Sat.vocabTanchanok PpsThis document provides definitions for 1000 common SAT words beginning with A. Each word is followed by its part of speech, definition, and an example sentence using the word. Some of the words defined include abase (to humiliate), abate (to reduce), abduct (to kidnap), aberration (something abnormal), and abdicate (to give up a position of power).
Nutrition and heart_disease2012Utai SukviwatsirikulNutrition and heart_disease2012
Sci access 14th : Biology review part 1Tanchanok PpsThe document provides an outline for a biology review course presented by Supanat Phuangphong. The course is divided into three parts that cover microscopes, cells, membrane transportation, cell division, biomolecules, and genetics. Part one focuses on microscopes, cells, membrane transportation, and cell division. Part two covers animal physiology topics. Part three is about botany and genetics. The document then provides more detailed information about various topics from the course outline such as the different types of microscopes, cell structures, and biomolecules.
UU KDRTShandy Sulu 'NtsUndang-undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 mengatur tentang penghapusan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Dokumen ini membahas ketentuan pidana untuk tindakan kekerasan fisik, psikis, seksual, dan penelantaran anggota keluarga dengan sanksi berupa pidana penjara dan denda. Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga diatur sebagai tindak pidana yang dapat diadukan kepada pihak berwajib.
Sat.vocabTanchanok PpsThis document provides definitions for 1000 common SAT words beginning with A. Each word is followed by its part of speech, definition, and an example sentence using the word. Some of the words defined include abase (to humiliate), abate (to reduce), abduct (to kidnap), aberration (something abnormal), and abdicate (to give up a position of power).
Nutrition and heart_disease2012Utai SukviwatsirikulNutrition and heart_disease2012
Sci access 14th : Biology review part 1Tanchanok PpsThe document provides an outline for a biology review course presented by Supanat Phuangphong. The course is divided into three parts that cover microscopes, cells, membrane transportation, cell division, biomolecules, and genetics. Part one focuses on microscopes, cells, membrane transportation, and cell division. Part two covers animal physiology topics. Part three is about botany and genetics. The document then provides more detailed information about various topics from the course outline such as the different types of microscopes, cell structures, and biomolecules.
UU KDRTShandy Sulu 'NtsUndang-undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2004 mengatur tentang penghapusan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Dokumen ini membahas ketentuan pidana untuk tindakan kekerasan fisik, psikis, seksual, dan penelantaran anggota keluarga dengan sanksi berupa pidana penjara dan denda. Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga diatur sebagai tindak pidana yang dapat diadukan kepada pihak berwajib.
การเปรียบเทียบการลึϸวามชื้ȨากวัสดุธรรมชาติflimgoldThis document discusses methods for measuring moisture content and producing rice husk ash. It describes how to calculate the percentage of moisture in a sample by comparing the sample's weight before and after drying. The document also outlines the process for producing rice husk ash, which involves burning rice husks at high temperatures until only the silica component remains as ash. The ash produced contains high levels of silica and can be used for various applications. References are provided for additional information on related topics.
การเปรียบเทียบการลึϸวามชื้Ȩากวัสดุธรรมชาติflimgold1. The document discusses methods for measuring moisture content, including oven-drying methods. It provides an example of measuring 13% moisture content in rice husks.
2. Details are given on producing rice husk ash by roasting uncooked rice husks in a furnace. The ash is composed primarily of silica.
3. Links are provided to Thai language Wikipedia pages and websites about charcoal and moisture measurement that were likely references for the document.
โครงงาȨอมพิวเตอร์flimgoldThis document outlines 5 areas of focus for an artificial intelligence program: 1) educational media development, 2) tools development, 3) theory simulation, 4) application, and 5) game development. It also lists related areas of artificial intelligence including database design, information retrieval, and a link to a blog post with more details.