NDU Term Paper | Introduction To Nutrition - Athletes NutritionNaja FaysalAthletes need to carefully manage their nutrition to support their performance. Following the food guide pyramid can help athletes get the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water. In particular, carbohydrates provide energy, proteins help build muscle, and staying hydrated through drinking water is essential to prevent dehydration, especially when exercising in hot conditions.
Data in ResearchDrRipika SharmaThis document discusses data in research methodology. It covers different types of data including qualitative and quantitative data. It describes various methods of collecting primary data such as observation, interviews, questionnaires, and schedules. It also discusses methods of collecting secondary data from published and unpublished sources. The importance of data collection in research is explained as well as factors to consider such as the object and scope of inquiry. Measurement scales including nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales are outlined.
Popsters. Social media content analytics toolArseniy KushnirPopsters is a social media content analytics tool. It helps fast and simple to know what kind of posts are better, compare different social pages and to make report of social media activity. It`s fast, convinient and simple to use. Just 2 min to analyse any page.
Evidence석진 김The document expresses anger that another roleplay community appears to have copied ideas from their community. It notes that the other community's roleplay was created after theirs, and shares similarities like a bowling alley and casino that causes the author to believe their ideas were copied without permission. The author demands that the other community stop taking their ideas and expresses frustration over the apparent copying.
Indemnity insurancelightyyy2With today’s growing compensation culture professional indemnity insurance cover is probably the most important cover you need.For More Information, Visit: http://www.coulsonpritchard.co.uk
Experience EverywhereLiam J. O'MalleyThe document discusses The CHR Group's ExperienceEverywhere strategy for helping companies build loyalty with connected customers across digital and physical channels. It emphasizes the need to provide personalized, relevant experiences wherever and however customers engage. The strategy involves examining a company's brand, infrastructure, and data to create a 360-degree view of customers and optimize their journeys. This can increase efficiencies, engagement, loyalty and ROI. The strategy is implemented through clear requirements and identifying the best platforms and processes.
Psicología ForenseMajo PaniaguaThis document is a collection of 6 photos from various photographers with captions below each photo. The photos appear to depict different landscapes and outdoor scenes. The document concludes by inviting the viewer to create their own presentation using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare.
Popsters - сервис статистики и аналитики контента социальных сетейArseniy KushnirPopsters помогает пользователям проанализировать любую интересующую страницу в социальной сети и определить, какой контент интереснее и полезнее для пользователей. Сервис показывает статистику, показывает графики и активность в разное время суток, а также позволяет выгрузить все посты в Excel.
Audio visuals non linear power pointMarie JosephAudio visual tools like digital cameras, whiteboards, and projectors can enhance teaching by engaging students with video, interactive drawings, and large visual displays. However, technologies like digital whiteboards can be expensive for regular classrooms. Optical discs provide durable storage of audio and video but require maintenance. Overall, integrating multimedia tools across the curriculum may help education stay relevant in an increasingly digital world, though technical issues need addressing.
TrunnionSabina270688Our three core values are Safety, Integrity and Respect. Our five performance values of Accountability, Achievement, Creativity, Speed and Teamwork define what needs to be done to succeed in business today. These core and performance values together guide the company.
12 Critcal Do's and Don'ts of Glass-Lined EquipmentDe Dietrich Process Systems, Inc.By following the best practices outlined in this presentation and avoiding the “don’ts” that go along with them, you can prevent unnecessary damage from occurring to your glass-lined equipment.
Hamid alamHamid Alam HamidParticipant roles indicate the relations between verbs, predicators, and referring expressions in a sentence. The main participant roles are agent, affected, instrument, and location. The agent is the person carrying out the action, the affected is the thing the action is carried out upon, the instrument is the thing used to carry out the action, and the location is where the action takes place. Examples are provided to illustrate each participant role.
5 Reasons Your Process Could Benefit from Glass-Lined SteelDe Dietrich Process Systems, Inc.Glass-lined steel process equipment is used in virtually all of the world’s pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities and is also widely employed by the chemical, petrochemical, pesticide, metallurgical and food industries. Here are the advantages in using this unique material of construction.
Engineered SystemsDe Dietrich Process Systems, Inc.DDPS provides customized engineered systems for processes requiring high purity or handling corrosive materials. They offer a full range of engineering services from feasibility studies to installation and maintenance. Their systems include modular equipment, quality assurance testing, and can be tailored for various applications in industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and semiconductors. DDPS designs and builds complete turnkey systems or can supplement existing equipment.
Russian-speaking Users of Social Media’s Activity ReportArseniy KushnirResearching of activity russian-speaking users relatively different types of content in Social Media for 2016.
Report based on data of activity in VK, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and OK social media's/
Based on https://popsters.us/ data
Sampling SystemsDe Dietrich Process Systems, Inc.Learn about the different types of sampling systems available for taking representative samples from pharmaceutical and chemical processes.
Исследование активности русскоязычной аудитории в социальных сетях в 2016. На...Arseniy KushnirИсследование активности русскоязычной аудитории в социальных сетях.
Представлены данные о наиболее активных днях недели, времени суток, наиболее популярном контенте, статистика вовлеченности аудитории в зависимости от социальной сети и количества подписчиков.
Представлена статистика по социальным сетям ВКонтакте, Facebook, Instagram, Одноклассники, Twitter и YouTube.
Источник: статистика активности более 25 млн публикаций от 17 тысяч русскоязычных сообществ за 2016 год, проанализированных в сервисе Popsters.
Experience EverywhereLiam J. O'MalleyThe document discusses The CHR Group's ExperienceEverywhere strategy for helping companies build loyalty with connected customers across digital and physical channels. It emphasizes the need to provide personalized, relevant experiences wherever and however customers engage. The strategy involves examining a company's brand, infrastructure, and data to create a 360-degree view of customers and optimize their journeys. This can increase efficiencies, engagement, loyalty and ROI. The strategy is implemented through clear requirements and identifying the best platforms and processes.
Psicología ForenseMajo PaniaguaThis document is a collection of 6 photos from various photographers with captions below each photo. The photos appear to depict different landscapes and outdoor scenes. The document concludes by inviting the viewer to create their own presentation using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare.
Popsters - сервис статистики и аналитики контента социальных сетейArseniy KushnirPopsters помогает пользователям проанализировать любую интересующую страницу в социальной сети и определить, какой контент интереснее и полезнее для пользователей. Сервис показывает статистику, показывает графики и активность в разное время суток, а также позволяет выгрузить все посты в Excel.
Audio visuals non linear power pointMarie JosephAudio visual tools like digital cameras, whiteboards, and projectors can enhance teaching by engaging students with video, interactive drawings, and large visual displays. However, technologies like digital whiteboards can be expensive for regular classrooms. Optical discs provide durable storage of audio and video but require maintenance. Overall, integrating multimedia tools across the curriculum may help education stay relevant in an increasingly digital world, though technical issues need addressing.
TrunnionSabina270688Our three core values are Safety, Integrity and Respect. Our five performance values of Accountability, Achievement, Creativity, Speed and Teamwork define what needs to be done to succeed in business today. These core and performance values together guide the company.
12 Critcal Do's and Don'ts of Glass-Lined EquipmentDe Dietrich Process Systems, Inc.By following the best practices outlined in this presentation and avoiding the “don’ts” that go along with them, you can prevent unnecessary damage from occurring to your glass-lined equipment.
Hamid alamHamid Alam HamidParticipant roles indicate the relations between verbs, predicators, and referring expressions in a sentence. The main participant roles are agent, affected, instrument, and location. The agent is the person carrying out the action, the affected is the thing the action is carried out upon, the instrument is the thing used to carry out the action, and the location is where the action takes place. Examples are provided to illustrate each participant role.
5 Reasons Your Process Could Benefit from Glass-Lined SteelDe Dietrich Process Systems, Inc.Glass-lined steel process equipment is used in virtually all of the world’s pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities and is also widely employed by the chemical, petrochemical, pesticide, metallurgical and food industries. Here are the advantages in using this unique material of construction.
Engineered SystemsDe Dietrich Process Systems, Inc.DDPS provides customized engineered systems for processes requiring high purity or handling corrosive materials. They offer a full range of engineering services from feasibility studies to installation and maintenance. Their systems include modular equipment, quality assurance testing, and can be tailored for various applications in industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and semiconductors. DDPS designs and builds complete turnkey systems or can supplement existing equipment.
Russian-speaking Users of Social Media’s Activity ReportArseniy KushnirResearching of activity russian-speaking users relatively different types of content in Social Media for 2016.
Report based on data of activity in VK, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and OK social media's/
Based on https://popsters.us/ data
Sampling SystemsDe Dietrich Process Systems, Inc.Learn about the different types of sampling systems available for taking representative samples from pharmaceutical and chemical processes.
Исследование активности русскоязычной аудитории в социальных сетях в 2016. На...Arseniy KushnirИсследование активности русскоязычной аудитории в социальных сетях.
Представлены данные о наиболее активных днях недели, времени суток, наиболее популярном контенте, статистика вовлеченности аудитории в зависимости от социальной сети и количества подписчиков.
Представлена статистика по социальным сетям ВКонтакте, Facebook, Instagram, Одноклассники, Twitter и YouTube.
Источник: статистика активности более 25 млн публикаций от 17 тысяч русскоязычных сообществ за 2016 год, проанализированных в сервисе Popsters.