ABCDE The World: People, Process, Technology.Koh How Tze
Building a people-centric environment that learns and grows together, collectively.
Presentation deck for Institiute of Technology Malaysia (IEM) on People, Process, Technology.
Bitcoin, A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats - What, Why, How?Koh How Tze
> What is Bitcoin?
> Why Bitcoin?
> Journey Towards Trillion Dollar Asset Class
> Bitcoin’s Super Cycle
> Success Story
> Adopting Bitcoin as Treasury Reserve Asset
Leveraging Financial Tools for Sustainable DevelopmentKoh How Tze
Presentation file used during 8th Asia Pacific Urban Forum (APUF) Business Assembly, Suwon, Korea.
1) Role of emerging technologies like AI, Blockchain in transforming financial tools (credit/payments/insurance/impact investments/capital markets, etc) for sustainable development.
2) Examples of how technology has acted as a catalyst for sustainable development globally.
3) Importance of ethics in the adoption of technology for sustainable finance.
4) How technology aids in data-driven decision making (impact measurements to drive SDGs).
The document outlines Koh How Tze's vision for building an AI and blockchain-powered cognitive resource management system to ethically manage data for sustainable development. It discusses using blockchain and IoT, AI and quantum computing, and data to transfer value rather than just information. The system would provide essential resources like food, energy, education, shelter, healthcare, and entertainment, in line with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals of helping people, the planet, prosperity, peace, and partnerships.
Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare SystemKoh How Tze
There has never been problem with the resources
The problems lie within distribution
The vast under-utilized healthcare resources that, if we reclaimed and redeployed, could realize our most basic aspiration of healthcare. ~ Rebecca Onie, Health Leads
Global Goals: Every Achievement Counts (Section 5: Resource Management)Koh How Tze
There has never been problem with the resources. The problems lie within distribution.
We have an abundance stream of resources available to sustain our living.
It is how we organize and distribute these resources that matters.
ABCDE The World is the way moving forward.
In brief, ABCDE is building an AI driven, Blockchain based Cognitive resources management system powered by Data, Ethically.
To enable and ensure shared prosperity, true wealth must be produced in the first place.
Without resources, there can’t be distribution. Taking care of people should be the priority in cities preservation and development.
In this section, we shall explore the availability of technology, the creation and distribution of true wealth, and the options we have marching towards our future.
- ABCDE The World?
- True Wealth: Food, Education, Energy, Shelter, Healthcare, Entertainment
- A Post-Scarcity Society
Global Goals: Every Achievement Counts (Section 3: Social Enterprise)Koh How Tze
“Most people want to do good, and believe that doing so will ultimately benefit everyone, including a company’s shareholders. But what’s been missing in recent decades is a clear compass to guide those in leading positions in our society and economy,” ~ Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.
Imagine being a consumer, you walk into two different shops looking for a new pair of shoes. One is a traditional retail shop, the other one, as you walked in, a simple signboard caught your attention stating that “for every pair of shoes you bought, we will donate another pair to those who need it.” Which shop will you end up purchasing the shoes from if the quality and pricing are more or less the same?
“Charity is no solution to poverty. Charity only perpetuates poverty by taking the initiative away from the poor. We can create a poverty-free world because poverty is not created by poor people. It has been created and sustained by the economic and social systems that we have designed for ourselves; the institutions and concepts that make up that system; the policies that we pursue. You change the system and people get out of poverty. It is the ability to control capital that gives people the power to rise out of poverty.” ~ Muhammad Yunus, Banker to the Poor: Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty
Global Goals: Every Achievement Counts (Section 2: Global Goals)Koh How Tze
The document discusses three major global initiatives focused on social, economic, and environmental development:
1) The UN's Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to solve challenges by 2030 across 17 goals in areas like poverty, hunger, health, education, gender equality and more.
2) China's Belt and Road Initiative, a large-scale infrastructure project focused on connectivity and cooperation among countries.
3) Religious community movements, though no single clear strategic plan is mentioned. Achieving the goals of these three overlapping initiatives could help realize a more prosperous and sustainable future.
Global Goals: Every Achievement Counts (Section 1: Sustainable Development)Koh How Tze
There has never been a problem with the resources. The problems lie within the distribution.
We are the first generation to end poverty and may be the last
generation to solve the climate challenge.
Time might not be at our side but windows of opportunities are still around.
It may seem this is the worst of time, yet we can make it the best of time.
A change in mindset supported by collective and collaborative effort shall land us in a more resilient future, where all of us, and generations to come can live peacefully under a wealth creation and resource distribution model like never before.
In this section, we will look at:
● A Sense of Urgency
● People. Process. Technology.
● A Resilient Future
Global goals 5 pillars of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Koh How Tze
People - End poverty in all forms and ensure dignity and equality.
Planet - Protect our planet’s natural resources and climate for future generations.
Prosperity - Ensure prosperous and fulfilling lives in harmony with nature.
Peace - Foster peaceful, just and inclusive society.
Partnership - Implement the agenda through a solid global partnership.
Global Goals: Every Achievement Counts
Global Goals : Every Achievement Counts | Content Structure Preview & BriefingKoh How Tze
There has never been a problem with the resources;
The problems lie within distribution.
While this may sound contradictory to what many would choose to believe, there is some truth in it. We don’t need rocket science to illustrate the situation.
Simply look around and you will find that in certain areas of any big city, there are people and businesses who are wasting tonnes of food on a daily basis while at the other part of the
same city, many could be still starving or trying hard just to make ends meet.
The problem is, this is just the tip of the iceberg. What if we explore further into areas other than food wastage, such as consumption of natural resources and allocation of
Had things been optimized to its full potential or there exist loopholes draining the resources that would eventually sink the entire ship?
We only have one planet to live on and if it’s not in our good hands to secure the future for our children and generations to come, then in whose custody and responsibilities shall this be?
Reinventing Capitalism In The Age of Big Data (Reading Notes)Koh How Tze
Data capitalism could mean a more sustainable, egalitarian economy, but the end of the firm – including the end of stable employment – carries great risks as well.
Discussion on reading notes in English:
Future of Firms -
Future of Jobs -
Discussion on reading notes in Mandarin:
《大数据资本主义》: 金融资本主义退位,重新定义市场、公司、金钱、银行、工作与社会正义 | 听书会分享片段
(1 of 2)-
(2 of 2)-
Sustainable Development through Social Enterprise - An IntroductionKoh How Tze
Sustainable Development
Social Enterprise
Resources Management
How ready are we to embrace change and ensure business continuity in this fast progressing era full of economic, social and environmental challenges that need to be addressed urgently?
Blockchain insider | Chapter 3 : Smart MoneyKoh How Tze
What we have now is truly borderless, programmable money
backed by immutable computer systems based on pure logic & mathematics.
3.1 ABCDs That Are Changing The World
3.2 A Century of Technology Innovation
3.3 Two Monetary Worlds
3.4 Three Phases of Cryptocurrencies
Corporate Currency
CBDC, Central Bank-issued Digital Currency
The Money Flower
Money Trees
3.5 The Creation of Capital In Its Simplest Form
3.6 Incentivizing Good Behaviour
Smart Mobility - Ethical Driving and Data Sharing
Resilient City - Impactful Positive Behaviors
Social Contributions - Datanomics
3.7 Bringing Down Borders
Assets Backed Tokens
Security Token Offering
Do We Need A Nation-State Backed Crypto Exchange?
Blockchaining Sukuk
3.8 Summary
Programmable Money for Effective Resources Distribution
Blockchain Technology & It’s Practical Applications Koh How Tze
“All of the big tech companies will come and say blockchain, blockchain, blockchain. I say, ‘Show me the use case. You bring me the use case and I'll try it,’” Catherine Bessant, Bank of America’s CTO.
"We’ve past the stage that blockchain can cure everything, so people are becoming more realistic about what’s good for their business model." ~ Frank Xiong, VP of Blockchain Product Development at Oracle
Blockchain, IoT and Smart Cities, What's In It for Automotive Industry?Koh How Tze
How far can we go with Blockchain when it comes to automotive industry? Where are we now in this time of history? Where can we go? Or rather, where do we want to go?
A brief intro to Blockchain, from both technology and crypto economy perspective.
For a full transcript of the speech, check out /howtze/mblbc-oval-debate-kuala-lumpur
Event log:
Global Goals: Every Achievement Counts (Section 2: Global Goals)Koh How Tze
The document discusses three major global initiatives focused on social, economic, and environmental development:
1) The UN's Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to solve challenges by 2030 across 17 goals in areas like poverty, hunger, health, education, gender equality and more.
2) China's Belt and Road Initiative, a large-scale infrastructure project focused on connectivity and cooperation among countries.
3) Religious community movements, though no single clear strategic plan is mentioned. Achieving the goals of these three overlapping initiatives could help realize a more prosperous and sustainable future.
Global Goals: Every Achievement Counts (Section 1: Sustainable Development)Koh How Tze
There has never been a problem with the resources. The problems lie within the distribution.
We are the first generation to end poverty and may be the last
generation to solve the climate challenge.
Time might not be at our side but windows of opportunities are still around.
It may seem this is the worst of time, yet we can make it the best of time.
A change in mindset supported by collective and collaborative effort shall land us in a more resilient future, where all of us, and generations to come can live peacefully under a wealth creation and resource distribution model like never before.
In this section, we will look at:
● A Sense of Urgency
● People. Process. Technology.
● A Resilient Future
Global goals 5 pillars of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Koh How Tze
People - End poverty in all forms and ensure dignity and equality.
Planet - Protect our planet’s natural resources and climate for future generations.
Prosperity - Ensure prosperous and fulfilling lives in harmony with nature.
Peace - Foster peaceful, just and inclusive society.
Partnership - Implement the agenda through a solid global partnership.
Global Goals: Every Achievement Counts
Global Goals : Every Achievement Counts | Content Structure Preview & BriefingKoh How Tze
There has never been a problem with the resources;
The problems lie within distribution.
While this may sound contradictory to what many would choose to believe, there is some truth in it. We don’t need rocket science to illustrate the situation.
Simply look around and you will find that in certain areas of any big city, there are people and businesses who are wasting tonnes of food on a daily basis while at the other part of the
same city, many could be still starving or trying hard just to make ends meet.
The problem is, this is just the tip of the iceberg. What if we explore further into areas other than food wastage, such as consumption of natural resources and allocation of
Had things been optimized to its full potential or there exist loopholes draining the resources that would eventually sink the entire ship?
We only have one planet to live on and if it’s not in our good hands to secure the future for our children and generations to come, then in whose custody and responsibilities shall this be?
Reinventing Capitalism In The Age of Big Data (Reading Notes)Koh How Tze
Data capitalism could mean a more sustainable, egalitarian economy, but the end of the firm – including the end of stable employment – carries great risks as well.
Discussion on reading notes in English:
Future of Firms -
Future of Jobs -
Discussion on reading notes in Mandarin:
《大数据资本主义》: 金融资本主义退位,重新定义市场、公司、金钱、银行、工作与社会正义 | 听书会分享片段
(1 of 2)-
(2 of 2)-
Sustainable Development through Social Enterprise - An IntroductionKoh How Tze
Sustainable Development
Social Enterprise
Resources Management
How ready are we to embrace change and ensure business continuity in this fast progressing era full of economic, social and environmental challenges that need to be addressed urgently?
Blockchain insider | Chapter 3 : Smart MoneyKoh How Tze
What we have now is truly borderless, programmable money
backed by immutable computer systems based on pure logic & mathematics.
3.1 ABCDs That Are Changing The World
3.2 A Century of Technology Innovation
3.3 Two Monetary Worlds
3.4 Three Phases of Cryptocurrencies
Corporate Currency
CBDC, Central Bank-issued Digital Currency
The Money Flower
Money Trees
3.5 The Creation of Capital In Its Simplest Form
3.6 Incentivizing Good Behaviour
Smart Mobility - Ethical Driving and Data Sharing
Resilient City - Impactful Positive Behaviors
Social Contributions - Datanomics
3.7 Bringing Down Borders
Assets Backed Tokens
Security Token Offering
Do We Need A Nation-State Backed Crypto Exchange?
Blockchaining Sukuk
3.8 Summary
Programmable Money for Effective Resources Distribution
Blockchain Technology & It’s Practical Applications Koh How Tze
“All of the big tech companies will come and say blockchain, blockchain, blockchain. I say, ‘Show me the use case. You bring me the use case and I'll try it,’” Catherine Bessant, Bank of America’s CTO.
"We’ve past the stage that blockchain can cure everything, so people are becoming more realistic about what’s good for their business model." ~ Frank Xiong, VP of Blockchain Product Development at Oracle
Blockchain, IoT and Smart Cities, What's In It for Automotive Industry?Koh How Tze
How far can we go with Blockchain when it comes to automotive industry? Where are we now in this time of history? Where can we go? Or rather, where do we want to go?
A brief intro to Blockchain, from both technology and crypto economy perspective.
For a full transcript of the speech, check out /howtze/mblbc-oval-debate-kuala-lumpur
Event log:
#3: The counterargument should be the most common argument against the topic. The goal for this slide is to address the counterargument in such a way as to actually strengthen the original topic. Be sure to address each piece of evidence against the topic. As you address each piece of evidence elaborate on the text found on the slide. Remember to transition to the final slide, the action step.
#4: The counterargument should be the most common argument against the topic. The goal for this slide is to address the counterargument in such a way as to actually strengthen the original topic. Be sure to address each piece of evidence against the topic. As you address each piece of evidence elaborate on the text found on the slide. Remember to transition to the final slide, the action step.
#5: The counterargument should be the most common argument against the topic. The goal for this slide is to address the counterargument in such a way as to actually strengthen the original topic. Be sure to address each piece of evidence against the topic. As you address each piece of evidence elaborate on the text found on the slide. Remember to transition to the final slide, the action step.
#6: The counterargument should be the most common argument against the topic. The goal for this slide is to address the counterargument in such a way as to actually strengthen the original topic. Be sure to address each piece of evidence against the topic. As you address each piece of evidence elaborate on the text found on the slide. Remember to transition to the final slide, the action step.