16. EC
Large enzymes
Combination restriction-and-modification
Cleave outside of their recognition
sequences /20-30 base pairs after the
recognition site/
Require two recognition sequences in
opposite orientations within the same
DNA molecule
17. Cleave only normal and modified DNA
(methylated, hydroxymethylated and
glucosyl-hydroxymethylated bases).
Recognition sequences have not been well
Cleavage takes place ~30 bp away from one
of the sites
18. generated by fusing a natural or engineered DNA
binding domain to a nuclease domain
can target large DNA sites (up to 36 bp)
can be engineered to bind to desired DNA
19. Ашигласан эх
1. Roche Applied Science Restriction Enzymes FAQS
and Ordering Guide
2. Стент Г. Молекулярная биология вирусов
бактерий. Пер. с англ.
1965. Твердый переплет. 468 с.
Предварительный заказ.
3. http://www.slideshare.net/ezzymo9/newsfeed
4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restriction_enzyme
5. http://www.dnai.org/b/index.html