декупажserval1Хотели бы Вы иметь систему постоянного пассивного дохода в которой:
• получаете % от собственных трат
• % от чужих трат
• % за клиентов определенного предпринимателя
• получить инвестицию в сфере ИТ, туризма
Инструкция по регистрация http://youtu.be/A-wUE29xpCI
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Возникли вопросы? centrpr@gmail.com скайп – ryaboshapka
Niche vs mass ASGroup5Horror films target niche audiences for several reasons:
- Niche audiences are the most interested fans who will see a horror film through to completion and provide feedback to improve the genre.
- Horror films aren't as mainstream as other genres so targeting dedicated horror fans is important to keeping the genre alive.
- Horror films want passionate fans who will enthusiastically support new interpretations in sub-genres like fanaticism, home invasion, and demons/hell.
- These niche sub-genres may not appeal to all but dedicated fans will appreciate the originality and creativity.
The Hero's Journey in Vienna. Demo Guide Peter de KusterThis document introduces the concept of "The Hero's Journey" which is a travel guide through Vienna highlighting stories of creative heroes and heroines who have succeeded in building financially rewarding careers doing what they love. It aims to provide concrete tips and lessons from these individuals to help creative people overcome challenges and find fulfilling work that allows them to express their creativity. The guide will explore how to choose a suitable career path, set goals, avoid common pitfalls, network effectively, create a business plan, and develop the discipline needed to succeed as one's own boss.
IT Resource for Learning in TMU or Everywhere (20131115)Marian WanThis document summarizes the IT resources and e-learning initiatives at Taipei Medical University. It discusses the university's use of an e-learning platform called My2TMU, participation in open online courses (MOOCs), and plans to offer its own MOOCs in the future. Key facts include that My2TMU has over 2 million annual logins and 10,000 members, the university hosts over 1700 podcasts and 78 open courseware programs, and its MOOCs research aims to integrate MOOC content into classroom learning.
2013.ko Batzarrerako txostena dossier para la asamblea anual 2013Portugaleteko Aisialdi SareaDossier completo para la asamblea 2013, memoria de proyectos, balance y presupuesto 2014 de la entidad.
2013.ko batzarrerako txosten osoa, proiektuen txostena, balantzea eta elkarteko 2014,ko aurrekontua
Pertemuan 1 20 sept 2013Frima Dona SpdDokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengembangan kompetensi dan inovasi pembelajaran. Secara singkat, dokumen tersebut membahas upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran melalui pengembangan kompetensi guru dan inovasi metode pembelajaran.
sensibilidad, especidicida, rr,rra,nntejleon91Este documento presenta una tabla de 2x2 para analizar las características de una prueba diagnóstica y calcula la sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo, valor predictivo negativo, riesgo relativo y reducción absoluta de riesgo. La tabla divide los resultados de una prueba en verdaderos positivos, falsos positivos, falsos negativos y verdaderos negativos dependiendo de si los pacientes tienen o no la enfermedad.
sdlc baabtra.com - No. 1 supplier of quality freshersThis document provides an overview of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and different SDLC models, including Waterfall, Incremental, Agile, and Spiral models. It describes the key phases and characteristics of each model, and discusses their advantages and disadvantages. The Waterfall model is a simple linear sequential approach, while Incremental is divided into modules with each release adding functionality. Agile uses rapid iterative cycles for continuous delivery, and Spiral emphasizes risk analysis with repeated planning, risk analysis, engineering and evaluation phases. Understanding SDLC helps improve quality, productivity and reduces risks of going over budget or delivering late.
Exception handling in .netbaabtra.com - No. 1 supplier of quality freshersThis document discusses exception handling in .NET. It defines what exceptions are, how they are handled using try, catch, and finally blocks, and common exception types in .NET. The main points covered are:
- Exceptions are events that disrupt normal program flow due to errors.
- try and catch blocks allow handling exceptions, while finally ensures cleanup code runs.
- Common .NET exceptions inherit from System.Exception.
- Exceptions simplify error handling and make applications more robust.
Marketing Communication : Sales Internship Presentation by Anushree KhandalkarNorthpoint Centre of LearningTime Collection is a watch and accessories retailer co-owned by Mr. Ajit Singbal and Mr. Michael Costa since 2009. They have two outlets in Goa, India, employing 9 salespeople, 1 technician, and 2 store managers. Their product line includes 17 watch brands, 1 sunglasses brand, 1 wall clock brand, and 1 pen brand. The document discusses sales training, challenges faced by salespeople, sales data from a period, perceptions of online watch purchases, opportunities for e-retailers, and lessons learned from a sales internship.
Zakariyya and YahyaMomina MateenThis document provides information about the prophets Zakariya and his son Yahya. It states that Zakariya was saddened by people only working at the temple for power and praise. He prayed to Allah for a son to continue spreading Allah's message. Allah granted Zakariya a son, Yahya, who grew up to be righteous and obedient. Yahya taught the children of Israel to worship Allah alone and establish prayers, fasting, charity and remembrance of Allah in their daily lives. However, Yahya was later unjustly killed by a tyrant for refusing to approve of an unlawful marriage.
Presentation AB Inbev2FV02JonasGregoirThis is a presentation I made about the stock price evolution of AB Inbev, a well known brewery.
You'll see financial en non-financial information and reason that caused the current evolution.
Feel free to say what you like or dislike. That's why I've put it here, to get some feedback.
Mtech projects8130809758This document provides information about a company that offers assistance to M.Tech and M.E students with their research projects. They provide guidance on topics like Verilog, FPGA implementation, circuit design and layout using tools like Cadence, Virtuoso and Matlab. Their services include guidance on project selection, tools training, paper publication and thesis preparation. Interested students can contact them via email or phone for help with their projects.
Pelatihan blogSlameTux ™Blog adalah situs pribadi yang berisi konten tersusun secara kronologis. Ada berbagai jenis blog seperti blog tulisan, audio, video dan foto. Blog dapat berisi cerita pribadi, sejarah, agama, topik tertentu, komunitas, pendidikan, kesehatan, perjalanan, dan kuliner. Membuat dan menulis blog memberikan banyak manfaat seperti media untuk menulis, bercerita, berbagi, belajar, dan promosi.
фабрика елочных игрушекkolekovУрок ручного труда для учителей коррекционных школ. Дети в игровой форме знакомятся с историей возникновения елочной игрушки, ее производством. Выполняют свою елочную игрушку из бросового материала.
ковылина е.к. презентация конусный театр куколkolekovДанная презентация предназначена для учителей трудового обучения коррекционной школы 8 вида. Дети в доступной форме знакомятся с театральной деятельностью, выполняют работы разного уровня сложности, с изготовленными куклами участвуют в сказачной постановке.
ВТОРАЯ ЖИЗНЬ ПЛАСТИКОВОЙ БУТЫЛКИkolekovТворческий проект " Вторая жизнь пластиковой бутылки" Разработан группой учащихся коррекционной школы 8 вида на факультативе "Радуга творчества".
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2013.ko Batzarrerako txostena dossier para la asamblea anual 2013Portugaleteko Aisialdi SareaDossier completo para la asamblea 2013, memoria de proyectos, balance y presupuesto 2014 de la entidad.
2013.ko batzarrerako txosten osoa, proiektuen txostena, balantzea eta elkarteko 2014,ko aurrekontua
Pertemuan 1 20 sept 2013Frima Dona SpdDokumen tersebut membahas tentang pengembangan kompetensi dan inovasi pembelajaran. Secara singkat, dokumen tersebut membahas upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran melalui pengembangan kompetensi guru dan inovasi metode pembelajaran.
sensibilidad, especidicida, rr,rra,nntejleon91Este documento presenta una tabla de 2x2 para analizar las características de una prueba diagnóstica y calcula la sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo, valor predictivo negativo, riesgo relativo y reducción absoluta de riesgo. La tabla divide los resultados de una prueba en verdaderos positivos, falsos positivos, falsos negativos y verdaderos negativos dependiendo de si los pacientes tienen o no la enfermedad.
sdlc baabtra.com - No. 1 supplier of quality freshersThis document provides an overview of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and different SDLC models, including Waterfall, Incremental, Agile, and Spiral models. It describes the key phases and characteristics of each model, and discusses their advantages and disadvantages. The Waterfall model is a simple linear sequential approach, while Incremental is divided into modules with each release adding functionality. Agile uses rapid iterative cycles for continuous delivery, and Spiral emphasizes risk analysis with repeated planning, risk analysis, engineering and evaluation phases. Understanding SDLC helps improve quality, productivity and reduces risks of going over budget or delivering late.
Exception handling in .netbaabtra.com - No. 1 supplier of quality freshersThis document discusses exception handling in .NET. It defines what exceptions are, how they are handled using try, catch, and finally blocks, and common exception types in .NET. The main points covered are:
- Exceptions are events that disrupt normal program flow due to errors.
- try and catch blocks allow handling exceptions, while finally ensures cleanup code runs.
- Common .NET exceptions inherit from System.Exception.
- Exceptions simplify error handling and make applications more robust.
Marketing Communication : Sales Internship Presentation by Anushree KhandalkarNorthpoint Centre of LearningTime Collection is a watch and accessories retailer co-owned by Mr. Ajit Singbal and Mr. Michael Costa since 2009. They have two outlets in Goa, India, employing 9 salespeople, 1 technician, and 2 store managers. Their product line includes 17 watch brands, 1 sunglasses brand, 1 wall clock brand, and 1 pen brand. The document discusses sales training, challenges faced by salespeople, sales data from a period, perceptions of online watch purchases, opportunities for e-retailers, and lessons learned from a sales internship.
Zakariyya and YahyaMomina MateenThis document provides information about the prophets Zakariya and his son Yahya. It states that Zakariya was saddened by people only working at the temple for power and praise. He prayed to Allah for a son to continue spreading Allah's message. Allah granted Zakariya a son, Yahya, who grew up to be righteous and obedient. Yahya taught the children of Israel to worship Allah alone and establish prayers, fasting, charity and remembrance of Allah in their daily lives. However, Yahya was later unjustly killed by a tyrant for refusing to approve of an unlawful marriage.
Presentation AB Inbev2FV02JonasGregoirThis is a presentation I made about the stock price evolution of AB Inbev, a well known brewery.
You'll see financial en non-financial information and reason that caused the current evolution.
Feel free to say what you like or dislike. That's why I've put it here, to get some feedback.
Mtech projects8130809758This document provides information about a company that offers assistance to M.Tech and M.E students with their research projects. They provide guidance on topics like Verilog, FPGA implementation, circuit design and layout using tools like Cadence, Virtuoso and Matlab. Their services include guidance on project selection, tools training, paper publication and thesis preparation. Interested students can contact them via email or phone for help with their projects.
Pelatihan blogSlameTux ™Blog adalah situs pribadi yang berisi konten tersusun secara kronologis. Ada berbagai jenis blog seperti blog tulisan, audio, video dan foto. Blog dapat berisi cerita pribadi, sejarah, agama, topik tertentu, komunitas, pendidikan, kesehatan, perjalanan, dan kuliner. Membuat dan menulis blog memberikan banyak manfaat seperti media untuk menulis, bercerita, berbagi, belajar, dan promosi.
фабрика елочных игрушекkolekovУрок ручного труда для учителей коррекционных школ. Дети в игровой форме знакомятся с историей возникновения елочной игрушки, ее производством. Выполняют свою елочную игрушку из бросового материала.
ковылина е.к. презентация конусный театр куколkolekovДанная презентация предназначена для учителей трудового обучения коррекционной школы 8 вида. Дети в доступной форме знакомятся с театральной деятельностью, выполняют работы разного уровня сложности, с изготовленными куклами участвуют в сказачной постановке.
ВТОРАЯ ЖИЗНЬ ПЛАСТИКОВОЙ БУТЫЛКИkolekovТворческий проект " Вторая жизнь пластиковой бутылки" Разработан группой учащихся коррекционной школы 8 вида на факультативе "Радуга творчества".
2. Декупаж - это вид прикладного творчества
представляющий собой технику декорирования
разнообразных поверхностей с помощью нанесения
напечатанных полиграфическим способом картинок с
последующей лакировкой полученного изображения для
защиты от внешних воздействий. Французский термин
«decoupage» происходит от слова «decouper» —
3. Декупаж позволяет декорировать мебель, коробки,
шкатулки, разделочные доски, скатерти, салфетки и
еще очень многое. После завершения всех этапов
работы, картинка выглядеть как нарисованная.
15. Объёмный декупаж или 3d декупаж — это
искусство создания трёхмерных
изображений из плоской печати.
17. Для работы потребуются:
Клей (можно использовать
специальный клей для
декупажа или
разбавленный водой ПВА)
Кисточка плоская
Цветные трехслойные
Акриловая краска
19. Шаг 2
Выбранный мотив очень тщательно вырезать
и расслоить. Для работы необходим только
верхний цветной слой.
20. Шаг 3
Приложить вырезанный мотив к изделию. Покрыть
клеем от центра к краям рисунка. Салфетку
полностью пропитать клеем, а рисунок тщательно и
аккуратно разгладить кистью.
Время высыхания и обработка поверхности после высыхания
зависит от использованного клея.
21. Пока клей сохнет,
можно придать
изделию немного
шарма и
Акриловую краску
следует наносить
очень тонким слоем
сухой кистью или
22. Покрыть всю поверхность акриловым лаком и
дать ему высохнуть.
Сохнет лак, в среднем, 15-20 минут
24. Используемые материалы
1. Юсель С., Декупаж: Самая полная энциклопедия, АСТ-ПРЕСС Книга, 2010 г.
2. Воронова О.В., Декупаж. Новые идеи, оригинальные техники.,
Эксмо, 2010г.
3. Рыбальченко Людмила Константиновна, «Презентация декупаж»
4. http://dcpg.ru/events/?sortby=cost&page=1
5. http://www.3-color.ru/info/masterold/dekupaj.html
6. http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/lenusik131313/post132248269/
7. http://forum.os-world.ru/viewtopic.php?p=555
8. http://club.osinka.ru/topic-37314?&start=1110