThe document compares two management strategies - observation versus immediate surgical exploration - for children who have a pulseless but well-perfused hand after closed reduction of a Gartland type III supracondylar humerus fracture. Of 19 children, 11 were observed and 8 underwent immediate exploration. In the observation group, the pulse returned within 3 months in 7 children but 4 later required exploration, where the brachial artery and median nerve were found trapped in the fracture site. In the exploration group, the pulse returned within 24 hours in 6 of 8 children. The document concludes that an associated neurological deficit suggests nerve and vessel entrapment, making immediate exploration preferable to avoid permanent nerve damage.
Tb spineAkshay ShahThis document provides information on tuberculosis of the skeletal system (Potts disease). It discusses the history, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, investigations including imaging findings, microbiological studies, treatment including medical management and surgical options, as well as outcomes of skeletal tuberculosis. Key points include that India accounts for a large portion of global tuberculosis cases, it most commonly involves the thoracic spine, and treatment involves a combination of anti-tubercular medications and surgery in some cases to address complications or deformities.
La chirurgie thyroïdienne en images f.menegauxall-in-web
FasciotomyJoel Arudchelvam MBBS, MD, MRCS, FCSSLcompartment syndrome, causes, compartments of legs,compartments of forearm,compartments of hand,compartments of foot, compartments of arm,compartments of thigh,fasciotomy of leg,fasciotomy of forearm, fasciotomy of hand,fasciotomy of foot, fasciotomy of thigh, fasciotomy of arm
EXAMINATION OF BONY LESIONManmatha NayakThis document summarizes the process for examining a bony lesion. It outlines the steps to take in the patient history, general survey, and local examination through inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation and measurements. It provides details on what to examine in the neighbouring joints, lymph nodes, and through general examination. It concludes with an overview of special investigations that may be required, including blood and urine tests, x-rays, arteriography, radioactive scanning, biopsy, culture and sensitivity testing, and histopathological examination.
Trauma scoringKrongdai UnhasutaThe document discusses various trauma scoring systems used to assess injury severity and predict patient outcomes. It describes anatomical indices like the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) and Injury Severity Score (ISS) which evaluate individual injuries and overall trauma burden. It also outlines physiological scores such as the Trauma Score, Revised Trauma Score, and CRAMS scale that assess vital signs and neurological status. Combination scores like TRISS use both anatomical and physiological factors to determine survival probabilities for trauma patients. Early warning scores evaluate pre-hospital and emergency department patients to guide triage and care.
Dr. radheyshyam (principles and techniques of ao)rsd81061. The document discusses the history and principles of AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen), which was founded in 1958 to standardize the principles of fracture fixation.
2. It describes the different types of bone plates used in AO technique including neutralization, compression, and buttress plates. Dynamic compression plates and limited contact dynamic compression plates are discussed in detail.
3. Additional internal fixation principles covered include the tension band effect, prebending plates, and the use of reconstruction and tubular plates.
Four corner arthrodesis a retrospective reviewpersonalp(1) The document reviews a retrospective study of 10 cases of four corner arthrodesis performed between 2001-2004 to treat various stages of scapholunate advanced collapse (SLAC) and scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse (SNAC) arthritis.
(2) Results found a 90% union rate but intermediate outcomes were poor compared to literature, with most patients reporting only moderate pain relief and 40% average range of motion recovery.
(3) The conclusion discusses that patient factors like the specific stage of arthritis and degree of wrist extension may determine whether four corner fusion or alternative procedures like proximal row carpectomy or scaphoid resection are most appropriate in individual cases.
Idiopathic club footHumanitarian Healthcare field This document provides information about Talipes Equinovarus, or clubfoot. It discusses the incidence, causes, clinical presentation, treatment, and outcomes of the condition. Clubfoot primarily affects three bones in the foot - the calcaneus, talus and navicular. Treatment involves serial casting and manipulation in less severe cases. More rigid deformities may require surgical release of tendons and joint capsules to correct the equinus, varus, adduction and cavus deformities present. Post-operatively, feet are immobilized in casts then transitioned to braces to maintain correction. Relapses can occur and may need additional surgery.
מצגת ניהול תיקי השקעות מוקד סלעmayavital13This document appears to contain charts and graphs with numerical data but no contextual information or descriptions. It includes line graphs showing values over time, pie charts breaking data into percentages, and bullet point lists. However, without any accompanying text, the high level meaning and significance of the data cannot be determined from the visuals alone.
LCDCP Ponnilavan PonzThe document discusses the LC-DCP (Locking Compression Plate), a type of bone plate developed in 1994. The LC-DCP uses an oval hole shape and eccentric screw placement to generate compression at the fracture site, bringing the bone and plate closer together. This subjects the bone to compression and puts the plate in tension. The trapezoidal cross-section and undercuts of the LC-DCP allow for self-compression, tensioning, eccentric screw placement, and reduced plate-bone contact to preserve blood supply and minimize issues underneath the plate.
Bone tumor staging systemsAbdulla KamalBone tumors can be primary, originating in bone tissue, or secondary/metastatic tumors that have spread from other sites. There are several staging systems for classifying bone tumors, including the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS) or Enneking System and the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) System. The MSTS system classifies benign tumors on a scale of 1-3 based on activity level and defines malignant tumors using Roman numerals based on grade and tumor compartments. The AJCC system incorporates tumor grade, size, lymph node and distant metastasis in its classification. Accurate staging is important for determining prognosis, treatment planning, and comparing outcomes across studies.
Module 3. Évaluation nutritionnelle des enfantsNutrition Resource CentreLes fournisseurs de service qui évaluent des personnes ayant des risques de nutrition graves, surtout les diététistes professionnel(le)s, doivent connaître les renseignements généraux et l’information clinique concernant la nutrition pédiatrique, ainsi qu'avoir les compétences en counselling nécessaires auprès des familles et des enfants.
Nous avons préparé et évalué cinq modules de formation autonomes pour répondre à ces besoins; ils existent aussi en français.
Acute osteomyelitisSudeep KashyapAcute osteomyelitis is a bacterial bone infection, most commonly caused by Staphylococcus aureus. It typically presents in children as fever, pain and swelling near the metaphysis of long bones. Investigations like blood tests, X-rays and MRI can help with diagnosis. Treatment involves antibiotics, splinting and possible surgical drainage, with precautions taken to prevent complications like chronic osteomyelitis, pathological fractures or growth plate disturbances.
Traumatologie, Membre supérieurmassyleTraumatologie pratique
Imaging in scurvyVikram PatilThis document summarizes the key radiological features of scurvy seen on imaging. It describes the dense zone of provisional calcification, corner sign, Pelken's spurs, scorbutic zone, subperiosteal hemorrhage, white line of Frankel, Wimberger sign, Trummerfeld zone, and Pelkan's spur that are characteristic of scurvy. Examples of imaging findings in the knees are provided to demonstrate these radiological signs.
Supracondylar humerus fracture percutaneous pinning video demoAnil Kumar PrakashSupracondylar humerus fractures are common pediatric elbow fractures that are usually caused by a fall onto an outstretched hand. They are classified using the Gartland or modified Gartland classification. Type I fractures are nondisplaced, while Type III have complete displacement. Type III and unstable fractures are typically treated with closed reduction and percutaneous pinning (CRPP) or open reduction if needed. CRPP involves realigning the bones under imaging guidance and inserting two divergent lateral pins. Complications can include pin migration, infection, and nerve injury.
The pulseless pink hand after supracondylar fracture humerusujjalrajbangshiThe document compares two management strategies - observation versus immediate surgical exploration - for children who have a pulseless but well-perfused hand after closed reduction of a Gartland type III supracondylar humerus fracture. Of 19 children, 11 were observed and 8 underwent immediate exploration. In the observation group, the pulse returned within 3 months in 7 children but 4 later required exploration, where the brachial artery and median nerve were found trapped in the fracture site. In the exploration group, the pulse returned within 24 hours in 6 of 8 children. The document concludes that an associated neurological deficit suggests nerve and vessel entrapment, making immediate exploration preferable to avoid permanent nerve damage.
Tb spineAkshay ShahThis document provides information on tuberculosis of the skeletal system (Potts disease). It discusses the history, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, investigations including imaging findings, microbiological studies, treatment including medical management and surgical options, as well as outcomes of skeletal tuberculosis. Key points include that India accounts for a large portion of global tuberculosis cases, it most commonly involves the thoracic spine, and treatment involves a combination of anti-tubercular medications and surgery in some cases to address complications or deformities.
La chirurgie thyroïdienne en images f.menegauxall-in-web
FasciotomyJoel Arudchelvam MBBS, MD, MRCS, FCSSLcompartment syndrome, causes, compartments of legs,compartments of forearm,compartments of hand,compartments of foot, compartments of arm,compartments of thigh,fasciotomy of leg,fasciotomy of forearm, fasciotomy of hand,fasciotomy of foot, fasciotomy of thigh, fasciotomy of arm
EXAMINATION OF BONY LESIONManmatha NayakThis document summarizes the process for examining a bony lesion. It outlines the steps to take in the patient history, general survey, and local examination through inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation and measurements. It provides details on what to examine in the neighbouring joints, lymph nodes, and through general examination. It concludes with an overview of special investigations that may be required, including blood and urine tests, x-rays, arteriography, radioactive scanning, biopsy, culture and sensitivity testing, and histopathological examination.
Trauma scoringKrongdai UnhasutaThe document discusses various trauma scoring systems used to assess injury severity and predict patient outcomes. It describes anatomical indices like the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) and Injury Severity Score (ISS) which evaluate individual injuries and overall trauma burden. It also outlines physiological scores such as the Trauma Score, Revised Trauma Score, and CRAMS scale that assess vital signs and neurological status. Combination scores like TRISS use both anatomical and physiological factors to determine survival probabilities for trauma patients. Early warning scores evaluate pre-hospital and emergency department patients to guide triage and care.
Dr. radheyshyam (principles and techniques of ao)rsd81061. The document discusses the history and principles of AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen), which was founded in 1958 to standardize the principles of fracture fixation.
2. It describes the different types of bone plates used in AO technique including neutralization, compression, and buttress plates. Dynamic compression plates and limited contact dynamic compression plates are discussed in detail.
3. Additional internal fixation principles covered include the tension band effect, prebending plates, and the use of reconstruction and tubular plates.
Four corner arthrodesis a retrospective reviewpersonalp(1) The document reviews a retrospective study of 10 cases of four corner arthrodesis performed between 2001-2004 to treat various stages of scapholunate advanced collapse (SLAC) and scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse (SNAC) arthritis.
(2) Results found a 90% union rate but intermediate outcomes were poor compared to literature, with most patients reporting only moderate pain relief and 40% average range of motion recovery.
(3) The conclusion discusses that patient factors like the specific stage of arthritis and degree of wrist extension may determine whether four corner fusion or alternative procedures like proximal row carpectomy or scaphoid resection are most appropriate in individual cases.
Idiopathic club footHumanitarian Healthcare field This document provides information about Talipes Equinovarus, or clubfoot. It discusses the incidence, causes, clinical presentation, treatment, and outcomes of the condition. Clubfoot primarily affects three bones in the foot - the calcaneus, talus and navicular. Treatment involves serial casting and manipulation in less severe cases. More rigid deformities may require surgical release of tendons and joint capsules to correct the equinus, varus, adduction and cavus deformities present. Post-operatively, feet are immobilized in casts then transitioned to braces to maintain correction. Relapses can occur and may need additional surgery.
מצגת ניהול תיקי השקעות מוקד סלעmayavital13This document appears to contain charts and graphs with numerical data but no contextual information or descriptions. It includes line graphs showing values over time, pie charts breaking data into percentages, and bullet point lists. However, without any accompanying text, the high level meaning and significance of the data cannot be determined from the visuals alone.
מצגת ניהול תיקי השקעות מוקד סלעmayavital13This document appears to contain charts and graphs with numerical data but no descriptive text. It includes various line graphs showing values over time, pie charts breaking down percentages, and what appear to be company logos or citations. However, without any accompanying explanation, the high-level meaning and important information cannot be determined from the visual data alone.