9 слайдовElena Vostrikova1 слайд: Кто я?
2 слайд: Команда тьюторов площадки
3 слайд: Точки профессионального роста тьюторов площадки
4 слайд: Наше ноу-хау!
5 слайд: Чему конкретно я могу научить учителей?
6 слайд: Чему конкретно я могу научить коллег?
7 слайд: Чему я хочу научиться?
8 слайд: Почему мы в программе Intel® “Обучение для будущего”?
9 слайд: Наши планы на будущее
Public Cost of Repealing Mandatory Motorcycle Law in North CarolinaJennifer CollinsThe NC General Assembly is proposing to repeal North Carolina's effective and cost-saving motorcycle helmet law. It is estimated that a repeal of NC's current helmet law would cost the state $148 million per year in additional medical and work loss costs.
Implemeting virtual chip in your organization Jennifer CollinsThe document provides an overview of the Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) and its virtual implementation. CHIP is an intensive lifestyle program with proven health outcomes based on scientific research. It focuses on nutrition, exercise, stress management, and behavior change. Virtual CHIP allows organizations to offer the program virtually through video sessions, calls, and online materials. It provides the same core content as traditional CHIP with group support calls for accountability. The summary outlines the program components, implementation steps, and includes examples of materials used like schedules, compliance requirements, and a moral contract.
Biology f4 c5n7Kang Wenn LeeMitosis is a process of nuclear division that produces two daughter cells with identical genetic material to the parent cell. It occurs in four main stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Errors in mitosis can lead to conditions like cancer if cell division becomes uncontrolled and tumors form. Proper cell division through mitosis is important for growth, development, tissue repair and asexual reproduction in organisms.
Resume ranya faisal aleshranyaaleshRanya Faisal Al-Esh is currently the Faculty Administration Manager at Bahrain Polytechnic. She has over 20 years of experience in education and administration. Her roles have included teaching English, serving as an executive secretary, and managing administrative teams. She holds a BA in English Language and Literature and an MA in English Literature and Criticism from Yarmouk University in Jordan.
Public Cost of Repealing Mandatory Motorcycle Law in North CarolinaJennifer CollinsThe NC General Assembly is proposing to repeal North Carolina's effective and cost-saving motorcycle helmet law. It is estimated that a repeal of NC's current helmet law would cost the state $148 million per year in additional medical and work loss costs.
Implemeting virtual chip in your organization Jennifer CollinsThe document provides an overview of the Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) and its virtual implementation. CHIP is an intensive lifestyle program with proven health outcomes based on scientific research. It focuses on nutrition, exercise, stress management, and behavior change. Virtual CHIP allows organizations to offer the program virtually through video sessions, calls, and online materials. It provides the same core content as traditional CHIP with group support calls for accountability. The summary outlines the program components, implementation steps, and includes examples of materials used like schedules, compliance requirements, and a moral contract.
Biology f4 c5n7Kang Wenn LeeMitosis is a process of nuclear division that produces two daughter cells with identical genetic material to the parent cell. It occurs in four main stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Errors in mitosis can lead to conditions like cancer if cell division becomes uncontrolled and tumors form. Proper cell division through mitosis is important for growth, development, tissue repair and asexual reproduction in organisms.
Resume ranya faisal aleshranyaaleshRanya Faisal Al-Esh is currently the Faculty Administration Manager at Bahrain Polytechnic. She has over 20 years of experience in education and administration. Her roles have included teaching English, serving as an executive secretary, and managing administrative teams. She holds a BA in English Language and Literature and an MA in English Literature and Criticism from Yarmouk University in Jordan.