2. #长崎蚕顿骋
Yuta Matsumura @tsubakimoto_s
Developer (C#, PHP, Azure)
Microsoft MVP (Development Technologies)
Fukuoka.NET Organizer
Microsoft de:code 2019 Speaker
PHP Conference Fukuoka 2019 Organizer
Currently working for
8. #长崎蚕顿骋
.NET Core is an open-source, general-purpose development
platform maintained by Microsoft and the .NET community on
GitHub. It's cross-platform (supporting Windows, macOS, and
Linux) and can be used to build device, cloud, and IoT applications.
12. #长崎蚕顿骋
Version Level Release Date End of Support
3.1 LTS 予定 ’19/11 予定 -
3.0 Current ‘19/09/10 -
2.2 Maintenance ‘18/12/04 ’19/12/23
2.1 LTS ‘18/05/30
At least three years from
LTS declaration (’19/09/10)
2.0 End of Support ‘17/08/14 ‘18/10/01
1.1 End of Support ‘16/11/16 ‘19/06/27
1.0 End of Support ‘16/06/27 ‘19/06/27
※LTS : Long Term Support / 安定版
※Current : 新機能を含むが将来的な変更の可能性あり / 継続的なアップデートが必要
※Maintenance : セキュリティアップデートが提供される
14. #长崎蚕顿骋
ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform, high-performance, open-source
framework for building modern, cloud-based, Internet-connected