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Done by:Dadanbekov B
Zhetpisbay Y
Industrial finance is a very complicated problem. It
is of vital importance as development of any
country depends on industrial development of
that country ‘s economy.
Why there is need of finance
1) Long term
2) Medium term
3) Short term
 Long term capital is also known as block
capital or fixed capital. it is needed to acquire
-fixed and permanent assets
 Medium term capital is required for repairs,
replacements, maintenance of machines and
building etc.
 Short term capital is needed for purchase of
raw material , and to meet day to day expenses
 Term lending
 Refinance institutions
 Investment institutions
 State level institutions
 It was established in 1948
 First development bank of India
 Objective was to make medium and long term credits more
readily available
 Management
- BOD total 12 members(4 by idbi,2 by center govt, 6 by shareholders)
 -full time chairperson
 Resources of IFCI
-ownership capital
-Issue of shares and bonds
-borrowing from RBI,IDBI AND CENTER GOVT
-accepting deposits from public, state govt and local authorities
Purpose sanction(crores) IDBI
New projects 15919.6 67498
Expansion /acquisition 6649.2 50627
Rehabilitation 115.7 1415
Modernization 5459.7 12976
Working capital 837 5138
 Set up in 1964
 It was fully owned subsidiary of RBI but in
1976 delinked from RBI and made as
autonomous body of GOI
 H.O in Mumbai 11 branch offices
 It is managed by a chairman and MD
appointed by central govt, a deputy governor
nominated of RBI, 20 other directors.
 With effect from 1 oct,2004 it has renamed as
IDBIL. It has been accepted as a deemed
banking co under banking regulation act. The
govt holds the majority (58.47%) shares of IDBI
 During last 40 years IDBI has given a
qualitative dimension to the process of
industrial development of the country.
 Established on1st JAN,1982.
 Authorized capital 1000 crores and paid up is
650 crores.
 Exim bank came into existence when
international finance division of idbi was
transferred to exim bank in 1982.
 Exim started its working from march 1982
 The issued capital is wholly subscribed by
center govt
 The main objective of exim is to provide financial assistance
to exporters and importers. It has to coordinate the working
of those institutions which can promote international trade.
 Management is MD+17 other directors representing
govt,RBI,ECGC,public sector banks
 Resources of EXIM
 -GOI
 -RBI
 -any organization approved by GOI
 -fund based
 -non fund based
 Fund based
 Pre shipment credit
 Foreign currency
 Post shipment credit
 Deemed exports
 Loans to commercial
banks for bills
 Finance for
consultancy and
 Non fund based
 Guarantees
 Are those which do not give
finance directly but they create
such structure by which the
funds are allocated up to the
minimum level.
 Started functioning from 1july 1982
 Set up with an initial capital of 100 crores, now it is
2000 crores fully subscribed by GOI AND RBI.
 H.O IN Mumbai, with 28 regional and 391 district
 It is an apex orga for policies, planning and
operations of agriculture ,ssi ,handicraft and
village industries
 It mainly deals in three types of functions
 -credit ,developmental ,regulatory functions
 Funds created by NABARD
 -rural infrastructural deve fund 28749
 -R&d fund
 -Soft loan assistance fund
 -Credit and financial services fund
 Set up in oct 1989
 Wholly owned subsidiary of IDBI
 It is the principal financial institution for
promotion ,financing and deve of small scale
 In sep 2000 IDBI transferred 51% in favor of
banks and other institutions in the first phase.
 Set up in July 1988
 A principal agency to promote housing finance
 Wholly owned subsidiary of RBI
 Registered With capital of 350 crore which can
be increased to 2000 crores. The board is
authorized to issue increased capital to RBI,
center govt.
 Are those who invest the money
collected in further securities and
investments outside .LIKE
 Set up in 1956
 Lic was formed by nationalizing 245 life
insurance companies
 The main aim was to
- spread insurance
- Mobilize savings
- Investing funds
- Act as trustees
-promoting a sense of pride and job satisfaction
among agents and employees
 Diversification by LIC
-Jeevan bima sahyog assets mgt co(JBSAMC)
-LIC International EC
 Whole life schemes
 Endowment policies
 Money back policy
 Plans for children
 Medical benefits linked insurance
 Plans to cover housing loan
 Joint life plans
 Group schemes
 Pension plans
 Social security schemes

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  • 2. Industrial finance is a very complicated problem. It is of vital importance as development of any country depends on industrial development of that country ‘s economy. Why there is need of finance 1) Long term 2) Medium term 3) Short term
  • 3.  Long term capital is also known as block capital or fixed capital. it is needed to acquire -fixed and permanent assets  Medium term capital is required for repairs, replacements, maintenance of machines and building etc.  Short term capital is needed for purchase of raw material , and to meet day to day expenses
  • 4.  Term lending  Refinance institutions  Investment institutions  State level institutions
  • 9.  It was established in 1948  First development bank of India  Objective was to make medium and long term credits more readily available  Management - BOD total 12 members(4 by idbi,2 by center govt, 6 by shareholders)  -full time chairperson  Resources of IFCI -ownership capital -Issue of shares and bonds -borrowing from RBI,IDBI AND CENTER GOVT -accepting deposits from public, state govt and local authorities
  • 10. Purpose sanction(crores) IDBI New projects 15919.6 67498 Expansion /acquisition 6649.2 50627 Rehabilitation 115.7 1415 Modernization 5459.7 12976 Working capital 837 5138
  • 11.  Set up in 1964  It was fully owned subsidiary of RBI but in 1976 delinked from RBI and made as autonomous body of GOI  H.O in Mumbai 11 branch offices  It is managed by a chairman and MD appointed by central govt, a deputy governor nominated of RBI, 20 other directors.
  • 12.  With effect from 1 oct,2004 it has renamed as IDBIL. It has been accepted as a deemed banking co under banking regulation act. The govt holds the majority (58.47%) shares of IDBI LTD.  During last 40 years IDBI has given a qualitative dimension to the process of industrial development of the country.
  • 13.  Established on1st JAN,1982.  Authorized capital 1000 crores and paid up is 650 crores.  Exim bank came into existence when international finance division of idbi was transferred to exim bank in 1982.  Exim started its working from march 1982  The issued capital is wholly subscribed by center govt
  • 14.  The main objective of exim is to provide financial assistance to exporters and importers. It has to coordinate the working of those institutions which can promote international trade.  Management is MD+17 other directors representing govt,RBI,ECGC,public sector banks  Resources of EXIM  -GOI  -RBI  -any organization approved by GOI  TYPES OF ASSISTANCE  -fund based  -non fund based
  • 15.  Fund based  Pre shipment credit  Foreign currency  Post shipment credit  Deemed exports  Loans to commercial banks for bills discounting  Finance for consultancy and technology  Non fund based  Guarantees
  • 16.  Are those which do not give finance directly but they create such structure by which the funds are allocated up to the minimum level.
  • 17.  Started functioning from 1july 1982  Set up with an initial capital of 100 crores, now it is 2000 crores fully subscribed by GOI AND RBI.  H.O IN Mumbai, with 28 regional and 391 district offices  It is an apex orga for policies, planning and operations of agriculture ,ssi ,handicraft and village industries  It mainly deals in three types of functions  -credit ,developmental ,regulatory functions
  • 18.  Funds created by NABARD  -rural infrastructural deve fund 28749 crores  -R&d fund  -Soft loan assistance fund  -Credit and financial services fund
  • 19.  Set up in oct 1989  Wholly owned subsidiary of IDBI  It is the principal financial institution for promotion ,financing and deve of small scale industries  In sep 2000 IDBI transferred 51% in favor of banks and other institutions in the first phase.
  • 20.  Set up in July 1988  A principal agency to promote housing finance  Wholly owned subsidiary of RBI  Registered With capital of 350 crore which can be increased to 2000 crores. The board is authorized to issue increased capital to RBI, center govt.
  • 21.  Are those who invest the money collected in further securities and investments outside .LIKE  LIC  GIC  UTI
  • 22.  Set up in 1956  Lic was formed by nationalizing 245 life insurance companies  The main aim was to - spread insurance - Mobilize savings - Investing funds - Act as trustees
  • 23. -promoting a sense of pride and job satisfaction among agents and employees  Diversification by LIC -LIC HOUSING FINANCE -LIC MUTUAL FUNDS -Jeevan bima sahyog assets mgt co(JBSAMC) -LIC International EC
  • 24.  Whole life schemes  Endowment policies  Money back policy  Plans for children  Medical benefits linked insurance  Plans to cover housing loan  Joint life plans  Group schemes  Pension plans  Social security schemes