Котов Борис АлександровичLera TimuraБорис Александрович Котов родился 25 апреля 1909 г. в селе Пахотный Угол, что на реке Керша, на Тамбовщине. Мать будущего поэта, народная учительница Вера Ивановна, была начитанной и работящей женщиной. Ей и отцу, Александру Николаевичу, истому пчеловоду, Борис был обязан тонкостью души и благородством своих устремлений.
Когда ему было 3 года, родители переехали в г. Усмань Липецкой области. Тут он рос и учился, тут сложил первые строки, сюда адресовал последнее письмо с фронта.
Едва закончив школу, Котов отправился в село Сторожевские Хутора Воронежской области и, работая секретарем сельсовета, преподавал на курсах по ликвидации неграмотности. Впоследствии им была создана автобиографическая повесть «Записки ликвидатора», оставшаяся незаконченной.
Его первой литературной наставницей была известная воронежская писательница-краевед Ольга Кретова, связавшая будущего поэта с местными газетами. Ей впоследствии поэт посвятил одно из лучших своих стихотворений «Мост» (1932).
Cleveland Orchid Mania 2014 - Interior Design ShowcaseJustAddIceOrchidsIn the interior design showcase at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens, more than a dozen local designers created room vignettes inspired by or accented with orchids. Here, we share several ways the experts decorated with orchids so you can feel inspired to bring the beauty of orchids into your home.
Production Lognsasu94The document is a production log for editing a media trailer. It describes the challenges faced with computer crashes losing work multiple times and having to switch computers. It also notes issues with lack of editing experience among group members and difficulty following the storyboard. Sound editing tasks are described including downloading sound effects from YouTube, importing them, and adjusting volume levels on the audio clips.
Котов Борис АлександровичLera TimuraБорис Александрович Котов родился 25 апреля 1909 г. в селе Пахотный Угол, что на реке Керша, на Тамбовщине. Мать будущего поэта, народная учительница Вера Ивановна, была начитанной и работящей женщиной. Ей и отцу, Александру Николаевичу, истому пчеловоду, Борис был обязан тонкостью души и благородством своих устремлений.
Когда ему было 3 года, родители переехали в г. Усмань Липецкой области. Тут он рос и учился, тут сложил первые строки, сюда адресовал последнее письмо с фронта.
Едва закончив школу, Котов отправился в село Сторожевские Хутора Воронежской области и, работая секретарем сельсовета, преподавал на курсах по ликвидации неграмотности. Впоследствии им была создана автобиографическая повесть «Записки ликвидатора», оставшаяся незаконченной.
Его первой литературной наставницей была известная воронежская писательница-краевед Ольга Кретова, связавшая будущего поэта с местными газетами. Ей впоследствии поэт посвятил одно из лучших своих стихотворений «Мост» (1932).
Cleveland Orchid Mania 2014 - Interior Design ShowcaseJustAddIceOrchidsIn the interior design showcase at the Cleveland Botanical Gardens, more than a dozen local designers created room vignettes inspired by or accented with orchids. Here, we share several ways the experts decorated with orchids so you can feel inspired to bring the beauty of orchids into your home.
Production Lognsasu94The document is a production log for editing a media trailer. It describes the challenges faced with computer crashes losing work multiple times and having to switch computers. It also notes issues with lack of editing experience among group members and difficulty following the storyboard. Sound editing tasks are described including downloading sound effects from YouTube, importing them, and adjusting volume levels on the audio clips.
scc-apr-21-2011The Scarborough HospitalThe document provides a progress report on The Scarborough Hospital (TSH) from 2011. It summarizes that in 2008, TSH was struggling in many areas like patient satisfaction, safety, and finances. However, by 2011 improvements have been made in all categories due to new governance, leadership, and a strategic plan involving staff input. The report highlights that TSH now has one of the top patient safety records and a new MRI is coming to the Birchmount site that summer. It concludes by outlining continued plans to partner with the community and make further operational improvements.
2011-12 hsaa - may 26-11The Scarborough HospitalAs part of The Scarborough Hospital's commitment to transparency of operations to our community, patients and their families, we are pleased to present our 2011-12 Health Service Accountability Agreement.
2011 05-28 pam marshallThe Scarborough Hospital1. Patient Relations handles complaints and compliments from patients and families, provides education to staff, and assists in resolving issues between patients/families and care teams.
2. When a complaint is received, Patient Relations investigates by gathering information from records, staff, and physicians, and works to resolve the issue within 15 days through meetings and communication.
3. Common issues include concerns about care, disagreements with care plans, questions about decision making when a patient is incapable, and disagreeing with physicians about further treatment. Patient Relations assists by facilitating meetings and discussions between families and care teams.
Chapter 12 presentationdesntay2Lauren Allen presented on the nervous system for Biology 120. She defined the suffixes -plegia, meaning paralysis, and provided hemiplegia as an example of total paralysis on one side of the body. She also defined -paresis, meaning weakness, and gave hemiparesis as an example of less severe weakness on one side of the body. Hemiplegia is more severe than hemiparesis and can be caused by conditions like strokes. The presentation provided information on hemiplegia and hemiparesis and their effects.
BN-Vi - How to promote the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge at business networking...James WinsoarHow to promote the Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge in BNI chapters. This document is intended for promoters of the Challenge in the United Kingdom who wish to expand their network of contacts by going to business networking events, such as Chamber of Commerce, BNI (Business Network International), Le Tip, 4Networking, and other groups.
The document is specifically written to describe how to maximise results from the BNI meetings, but other groups will have similar agendas, so the same skills learned here can be transferable to other others.
You will learn how to maximise your time from the meetings, what to say and what not to say, how to get around not having any business cards with you, how to best follow up with people after the meetings, how to get people referring their friends and business contacts to you.
Also included are sample 60 second presentations, as well as shorter versions so that you can give an elevator pitch with confidence in the meeting to the other business owners who are present.
This is a draft copy - so I would really appreciate your feedback. All the best promoting the Challenge at business networking events!
Dinámica económica, desarrollo productivo exportador de lambayequeAREX LambayequePonencia realizada en elmarco del DÍA DEL EXPORTADOR, el pasao 9 de noviembre del 2016; a cargo del Mg. Eduardo Elera Hurtado, especialista de Comercio Exterior de la GERCETUR.
Blogging - the why the how and the method for businesses and individualsPaul BoomerThe document discusses blogging and provides information on what a blog is. It notes that historically, blogs were written by individuals or small groups and covered a single topic. However, more recently "multi-author blogs" have developed with large numbers of authors and professional editing. The document outlines that blogs can provide commentary, function as personal diaries, or advertise brands. Blogs typically combine text, images, links and other media related to their topic. Readers can often leave comments. While most blogs are textual, some focus on other media like art, photos, videos or music.
ClassDojo Guía para padresNahum Mota MartinezClassDojo es una aplicación que permite a los padres monitorear el comportamiento de sus hijos en la escuela. Los padres pueden crear una cuenta en ClassDojo, agregar el código de su hijo provisto por el maestro, y acceder a tres pestañas de información: la historia de la clase, el desempeño conductual del estudiante a lo largo del tiempo, y un foro de mensajes con el maestro.
Nuevo trabajo 2alejoxsEl documento lista y describe brevemente los elementos comunes de una casa, incluyendo muebles como camas, bañeras y sillas, así como partes de la casa como salas, terrazas, escaleras y puertas. Se proporcionan enlaces para obtener más detalles sobre cada elemento.
Roman lapinAndrey TokarchukThis single sentence document provides a watermarked demonstration of A-PDF Merger and prompts the reader to purchase the software from www.A-PDF.com to remove the watermark.
TSH - Focusing on ExcellenceThe Scarborough HospitalThe document discusses the president and CEO of The Scarborough Hospital highlighting recent successes, understanding the current financial situation which requires a 3.5% budget reduction, and preparing for a bright future. It outlines investments in new CT and MRI equipment, successful partnerships with other hospitals, and recognition for community engagement efforts.
Just Add Ice Orchids - Consumer Report 2012JustAddIceOrchidsYear over year, consumer research and surveys show how the Just Add Ice Orchids® brand continues to grow and become better known across various demographics and geography. This report highlights many interesting value points that were collected in the recently
completed second annual Consumer Survey.
Key Points:
Brand awareness is growing in younger demographics
Customers are overwhelmingly happy with their purchase
Customer engagement results in repeat orchid purchases
Economic factors have little impact on sales
Plegable molecular 2HeylyResearchers have made new discoveries that could lead to potential treatments for Huntington's disease. Using a simple model organism like baker's yeast, scientists identified a novel pathway related to protein translation that may be targeted by new drugs. Additionally, researchers found that the protein DRP1 plays a role in mitochondrial division and is overactive in Huntington's patients, causing neuron death. Reducing DRP1 activity restored mitochondrial health and improved neuron survival, suggesting it could delay disease onset if translated to patients. These findings provide new insights into the disease mechanisms and possibilities for future therapeutic interventions for Huntington's disease.
Ryerson iss feb. 3, 2010The Scarborough HospitalThe Scarborough Hospital serves Canada's most diverse population in the Scarborough area of Toronto. Two-thirds of Scarborough residents are visible minorities, with the top languages spoken being Chinese, Cantonese, and Tamil. 57% of Scarborough residents are immigrants, with 12% arriving between 2001-2006. The hospital aims to be recognized as Canada's leader in providing healthcare for a global community through its Institute for Diversity and Health Equity Research, which conducts applied research to promote culturally sensitive healthcare practices.
календарь знаменательных датNatalya KozyrevaКалендарь знаменательных и литературных дат для школьных библиотек и учителей литературы на 2014-2015 учебный год
Юбилеи выдающихся россиян в 2018 годуЕлена VolkovaКаждый новый год россияне отмечают множество юбилейных дат, приуроченных к дням рождения известных поэтов, прозаиков, ученых, общественных деятелей, певцов, сатириков, актеров, телеведущих и композиторов. Не стал исключением и 2018 год, прямо-таки наполненный юбилейными событиями.
Очередь задач и многопоточность с помощью gearman и zf.станислав прокопивAndrey TokarchukАнонс конференции Zend Framework Day 2012 читайте на http://tokarchuk.ru
Cобытийная модель zend framework 2, event manager. александр вронскийAndrey TokarchukАнонс конференции Zend Framework Day 2012 читайте на http://tokarchuk.ru