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The great bull market in stocks has led to an equally great bull market in the
number of books published on the subject of how to make money trading the
markets. Many ideas abound, some good, some not, some original, some just
a repackaging of earlier works. Occasionally, though, a writer comes forward
with something that really sets him or her apart from the pack, something
special. One such writer is Mark Douglas.
Mark Douglas, in Trading in the Zone, has written a book that is the
accumulation of years of thought and research - the work of a lifetime - and
for those of us who view trading as a profession, he has produced a gem.
Trading in the Zone is an in-depth look at the challenges that we face when
we take up the challenge of trading. To the novice, the only challenge appears
to be to find a way to make money. Once the novice learns that tips, brokers’
advice, and other ways to justify buying or selling do not work consistently, he
discovers that he either needs to develop a reliable trading strategy or
purchase one. After that, trading should be easy, right? All you have to do is
follow the rules, and the money will fall into your lap.
At this point, if not before, novices discover that trading can turn into one of
the most frustrating experiences they will ever face. This experience leads to
the oft-started statistic that 95 percent of futures traders lose all of their money
within the first year of trading. Stock traders generally experience the same
results, which is why pundits always point to the fact that most stock traders
fail to outperform a simple buy and hold investment scenario.
So, why do people, the majority of whom are extremely successful in other
occupations, fail so miserably as traders? Are successful traders born and not
made? Mark Douglas says no. What’s necessary, he says, is that the
individual acquire the trader’s mindset. It sounds easy, but the fact is, this
mindset is very foreign when compared with the way our life experiences
teach us to think about the world.
That 95-percent failure rate makes sense when you consider how most of us
experience life, using skills learned as we grow. When it comes to trading,
however, it turns out that the skills we learn to earn high marks in school,
advance our careers, and create relationships with other people, the skills we
are taught that should carry us through life, turn out to be inappropriate for
trading. Traders, we find out, must learn to think in terms of probabilities and
to surrender all of the skills we have acquired to achieve in virtually every
other aspect of our lives. In Trading in the Zone, Mark Douglas teaches us
how. He has put together a very valuable book. His sources are his own
personal experiences as a trader, a traders coach in Chicago, author, and
lecturer in his field of trading psychology.
白 95%的失败率是合理的。我们在学校努力得高分,在职业生涯中往上爬,和
你就会明白 95%的失败率是合理的。我们原先学到的那些经验,那些对于如何
My recommendation? Enjoy Douglas’s Trading in the Zone and, in doing so,
develop a trader’s mindset.
Thorn Hartle
The goal of any trader is to turn profits on a regular basis, yet so few people
ever really make consistent money as traders. What accounts for the small
percentage of traders who are consistently successful? To me, the
determining factor is psychological - the consistent winners think differently
from everyone else.
I started trading in 1978. At the time, I was managing a commercial casualty
insurance agency in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. I had a very successful
career and thought I could easily transfer that success into trading.
Unfortunately, I found that was not the case. By 1981, I was thoroughly
disgusted with my inability to trade effectively while holding another job, so I
moved to Chicago and got a job as a broker with Merrill Lynch at the Chicago
Board of Trade. How did I do? Well, within nine months of moving to Chicago,
I had lost nearly everything I owned. My losses were the result of both my
trading activities and my exorbitant life style, which demanded that I make a
lot of money as a trader.
我 1978 年开始交易,当时我在密歇根州底特律市城郊管理一个商业的伤残保
幸,我失败了。到了 1981 年,我对自己一方面要工作,一方面又交易不顺而彻
做经纪人。我做的如何?嗯,搬到芝加哥 9 个月后,我几乎失去了一切。我的生
我是从 1978 年开始从事市场交易的。当时我管理着一家位于密歇根州底特律市
到市场交易之中。但很不幸,事实并非我想得那样。到了 1981 年,我对自己一
唉,搬到芝加哥 9 个月之后,我几乎失去了自己的一切。那时我本人生活奢侈,
From these early experiences as a trader, I learned an enormous amount
about myself, and about the role of psychology in trading. As a result, in 1982,
I started working on my first book, The Disciplined Trader: Developing
Winning Attitudes. When I began this project I had no concept of how difficult
it was to write a book or explain something that I understood for myself in a
manner and form that would be useful to other people. I thought it was going
to take me between six and nine months to get the job done. It took seven
and a half years and was finally published by Prentice Hall in 1990.
在 1982 年开始写我的第一本书《有纪律的交易者——形成赢家态度》。当我开始
写书时,我才知道把自己的思想写成对别人有用的东西是多么地难。我本以为 6
到 9 个月就可以完成此书,结果我写了 7 年半,于 1990 年由普林蒂斯霍尔出版
的了解。于是,在 1982 年,我便着手开始撰写我的第一本书《训练有素的交易
方式理解的思想写成对别人有用的东西或进行解释是多么地艰难。我本以为 6 到
9 个月的时间就可以完成该书,结果我写了 7 年半,最终于 1990 年由普林蒂斯
In 1983, I left Merrill Lynch to start a consulting firm, Trading Behavior
Dynamics, where I presently develop and conduct seminars on trading
psychology and act in the capacity of what is commonly referred to as a
trading coach. I’ve done countless presentations for trading companies,
clearing firms, brokerage houses, banks, and investment conferences all over
the world. I’ve worked at a personal level, one on one, with virtually every type
of trader in the business, including some of the biggest floor traders, hedgers,
option specialists, and CTAs, as well as neophytes.
我在 1983 年离开了美林公司并创建了一个叫“交易行为动力”的咨询公司,我设
1983 年,我离开了美林公司,创建了一家名为 “交易行为动力”的咨询公司。很
As of this writing, I have spent the last seventeen years dissecting the
psychological dynamics behind trading so that I could develop effective
methods for teaching the proper principles of success. What I’ve discovered is
that, at the most fundamental level, there is a problem with the way we think.
There is something inherent in the way our minds work that doesn’t fit very
well with the characteristics shown by the markets.
当我写到这里时,我已经用了 17 年的时间剖析交易心理,所以我可以形成有效
时至今日,我已经花费了 17 年的时间来剖析交易背后的心理动力,这样我就可
Those traders who have confidence in their own trades, who trust themselves
to do what needs to be done without hesitation, are the ones who become
successful. They no longer fear the erratic behavior of the market. They learn
to focus on the information that helps them spot opportunities to make a profit,
rather than focusing on the information that reinforces their fears.
While this may sound complicated, it all boils down to learning to believe that:
(1) you don’t need to know what’s going to happen next to make money; (2)
anything can happen; and (3) every moment is unique, meaning every edge
and outcome is truly a unique experience. The trade either works or it doesn’t.
In any case, you wait for the next edge to appear and go through the process
again and again. With this approach you will learn in a methodical, non-
random fashion what works and what doesn’t. And, just as important, you will
build a sense of self-trust so that you won’t damage yourself in an
environment that has the unlimited qualities the markets have.
Most traders don’t believe that their trading problems are the result of the way
they think about trading or, more specifically, how they are thinking while they
are trading. In my first book, The Disciplined Trader, I identified the problems
confronting the trader from a mental perspective and then built a philosophical
framework for understanding the nature of these problems and why they exist.
I had five major objectives in mind in writing Trading in the Zone:
存在的原因。我在写《交易心理分析》时有 5 个主要目标:
心中秉持着如下 5 大主要目标:
? To prove to the trader that more or better market analysis is not the
solution to his trading difficulties or lack of consistent results.
? 向交易者证明更多或更好的市场分析无法解决交易困难,也不能产生持续
? 向交易者证明:市场分析不能更佳或更有效地去解决交易困境或缺乏稳定
? To convince the trader that it’s his attitude and “state of mind” that
determine his results.
? 让交易者相信只有他的态度和“思想状态”才能决定他的收益。
? 让交易者相信:决定收益的是他自己的心态和“思想状态”。
? To provide the trader with the specific beliefs and attitudes that are
necessary to build a winner’s mindset, which means learning how to think
in probabilities.
? 向交易者提供明确的信念和态度,这些是构成赢家心态所必须的信念和态
? 为交易者提供赢家思维所必需的具体信念和心态,这就意味着要学会如何
? To address the many conflicts, contradictions, and paradoxes in thinking
that cause the typical trader to assume that he already does think in
probabilities, when he really doesn’t.
? 说明很多冲突的、矛盾的、似是而非的想法,这些想法让交易者以为他在用
? 阐释思维中存在的诸多冲突、矛盾与反常,正是这类思维特性让普通交易者
? To take the trader through a process that integrates this thinking strategy
into his mental system at a functional level.
? 带领交易者走过一个过程,这个过程能把思考策略和心理系统结合起来,
? 让读者在阅读本书的过程中有效地将自身思维模式与心智体系融为一体。
(Note: Until recently, most traders were men, but I recognize that more and
more women are joining the ranks. In an effort to avoid confusion and
awkward phrasing, I have consistently used the pronoun “he” throughout this
book in describing traders. This certainly does not reflect any bias on my
Trading in the Zone presents a serious psychological approach to becoming a
consistent winner in your trading. I do not offer a trading system; I am more
interested in showing you how to think in the way necessary to become a
profitable trader. I assume that you already have your own system, your own
edge. You must learn to trust your edge. The edge means there is a higher
probability of one outcome than another. The greater your confidence, the
easier it will be to execute your trades. This book is designed to give you the
insight and understanding you need about yourself and the nature of trading,
so that actually doing it becomes as easy, simple, and stressfree as when
you’re just watching the market and thinking about doing it.
In order to determine how well you “think like a trader,” take the following
Attitude Survey. There are no right or wrong answers. Your answers are an
indication of how consistent your current mental framework is with the way
you need to think in order to get the most out of your trading.

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  • 1. FOREWORD 序言 The great bull market in stocks has led to an equally great bull market in the number of books published on the subject of how to make money trading the markets. Many ideas abound, some good, some not, some original, some just a repackaging of earlier works. Occasionally, though, a writer comes forward with something that really sets him or her apart from the pack, something special. One such writer is Mark Douglas. 大牛市导致出版社出了很多书,这些书的主题都是如何通过交易赚钱。书中有很 多思维,有些很好,有些则不行,有些是原创的,有些只是把以前的作品再重 新包装一下而已。偶尔有一些作者会脱颖而出,写出特殊的作品,其中一个这样 的作者就是马克·道格拉斯。 股市的牛市催生了出版界的“牛市”,大量对于如何通过市场交易来赚钱的书籍 也络绎不绝地上市了。这些书中充斥着丰富多样的思维,或精彩,或平淡,或原 创,或新瓶装旧酒。其间或有个别作者脱颖而出,留下与众不同、标新立异的作 品。马克·道格拉斯便是其中的一位。 Mark Douglas, in Trading in the Zone, has written a book that is the accumulation of years of thought and research - the work of a lifetime - and for those of us who view trading as a profession, he has produced a gem. 马克·道格拉斯在《交易心理分析》一书中展示了多年的思考和研究成果——这几 乎是他一生的心血——对于我们把交易当作职业的人来说,他给了我们一块宝 石。 在《交易心理分析》一书中,马克·道格拉斯向读者展示了自己积蓄多年的思考和
  • 2. 研究成果,这也是他一生心血的结晶。对于我们这些以市场交易为生者而言,他 无疑给我们奉献了一本宝书。 Trading in the Zone is an in-depth look at the challenges that we face when we take up the challenge of trading. To the novice, the only challenge appears to be to find a way to make money. Once the novice learns that tips, brokers’ advice, and other ways to justify buying or selling do not work consistently, he discovers that he either needs to develop a reliable trading strategy or purchase one. After that, trading should be easy, right? All you have to do is follow the rules, and the money will fall into your lap. 我们在交易时会遇到挑战,《交易心理分析》则对这些挑战提供了深刻的见解。对 于新手来说,唯一的挑战似乎就是找到赚钱的方法。一旦新手明白了消息、经纪 公司的建议和其它买卖方法都不能持续一致赢利时,他发现要么自己开发一个 可靠的交易系统,要么去买一个。完成了这个任务,交易就简单了,对不?你所 要做的就是遵守原则,这样钱就来了。 《交易心理分析》对我们在交易时遇到并接受的挑战进行了深刻的分析。对于新手 来说,唯一的挑战似乎就是寻找赚钱的捷径。一旦新手明白那些技巧、经纪人的 建议和其它买卖方法都不能让自己持续赢利时,他便会觉得要么自己去研发出 一套可靠的交易策略,要么花钱去买别人的。这样一来,交易就会变得简单了, 对吧?你只需要遵守规则,钱就自然会进入你的腰包里了。 At this point, if not before, novices discover that trading can turn into one of the most frustrating experiences they will ever face. This experience leads to the oft-started statistic that 95 percent of futures traders lose all of their money within the first year of trading. Stock traders generally experience the same results, which is why pundits always point to the fact that most stock traders fail to outperform a simple buy and hold investment scenario.
  • 3. 如果新手们以前没有经历过的话,那么现在他们就会发现自己的交易进入了前 所未有的艰难阶段。统计的结果表明,95%的期货交易者会在第一年把钱亏光, 而新手就要经历这样的事。股票交易者通常也会体验同样的结果,这就是为什么 专家说大部分股票交易者的业绩还不如买入并持有的投资策略。 基于这一点,如果新手以前没有经历过,便会发现这种交易会成为自己从未经 历过的前所未有的最艰难经历。这种经历恰与经常性统计数据的结果不吻而合, 95%的期货交易者会在第一年把钱亏光。股票交易者通常也会遭遇诸如此类的结 果,这就是为什么专家总是痛斥这样的事实:大部分股票交易者的投资策略甚 至远不如买入并持有的简单投资方式更为高明。 So, why do people, the majority of whom are extremely successful in other occupations, fail so miserably as traders? Are successful traders born and not made? Mark Douglas says no. What’s necessary, he says, is that the individual acquire the trader’s mindset. It sounds easy, but the fact is, this mindset is very foreign when compared with the way our life experiences teach us to think about the world. 那么,为什么大部分人在做其它职业时超级成功,做交易时就输的这么惨呢? 成功的交易者是天生的吗?马克·道格拉斯说不是的,他说每个人必须有交易者 的思维才行。这听起来很简单,但事实上,交易者的思维和生活中我们看待世界 的方法完全不同。 因此,为什么大部分人在做其它职业时能够相当成功,但做交易时就输得如此 悲惨呢?成功的交易者是天生而不是后天养成的吗?对此,马克·道格拉斯并不 认同。他认为,每个人都必须具备交易者的思维。这听来简单,但事实上,交易 者的思维与我们通过现实生活经验所养就的看待世界的思维方式,是截然不同
  • 4. 的。 That 95-percent failure rate makes sense when you consider how most of us experience life, using skills learned as we grow. When it comes to trading, however, it turns out that the skills we learn to earn high marks in school, advance our careers, and create relationships with other people, the skills we are taught that should carry us through life, turn out to be inappropriate for trading. Traders, we find out, must learn to think in terms of probabilities and to surrender all of the skills we have acquired to achieve in virtually every other aspect of our lives. In Trading in the Zone, Mark Douglas teaches us how. He has put together a very valuable book. His sources are his own personal experiences as a trader, a traders coach in Chicago, author, and lecturer in his field of trading psychology. 当你想想大部分人是如何经历生活的,如何使用成长中学到的技术的,你就明 白 95%的失败率是合理的。我们在学校努力得高分,在职业生涯中往上爬,和 别人建立友好关系,这些都是我们在成长中学习的技术技巧,然而对于交易来 说,这些技术技巧都是不合适的。我们发现交易者必须学习概率,并放弃我们在 生活的方方面面学到的技术技巧。马克·道格拉斯会在《交易心理分析》中告诉我 们如何做到这点,他把这些认知溶于了这本很有价值的书。他自己是交易者、芝 加哥的交易教练、作家、交易心理老师,这些经验是本书的源泉。 当你思考一下我们大部分人是如何经历生活并如何在成长中去学会各种技巧时, 你就会明白 95%的失败率是合理的。我们原先学到的那些经验,那些对于如何 在学校中取得高分、如何开拓职业生涯以及如何维护与他人的关系的经验,也就 是那些我们在人生成长过程中所学习到并打算一生持有的技巧和策略,到了交 易世界之中,却都变得不合适了。我们发现,交易者必须学会根据概率进行思考 必须学会放弃我们在生活中获得的各种各样的经验技巧以求在人生其它方面有 所成就。在《交易心理分析》这本很有价值的书中,马克·道格拉斯告诉我们如何
  • 5. 去做到这一点。他自己是交易者、芝加哥的交易培训师、作家和交易心理老师,这 些经验便是本书的源泉所在。 My recommendation? Enjoy Douglas’s Trading in the Zone and, in doing so, develop a trader’s mindset. 我有什么推荐?我建议你阅读马克·道格拉斯的《交易心理分析》并形成交易者的 思维。 您想问我有什么建议吗?那么,我建议您去阅读马克·道格拉斯的《交易心理分 析》并养就自己的交易者思维。 Thorn Hartle 索恩·哈特尔 PREFACE 引子 The goal of any trader is to turn profits on a regular basis, yet so few people ever really make consistent money as traders. What accounts for the small percentage of traders who are consistently successful? To me, the determining factor is psychological - the consistent winners think differently from everyone else. 每个交易者的目标都是稳定赚钱,但是只有极少数的交易者做到了持续一致地 赚钱。他们是如何实现持续一致地赚钱的?对我来说,决定因素是心理上的—— 持续一致的赢家和别人想的不一样。
  • 6. 每个交易者的目标都是能够稳定地赚钱,但是只有极少数的人能够像交易者那 样可以获得源源不断的金钱。对于这些为数不多的稳定成功者而言,什么才是其 中的关键因素呢?对我而言,其决定性因素是心理——稳赚的赢家与常人的思 维是不一样的。 I started trading in 1978. At the time, I was managing a commercial casualty insurance agency in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. I had a very successful career and thought I could easily transfer that success into trading. Unfortunately, I found that was not the case. By 1981, I was thoroughly disgusted with my inability to trade effectively while holding another job, so I moved to Chicago and got a job as a broker with Merrill Lynch at the Chicago Board of Trade. How did I do? Well, within nine months of moving to Chicago, I had lost nearly everything I owned. My losses were the result of both my trading activities and my exorbitant life style, which demanded that I make a lot of money as a trader. 我 1978 年开始交易,当时我在密歇根州底特律市城郊管理一个商业的伤残保 险分公司。我的职业生涯非常成功,我想我可以把我的成功移植到交易中。很不 幸,我失败了。到了 1981 年,我对自己一方面要工作,一方面又交易不顺而彻 底苦恼。于是我搬到芝加哥,在芝加哥交易所美林证券经纪公司找了一份工作, 做经纪人。我做的如何?嗯,搬到芝加哥 9 个月后,我几乎失去了一切。我的生 活作风比较奢侈,这本来就要求我作为交易者要多赚钱才行,可惜我的交易也 不行,最终导致我几乎一无所有。 我是从 1978 年开始从事市场交易的。当时我管理着一家位于密歇根州底特律市 城郊的商业伤残保险公司。我的职业生涯非常成功,认为可以把自己的成功移植 到市场交易之中。但很不幸,事实并非我想得那样。到了 1981 年,我对自己一 方面工作一方面又无法有效开展交易而彻底感到了苦恼。于是,我搬到了芝加哥
  • 7. 找到了一份工作,担任芝加哥交易所美林证券经纪公司的经纪人。我的业绩如何 唉,搬到芝加哥 9 个月之后,我几乎失去了自己的一切。那时我本人生活奢侈, 这要求我作为交易者要多赚钱才能维持,可惜我的交易业绩一塌糊涂,最终自 己几乎变得一无所有。 From these early experiences as a trader, I learned an enormous amount about myself, and about the role of psychology in trading. As a result, in 1982, I started working on my first book, The Disciplined Trader: Developing Winning Attitudes. When I began this project I had no concept of how difficult it was to write a book or explain something that I understood for myself in a manner and form that would be useful to other people. I thought it was going to take me between six and nine months to get the job done. It took seven and a half years and was finally published by Prentice Hall in 1990. 通过早期的交易经历,我对自己和交易心理扮演的角色有了很多了解。于是,我 在 1982 年开始写我的第一本书《有纪律的交易者——形成赢家态度》。当我开始 写书时,我才知道把自己的思想写成对别人有用的东西是多么地难。我本以为 6 到 9 个月就可以完成此书,结果我写了 7 年半,于 1990 年由普林蒂斯霍尔出版 公司出版。 早期的这些交易经历,让我对自己和心理在交易过程中所扮演的角色有了深入 的了解。于是,在 1982 年,我便着手开始撰写我的第一本书《训练有素的交易 者:谈如何造就赢家心态》。当我开始撰写这本书时,我才知道要把自己以某种 方式理解的思想写成对别人有用的东西或进行解释是多么地艰难。我本以为 6 到 9 个月的时间就可以完成该书,结果我写了 7 年半,最终于 1990 年由普林蒂斯 霍尔出版公司出版。 In 1983, I left Merrill Lynch to start a consulting firm, Trading Behavior
  • 8. Dynamics, where I presently develop and conduct seminars on trading psychology and act in the capacity of what is commonly referred to as a trading coach. I’ve done countless presentations for trading companies, clearing firms, brokerage houses, banks, and investment conferences all over the world. I’ve worked at a personal level, one on one, with virtually every type of trader in the business, including some of the biggest floor traders, hedgers, option specialists, and CTAs, as well as neophytes. 我在 1983 年离开了美林公司并创建了一个叫“交易行为动力”的咨询公司,我设 计并主持研讨会,主要是讲交易心理方面的内容,我当时扮演的角色就是交易 教练。我无数次地为全世界的交易公司、清算公司、经纪公司、银行、投资会议做演 讲。我采用一对一的方式几乎和每种类型的交易者都接触过,这些交易者包括最 大的场内交易者、避险者、期权专家、商品交易顾问和新手。 1983 年,我离开了美林公司,创建了一家名为 “交易行为动力”的咨询公司。很 快我就开始设计并主持各种研讨会,以人们通常称为的交易培训师的角色来讲 述交易心理方面的内容。在世界各地,我为许多交易公司、清算公司、经纪公司、 银行和投资会议做了大量的演讲。我采用一对一的方式,几乎与各类交易者都有 过接触,包括最大的场内交易者、避险者、期权专家、商品交易顾问以及新手。 As of this writing, I have spent the last seventeen years dissecting the psychological dynamics behind trading so that I could develop effective methods for teaching the proper principles of success. What I’ve discovered is that, at the most fundamental level, there is a problem with the way we think. There is something inherent in the way our minds work that doesn’t fit very well with the characteristics shown by the markets. 当我写到这里时,我已经用了 17 年的时间剖析交易心理,所以我可以形成有效 的方法把适当的成功原则传授给别人。我发现,从最基本的方面说,我们的思维 方式有问题。我们天生的思维模式和市场特点是不搭配的。
  • 9. 时至今日,我已经花费了 17 年的时间来剖析交易背后的心理动力,这样我就可 以形成有效的方法,去把适当的成功原则传授给他人。我发现,从最基本的层面 方面来讲,我们的思维方式存在问题,我们天生固有的思维模式与市场所表现 的种种特性无法和谐一致。 Those traders who have confidence in their own trades, who trust themselves to do what needs to be done without hesitation, are the ones who become successful. They no longer fear the erratic behavior of the market. They learn to focus on the information that helps them spot opportunities to make a profit, rather than focusing on the information that reinforces their fears. 对自己的交易有信心,毫不犹豫地去做应该做的事的交易者会成功。他们永远不 害怕市场飘忽不定的行为。他们学习聚焦于能帮助发现赚钱机会的信息,而不是 聚焦于增加他们恐惧感的信息。 对自己的交易保持信心,毫不犹豫地去做应该做的事,这样的交易者会取得成 功。因为他们已经不再惧怕市场的波荡起伏,他们学会去关注那些有助于发现赚 钱机会的信息,而不是徒增恐惧的信息。 While this may sound complicated, it all boils down to learning to believe that: (1) you don’t need to know what’s going to happen next to make money; (2) anything can happen; and (3) every moment is unique, meaning every edge and outcome is truly a unique experience. The trade either works or it doesn’t. In any case, you wait for the next edge to appear and go through the process again and again. With this approach you will learn in a methodical, non- random fashion what works and what doesn’t. And, just as important, you will build a sense of self-trust so that you won’t damage yourself in an environment that has the unlimited qualities the markets have. 也许这听起来有点复杂,总而言之就是你要学习并相信:(1)你不必知道下一 步会如何也能赚钱;(2)任何事都会发生;(3)任意时刻都是独特的,这意
  • 10. 味着每个优势,每个结果都是独特的经历。交易不是成功就是失败。无论如何, 你只要等待优势的到来就行了,然后一次又一次地重复这个过程。用这种方法, 你就会通过有条理的,而不是随机的方式知道了什么有用,什么没用。还有重要 的一点,你要自己建立信心,以防止市场无数的特点毁了你。 或许这听来有些复杂,但归根结底你要学习并相信:(1)对于赚钱而言,你可 以不必知道下一步会如何;(2)任何事情都可能发生;(3)任一时刻都是独 特的,这意味着每一转折点与结果确实是独一无二的。交易有成功有失败。任何 时候,你都要等待下一转折点的到来,然后不断地一次又一次地去重复这一等 待过程。如此一来,你就会系统而非偶尔地了解到何时会成功何时会失败。同样 重要的是,如此一来,你就可以树立自我信心,不会因为市场自身具有的无限 特性而自乱阵脚。 Most traders don’t believe that their trading problems are the result of the way they think about trading or, more specifically, how they are thinking while they are trading. In my first book, The Disciplined Trader, I identified the problems confronting the trader from a mental perspective and then built a philosophical framework for understanding the nature of these problems and why they exist. I had five major objectives in mind in writing Trading in the Zone: 大部分交易者都不相信他们的交易问题来自他们看待交易的思维,更具体地说 是他们在交易时的思维有问题。在我的第一本书《有纪律的交易者》中,我从心理 角度来确定交易者的问题,用哲学的框架来解释这些问题的自然性,以及问题 存在的原因。我在写《交易心理分析》时有 5 个主要目标: 大多数交易者不认为自己的交易问题源自自身的交易思维,或者更具体地说是 源自自身在交易那一刻的所思所想。在我的第一本书《训练有素的交易者》中,我
  • 11. 从精神心理的角度来鉴定交易者所面临的各种问题,然后据此创建一套相应的 哲学体系来阐释这些问题的本质以及存在的原因。在写《交易心理分析》时,我的 心中秉持着如下 5 大主要目标: ? To prove to the trader that more or better market analysis is not the solution to his trading difficulties or lack of consistent results. ? 向交易者证明更多或更好的市场分析无法解决交易困难,也不能产生持续 一致的收益。 ? 向交易者证明:市场分析不能更佳或更有效地去解决交易困境或缺乏稳定 收益的问题。 ? To convince the trader that it’s his attitude and “state of mind” that determine his results. ? 让交易者相信只有他的态度和“思想状态”才能决定他的收益。 ? 让交易者相信:决定收益的是他自己的心态和“思想状态”。 ? To provide the trader with the specific beliefs and attitudes that are necessary to build a winner’s mindset, which means learning how to think in probabilities. ? 向交易者提供明确的信念和态度,这些是构成赢家心态所必须的信念和态 度,这意味着如何用概率思考。 ? 为交易者提供赢家思维所必需的具体信念和心态,这就意味着要学会如何 立足概率进行思考。 ? To address the many conflicts, contradictions, and paradoxes in thinking that cause the typical trader to assume that he already does think in probabilities, when he really doesn’t.
  • 12. ? 说明很多冲突的、矛盾的、似是而非的想法,这些想法让交易者以为他在用 概率思考,其实他并没有用概率思考。 ? 阐释思维中存在的诸多冲突、矛盾与反常,正是这类思维特性让普通交易者 自认为自己是根据概率性进行了思考,而实际上他并没有。 ? To take the trader through a process that integrates this thinking strategy into his mental system at a functional level. ? 带领交易者走过一个过程,这个过程能把思考策略和心理系统结合起来, 且具有可操作性。 ? 让读者在阅读本书的过程中有效地将自身思维模式与心智体系融为一体。 (Note: Until recently, most traders were men, but I recognize that more and more women are joining the ranks. In an effort to avoid confusion and awkward phrasing, I have consistently used the pronoun “he” throughout this book in describing traders. This certainly does not reflect any bias on my part.) (请注意:目前大部分交易者是男性,但我注意到越来越多的女性也在交易。为 了避免混乱和表达的不方便,我在本书中一直用“他”来描述交易者。这肯定不代 表我有偏见。) (请注意:截至目前,大部分交易者都是男士,但我注意到越来越多的女士也 在参与交易。为了避免混乱和表达的不方便,我在本书中一直使用“他”来代指交 易者,但这绝非表明我个人存有偏见。) Trading in the Zone presents a serious psychological approach to becoming a consistent winner in your trading. I do not offer a trading system; I am more interested in showing you how to think in the way necessary to become a profitable trader. I assume that you already have your own system, your own edge. You must learn to trust your edge. The edge means there is a higher probability of one outcome than another. The greater your confidence, the easier it will be to execute your trades. This book is designed to give you the
  • 13. insight and understanding you need about yourself and the nature of trading, so that actually doing it becomes as easy, simple, and stressfree as when you’re just watching the market and thinking about doing it. 《交易心理分析》阐述了一种严肃认真的心理方法,让你成为持续一致的交易赢 家。我不会提供交易系统,我更大的兴趣是告诉你如何思考,以成为赢利的交易 者。我相信你已经有了自己的系统,有了自己的优势,你必须学着去相信你的优 势。优势意味着出现某种结果的概率比出现其它结果的概率高(张轶:本书中的 “优势”也有好的交易方法的意思,请读者特别注意)。你越是有信心,你就越能 轻松地执行你的交易。本书的目的是让你深刻了解你自己以及交易的本质,如此 一来,当你看着市场并思考交易时,你就会感到轻松、简单、没有压力。 《交易心理分析》阐述了一种严肃认真的心理方法,让你成为稳赚不赔的交易赢 家。我没有向读者提供一套交易法则,因为我更希望让读者明白如何以赢家的思 维进行思考。我相信每个人都有一套自己的交易法则和自身的优势。你必须学会 去相信自身的优势。因为这种优势意味着,出现某种结果的概率会比其它结果高 (张轶:本书中的“优势”也有好的交易方法的意思,请读者特别注意)。你越是 有信心,你就越能轻松地按照自我的思维完成交易。本书旨在让你获取对于自身 和交易本质的那种洞察力与理解力,如此一来,实际上当你关注市场并进行思 考时,你就会发现交易的过程也会变得轻松、简单而毫无压力。 In order to determine how well you “think like a trader,” take the following Attitude Survey. There are no right or wrong answers. Your answers are an indication of how consistent your current mental framework is with the way you need to think in order to get the most out of your trading. 为了确定你是否“像交易者一样思考”,请回答下面态度调查表的问题。这里没有