我们所崇拜的对象是谁? Who should we worship? This is a power point show why we should worship and who is the subject of our worship. This is a great slide for presenting to the church audience or on the internet viewer.
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9. www.freekidstories.org
Image Credits:
All images of people, animals, and angels by Ian and Sue Coate; freeBibleillustrations.com. Used under Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial 4.0 International license.
Background image credits:
Cover: Designed by Freepik
Page 1: Public domain
Page 2: Designed by Freepik
Page 3: Wall background by designed by vvstudio / Freepik. Hay image designed by brgfx / Freepik.
Page 4: Designed by Freepik
Page 5:Designed by rawpixel / Freepik
Page 6: public domain
Page 7: Hands designed by Vectorportal.com. Used under Creative Commons Attribution license. Background designed by Starline / Freepik.
Text Credits:
Text adapted from The Bible and the writings of D.B. Berg