Ecological organic agriculture (eoa) initiative implementation in NigeriaPABE BENINThe document provides a progress report on the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative in Nigeria. It discusses the initiative's four pillars: research, training and extension; information and communication; value chain and market development; and the coordinating pillar. Major achievements are reported for each pillar, such as publishing research materials, improving farmer and extension agent capacity, and establishing an organic producer database. Lessons learned include the need for more value addition, increased production to meet demand, and addressing challenges like weeds and lack of machinery. Major challenges also centered around limited budgets, bureaucracy slowing activities, and small-scale production restricting market supply. The conclusion outlines continuing contributions of the initiative, such as knowledge documentation, informed stakeholders, growing marketing activities,
Success Story_Karen OHandleyKaren O'HandleyBetty called Karen to tell her about Immunocal/HMS 90, which could help her son Brian during his cancer treatment by protecting his immune system from the damaging side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Karen started taking the supplements herself and became an Immunotec distributor to earn enough money to pay for the products while caring for her son at home. Her business grew rapidly, with over 170 distributors and 240 customers in her network after just seven months. Brian's health also improved significantly, with his latest scans showing a reduction in cancer and the return of his sternum bone and heart to normal. Karen credits Immunotec's supplements and her new career with giving her son a chance at recovery and changing her life.
Logo pegasosPegasos TravelPegasos Travel is an Albanian Company licensed in field of tourism since 2003.We are specialized in domestic and outbound tourism. Our main strategy is to provide customers’ satisfaction. We are financially stable with a potential steady growth. As the most well known company in Albania we offer a variety of products which involves:
Plane Tickets
Organization of Business meetings
And various events.
Staff & Qualifications
Thanks to specialized service, efficient and professional, Pegasos Travel has known rapid developments into a period of years .Our Company contain a prepared team who are educated in tourism, marketing and foreign languages. Management staff is experienced in tourism and management. Launched in our management skills and prepared team have made us a successful agency in relationship with our customers and partners. A good relationship with our customers and partners is our primary duty.
Business segments
We offer personalized services which include :
Worldwide airline ticketing
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Professional guide assistance in several languages
Incentive programs and business conventions
Inclusive venues and landmarks for weddings
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** Successful relationship with our customers, employees and suppliers assures us an ongoing success and unforgettable travel experiences for you **
Pegasos Travel is not just a profession but passion that characterizes us. We invite you to share with us the most special moment.An awesome trip means a memory & a beautiful memory remains forever.
Learning object 09smilosevLight from a lightbulb passes through two parallel slits that are 14.8m apart and at an angle of 28 degrees from a screen. The path length difference between the slits is calculated to be 4λ. Since this is equal to an integer multiple of the wavelength, there will be constructive interference where light passes through rather than destructive interference where no light passes.
El aprendizaje y la enseñanza en entornos virtuales--raquelRaquelmv1Se presenta el aprendizaje a través de la enseñanza mediante entornos virtuales según el contexto socio- cultural contemporáneo.
Simbolos patrioskelbin100Este documento enumera y describe brevemente los principales símbolos patrios del Perú, incluyendo la bandera, el escudo y el himno nacional. También proporciona enlaces a videos que explican la historia y significado de los símbolos patrios peruanos.
How to solve sms mystery2sms, LLCThe document provides an overview of the SMS industry and how to effectively implement SMS campaigns. It discusses that while SMS is a widely used communication channel, the industry itself is complex with different players like wireless carriers, aggregators, and application providers. It then gives tips on how to navigate the industry by gaining knowledge on regulations, assessing business needs, selecting an SMS gateway provider, building opt-in lists, and measuring campaign effectiveness through analytics. The goal is to help organizations understand this "mystery" and use SMS to better engage customers and employees.
Hemorragias de tubo digestivoIMSSLa hemorragia gastrointestinal puede poner en peligro la vida y tiene varias causas posibles como úlceras, varices, angiodisplasia, diverticulosis y cáncer. La evaluación incluye examen físico, análisis de sangre y estudios endoscópicos para identificar la fuente de sangrado. El tratamiento involucra reanimación, transfusión, lavado gástrico, terapias endoscópicas, medicamentos y en casos graves, cirugía u oclusión con globos.
Drenes Atlantis Guia Productos 2016EMIN Sistemas GeotecnicosGuia de productos Atlantis, incluyendo drenes Atlantis y Zanjas de Infiltracion. Productos distribuidos en Chile y Sudamerica por EMIN Sistemas Geotecnicos.
Ficha de lectura curso 2015 2016albertogp1978Este documento contiene un cuestionario sobre una lectura realizada por un estudiante. El cuestionario incluye preguntas sobre el título del libro, el autor, la editorial, las razones por las que el estudiante seleccionó ese libro y cómo le fue con la lectura. También incluye preguntas sobre qué parte del libro más y menos le gustó al estudiante. El documento pide al estudiante que escriba un texto creativo de 150 a 200 palabras inspirado en el libro leído. Ofrece varias opciones para el formato del texto cre
Responsabilidade social na engenharia 3Rodrigo BressanEste documento discute a responsabilidade social na engenharia. Ele define responsabilidade social como a relação ética entre uma organização e suas partes interessadas, visando o desenvolvimento sustentável. Explora a história do conceito e sua importância para a sociedade. Também descreve como a responsabilidade social se aplica à engenharia através do desenvolvimento econômico, social e ambiental de forma sustentável.
Himanshu_Doneria_CV_QuantHimanshu DoneriaHimanshu Doneria is seeking a position focusing on financial risk modeling and algorithm development. He has a B.Tech and M.B.A in marketing and finance and over 7 years of experience in financial analysis, risk management, and quantitative modeling. His skills include programming in R and SAS, financial modeling, and business analytics. He is currently working as a financial analyst developing equity trading strategies and models.
Los símbolos patrioslincol12El documento enumera los tres principales símbolos patrios de un país: la bandera, el escudo y el himno nacional. Explica brevemente cada uno de estos símbolos y proporciona enlaces a videos adicionales sobre la bandera y el himno nacional.
Oestv 2016-12 - diaporamas pdj conjonctureOESTVDiaporamas de conjoncture internationale, nationale et vendéenne
How to solve sms mystery2sms, LLCThe document provides an overview of the SMS industry and how to effectively implement SMS campaigns. It discusses that while SMS is a widely used communication channel, the industry itself is complex with different players like wireless carriers, aggregators, and application providers. It then gives tips on how to navigate the industry by gaining knowledge on regulations, assessing business needs, selecting an SMS gateway provider, building opt-in lists, and measuring campaign effectiveness through analytics. The goal is to help organizations understand this "mystery" and use SMS to better engage customers and employees.
Hemorragias de tubo digestivoIMSSLa hemorragia gastrointestinal puede poner en peligro la vida y tiene varias causas posibles como úlceras, varices, angiodisplasia, diverticulosis y cáncer. La evaluación incluye examen físico, análisis de sangre y estudios endoscópicos para identificar la fuente de sangrado. El tratamiento involucra reanimación, transfusión, lavado gástrico, terapias endoscópicas, medicamentos y en casos graves, cirugía u oclusión con globos.
Drenes Atlantis Guia Productos 2016EMIN Sistemas GeotecnicosGuia de productos Atlantis, incluyendo drenes Atlantis y Zanjas de Infiltracion. Productos distribuidos en Chile y Sudamerica por EMIN Sistemas Geotecnicos.
Ficha de lectura curso 2015 2016albertogp1978Este documento contiene un cuestionario sobre una lectura realizada por un estudiante. El cuestionario incluye preguntas sobre el título del libro, el autor, la editorial, las razones por las que el estudiante seleccionó ese libro y cómo le fue con la lectura. También incluye preguntas sobre qué parte del libro más y menos le gustó al estudiante. El documento pide al estudiante que escriba un texto creativo de 150 a 200 palabras inspirado en el libro leído. Ofrece varias opciones para el formato del texto cre
Responsabilidade social na engenharia 3Rodrigo BressanEste documento discute a responsabilidade social na engenharia. Ele define responsabilidade social como a relação ética entre uma organização e suas partes interessadas, visando o desenvolvimento sustentável. Explora a história do conceito e sua importância para a sociedade. Também descreve como a responsabilidade social se aplica à engenharia através do desenvolvimento econômico, social e ambiental de forma sustentável.
Himanshu_Doneria_CV_QuantHimanshu DoneriaHimanshu Doneria is seeking a position focusing on financial risk modeling and algorithm development. He has a B.Tech and M.B.A in marketing and finance and over 7 years of experience in financial analysis, risk management, and quantitative modeling. His skills include programming in R and SAS, financial modeling, and business analytics. He is currently working as a financial analyst developing equity trading strategies and models.
Los símbolos patrioslincol12El documento enumera los tres principales símbolos patrios de un país: la bandera, el escudo y el himno nacional. Explica brevemente cada uno de estos símbolos y proporciona enlaces a videos adicionales sobre la bandera y el himno nacional.
Oestv 2016-12 - diaporamas pdj conjonctureOESTVDiaporamas de conjoncture internationale, nationale et vendéenne
458549.pptx fhffujikgibhikfloflodlesdelsdekidjssuserfed972Презентація для супроводу уроку у 6 класі НУШ на тему «Як організми співіснують у середовищі. Як складати ланцюги живлення.» містить посилання на інтерактиву вправу для перевірки знань. Матеріал буде корисний для онлайн уроку та як доповнення до розповіді вчителя на уроці, зацікавить учнів при вивченні розділу «Пізнаємо взаємозв’язки у природі» озв’язки між живими організмами»).
«Шевченкова весна під сонцем шани і любові»Бібліографи ОДБ ім. Т. Г. Шевченкавебмандрівка до 100-річчя заснування Шевченківського національного заповідника у Каневі
«ЧАРІВНА СКРИНЬКА КАЗОК МИКОЛИ ЗІНЧУКА»: віртуальна книжкова виставка до 100-...Чернівецька обласна бібліотека для дітейВидатний історик, етнограф, фольклорист, "чорнороб культури", правдивий подвижник - це все без перебільшення сказано про Миколу Антоновича Зінчука.
У 2025 році виповнюється 100 років з дня народження видатного фольклориста, який за 86 років свого життя пішки обійшов сотні гірських сіл, побував у кожному регіоні України, зустрічався з тисячами людей, які розповідали йому казки. Ця титанічна праця вилилась у сорокотомне видання "Українських народних казок".
Зінчук Микола Антонович народився 7 березня
1925 році в селі Кошелівка Червоноармійського
району Житомирської області.
Особливості економіки країн Америки. Первинний сектор економіки..pptxJurgenstiX
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Піклувальної ради
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учнів, батьків, вчителів психологічної підтримки
навчально-виховного процесу