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周末每天 3 小时 X 2天 = 6 小时/周
总共的额外时间 = 每周 16 小时
一周 16 小时 X 52 个星期 = 832 小时/年
相当于 100 个 8 小时工作日,即每年有额外的
3 个月零 10 天的工作日 !
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你所要做的就是每天抽出 2 小时,
一年得到 3 个多月的自由时间。
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Editor's Notes

  • #3: The counterargument should be the most common argument against the topic. The goal for this slide is to address the counterargument in such a way as to actually strengthen the original topic. Be sure to address each piece of evidence against the topic. As you address each piece of evidence elaborate on the text found on the slide. Remember to transition to the final slide, the action step.
  • #4: The counterargument should be the most common argument against the topic. The goal for this slide is to address the counterargument in such a way as to actually strengthen the original topic. Be sure to address each piece of evidence against the topic. As you address each piece of evidence elaborate on the text found on the slide. Remember to transition to the final slide, the action step.
  • #5: The counterargument should be the most common argument against the topic. The goal for this slide is to address the counterargument in such a way as to actually strengthen the original topic. Be sure to address each piece of evidence against the topic. As you address each piece of evidence elaborate on the text found on the slide. Remember to transition to the final slide, the action step.
  • #6: The counterargument should be the most common argument against the topic. The goal for this slide is to address the counterargument in such a way as to actually strengthen the original topic. Be sure to address each piece of evidence against the topic. As you address each piece of evidence elaborate on the text found on the slide. Remember to transition to the final slide, the action step.