This document provides 9 steps for students to sign up for Khan Academy and add a coach. The steps include viewing the presentation, clicking the link to sign up for Khan Academy, signing up by name or email, clicking on the user name in the top right corner twice, clicking coaches on the left side, adding the coach by typing their email in the coach ID field, and returning to the Moodle page to follow further instructions.
Project management is a methodological approach to planning and guiding projects from start to finish. It involves 5 key stages: initiation, planning, executing, controlling, and closing. Effective project management requires setting SMART goals, measuring performance, celebrating successes, and understanding your team.
Variations sur Instants datés (ID 0701 à ID 1801)
Design, montage vidéo et musique par Antoine Mercier (AME) 2016 pour Ame-gallery
Plus d'infos sur le site
1) The document describes an experiment that tested how the movement time (MT) for steering tasks is affected by scale in both narrowing and widening tunnels.
2) The experiment tested 5 different scales ranging from full tablet size to 1/12 size on a pen tablet, measuring MT for narrowing and widening tunnels of varying widths across the scales.
3) The results showed that for all scales, the MT was greater for narrowing tunnels than widening tunnels, supporting the hypothesis that the steering time difference is observed across scales. The MT also generally increased as the scale became smaller.
This document provides tips and guidelines for effectively managing and resolving conflicts within teams. It emphasizes the importance of open communication, listening without judgment, documenting actions, and involving all parties to identify issues and work towards solutions. Five common styles of conflict management are described: competitive, collaborative, compromising, accommodating, and avoiding, with collaborative style seen as most effective for cooperation.
Este documento define una leyenda como una narración tradicional imaginaria o maravillosa vinculada a un lugar y época. Explica que las leyendas se originaron en la palabra latina "legenda" y tienen características como ser escritas en prosa, narrar hechos ficticios con lenguaje pintoresco y popular, y transmitirse oralmente. Además, clasifica las leyendas por temática como etiológicas, escatológicas o religiosas y por origen como urbanas, rurales o locales; e incluye ej
Project management is a methodological approach to planning and guiding projects from start to finish. It involves 5 key stages: initiation, planning, executing, controlling, and closing. Effective project management requires setting SMART goals, measuring performance, celebrating successes, and understanding your team.
Variations sur Instants datés (ID 0701 à ID 1801)
Design, montage vidéo et musique par Antoine Mercier (AME) 2016 pour Ame-gallery
Plus d'infos sur le site
1) The document describes an experiment that tested how the movement time (MT) for steering tasks is affected by scale in both narrowing and widening tunnels.
2) The experiment tested 5 different scales ranging from full tablet size to 1/12 size on a pen tablet, measuring MT for narrowing and widening tunnels of varying widths across the scales.
3) The results showed that for all scales, the MT was greater for narrowing tunnels than widening tunnels, supporting the hypothesis that the steering time difference is observed across scales. The MT also generally increased as the scale became smaller.
This document provides tips and guidelines for effectively managing and resolving conflicts within teams. It emphasizes the importance of open communication, listening without judgment, documenting actions, and involving all parties to identify issues and work towards solutions. Five common styles of conflict management are described: competitive, collaborative, compromising, accommodating, and avoiding, with collaborative style seen as most effective for cooperation.
Este documento define una leyenda como una narración tradicional imaginaria o maravillosa vinculada a un lugar y época. Explica que las leyendas se originaron en la palabra latina "legenda" y tienen características como ser escritas en prosa, narrar hechos ficticios con lenguaje pintoresco y popular, y transmitirse oralmente. Además, clasifica las leyendas por temática como etiológicas, escatológicas o religiosas y por origen como urbanas, rurales o locales; e incluye ej