Опыт Автоматизации тестированияAgile UkraineАлексей Турчаников и Николай Сидоренко выступят с докладом об опыте внедрения автоматизированного тестирования через интерфейс (Web и десктоп) в их проекте: как проходили через целый лес организационных и технических "граблей" и в конце-концов добились своей цели.
В обзоре: SOAP UI, TestComplete, Ranorex, Cucumber, SpecFlow, Robot Framework + RIDE, Selenium WebDriver (Java & C#), White.А также: как не стоит нанимать тестировщиков-автоматизаторов, какой процент тестировщиков не начнет писать тесты, чем ценны тестировщицы-девушки.
От экспериментального программирования к промышленному: путь длиной в 10 летPositive Hack DaysРазработка наукоемкого программного обеспечения отличается тем, что нет ни четкой постановки задачи, ни понимания, что получится в результате. Однако даже этом надо программировать то, что надо, и как надо. Докладчик расскажет о том, как ее команда успешно разработала и вывела в промышленную эксплуатацию несколько наукоемких продуктов, пройдя непростой путь от эксперимента, результатом которого был прототип, до промышленных версий, которые успешно продаются как на российском, так и на зарубежном рынках. Этот путь был насыщен сложностями и качественными управленческими решениями, которыми поделится докладчик
Maybe some qaaliaksei_booleВ докладе я расскажу, почему современный контроль качества – это действительно сложная и интересная отрасль для настоящих инженеров! И почему я хочу, чтобы больше талантливых инженеров выбирали QA вместо разработки.
Требования по безопасности в архитектуре ПОPositive Hack DaysРазработка любого софта так или иначе базируется на требованиях. Полный перечень составляют бизнес-цели приложения, различные ограничения и ожидания по качеству (их еще называют NFR). Требования к безопасности ПО относятся к последнему пункту. В ходе доклада будут рассматриваться появление этих требований, управление ими и выбор наиболее важных.
Отдельно будут освещены принципы построения архитектуры приложения, при наличии таких требований и без, и продемонстрировано, как современные (и хорошо известные) подходы к проектированию приложения помогают лучше строить архитектуру приложения для минимизации ландшафта угроз.
Free Cloud Alliance OW2 Conference Nov10OW2The document introduces the Free Cloud Alliance (FCA), an open source cloud computing platform. It discusses how FCA provides infrastructure as a service (IaaS), software as a service (SaaS), and platform as a service (PaaS) capabilities similar to proprietary offerings but with open source software. Upcoming projects include SlapOS, an operating system based on distributed processes, and UNG Docs, an open source document collaboration platform. Demo applications show how SlapOS can distribute workloads across multiple data centers and clouds, and how UNG Docs allows for distributed editing of documents.
Itf ipp ch09_2012_finaldphil002This document discusses tax withholding, estimated payments, and payroll taxes. It covers how employers calculate income tax withholding from employee paychecks based on Form W-4. It also discusses estimated tax payments taxpayers must make if their tax due is over $1000. Additionally, it outlines FICA taxes employers and employees must pay and how employers must deposit these taxes. It provides details on self-employment tax and FUTA tax as well.
Nevado CayambePablo GuañaEste documento presenta información sobre el Nevado Cayambe, una montaña sagrada ubicada en el norte de Ecuador. Describe su ubicación, altura, características geográficas y algunos eventos históricos asociados con la montaña, como expediciones tempranas para escalarla y erupciones volcánicas cercanas. También incluye fotos de paisajes, fauna, glaciaciones y personas en el Nevado Cayambe a lo largo de los años.
Mobile integrationwall530Holly Wall can seamlessly integrate iOS apps into classrooms. She uses mobile devices all the time with her students and helps other teachers integrate mobile devices as well. Her favorite apps include Socrative for quick assessments, Edmodo as a learning management system, and Evernote for e-portfolios and record keeping.
Tech talk: PHPJen Wei LeeThis document discusses PHP, a popular server-side scripting language used for web development. It provides an overview of PHP and compares it to other web development technologies. The key advantages of PHP include being open source, easy to learn and use, having a large community and support, and being suitable for rapid prototyping. While not as robust as other languages, PHP is well suited for building scalable, dynamic web applications and content management systems. Major websites like Facebook, Google, Wikipedia and WordPress are built using PHP.
Cloud Computing Presentation V3David OliverThis document discusses cloud computing, including definitions, benefits, risks, and terminology. It begins by clearing up common misconceptions about cloud computing. The main benefits cited are reduced costs through no upfront investment, ability to grow and shrink resources as needed, and offloading management of data storage and sharing. Risks discussed include issues around job security, migration between providers, availability of services, data security and privacy, and integration with existing systems. The document emphasizes that cloud computing can complement existing infrastructure and is not going away as a technology.
Innovation and Research, OW2con'12, ParisOW2Mandriva is a publisher of open source software with 14 years of experience in research and innovation. It has a research portfolio including projects in semantic desktop technologies, security, compilers, grid computing, and more. Mandriva's innovation strategy involves collaborative research, advanced development, and focused research partnerships to contribute open source expertise and bring research projects to market.
2013 cch basic principles ch02dphil002This document provides an overview of key tax research sources, including:
1) Primary sources like the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury Regulations, and judicial decisions.
2) Secondary sources like textbooks and periodicals.
3) The five-step tax research method of gathering facts, locating authorities, updating sources, re-examining research, and arriving at conclusions.
Chapter 1 presentationdphil002The document discusses the complex structure of the US federal tax law, which results from competing objectives in developing tax policy. It outlines various economic, social, equity and political considerations that influence tax law. It also describes the key agencies and sources of tax law, including the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury regulations, revenue rulings, judicial precedents and more. Finally, it discusses tax research and the process of identifying, assessing and applying relevant tax law authorities to arrive at solutions to tax issues.
Chapter 2 power pointdphil002This chapter discusses the definition of gross income and various income categories that are included or excluded from gross income calculations for tax purposes. It covers interest, dividends, alimony, prizes, annuities, life insurance, gifts and inheritances. It also discusses exclusions such as employer-provided health insurance, meals and lodging, municipal bond interest, and social security benefits. The chapter contains examples and learning objectives related to calculating taxable portions of various income streams.
LemonLDAP::NG - the New Generation WebSSO !, David Coutadeur, Linagora.OW2LemonLDAP::NG is a FOSS for WebSSO, access management and identity federation developed since 2005. Its community is active and regurlarly proposes new versions. This software provides many functionalities: * Multi-domain SSO * Configuration and session management * Form replay * Protocols support : LDAP, CAS, OpenID, SAML, Radius * Authentication methods chaining * Applications portal * Password management * Notifications * Connection history management * Put an application in maintenance state * Inserting a menu on protected applications LemonLDAP::NG can be used as a gateway between many authentifcation protocoles, for example : * Provide identity trough SAML after an LDAP authentication * Provide identity trough CAS after an OpenID authentication * Provide identity trough OpenID after a Twitter authentication LemonLDAP::NG is a efficient mean to link Saas applications to internal applications, all relying on the authentication of the enterprise directory.
Wildi 2009 ResumeWildiEric Wildi is a senior electronics technology executive with over 30 years of experience in innovation, technology management, and strategic initiatives. He has held leadership roles at Emerson Electric and General Electric, leading multi-million dollar programs and new product development efforts. Wildi is currently an independent consultant focused on electronics products and operational excellence.
Wildi 2009 Resume AddendumWildiEric Wildi has over 30 years of experience in electrical engineering and holds numerous patents. He has received several prestigious awards for his work developing smart motor control modules and high voltage integrated circuits. His resume lists extensive experience in patents, publications, and leadership roles in technology companies.
Introducing Open Source School, the First Software Engineering School dedicat...OW2 In France alone, the IT industry is short of 40,000 engineers with appropriate open source skills, and over 3,000 are missing each year in the only field of open source.
This is one of the reasons why Smile decided to create a school entirely dedicated to the teaching of open source : Open Source School.
This unique school in France is divided into three mail activities :
First degree courses ((from Bac+3 to Bac+5)
In-service training
Occupational retraining
Come and learn about the Open Source School.
Pieces of release, how to make a puzzle - LibreOfficeOW2Pieces of release, how to make a puzzle will relate how the sub-projects in the development chain work together to put a final product in the user hands
European Open Source Anchors in the Supply ChainOW2Community and code is necessary but not sufficient for an open source project in the modern supply chain. There also needs to be the anchor of a legal entity, taking care of the paperwork and the shared assets like money, the passwords and domain names. Public Software CIC was established in 2016 to help European projects quickly and easily gain a firm anchor for their evolution. The TravelSpirit Foundation has rapidly emerged to lead Europe's open source Mobility as a Service platform, using Public Software as its anchor.
VESPA- Multi-Layered Self-Protection for Cloud Resources, OW2con'12, ParisOW2 This talk presents VESPA, an open self-protection architecture and framework for cloud infrastructures that overcomes the previous limitations. Developed in the OpenCloudWare project, VESPA adopts a policy-based management approach, and allows a two-level regulation of security, both within a software layer and across layers. Flexible coordination between self-protection loops allows enforcing a rich spectrum of security strategies such as cross-layer detection and reaction. A multi-plane, extensible architecture also enables simple integration of commodity detection and reaction components. Evaluation results on a VESPA KVM-based implementation show that the design is applicable for effective and yet flexible self-protection of cloud infrastructures.
Free Cloud Alliance OW2 Conference Nov10OW2The document introduces the Free Cloud Alliance (FCA), an open source cloud computing platform. It discusses how FCA provides infrastructure as a service (IaaS), software as a service (SaaS), and platform as a service (PaaS) capabilities similar to proprietary offerings but with open source software. Upcoming projects include SlapOS, an operating system based on distributed processes, and UNG Docs, an open source document collaboration platform. Demo applications show how SlapOS can distribute workloads across multiple data centers and clouds, and how UNG Docs allows for distributed editing of documents.
Itf ipp ch09_2012_finaldphil002This document discusses tax withholding, estimated payments, and payroll taxes. It covers how employers calculate income tax withholding from employee paychecks based on Form W-4. It also discusses estimated tax payments taxpayers must make if their tax due is over $1000. Additionally, it outlines FICA taxes employers and employees must pay and how employers must deposit these taxes. It provides details on self-employment tax and FUTA tax as well.
Nevado CayambePablo GuañaEste documento presenta información sobre el Nevado Cayambe, una montaña sagrada ubicada en el norte de Ecuador. Describe su ubicación, altura, características geográficas y algunos eventos históricos asociados con la montaña, como expediciones tempranas para escalarla y erupciones volcánicas cercanas. También incluye fotos de paisajes, fauna, glaciaciones y personas en el Nevado Cayambe a lo largo de los años.
Mobile integrationwall530Holly Wall can seamlessly integrate iOS apps into classrooms. She uses mobile devices all the time with her students and helps other teachers integrate mobile devices as well. Her favorite apps include Socrative for quick assessments, Edmodo as a learning management system, and Evernote for e-portfolios and record keeping.
Tech talk: PHPJen Wei LeeThis document discusses PHP, a popular server-side scripting language used for web development. It provides an overview of PHP and compares it to other web development technologies. The key advantages of PHP include being open source, easy to learn and use, having a large community and support, and being suitable for rapid prototyping. While not as robust as other languages, PHP is well suited for building scalable, dynamic web applications and content management systems. Major websites like Facebook, Google, Wikipedia and WordPress are built using PHP.
Cloud Computing Presentation V3David OliverThis document discusses cloud computing, including definitions, benefits, risks, and terminology. It begins by clearing up common misconceptions about cloud computing. The main benefits cited are reduced costs through no upfront investment, ability to grow and shrink resources as needed, and offloading management of data storage and sharing. Risks discussed include issues around job security, migration between providers, availability of services, data security and privacy, and integration with existing systems. The document emphasizes that cloud computing can complement existing infrastructure and is not going away as a technology.
Innovation and Research, OW2con'12, ParisOW2Mandriva is a publisher of open source software with 14 years of experience in research and innovation. It has a research portfolio including projects in semantic desktop technologies, security, compilers, grid computing, and more. Mandriva's innovation strategy involves collaborative research, advanced development, and focused research partnerships to contribute open source expertise and bring research projects to market.
2013 cch basic principles ch02dphil002This document provides an overview of key tax research sources, including:
1) Primary sources like the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury Regulations, and judicial decisions.
2) Secondary sources like textbooks and periodicals.
3) The five-step tax research method of gathering facts, locating authorities, updating sources, re-examining research, and arriving at conclusions.
Chapter 1 presentationdphil002The document discusses the complex structure of the US federal tax law, which results from competing objectives in developing tax policy. It outlines various economic, social, equity and political considerations that influence tax law. It also describes the key agencies and sources of tax law, including the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury regulations, revenue rulings, judicial precedents and more. Finally, it discusses tax research and the process of identifying, assessing and applying relevant tax law authorities to arrive at solutions to tax issues.
Chapter 2 power pointdphil002This chapter discusses the definition of gross income and various income categories that are included or excluded from gross income calculations for tax purposes. It covers interest, dividends, alimony, prizes, annuities, life insurance, gifts and inheritances. It also discusses exclusions such as employer-provided health insurance, meals and lodging, municipal bond interest, and social security benefits. The chapter contains examples and learning objectives related to calculating taxable portions of various income streams.
LemonLDAP::NG - the New Generation WebSSO !, David Coutadeur, Linagora.OW2LemonLDAP::NG is a FOSS for WebSSO, access management and identity federation developed since 2005. Its community is active and regurlarly proposes new versions. This software provides many functionalities: * Multi-domain SSO * Configuration and session management * Form replay * Protocols support : LDAP, CAS, OpenID, SAML, Radius * Authentication methods chaining * Applications portal * Password management * Notifications * Connection history management * Put an application in maintenance state * Inserting a menu on protected applications LemonLDAP::NG can be used as a gateway between many authentifcation protocoles, for example : * Provide identity trough SAML after an LDAP authentication * Provide identity trough CAS after an OpenID authentication * Provide identity trough OpenID after a Twitter authentication LemonLDAP::NG is a efficient mean to link Saas applications to internal applications, all relying on the authentication of the enterprise directory.
Wildi 2009 ResumeWildiEric Wildi is a senior electronics technology executive with over 30 years of experience in innovation, technology management, and strategic initiatives. He has held leadership roles at Emerson Electric and General Electric, leading multi-million dollar programs and new product development efforts. Wildi is currently an independent consultant focused on electronics products and operational excellence.
Wildi 2009 Resume AddendumWildiEric Wildi has over 30 years of experience in electrical engineering and holds numerous patents. He has received several prestigious awards for his work developing smart motor control modules and high voltage integrated circuits. His resume lists extensive experience in patents, publications, and leadership roles in technology companies.
Introducing Open Source School, the First Software Engineering School dedicat...OW2 In France alone, the IT industry is short of 40,000 engineers with appropriate open source skills, and over 3,000 are missing each year in the only field of open source.
This is one of the reasons why Smile decided to create a school entirely dedicated to the teaching of open source : Open Source School.
This unique school in France is divided into three mail activities :
First degree courses ((from Bac+3 to Bac+5)
In-service training
Occupational retraining
Come and learn about the Open Source School.
Pieces of release, how to make a puzzle - LibreOfficeOW2Pieces of release, how to make a puzzle will relate how the sub-projects in the development chain work together to put a final product in the user hands
European Open Source Anchors in the Supply ChainOW2Community and code is necessary but not sufficient for an open source project in the modern supply chain. There also needs to be the anchor of a legal entity, taking care of the paperwork and the shared assets like money, the passwords and domain names. Public Software CIC was established in 2016 to help European projects quickly and easily gain a firm anchor for their evolution. The TravelSpirit Foundation has rapidly emerged to lead Europe's open source Mobility as a Service platform, using Public Software as its anchor.
VESPA- Multi-Layered Self-Protection for Cloud Resources, OW2con'12, ParisOW2 This talk presents VESPA, an open self-protection architecture and framework for cloud infrastructures that overcomes the previous limitations. Developed in the OpenCloudWare project, VESPA adopts a policy-based management approach, and allows a two-level regulation of security, both within a software layer and across layers. Flexible coordination between self-protection loops allows enforcing a rich spectrum of security strategies such as cross-layer detection and reaction. A multi-plane, extensible architecture also enables simple integration of commodity detection and reaction components. Evaluation results on a VESPA KVM-based implementation show that the design is applicable for effective and yet flexible self-protection of cloud infrastructures.
Как жить в согласии с SOLID?etyumentcevВыступление на 11 конференции DotNetConf с рассказом об архитектуре нагруженных, параллельных приложений, соблюдающей SOLID принципы
Цифровая микроэлектроника для математиков и программистов 2017Anton MoiseevИстория курса "Как пересечь пропасть от физики к программированию" в НГТУ им Алексеева http://1i7.livejournal.com/17550.html и последствия в цикле занятий Популярная робототехника в ДОСААФ http://1i7.livejournal.com/28866.html
Пайплайн машинного обучения на Apache Spark / Павел Клеменков (Rambler&Co)OnticoВ докладе рассмотрим нашу старую архитектуру пайплайна машинного обучения, обратим внимание на ее недостатки как с точки зрения инфраструктуры и автоматизации, так и с точки зрения настройки моделей машинного обучения и проведения экспериментов. Разберемся с архитектурой Apache Spark, и почему мы решили его использовать. Подробно ознакомимся с новой архитектурой нашего пайплайна и тем, как она позволила оптимизировать обнаружение и устранение проблем, ускорила и упростила работу data scientist'ов по проведению экспериментов и доведения их до продакшена. Также затронем вопросы написания тестов и процесса разработки ПО на больших данных.
D2D Pizza JS Илья Беда "Куда мы все катимся?"Dev2DevОкружение JavaScript, наверно, самая быстроразвивающаяся отрасль в мире разработки программного обеспечения. Все слышали шутку про книгу “36 новых JavaScript фреймворков, выпущенных в марте”, и это не далеко от правды.
В своем обзорном докладе я расскажу о своем пути во frontend. О том, как вижу современную индустрию, о существующих проблемах и путях их решения. Все не так уж радужно, как может показаться. Надеюсь, мой доклад позволит вам взглянуть на мир JavaScript с другой стороны или, по крайней мере, задуматься о том, в правильном ли направлении вы движетесь?
Доклад с конференции D2D Pizza JS - http://dev2dev.ru/events/8/
Плюсы и минусы Go для разработчиков на C++, Вячеслав БахмутовYandexВ докладе речь пойдёт о языке Go. Вячеслав расскажет о внутреннем устройстве языка (структуре, оптимизации, сборщике мусора и т.д.), о том, как и почему Go используют в Яндексе и что о нём говорят разработчики на С++. Отдельно Вячеслав остановится на многопоточном программировании и особенностях отладки и профилирования в Go.
ОПК № 1 – ВводнаяVladimir Parfinenko1. Организационные и формальные вопросы.
2. Пользователь всегда прав!
3. Что такое язык программирования?
4. Краткая история развития языков программирования: машинные коды, ассемблер, языки высокого уровня.
5. Способы трансляции: компиляция и интерпретация.
6. Виртуальные машины.
7. Ученье — свет, неученье — тьма (для программиста: потеря работы).
2. А в чём собственно проблема?Были же раньше проекты – и не маленькие!
3. СложностьБоинг 777-200 насчитывает примерно 132,5 тыс. уникальных деталейWindows XP содержит примерно 40 млн строчек кодаНечёткие и изменяющиеся требования
5. И что же по этому поводу придумали?Водопад или каскадная модельRUP (Rational Unified Process)Гибкая методология разработкиScrumMSF (Microsoft Solutions Framework)XP (Extreme Programming)СпиральнаямодельИ много чего ещё…
6. Водопад или каскадная модельОпределение требованийПроектированиеКодированиеИнтеграцияТестирование и отладкаИнсталляцияПоддержка
7. О чём не пишут в учебниках – Code&FixПрибежал начальник, сказал – срочно нужна фича!Прикрутили фичу!Опять прибежал начальник – нет, эта не нужна, нужна другая фича!Открутили прежнюю, прикрутили другую.Начальник – ой, а откуда же столько багов?А где же собственно метод? А его нету
9. AgileОпределения нет, зато есть манифест -Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan
10. Экстремальное программирование практики - Разработка через тестированиеПарное программирование Непрерывная интеграцияРефакторингПростота дизайнаКоллективное владение кодомСтандарт кодированияИгра в планирование