Disco durochristianbryanEl documento describe las características y el funcionamiento del disco duro. Explica que el disco duro almacena programas y archivos de forma permanente y está compuesto de platos magnéticos que giran rápidamente. También detalla algunas de las características clave de los discos duros como su capacidad de almacenamiento, velocidad de rotación, tiempo de acceso y tamaño de búfer. Finalmente, ofrece recomendaciones sobre cómo elegir un disco duro y mantenerlo en buen estado.
Blu rayDany Kriz LoveEl documento proporciona información sobre Blu-ray disc. Blu-ray disc es un formato de disco óptico desarrollado por la BDA que ofrece alta definición y mayor capacidad de almacenamiento que DVD. Usa un láser azul que permite almacenar más datos que DVD en un disco del mismo tamaño. Un lector de Blu-ray es un dispositivo que puede leer CD, DVD y Blu-ray disc usando este láser azul.
ECMG & EMMG protocolaniruddh TyagiThe document provides implementation guidelines for using the DVB Simulcrypt standard, including describing the architecture and protocols, clarifying differences between protocol versions, explaining state diagrams and processes, and providing recommendations for error handling, redundancy management, and custom signaling. It aims to facilitate reliable implementation of the Simulcrypt model and interfaces between broadcasters, network operators, and manufacturers.
Exposé Carte MèRe : hadi ila wehelti ;)TheCrazyMan
External memory - Computer ArchitectureBretz Harllynne MoltioMagnetic disks remain the most important component of external memory. Data is recorded on disks through magnetic read and write heads. Disks are organized into tracks and sectors for efficient data access. RAID systems provide data redundancy or higher performance through striping and mirroring across multiple disks. Optical disks like CDs and DVDs store data through microscopic pits and lands read by lasers, and use constant linear velocity to increase storage capacity toward the disk edge.
Presentación mbr y gptgonsu90El documento compara las características de MBR y GUID (GPT) para particionar discos. MBR usa la BIOS estándar y soporta hasta 4 particiones primarias o 3 primarias y 1 extendida con 128 lógicas, cada una de hasta 2 TB. GUID usa la interfaz EFI, soporta hasta 128 particiones primarias de hasta 256 TB cada una y es compatible con sistemas de 64 bits y servidores.
How ubuntu works???Nirma UniversityThe document discusses various aspects of the Ubuntu operating system including how it boots using GRUB, its use of the EXT file system, desktop management tools like GDM and Nautilus, and software management with tools like Synaptic and the Ubuntu Software Centre. Security features are mentioned as well as the file structure of an Ubuntu system. The author's own projects involving customizing Ubuntu are also briefly described.
Disco durogracia gariEl documento proporciona una definición de disco duro, describiendo sus componentes principales como platos magnéticos giratorios y cabezales de lectura/escritura. Luego resume las características clave de un disco duro como su tiempo de acceso, latencia y velocidad de rotación, así como su capacidad de almacenamiento mediante particiones primarias, extendidas y lógicas divididas en sectores. Finalmente, explica el sistema de direccionamiento de un disco duro en términos de platos, caras, pistas, cil
LAS16-402: ARM Trusted Firmware – from Enterprise to EmbeddedLinaroLAS16-402: ARM Trusted Firmware – from Enterprise to Embedded
Date: September 29, 2016
★ Session Description ★
ARM Trusted Firmware has established itself as a key part of the ARMv8-A software stack. Broadening its applicability across all segments, from embedded to enterprise, is challenging. This session discusses the latest developments, including extension into the 32-bit space.
★ Resources ★
Etherpad: pad.linaro.org/p/las16-402
Presentations & Videos: http://connect.linaro.org/resource/las16/las16-402/
★ Event Details ★
Linaro Connect Las Vegas 2016 – #LAS16
September 26-30, 2016
Componentes internos de la PCazu2010Este documento describe los principales componentes internos de una computadora personal. Explica que la placa madre es la base central donde se conectan los demás componentes como el procesador, la memoria RAM, las tarjetas de expansión y otros dispositivos. También describe otros componentes clave como la fuente de alimentación, las unidades de almacenamiento como el disco duro y las unidades ópticas, y tarjetas como las de video y sonido.
Storage devicesInternational Islamic UniversityStorage devices store information to be recalled later and come in three main types: magnetic, optical, and flash memory. Magnetic storage uses disks or tapes and can be internal or external hard drives. Optical storage includes CDs, DVDs, and uses lasers to read and write data on disks. Flash memory cards have no moving parts and provide portable storage. Larger storage capacities are available but come at increased cost versus performance.
Ch11 file system implementationAbdullah Al ShiamThis document summarizes key aspects of file system implementation discussed in Chapter 11. It describes the layered structure of file systems, with device drivers, the basic file system, file organization module, and logical file system layers. It also discusses important on-disk and in-memory file system structures like the boot block, superblock, file control blocks, and in-memory structures like the mount table. Common allocation methods like contiguous and linked allocation are explained. Directory implementation as linked lists or hash tables is covered as well.
Introduction to Linux DriversAnil Kumar PugaliaThis document provides an introduction to Linux drivers. It discusses the ecosystem of Linux drivers, types of Linux drivers, driver layering, related commands and configurations. It also guides the reader in creating their first Linux driver, covering basics like the module constructor, destructor, printk function and building the driver module.
2012 NISSAN Altima GCC POWER CONTROL SYSTEM SERVICE MANUALOBD CodexThis document provides information about the power control system on a vehicle, including:
1. The power control system has several subsystems like the relay control system, power control system, signal buffer system, and power consumption control system.
2. The diagnosis system section describes how to diagnose issues using the intelligent power distribution module engine room (IPDM E/R) and its diagnosis and consult functions.
3. The DTC/circuit diagnosis section provides troubleshooting steps for specific diagnostic trouble codes related to the ignition relay, accessory relay, blower relay, and other components.
Disk management serveranilinvnsThe document discusses disk partitioning, formatting, and different types of storage in Windows Server 2008. It defines basic disk storage using primary and extended partitions, and dynamic disk storage which allows volumes to span multiple disks. The different types of dynamic storage volumes are described - simple, spanned, striped, mirrored, and RAID-5. Steps are provided to create each type of volume on dynamic disks in Windows Server 2008.
BeagleBone Black Booting ProcessSysPlay eLearning Academy for YouThe document discusses the booting process of the BeagleBone Black. It begins with an overview of the PC and BeagleBone booting processes. It then covers booting through an SD card, including partitioning and creating a root filesystem. The document introduces bootloaders like U-Boot, describes serial booting, and how to add commands to U-Boot. It provides hands-on examples of bringing up the BeagleBone board from recovery.
Uefi and biosShubham PendharkarThis document discusses the differences between BIOS and UEFI firmware interfaces that initialize hardware and boot operating systems on computers. BIOS has been used for over 25 years but has limitations. UEFI was created in 2005 to replace BIOS and overcome its limitations. UEFI supports larger disk sizes and partitions, a graphical interface, and can be programmed in C/C++, while BIOS is programmed in hex/assembly and has a non-graphical interface. The document recommends writing a program to test if a computer is booted using the legacy BIOS or newer UEFI firmware interface.
06 External MemoryJeanie Delos ArcosThe document discusses various types of external memory including magnetic disk, RAID, removable optical disks, and magnetic tape. It provides details on magnetic disk technology including materials, read/write mechanisms, data organization, and disk formatting. It also describes different RAID levels from 0 to 6 and their characteristics. Finally, it covers optical storage technologies like CD-ROM, CD-R, DVD, and compares their capabilities.
Architecture de l'ordinateur Et Systeme d'exploitationTunisie collègeSupports de cours : architecture de l'ordinateur et système d'exploitation pour 7ème année debase
Types of ramAnil PoudyalRandom access memory (RAM) is a form of volatile computer memory that allows for quick reading and writing of data. RAM was invented in 1947 using Williams tubes, then improved with magnetic core memory in the 1940s-1970s. Dynamic RAM (DRAM) stores each bit in a separate capacitor and needs periodic refreshing, while static RAM (SRAM) retains data without refreshing and is used for computer caches. Both DRAM and SRAM are now integrated circuits with DRAM primarily in personal computers and SRAM in computer caches.
Jagan Teki - U-boot from scratchlinuxlab_confU-Boot project has evolved in the time span of over 17 years and so as its complexity and its uses. This has made it a daunting task in getting started with its development and uses. This talk will address all these issues start with overview, features, efforts created by community and future plans.
The U-Boot project has evolved in the time span of over 17 years and so as its complexity and its uses. This has made it a daunting task in getting started with its development and uses. This talk will address all these issues and share development efforts created by the U-Boot community.
In this talk Jagan Teki(Maintainer for Allwinner SoC, SPI, SPI FLASH Subsystems) will introduce U-Boot from scratch with a brief overview of U-Boot history, U-Boot Proper, SPL, TPL, Build process and Startup sequence. He will talk about other preliminaries such as Image booting, Falcon Mode, Secure Boot and U-Boot features like device tree, device overlays, driver model and DFU, etc.
Once giving enough introduction, he will also talk about steps to port U-Boot to new hardware with a demo, along with U-Boot testing process. Finally, he will address and review ongoing development work, issues and future development regarding U-Boot.
مقدمة فى الحاسب الالىguest98ae80يعرض مكونات الحاسب المادية والبرمجية
والعمليات التى تتم به داخل جهاز الكمبيوتر
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Presentación mbr y gptgonsu90El documento compara las características de MBR y GUID (GPT) para particionar discos. MBR usa la BIOS estándar y soporta hasta 4 particiones primarias o 3 primarias y 1 extendida con 128 lógicas, cada una de hasta 2 TB. GUID usa la interfaz EFI, soporta hasta 128 particiones primarias de hasta 256 TB cada una y es compatible con sistemas de 64 bits y servidores.
How ubuntu works???Nirma UniversityThe document discusses various aspects of the Ubuntu operating system including how it boots using GRUB, its use of the EXT file system, desktop management tools like GDM and Nautilus, and software management with tools like Synaptic and the Ubuntu Software Centre. Security features are mentioned as well as the file structure of an Ubuntu system. The author's own projects involving customizing Ubuntu are also briefly described.
Disco durogracia gariEl documento proporciona una definición de disco duro, describiendo sus componentes principales como platos magnéticos giratorios y cabezales de lectura/escritura. Luego resume las características clave de un disco duro como su tiempo de acceso, latencia y velocidad de rotación, así como su capacidad de almacenamiento mediante particiones primarias, extendidas y lógicas divididas en sectores. Finalmente, explica el sistema de direccionamiento de un disco duro en términos de platos, caras, pistas, cil
LAS16-402: ARM Trusted Firmware – from Enterprise to EmbeddedLinaroLAS16-402: ARM Trusted Firmware – from Enterprise to Embedded
Date: September 29, 2016
★ Session Description ★
ARM Trusted Firmware has established itself as a key part of the ARMv8-A software stack. Broadening its applicability across all segments, from embedded to enterprise, is challenging. This session discusses the latest developments, including extension into the 32-bit space.
★ Resources ★
Etherpad: pad.linaro.org/p/las16-402
Presentations & Videos: http://connect.linaro.org/resource/las16/las16-402/
★ Event Details ★
Linaro Connect Las Vegas 2016 – #LAS16
September 26-30, 2016
Componentes internos de la PCazu2010Este documento describe los principales componentes internos de una computadora personal. Explica que la placa madre es la base central donde se conectan los demás componentes como el procesador, la memoria RAM, las tarjetas de expansión y otros dispositivos. También describe otros componentes clave como la fuente de alimentación, las unidades de almacenamiento como el disco duro y las unidades ópticas, y tarjetas como las de video y sonido.
Storage devicesInternational Islamic UniversityStorage devices store information to be recalled later and come in three main types: magnetic, optical, and flash memory. Magnetic storage uses disks or tapes and can be internal or external hard drives. Optical storage includes CDs, DVDs, and uses lasers to read and write data on disks. Flash memory cards have no moving parts and provide portable storage. Larger storage capacities are available but come at increased cost versus performance.
Ch11 file system implementationAbdullah Al ShiamThis document summarizes key aspects of file system implementation discussed in Chapter 11. It describes the layered structure of file systems, with device drivers, the basic file system, file organization module, and logical file system layers. It also discusses important on-disk and in-memory file system structures like the boot block, superblock, file control blocks, and in-memory structures like the mount table. Common allocation methods like contiguous and linked allocation are explained. Directory implementation as linked lists or hash tables is covered as well.
Introduction to Linux DriversAnil Kumar PugaliaThis document provides an introduction to Linux drivers. It discusses the ecosystem of Linux drivers, types of Linux drivers, driver layering, related commands and configurations. It also guides the reader in creating their first Linux driver, covering basics like the module constructor, destructor, printk function and building the driver module.
2012 NISSAN Altima GCC POWER CONTROL SYSTEM SERVICE MANUALOBD CodexThis document provides information about the power control system on a vehicle, including:
1. The power control system has several subsystems like the relay control system, power control system, signal buffer system, and power consumption control system.
2. The diagnosis system section describes how to diagnose issues using the intelligent power distribution module engine room (IPDM E/R) and its diagnosis and consult functions.
3. The DTC/circuit diagnosis section provides troubleshooting steps for specific diagnostic trouble codes related to the ignition relay, accessory relay, blower relay, and other components.
Disk management serveranilinvnsThe document discusses disk partitioning, formatting, and different types of storage in Windows Server 2008. It defines basic disk storage using primary and extended partitions, and dynamic disk storage which allows volumes to span multiple disks. The different types of dynamic storage volumes are described - simple, spanned, striped, mirrored, and RAID-5. Steps are provided to create each type of volume on dynamic disks in Windows Server 2008.
BeagleBone Black Booting ProcessSysPlay eLearning Academy for YouThe document discusses the booting process of the BeagleBone Black. It begins with an overview of the PC and BeagleBone booting processes. It then covers booting through an SD card, including partitioning and creating a root filesystem. The document introduces bootloaders like U-Boot, describes serial booting, and how to add commands to U-Boot. It provides hands-on examples of bringing up the BeagleBone board from recovery.
Uefi and biosShubham PendharkarThis document discusses the differences between BIOS and UEFI firmware interfaces that initialize hardware and boot operating systems on computers. BIOS has been used for over 25 years but has limitations. UEFI was created in 2005 to replace BIOS and overcome its limitations. UEFI supports larger disk sizes and partitions, a graphical interface, and can be programmed in C/C++, while BIOS is programmed in hex/assembly and has a non-graphical interface. The document recommends writing a program to test if a computer is booted using the legacy BIOS or newer UEFI firmware interface.
06 External MemoryJeanie Delos ArcosThe document discusses various types of external memory including magnetic disk, RAID, removable optical disks, and magnetic tape. It provides details on magnetic disk technology including materials, read/write mechanisms, data organization, and disk formatting. It also describes different RAID levels from 0 to 6 and their characteristics. Finally, it covers optical storage technologies like CD-ROM, CD-R, DVD, and compares their capabilities.
Architecture de l'ordinateur Et Systeme d'exploitationTunisie collègeSupports de cours : architecture de l'ordinateur et système d'exploitation pour 7ème année debase
Types of ramAnil PoudyalRandom access memory (RAM) is a form of volatile computer memory that allows for quick reading and writing of data. RAM was invented in 1947 using Williams tubes, then improved with magnetic core memory in the 1940s-1970s. Dynamic RAM (DRAM) stores each bit in a separate capacitor and needs periodic refreshing, while static RAM (SRAM) retains data without refreshing and is used for computer caches. Both DRAM and SRAM are now integrated circuits with DRAM primarily in personal computers and SRAM in computer caches.
Jagan Teki - U-boot from scratchlinuxlab_confU-Boot project has evolved in the time span of over 17 years and so as its complexity and its uses. This has made it a daunting task in getting started with its development and uses. This talk will address all these issues start with overview, features, efforts created by community and future plans.
The U-Boot project has evolved in the time span of over 17 years and so as its complexity and its uses. This has made it a daunting task in getting started with its development and uses. This talk will address all these issues and share development efforts created by the U-Boot community.
In this talk Jagan Teki(Maintainer for Allwinner SoC, SPI, SPI FLASH Subsystems) will introduce U-Boot from scratch with a brief overview of U-Boot history, U-Boot Proper, SPL, TPL, Build process and Startup sequence. He will talk about other preliminaries such as Image booting, Falcon Mode, Secure Boot and U-Boot features like device tree, device overlays, driver model and DFU, etc.
Once giving enough introduction, he will also talk about steps to port U-Boot to new hardware with a demo, along with U-Boot testing process. Finally, he will address and review ongoing development work, issues and future development regarding U-Boot.
System software os system and utility ggoodrozanadianaSoftware is a program that consists of a set of instructions that tell the computer how to perform specific operations. There are two main categories of software: system software and application software. System software includes operating systems, utility programs, and firmware. Operating systems function to administer security, manage memory and performance, control networks, provide user interfaces, and more. Common operating systems include Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and various embedded operating systems used in mobile devices. Utility programs are system software that perform maintenance tasks like file management, backup, antivirus scanning, and disk optimization.
Tp1 - Initiation à Java-EclipseLilia SfaxiVisitez http://liliasfaxi.wix.com/liliasfaxi
introduction to computer in arabic class 2Dr. Mazin Mohamed alkathiriintroduction to computer in arabic class no.2 , hardware parts of computer,
university of hadramout.
مكونات الحاسبRayaorThis document outlines the main components of a computer system including both hardware and software. It discusses the memory unit for data storage, the central processing unit for computations, various input units like keyboards and mice, storage units such as hard disks and CDs, and output units like monitors and printers that display or present the results of computations.
Travaux de fin d exercicehassan1488TÉLÉCHARGER VISITEZ CE LIEN : http://www.tifawt.com/economie-et-gestion/travaux-de-fin-dexercice-comptable/
Cours informatique chapitre 1 ordinateur et système d'exploitation 7ème Tunisie collègeCours informatique pour 7ème de base
Ordinateur et système exploitation
Préparé par: Mme Zeineb
عرض بوربوينت للدرس الثالث (أتمتة أدوات المكاتب) لمبحث التكنولوجيا للصف الحادي...EzaldeenQasimرض بوربوينت للدرس الثالث (أتمتة أدوات المكاتب) لمبحث التكنولوجيا للصف الحادي عشر أدبي
المهمه الرابعهaya gamilتعريف القرص الصلب ال Hard Disk بأنه وحدة تخزين للبيانات بجميع أنواعها، وسمي صلبا لأنه مصنوع من مواد صلبة وليست لينة، ويكون مثبتا بداخل الحاسوب وعادة يتكون من أقراص ممغنطة بداخله، ومن خلال رأس مثبتة بداخله عبارة عن لاقط كهرومغناطيسي يقوم بدور قراءة تلك البيانات المخزنة، وعادة يأتي بسعات مختلفة حسب الشركة المصنعة له، هو الجزء الأساسي من بنية الحاسوب والمسؤول عن التخزين الطويل الأمد للبيانات حتى في حالة انقطاع التيار الكهربائي عن الجهاز فهو يقوم بقراءة وتسجيل البيانات بطريقه إلكترونية حیث بإمكانه تخزین كمیة كبیرة من البيانات والمعلومات بالإضافة إلى إمكانية قراءة المعلومات و البيانات بصورة اسرع بكثير من أجهزة تخزين البيانات الأخرى مثل CD-ROM و Tap drives وغيرها من الوسائل التخزينية الأخرى كما أن الغالبية العظمى من المساحة التخزينية تستخدم لحفظ البرامج و تخزينها مثل أنظمة التشغيل المختلفة والبرمجيات المتنوعة والملفات الشخصية
المهمه الرابعهaya gamilتعريف القرص الصلب ال Hard Disk بأنه وحدة تخزين للبيانات بجميع أنواعها، وسمي صلبا لأنه مصنوع من مواد صلبة وليست لينة، ويكون مثبتا بداخل الحاسوب وعادة يتكون من أقراص ممغنطة بداخله، ومن خلال رأس مثبتة بداخله عبارة عن لاقط كهرومغناطيسي يقوم بدور قراءة تلك البيانات المخزنة، وعادة يأتي بسعات مختلفة حسب الشركة المصنعة له، هو الجزء الأساسي من بنية الحاسوب والمسؤول عن التخزين الطويل الأمد للبيانات حتى في حالة انقطاع التيار الكهربائي عن الجهاز فهو يقوم بقراءة وتسجيل البيانات بطريقه إلكترونية حیث بإمكانه تخزین كمیة كبیرة من البيانات والمعلومات بالإضافة إلى إمكانية قراءة المعلومات و البيانات بصورة اسرع بكثير من أجهزة تخزين البيانات الأخرى مثل CD-ROM و Tap drives وغيرها من الوسائل التخزينية الأخرى كما أن الغالبية العظمى من المساحة التخزينية تستخدم لحفظ البرامج و تخزينها مثل أنظمة التشغيل المختلفة والبرمجيات المتنوعة والملفات الشخصية
2. وحدة التخزين الرئيسية
محركات الرقراص Disk Drives
تحتوي وحدة النظام الرئيسية على مجموعة من مشغلت ومحركات الرقراص المختلفة والتي ترتبط
ارتباطا مباشرا باللوحة الم عن طريق وصلت سلكية. ويتم تثبيت الوصلت الخاصة بمحركات
الرقراص باللوحة الم بمقابس خاصة لذلك، فهناك مقبس خاص لتوصيل القرص المرن Floppy
Disk driveومقبسان لتوصيل محركات الرقراص المدمجة مثل أرقراص الـ CD-ROMوأرقراص
الـ DVDوالرقراص الصلبة.
محرك الرقراص الصلبة
محرك الرقراص المدمجة
محرك الرقراص المرنة
3. وحدة التخزين الثانوية
Storage Unit
تقوم هذه الوحدة بدعم ذاكرة الحاسوب الساسية بحفظ البيانات
والمعلومات بصورة دائمة بحيث يمكن الرجوع إليها مستقبل .
ومن أمثلة وحدة التخزين الثانوية :-
جهاز القرص المرن . Floppy Disk
2. جهاز القرص الثابت . Hard Disk
3. جهاز رقاري الرقراص الضوئية . Cd-Rom
4. محرك القرص الصلب
يعتبر القرص الصلب الجهاز الرئيسي الذي
يستخدمه الكمبيوتر لحفظ المعلومات
وتخزينها بصورة دائمة ,
وتشتمل معظم أجهزة
الحاسوب على رقرص
صلب واحد يوجد داخل
الحاسوب .
5. محرك السي دي روم
هو جهاز يقرأ المعلومات المحفوظة على القراص المدمجة
)السي دي روم ( , CD-ROMونعني بالقرص المدمج
السي دي روم ذاكرة القراءة فقط أي
أنه ليمكن الكتابة على القرص المدمج
أو تغيير المعلومات المخزنة فيه .
وتوجد معظم محركات أقراص السي
دي روم داخل الحاسوب .
6. وحدات التخزين الثانوية Secondary Storage
.تخزن بها البيانات التي ل تطلبها وحدة المعالجة فوريا
.تكون موجودة داخل صندوق النظام أو خارجه
أنواع وحدات التخزين :
1- محرك الرقراص المرنة): (Floppy Disk
ويقوم بتخزين البيانات على رقرص بلتستيكي ، يبلغ رقطره 5.3
7. وحدات التخزين الثانوية Secondary Storage Units
أنواع وحدات التخزين :
2- جهاز القرص الصلب ): (Hard Disk
. يسمى أحيانا بالقرص الثابت
. يتميز عن محرك الرقراص المرنة بسرعة رقراءة البيانات
:تختلف أجهزة القرص الصلب بحسب
1- موضعه داخل الصندوق أو خارجه
2- تسعة التخزين 04 , 08 , 002 جيجا بايت
8. وحدات التخزين الثانوية Secondary Storage Units
أنواع وحدات التخزين :
3- محرك الرقراص المدمجة): (CD
يقوم بقراءة البيانات من أرقراص مكونة من مادة
عاكسة للضوء يمكن نقلها وحملها .
: ةجمدملا صارقألا كرحم نم ناعون كانهناك نوعان من محرك الرقراص المدمجة
1- يقرأ الرقراص ول يسمح بالكتابة عليه ويسمى
رقارئ الرقراص الضوئية) (CD- ROM
2- يقرأ الرقراص ويسمح بالكتابة عليها ويسمى بكاتب
الرقراص الضوئية) (CD- WRITTER
الرقراص التي يسمح بالكتابة عليها فهي على نوعين :
أرقراص تسمح بالكتابة مرة واحدة وتسمى CD-R
أرقراص تسمح بالكتابة عدة مرات وتسمى CD-RW
9. وحدات التخزين الثانوية Secondary Storage Units
أنواع وحدات التخزين :
5- محرك أقراص الفيديو الرقمي ) : ( DVD Rom
.يستخدم تقنية ضوئية ) الليزر ( للتخزين
السعه التخزينية لقراصه تساوي 6. أضعاف القرص المدمج
يستخدم غالبا لتسجيل شرائط الفيديو واللعاب الكمبيوترية .