2. Title Develop reasoning to answer curved motion questions Using a package
of learning activities and learning theories as a foundation
for 4/1 student in the second semester of 2022 academic year.
Researcher Mrs. Nalai Rinrith
Research facility Muangpanpattanawit School.
Year of Research 2022
This classroom action research aimed to: 1) To develop students' reasoning to answer
questions about curved motion. 2) For students to have higher academic achievement atthe.01
level. 3) To study the satisfaction of students learning by using curved motion learning activities
package.Thetargetgroupisstudentsin Mathayomsuksa 4/1, where studied the subject ว31202
Physics on curved motion. in the second semester of 2022 academic year, Muangpanpattanawit
School, Muangpan district, Lampang province, there are 12 students who are studying about
curved motion. The research instruments were the curved motion learning activities package, the
achievement on curved motion learning activities package, the satisfaction assessment form on
studying and the learning plan. The statistics used in the data analysis were percentage, mean,
standard deviation, efficiency of curved motion learning activities package, and t value (t-test,
the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rang test).
The results of the research showed that efficiency of process and outcome were
82.31/70.83. Students learn to refer to calculations, rules, theories, principles or experimental
results in explanations to answer questions. The achievement means of the post-test scores of
the students taught by using the curved motion learning activities package were higher than the
mean of the pre-test scores at the .01 level of significant. Student satisfaction with learning
activities by using curved motion learning activities package, the mean was 4.18 which in the
very satisfied level. Reflection on the results of learning activities from the teaching record form
It was found that the students were happy when doing the experiment. And students use rules,
theories, principles as rationale to answer the question of curved motion increasing rather than
experimental and computational results.