Financial Advisory Company | NSE BSE Intraday Tips | MCX NCDEX Tips | Free Height- Gold hit record highs for a fourth day on Monday, lifted by dollar weakness, central bank buying, and speculation that more stimulus could prove inflationary.
- Copper climbed to a five-month peak on hopes of further US quantitative easing and a falling dollar.
- Oil edged higher towards $74/barrel after dropping 3.7% last week, supported by a weak dollar.
30.08.2010 weekly equity reportcapital HeightIndian equity markets declined last week, with the Nifty closing 2.2% lower at 5,408 and the Sensex falling 2.19% to 17,998. Food and fuel inflation eased slightly. Global markets also declined on concerns about economic slowdown, though US GDP data was slightly better than expected. Technical analysis indicates the Nifty may consolidate in the 5,350-5,450 range in the coming week.
Weekly Newsletter Equity 02-01-12capital HeightMoney CapitalHeight Research Pvt Ltd is a leading Stock Advisory Company, having a strong hold in providing most authentic and accurate Equity Tips as well as Commodity Tips.
We are a team of highly qualified and experienced analysts, who deliver their expertise in providing stock market calls for traders which include tips like Stock Tips, Commodity Tips, MCX Tips, Equity Tips and Intraday Tips. All services are provided through SMS and Instant Messenger.
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2008 05-14-my0 competitionDr. Mashiur RahmanThe document discusses plans to update the website for Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus ( The plans are to make the website more modern, user-friendly, and a hub for information about Yunus and the philosophy of social business. Specifically, it aims to include new content like video and photo galleries, blogs, and forums for users to interact. To facilitate these changes, the document proposes holding an inter-university website design competition to attract innovative design ideas from students and give the website a youth-focused perspective.
2008 08-14-presentation finalDr. Mashiur RahmanThe document outlines a three phase structure for a kiosk project including an elementary, intermediate, and advanced phase. It provides cost breakdowns for each phase and the total project expenses of Taka 8,71,457. An economical version of the kiosk is listed at Taka 1,42,380 and potential return on investment is mentioned through various service fees.
Tendances emarketing 2015Frederic GonzaloPrésentation sur les tendances du marketing numérique à surveiller en 2015, dans le cadre du salon du Planificateur, au Centre Mont-Royal, à Montréal le 22 janvier 2015.
Intelligent design en_rev1oceancommotionThis document contains Rael's account of two encounters he had with extraterrestrials in France in the 1970s. During the first encounter in 1973, an extraterrestrial verbally dictated a message to Rael over several days that became the basis for Rael's first book, "The Book Which Tells the Truth." Rael was then invited aboard an extraterrestrial spacecraft during a second encounter in 1975 and taken on a journey, which he describes in his second book "Extra-Terrestrials Took Me to Their Planet." Rael went on to publish a third book in 1979 called "Let's Welcome the Extra-Terrestrials" to answer common questions about his experiences. The document provides
Weekly Newsletter Equity 02-01-12capital HeightMoney CapitalHeight Research Pvt Ltd is a leading Stock Advisory Company, having a strong hold in providing most authentic and accurate Equity Tips as well as Commodity Tips.
We are a team of highly qualified and experienced analysts, who deliver their expertise in providing stock market calls for traders which include tips like Stock Tips, Commodity Tips, MCX Tips, Equity Tips and Intraday Tips. All services are provided through SMS and Instant Messenger.
Our research is based around these services:
• Stock Tips
• Commodity Tips
• Equity Tips
• Intraday Tips
• NCDEX Tips
For 2 Days Free Trial, please visit our site at or please call our 24/7 Customer Care Support us at +91 9993066624, 0731 - 4295 - 950 Or email us at:
2008 05-14-my0 competitionDr. Mashiur RahmanThe document discusses plans to update the website for Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus ( The plans are to make the website more modern, user-friendly, and a hub for information about Yunus and the philosophy of social business. Specifically, it aims to include new content like video and photo galleries, blogs, and forums for users to interact. To facilitate these changes, the document proposes holding an inter-university website design competition to attract innovative design ideas from students and give the website a youth-focused perspective.
2008 08-14-presentation finalDr. Mashiur RahmanThe document outlines a three phase structure for a kiosk project including an elementary, intermediate, and advanced phase. It provides cost breakdowns for each phase and the total project expenses of Taka 8,71,457. An economical version of the kiosk is listed at Taka 1,42,380 and potential return on investment is mentioned through various service fees.
Tendances emarketing 2015Frederic GonzaloPrésentation sur les tendances du marketing numérique à surveiller en 2015, dans le cadre du salon du Planificateur, au Centre Mont-Royal, à Montréal le 22 janvier 2015.
Intelligent design en_rev1oceancommotionThis document contains Rael's account of two encounters he had with extraterrestrials in France in the 1970s. During the first encounter in 1973, an extraterrestrial verbally dictated a message to Rael over several days that became the basis for Rael's first book, "The Book Which Tells the Truth." Rael was then invited aboard an extraterrestrial spacecraft during a second encounter in 1975 and taken on a journey, which he describes in his second book "Extra-Terrestrials Took Me to Their Planet." Rael went on to publish a third book in 1979 called "Let's Welcome the Extra-Terrestrials" to answer common questions about his experiences. The document provides
1. ФЕОФАН ГРЕК (ок. 1340 — после 1405)
Иконописец и живописец, один из
лучших художников Руси
Для творчества Феофана Грека
характерны эмоционально-
драматическая трактовка
образов, динамичная композиция,
сдержанный колорит,
пластичность изображений,
подчеркнутая смелым и точным
наложением световых бликов
Феофан расписал церковь Спаса
на Ильине (Новгород, 1378),
Архангельский (1399) и старый
Благовещенский соборы
Московского Кремля (1405,
вместе с Андреем Рублевым и
Прохором с Городца)
Работал также в Серпухове,
Авель. Фрагмент фрески Нижнем Новгороде, возможно, в
церкви Спасо-Преображения Коломне и в Переславле
на Ильине в Новгороде 1
2. Феофан Грек
Феофан Грек.
фрески церкви
Преображения на
Ильине улице в
Новгороде. 1378
3. Феофан
Фрагмент иконы из
деисусного чина
собора в
1405 г.
4. Феофан Лик Богоматери Донской
выглядит просветленным
Грек Кажется, что Мария
примирилась с грядущим
распятием сына, ибо она знает,
что после смерти последует
Поэтому она не прижимает
младенца к себе, а
поддерживает ладонями, как
жертву, добровольно
возлагаемую на алтарь
В чертах ее лица нет ничего
неясного, невероятного, и это
придает образу особую силу и
Маленький Иисус не льнет к
материнской щеке, а
поднимает лик к небу, словно
прислушивается к гласу свыше
Богоматерь Донская
5. Стиль Феофана Грека поражает
выразительностью и
Для его фресковых росписей
характерна т. н. «скоропись»
При почти монохромной
живописи и непроработанности
мелких деталей изображения
оказывают огромное
воздействие на чувства зрителя
7. В творчестве Феофана Грека
выразились наиболее полно и в нём
нашли свое идеальное воплощение два
полюса византийской духовной жизни и
её отражения в культуре
- классическое начало (воспевание
земной красоты как Божественного
творения, как отсвета высшего
- устремление к духовной аскезе,
отвергающей внешнее, эффектное,