Deporte de orientación 3º ESOMercedescasEste documento proporciona información sobre el deporte de orientación. Explica que la orientación implica reconocer los puntos cardinales y la ubicación actual para determinar la dirección deseada. Luego describe el deporte de orientación como una carrera en la que los competidores visitan puntos de control marcados en un mapa y terreno usando solo un mapa y brújula. También cubre normas de competición, métodos naturales de orientación como el sol, la luna y las estrellas, e información sobre mapas topográficos incluyendo escal
Journal Entry 1 Reading: Your BrainMs. BekaThe document outlines the terms and conditions for a rental agreement between John Doe and 555 Properties LLC for the lease of a residential property located at 123 Main St. The agreement is for a one year term beginning January 1st and ending December 31st, during which John Doe agrees to pay $1000 per month in rent. The agreement also specifies rules regarding maintenance, guests, noise, parking, and termination of the lease by either party.
Nar and google presentationACC-ARKThe document discusses a recent report by NAR and Google on consumer internet usage and home buying behavior. It notes that having multiple keywords optimized on a website is important for SEO. It also emphasizes focusing keywords on being local and that most consumers begin researching 3 weeks before contacting an agent for help with their loan.
Love of Lentils Study Sarah TurkstraThe study is seeking adult males and females aged 18-40 to participate in a nutrition study on the effects of consuming different types of lentils on type 2 diabetes risk. The study involves six weekly visits over six weeks where participants will consume lentils with rice or potatoes and have periodic finger prick blood samples taken for two hours. Participants will be financially compensated, and the study has received ethics clearance from the University of Guelph. Those interested can contact the number or email provided to find out if they are eligible.
SambalsambalbajakSambal is a sauce is made from diffrent ingredients like ginger, peppers, garlic, vineger, fish sauce, shallot, lime juice, sugar, shrimp paste and scallion
SupervivenciaEDWIN CEVALLOSEl documento proporciona instrucciones sobre la supervivencia en la selva y en el mar. Explica cómo evaluar la situación, buscar alimentos y agua, orientarse, establecer campamentos, señalizar para pedir ayuda y otras técnicas para sobrevivir hasta ser rescatado. También incluye información sobre primeros auxilios básicos.
IzoT platform presentationEchelon CorporationThis document provides an overview of the Internet of Things (IoT) communication model used by IzoT. It discusses how IzoT uses a distributed peer-to-peer model rather than a client-server model to facilitate communication between diverse IoT devices. Devices in the IzoT network communicate using datapoints and can publish sensor data or subscribe to actuator data. The document also describes how IzoT handles tasks like device enrollment and network organization to enable reliable interoperable communication among IoT devices. Code examples in Python are provided to implement sensors and web pages to display IoT data.