Портфолио PR-менеджераAzazar19Это небольшой пример портфолио PR-специалиста.
Здесь собраны наиболее наглядные примеры моей работы, полное же описание моего опыта можно посмотреть по ссылке "резюме" или же просто пригласив меня на собеседование)
Как сделать резюме: презентации на основании книги https://resumenamillion.ruMike PritulaКак сделать резюме, пишет автор книги "Резюме на миллион": https://resumenamillion.ru
Jason Quann - Visual ResumeJason QuannThis document outlines the author's qualifications and experience. It discusses that the author was born and raised in the location, has a business degree from there, and currently lives and works there. It then details the author's experience as a marketing professional from 2005 to the present, including roles in project management, informing sales forces, and postmortem analysis. The document highlights some of the author's recent performance accomplishments and ratings, and provides a link to view presentations.
Rethinking ResumesKarla WilesBooks-A-Million, Inc. announced the appointment of Karla Wiles as Vice President of Marketing. Karla Wiles previously served as executive vice president and director of client services at o2 ideas Inc., where she worked with national retail brands. Terrance G. Finley, President of Books-A-Million's Merchandising Group, said Karla brings experience in brand development and retail along with knowledge of consumer segments and market trends.
Carl Pullein Resume 2.0Fandcorp English SolutionsCarl Pullein is an English teacher from Leeds, UK who has lived in Seoul, South Korea since 2002. He originally graduated with an Honors Law Degree in 2001 but then worked in various jobs until moving to Korea in 2002 where he fell in love with the country. He has worked as a teacher and academic director in Korea and now runs his own international communication company. In his free time, he enjoys running, photography, and traveling.
Social Media ResumeChris FerdinandiThe document is a resume or profile for someone who works in human resources and social media. They have a passion for helping people put ideas into action through project management. Their goal is to make a significant positive impact, or "make a dent in the universe", by helping other people do the same. They list relevant skills and experiences and ask how they can help the reader.
My ANTI-Resume ManifestoDavid CrandallFed up with the way our modern day world uses outdated techniques in the job world? I give you My ANTI-Resume Manifesto. It's like no resume you've ever seen before!
Директор и дирекция по развитию на аутсорсингеValery SkorohodДиректор и дирекция по развитию на аутсорсинге - новомодное течение или элемент здравого смысла???
Как построить карьеру в интернет-маркетингеНетологияВидеозапись открытого занятия «Интернет-маркетолог: как построить успешную карьеру?» смотрите по ссылке: http://bit.ly/1mvARZv
Интернет-маркетологи находятся в авангарде всех битв за привлечение клиентов. Эта профессия давно стала одной из самых значимых и перспективных в интернет-индустрии!
— Какими качествами должен обладать настоящий профессионал?
— Какие направления интернет-маркетинга существуют?
— Как быстро найти работу мечты и продвинуться по карьерной лестнице?
— Как найти хорошего интернет-маркетолога в штат?
— Сколько зарабатывают успешные интернет-специалисты?
Как сделать резюме: презентации на основании книги https://resumenamillion.ruMike PritulaКак сделать резюме, пишет автор книги "Резюме на миллион": https://resumenamillion.ru
Jason Quann - Visual ResumeJason QuannThis document outlines the author's qualifications and experience. It discusses that the author was born and raised in the location, has a business degree from there, and currently lives and works there. It then details the author's experience as a marketing professional from 2005 to the present, including roles in project management, informing sales forces, and postmortem analysis. The document highlights some of the author's recent performance accomplishments and ratings, and provides a link to view presentations.
Rethinking ResumesKarla WilesBooks-A-Million, Inc. announced the appointment of Karla Wiles as Vice President of Marketing. Karla Wiles previously served as executive vice president and director of client services at o2 ideas Inc., where she worked with national retail brands. Terrance G. Finley, President of Books-A-Million's Merchandising Group, said Karla brings experience in brand development and retail along with knowledge of consumer segments and market trends.
Carl Pullein Resume 2.0Fandcorp English SolutionsCarl Pullein is an English teacher from Leeds, UK who has lived in Seoul, South Korea since 2002. He originally graduated with an Honors Law Degree in 2001 but then worked in various jobs until moving to Korea in 2002 where he fell in love with the country. He has worked as a teacher and academic director in Korea and now runs his own international communication company. In his free time, he enjoys running, photography, and traveling.
Social Media ResumeChris FerdinandiThe document is a resume or profile for someone who works in human resources and social media. They have a passion for helping people put ideas into action through project management. Their goal is to make a significant positive impact, or "make a dent in the universe", by helping other people do the same. They list relevant skills and experiences and ask how they can help the reader.
My ANTI-Resume ManifestoDavid CrandallFed up with the way our modern day world uses outdated techniques in the job world? I give you My ANTI-Resume Manifesto. It's like no resume you've ever seen before!
Директор и дирекция по развитию на аутсорсингеValery SkorohodДиректор и дирекция по развитию на аутсорсинге - новомодное течение или элемент здравого смысла???
Как построить карьеру в интернет-маркетингеНетологияВидеозапись открытого занятия «Интернет-маркетолог: как построить успешную карьеру?» смотрите по ссылке: http://bit.ly/1mvARZv
Интернет-маркетологи находятся в авангарде всех битв за привлечение клиентов. Эта профессия давно стала одной из самых значимых и перспективных в интернет-индустрии!
— Какими качествами должен обладать настоящий профессионал?
— Какие направления интернет-маркетинга существуют?
— Как быстро найти работу мечты и продвинуться по карьерной лестнице?
— Как найти хорошего интернет-маркетолога в штат?
— Сколько зарабатывают успешные интернет-специалисты?
Шмаков Сергей Вячеславович
Дата рождения 22,09,1992
Знание языков:
1. Русский
2. Украинский
3. Английский (базовое)
Основные языки программирования:
1. Delphi
2. C++
3. php
Опыт работы:
1. Установка и обслуживание охранных систем и систем видеонаблюдения
2. Установка и обслуживание систем автоматизации предприятий
3. Продавец-консультант в компьютерном магазине
4. Разработчик сайтовв рекламном агентстве
Публикации в письменных изданиях
1. Труд для МАНК по теме в сфере «радиоэлектроника»