This document discusses current and future technologies that could enable productive energy uses. It outlines technologies that power personal, economic and social/community applications. These include home lighting, radio, cooking, micro-enterprises, agriculture processing, education and healthcare. The document also discusses emerging energy sources like biofuels, solar and hydro power. It outlines innovations in energy storage, efficient devices, communications technologies, and innovative devices for healthcare. Finally, it discusses the potential for new technologies to have significant impacts in rural applications.
Las herramientas de colaboración digital permiten que las personas trabajen juntas y compartan información de forma remota. Estas herramientas incluyen plataformas para videoconferencias, edición y almacenamiento compartido de documentos en la nube, tableros colaborativos, y más. Fueron elaboradas para facilitar la comunicación y cooperación entre equipos distribuidos.
狠狠撸 Share allows multiple users to collaboratively view and edit PowerPoint presentations remotely. Presentations can be uploaded and embedded in wikis, blogs, and social media sites. The platform supports images, audio, video and YouTube content in presentations, which can be shared publicly or privately. Teachers can use 狠狠撸 Share to collaboratively plan with colleagues globally and find teaching resources, while students can collaborate on presentations, access tutorials, and create online portfolios.
This document discusses the need for a systematic approach to operational risk reduction through the use of an enterprise operational risk platform. It notes that existing risk frameworks are vague and lack metrics. The document outlines characteristics of operational risks in manufacturing/engineering sectors versus service sectors. It discusses lessons from BCBS 239 implementations, including that no banks met deadlines and regulators lacked resources to properly assess compliance. The document argues for a consistently addressable corpus of risk documents and data to reduce tools sprawl, surface requirements in dashboards, and enable multiple analysis methods over the same data.
Este documento presenta un resumen de los conocimientos adquiridos en el segundo semestre de Física 2. Explica brevemente que se aprendió sobre el principio de Pascal, el cual establece que la presión ejercida por un fluido incompresible se transmite con igual intensidad en todas direcciones dentro de un recipiente. También menciona que el portafolio permite evaluar los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes y su involucramiento con el aprendizaje.
This document outlines a Microsoft Access training module covering advanced queries, macros, and control wizards. The module is divided into three parts: 1) advanced queries such as action, make table, append, and delete queries, 2) macros including simple macros with messages and automating queries with macros, and 3) control wizards for creating forms and reports with programmed functionality. Hands-on exercises include creating and running advanced queries and macros to import data, run queries sequentially, and close a form.
The document describes various SQL functions for working with dates in Microsoft Access. It shows examples of using date(), time(), now(), dateadd(), datediff(), and format() functions to retrieve dates, perform arithmetic on dates, add/subtract intervals from dates, and format dates as text from a table of student enrollment records. It also discusses the default date format in Access and possible custom text formats.
You’ve written some SQL code and you’re ready to query your database. You input the code and …. no data is returned. Instead, you get an error message.
Don’t despair! Coding errors are common in any programming language, and SQL is no exception. In this post, we’ll discuss five common mistakes people make when writing SQL.
1. The document describes the rules and questions for different rounds of a quiz competition, including a Mixed Bag round, Visual round, Audio round, and Final Mixed Bag round.
2. The rounds covered a variety of topics testing knowledge of people, events, movies, literature, and more.
3. Participants were awarded points for correct answers and deducted points for incorrect answers in some rounds.
This document discusses current and future technologies that could enable productive energy uses. It outlines technologies that power personal, economic and social/community applications. These include home lighting, radio, cooking, micro-enterprises, agriculture processing, education and healthcare. The document also discusses emerging energy sources like biofuels, solar and hydro power. It outlines innovations in energy storage, efficient devices, communications technologies, and innovative devices for healthcare. Finally, it discusses the potential for new technologies to have significant impacts in rural applications.
Las herramientas de colaboración digital permiten que las personas trabajen juntas y compartan información de forma remota. Estas herramientas incluyen plataformas para videoconferencias, edición y almacenamiento compartido de documentos en la nube, tableros colaborativos, y más. Fueron elaboradas para facilitar la comunicación y cooperación entre equipos distribuidos.
狠狠撸 Share allows multiple users to collaboratively view and edit PowerPoint presentations remotely. Presentations can be uploaded and embedded in wikis, blogs, and social media sites. The platform supports images, audio, video and YouTube content in presentations, which can be shared publicly or privately. Teachers can use 狠狠撸 Share to collaboratively plan with colleagues globally and find teaching resources, while students can collaborate on presentations, access tutorials, and create online portfolios.
This document discusses the need for a systematic approach to operational risk reduction through the use of an enterprise operational risk platform. It notes that existing risk frameworks are vague and lack metrics. The document outlines characteristics of operational risks in manufacturing/engineering sectors versus service sectors. It discusses lessons from BCBS 239 implementations, including that no banks met deadlines and regulators lacked resources to properly assess compliance. The document argues for a consistently addressable corpus of risk documents and data to reduce tools sprawl, surface requirements in dashboards, and enable multiple analysis methods over the same data.
Este documento presenta un resumen de los conocimientos adquiridos en el segundo semestre de Física 2. Explica brevemente que se aprendió sobre el principio de Pascal, el cual establece que la presión ejercida por un fluido incompresible se transmite con igual intensidad en todas direcciones dentro de un recipiente. También menciona que el portafolio permite evaluar los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes y su involucramiento con el aprendizaje.
This document outlines a Microsoft Access training module covering advanced queries, macros, and control wizards. The module is divided into three parts: 1) advanced queries such as action, make table, append, and delete queries, 2) macros including simple macros with messages and automating queries with macros, and 3) control wizards for creating forms and reports with programmed functionality. Hands-on exercises include creating and running advanced queries and macros to import data, run queries sequentially, and close a form.
The document describes various SQL functions for working with dates in Microsoft Access. It shows examples of using date(), time(), now(), dateadd(), datediff(), and format() functions to retrieve dates, perform arithmetic on dates, add/subtract intervals from dates, and format dates as text from a table of student enrollment records. It also discusses the default date format in Access and possible custom text formats.
You’ve written some SQL code and you’re ready to query your database. You input the code and …. no data is returned. Instead, you get an error message.
Don’t despair! Coding errors are common in any programming language, and SQL is no exception. In this post, we’ll discuss five common mistakes people make when writing SQL.
1. The document describes the rules and questions for different rounds of a quiz competition, including a Mixed Bag round, Visual round, Audio round, and Final Mixed Bag round.
2. The rounds covered a variety of topics testing knowledge of people, events, movies, literature, and more.
3. Participants were awarded points for correct answers and deducted points for incorrect answers in some rounds.