Week 3 - Western Expansion and Homestead ActJenSantry Here are the key reasons large-scale agriculture was able to overcome the demise of bonanza farms in the late 1800s:
- Development of new technologies like tractors, harvesters, and other farm machinery that reduced labor needs and improved efficiency compared to the horse and manual labor-intensive bonanza farms. This made large operations more viable.
- Use of scientific innovations like crop rotation, new varieties of crops, drainage improvements, fertilizers, and breeding techniques that increased yields and productivity per acre.
- Transportation infrastructure like railroads matured, improving access to larger markets for commodity crops. This allowed economies of scale.
- Business models evolved from the risky boom-bust bonanza farms to more stable large landhold
Varnita-Bender Community Projectdoina_morariThis document describes a community project aimed at promoting healthy behaviors and environmental protection. The project's goals were to persuade people to quit smoking and littering, and to raise awareness about preserving the environment for future generations. Students interviewed community members about smoking and littering, offered smokers fruit in exchange for cigarettes, and cleaned a local park. Most feedback was positive, with some smokers open to quitting and others appreciating the clean park, showing the project was effective at reaching its goals.
1800 treat me1800treatme1800 Treat Me is a medical referral service that can help victims of car accidents get quick access to doctors and speed up their recovery process. They provide on-site medical assistance at car accident scenes within minutes, as well as free transportation if needed. As Florida's most trusted personal injury recovery experts, 1800 Treat Me's knowledgeable staff is available at any time to ensure accident victims receive the medical treatment and advice they require during their most vulnerable moments.
Capiel Motori Elettrici efficientiANIE EnergiaThe document discusses guidelines for designing energy efficient motor control systems according to EU regulations. It provides guidance on using high efficiency IE3 motors and determining whether a variable speed drive (VSD) or motor starter is most suitable for a given application. A system-level analysis is needed to evaluate the energy losses and select the most efficient solution based on the application's specific speed and load requirements.
Progress in AgricultureJohn Rennen QuezadaMany scientists have discovered medicines from plants, so agriculture needs improvement. Agriculture provides livelihoods for billions of people worldwide, especially the 1 billion living in extreme poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. Most farmers work small plots less than two hectares and are female. Helping small farmers grow more food and create jobs is an effective way to reduce poverty since agricultural growth reduces poverty twice as much as other industries. Investments in agriculture and rural development help people earn better livings, grow more nutritious food, and build better futures.
The game of things (Access Chisinau)doina_morariThe document describes The Game of Things party game. The game involves players writing responses to provocative prompts about things people do or wouldn't do. Players then read responses aloud and try to guess who wrote each one. The game comes with topic cards, response pads, pencils and instructions. It is meant for 4 or more players and is described as a fun way for friends and family to connect and see similarities and differences in how they think through free association.
How to start your career as a Web DesignerAlexandria WDHow to start your career as web designer. Bit of history: Evolution of Web Design. Difference between UI and UX. Web Designer Tools. Quick guide to start a successful career. Portfolio, Online Social Presence, CV, Interview Tips and Tips & Tricks.
Access is Moldovadoina_morariAccess is described in various positive ways by different groups. It is portrayed as bringing people together from different backgrounds to make friends, learn English, gain experience and skills, and work towards common goals. Access provides opportunities, a sense of community, and hope for the future through English education.
Week 3 - Western Expansion and Homestead ActJenSantry Here are the key reasons large-scale agriculture was able to overcome the demise of bonanza farms in the late 1800s:
- Development of new technologies like tractors, harvesters, and other farm machinery that reduced labor needs and improved efficiency compared to the horse and manual labor-intensive bonanza farms. This made large operations more viable.
- Use of scientific innovations like crop rotation, new varieties of crops, drainage improvements, fertilizers, and breeding techniques that increased yields and productivity per acre.
- Transportation infrastructure like railroads matured, improving access to larger markets for commodity crops. This allowed economies of scale.
- Business models evolved from the risky boom-bust bonanza farms to more stable large landhold
Varnita-Bender Community Projectdoina_morariThis document describes a community project aimed at promoting healthy behaviors and environmental protection. The project's goals were to persuade people to quit smoking and littering, and to raise awareness about preserving the environment for future generations. Students interviewed community members about smoking and littering, offered smokers fruit in exchange for cigarettes, and cleaned a local park. Most feedback was positive, with some smokers open to quitting and others appreciating the clean park, showing the project was effective at reaching its goals.
1800 treat me1800treatme1800 Treat Me is a medical referral service that can help victims of car accidents get quick access to doctors and speed up their recovery process. They provide on-site medical assistance at car accident scenes within minutes, as well as free transportation if needed. As Florida's most trusted personal injury recovery experts, 1800 Treat Me's knowledgeable staff is available at any time to ensure accident victims receive the medical treatment and advice they require during their most vulnerable moments.
Capiel Motori Elettrici efficientiANIE EnergiaThe document discusses guidelines for designing energy efficient motor control systems according to EU regulations. It provides guidance on using high efficiency IE3 motors and determining whether a variable speed drive (VSD) or motor starter is most suitable for a given application. A system-level analysis is needed to evaluate the energy losses and select the most efficient solution based on the application's specific speed and load requirements.
Progress in AgricultureJohn Rennen QuezadaMany scientists have discovered medicines from plants, so agriculture needs improvement. Agriculture provides livelihoods for billions of people worldwide, especially the 1 billion living in extreme poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. Most farmers work small plots less than two hectares and are female. Helping small farmers grow more food and create jobs is an effective way to reduce poverty since agricultural growth reduces poverty twice as much as other industries. Investments in agriculture and rural development help people earn better livings, grow more nutritious food, and build better futures.
The game of things (Access Chisinau)doina_morariThe document describes The Game of Things party game. The game involves players writing responses to provocative prompts about things people do or wouldn't do. Players then read responses aloud and try to guess who wrote each one. The game comes with topic cards, response pads, pencils and instructions. It is meant for 4 or more players and is described as a fun way for friends and family to connect and see similarities and differences in how they think through free association.
How to start your career as a Web DesignerAlexandria WDHow to start your career as web designer. Bit of history: Evolution of Web Design. Difference between UI and UX. Web Designer Tools. Quick guide to start a successful career. Portfolio, Online Social Presence, CV, Interview Tips and Tips & Tricks.
Access is Moldovadoina_morariAccess is described in various positive ways by different groups. It is portrayed as bringing people together from different backgrounds to make friends, learn English, gain experience and skills, and work towards common goals. Access provides opportunities, a sense of community, and hope for the future through English education.
Majaleiger1This document describes the rooms in a dream home, which includes a modern one-storey house with a terrace, a small corridor, a living room with a TV and fireplace, a light, small but clean kitchen, a spacious bedroom with a nice bed, and a guest room with a small desk and two beds.
Odesk test for HTMLNirbanjyoti dasThis slideshare will give you all questions for odesk test for HTML .This is the 2nd set.Please take a look at all other HTML slideshares so that you can get better ideas
2013 boney back mc gee openWill FaganThe document discusses the 2013 Boney Back McGee Open. It lists the top 10 things about this year's open and asks if the reader has any questions.
Menú hay postreKako JaraEste documento presenta el menú de un restaurante que ofrece varias opciones para el desayuno y almuerzo, incluyendo sándwiches, hamburguesas y postres. Describe artículos como tostadas, hotcakes, café y diferentes tipos de bebidas. También incluye la dirección y número de teléfono del restaurante, así como información sobre promociones en su sitio web.
Green buildingsPundlik RathodGreen buildings are designed to reduce environmental impact and improve occupant health through efficient resource use, waste reduction, and enhanced indoor air quality. They are characterized by energy and water conservation, sustainable material selection, and measures to protect environmental and occupant health. Popular standards for green building certification include LEED, Green Globes, and Energy Star. Key aspects of green building include efficient design, construction practices like waste reduction, and selecting sustainable materials. Benefits include environmental, social and economic gains, though higher costs and lack of experience pose obstacles.
Достижения селекции (Science of breeding)Анна СеменоваIt is about history of crop breeding in russian, презентация на русском языке посвящена истории и достижениям селекции овощных, плодовых, полевых культур
4. У высших животных только половой
способ размножения;
Более медленные темпы развития;
Небольшое число потомков;
Наличие нервной системы;
Позднее наступление половой
Отсутствует самооплодотворение
7. Отбор – индивидуальный по фенотипу, для
этого изучают:
1)Экстерьер – совокупность наружных форм
животных, их телосложение;
2)Продуктивность родителей
предшествующих поколений – учитывают
родословные в племенных хозяйствах по
племенным книгам
9. 1)Неродственная внутривидовая
(аутобридинг) – между особями разных пород
(проявляется гетерозис – бройлерные цыплята:
достигают вес 1,4кг за 8 недель)
Тонкорунная овца -
Архар – в
с – шерсть
10. Аутбридинг
Аутбридинг, или неродственное скрещивание
между особями одной породы или разных пород
животных, при дальнейшем строгом отборе приводит
к поддержанию полезных качеств и к усилению их в
ряду следующих поколений.
Немецкая овчарка
сложения. Прекрасно
используетсяво всех
видах служб.
Восточно-европейская овчарка
Породу приспособленной для
работы в Сибири, но она не
выдержала конкуренции с
немецкой овчаркой и сейчас уже
почти не встречается.
Шотландская овчарка (колли)
Сильная собака, с очень густой и
длинной шерстью. Умная,
поддающаяся разнообразной
дрессировке. Собака обладает
врожденной способностью к
пастушьей службе.
15. При инбридинге в качестве исходных форм
используются братья и сестры или родители и потомство
(отец—дочь, мать—сын, двоюродные братья—сестры и т.
При этом гомозиготизация по генам,
контролирующим изучаемый признак, происходит тем
быстрее, чем более близкородственное скрещивание
используют при инбридинге.
Однако гомозиготизация при инбридинге ведет к
ослаблению животных, снижает их устойчивость к
воздействию среды, повышает заболеваемость. Во
избежание этого необходимо проводить строгий отбор
особей, обладающих ценными хозяйственными
17. У домашних животных наблюдается явление
гетерозиса: при межпородных или межвидовых
скрещиваниях у гибридов первого поколения
происходит особенно мощное развитие и
повышение жизнеспособности. Классическим
примером проявления гетерозиса является мул —
гибрид кобылы и осла. Это сильное, выносливое
животное, которое может использоваться в
значительно более трудных условиях, чем
родительские формы.
19. Межвидовые гибриды животных часто бывают
бесплодными. При этом восстановление плодовитости у
животных представляет более сложную задачу. Правда,
в некоторых случаях отдаленная гибридизация
сопровождается нормальным слиянием гамет, обычным
мейозом и дальнейшим развитием зародыша, что
позволило получить некоторые породы, сочетающие
ценные признаки обоих использованных в
гибридизации видов.
21. Лигр
Тигролев - это помесь
самца тигра и самки льва.
Они имеют склонность к
карликовости и обычно по
размерам меньше своих
родителей. Самцы
бесплодны, в то время как
самки порой могут приносить
31. Искусственное осеменение – введение в
половые пути самки спермы
высокопродуктивных самцов;
Полиэмбрионию – образование нескольких
зародышей из одной зиготы ценных пород крс
с последующим их введением для
вынашивания в матку беспородных животных;
Клеточное клонирование – гаплоидные ядра
яйцеклеток ценных племенных животных
замещаются диплоидными из соматических
клеток. Такие зиготы имплантируются в матку
32. Синтез пищевых добавок и
питательных веществ;
Синтез бав – ферментов, витаминов;
Производство лекарств –
Производство кормов для животных
33. Имеют микроскопические
Характерна большая скорость
размножения и роста;
При неблагоприятных условиях
переходят в анабиоз
Содержат небольшое число генов