1. The document discusses social networks from the perspective of a biological and brain scientist. It analyzes social networks as an example of a complex system and discusses properties like scale-free networks, preferential attachment, and small world phenomena.
2. The text provides examples of analyzing the scale-free nature of networks of sexual contacts and discusses how connections in such dynamic networks can be analyzed over short time windows.
3. It emphasizes viewing social networks through the lens of complexity theory rather than simple models of stability, and suggests leveraging properties of complex networks like hubs, weak ties, and collective intelligence to influence information diffusion.
9. Zipf’s Law
George Zipf's 1949 observation that the frequency of words used in the
English language followed a powerlaw distribution is a profound thing. It
not only defined ‘Zipf's Law’, which gives a simple rule to explain why
some words (e.g. the, of, and) are far more commonly used than others.
10. The scale-free nature of the web of sexual contacts.
• They analyze data gathered in a 1996
Swedish survey of sexual behavior. The
survey--involving a random sample of
4781 Swedish individuals (ages 18-74 yr)--
used structured personal interviews and
questionnaires to collect information.
• The response rate was 59 percent,
corresponding to 2810 respondents.
Connections in the network of sexual
contacts appear and disappear as sexual
relations are initiated and terminated.
• To analyze the connectivity of this dynamic
network, whose links may be quite short
lived, we first analyze the number k of sex
partners over a relatively short time
window--the twelve months prior to the
12. 1. Introduction : Self-Organization
- A process of attraction and repulsion in which the internal organization of a system,
normally an open system, increases in complexity without being guided or managed
by an outside source (From Wikipedia)
- Typically displays Emergent Properties
Self-Organized Criticality:
The origin of 1/f in the Brain
13. Complex Systems
• Nonlinear basic unit/individual
• Nonlinear interactions among units
• Complex and ordered structures
• Intrinsic stochastic noises
• Dynamical transition of the states
• Rich phenomena:
chaos, fractal, small-world effect, scale-free behavior,
intermittency, bursting, and synchronization.
• Dynamical adaptation!
• Wake from your reverie “homeostasis and stability.”
• Focus on the complexity of the system!
• Only a short-term prediction is possible.
• Interdisciplinary research will be more preferable and useful.
15. Breakdown of a fractal physiological control mechanism can lead
ultimately either to a highly periodic output dominated by a single scale or
to uncorrelated randomness.
20. Suggestions
• Social network 은 complex systems 의 전형적인 예 중 하나
다. Complex network 의 창발성을 활용하자!
• 공공캠페인을 위해 Worldwide Web, Blogosphere 등을 적극
적으로 활용하자!
• Diffusion of Buzz: 매력적인 바이러스를 만들자!
• ‘Information Cascade’를 이끌어내자!
• 허브와 커넥터를 공략하자!
• ‘약한 유대의 힘’을 활용하자!
• 자발적인 참여, 공유, 개방을 활용하자!