The document discusses phrasal verbs and their meanings. Some examples of phrasal verbs provided are "put off" meaning to postpone, "look up to" meaning to respect or admire, and "turn down" meaning to refuse or reject. It also provides examples of their use in sentences. Additionally, it discusses vocabulary words and whether they are used with "have", "take", or "make".
Este documento presenta los pasos para realizar una restauración del sistema a un punto anterior, incluyendo seleccionar la fecha a la cual se desea regresar el sistema en el calendario y confirmar que esa fecha es la correcta para la restauración. Muestra imágenes de los pasos para crear un punto de restauración y seleccionar la fecha deseada en el calendario.
This document discusses different types of clauses used in the English language. It provides examples of full statement clauses, question clauses, infinitive clauses, gerund clauses, and non-factual clauses. It also discusses how the structure of sentences can lead to syntactic ambiguity and how predicates with embedded clauses can express knowledge, ignorance, or attitudes towards possible facts. The document aims to classify and explain different clause types in English.
This document outlines a lesson plan for teaching rhyming words to students. The plan includes a warm-up game where students touch their nose when they hear rhyming words, reading a story with opportunities for student prediction and comprehension activities, playing a circle game where students provide rhyming words, partner activities matching rhyming words on index cards, independent and partner reading of rhyming books, and a coloring activity to reinforce lessons. The overall objective is to help students understand, identify, and engage with rhyming words through multiple engaging activities.
Participant driven events: CLIC community experiencedarklecat
TeachMeets and Library Camps (or ‘unconferences’) have both been gaining in popularity over the last few years, as events that are slightly outside of normal conferences or staff development events. A shared factor is that they are predominantly participant driven events.
TeachMeets involve short repeated sessions where participants share a teaching/presentation tip with members of the community.
Library Camps bring together a community of library staff for a day. These events take place outside of work time and are free of charge. The ‘community’ of staff who gather determine the course of the day and are all full participants. How does this ‘community’ differ from main stream library conferences, and what are the factors that draw people to participate in their own time?
In the last year CLIC, in conjunction with library staff in Wales, has hosted a TeachMeet and run a Library Camp; this session will talk about these kind of events and what benefits they provide to the community of library staff attending, as opposed to more traditional forms of training events.
Juego 2: Se divide la
clase en dos equipos.
Cada equipo se coloca
en una fila. El profesor
dice una posición y los
primeros de cada fila
deben correr hasta el
cono correspondiente a
esa posición. Gana el
equipo cuyo jugador
llegue primero.
Juego 3: Se juega al
pre-béisbol con el
batingtee. Se juega por
entradas con tres outs
(pisando, tocando y con
fly). Con fly los
corredores vuelven a la
base. Al
This document analyzes the cover design of a magazine featuring Lily Allen. It discusses the color palette, fonts, layout, images, and other design elements used on the cover. The color scheme of black, red, white and blue is meant to convey class and sophistication. Lily Allen is prominently featured in the central image, which is in black and white to achieve a modern, glamorous effect. Text placement, sizing of headlines, and use of white space are designed to draw the reader in while maintaining a sophisticated aesthetic.
Este documento contiene imágenes y descripciones breves de varias mezquitas, madrasas y mausoleos islámicos ubicados en el Medio Oriente, Asia Central y el subcontinente indio que datan desde los siglos 7-18 d.C. Incluye ejemplos arquitectónicos de los períodos Omeya, Abasí, Seljuq, Mogol y Otomano, destacando sus características estilísticas y decorativas.
Wallwisher is a digital messaging platform that allows users to participate in brainstorming and leave messages for others after lectures or workshops. It can be used to collaborate with others and leave feedback or questions following educational events.
In the village of Pharmkas in May 2013, residents discovered that the image of Saint George in their church was weeping a liquid that smelled of myrrh. The bishop and scientists could not find a natural explanation. When they later carried the image in a litany, it was unusually heavy and took six men to hold. In February 1997, an image of the Virgin Mary at the Stavrovouni Monastery also started weeping. Thousands of people came to see the weeping image until it stopped in May. Both images were confirmed to have inexplicably wept supernatural liquids.
Este documento proporciona definiciones y clasificaciones de software y conceptos clave de informática. Explica que el software incluye programas, reglas y documentación, y se clasifica según su uso y licencia. También describe conceptos como sistemas operativos, procesadores de texto, hojas de cálculo, bases de datos y virus informáticos.