공공데이터, 현재 우리는?Myungjin Lee공공데이터(Open Government Data)에 대한 개념과 설명을 담고 있습니다.
공공데이터의 국가별 사례 및 활용 사례와 국내 공공데이터의 국제적 평가, 공공데이터의 품질 기준, 그리고 더 나은 공공데이터를 위해 필요한 일들에 대해 소개합니다.
LOD(linked open data) part 1 lod 란 무엇인가LiST IncLOD , Linked Open Data 에 대한 소개 자료 입니다. LOD는 공공 데이터를 제공, 공유, 재활용하기 위한 또 하나의 방법이며 오픈 데이터(Open Data) 를 위한 하나의 방법으로 웹을 기반으로 데이터를 공유하여 재활용하고자 방법이며 기술이고 데이터입니다.
Interlinking for Linked DataMyungjin LeeLOD(Linked Open Data)에서의 인터링킹(interlinking)에 대해 소개합니다.
인터링킹의 개념 및 중요성, 그리고 다양한 방법의 인터링킹과 어떻게 활용할 것인지에 대해 담고 있습니다.
Linked Open Data TutorialMyungjin LeeLinked Open Data의 소개부터 구축 및 발행, 그리고 활용방법까지 Linked Open Data의 전 과정에 대한 내용을 포함하고 있습니다.
해당 슬라이드는 CCKorea 주관 Tech 워크숍의 발표자료입니다.
LOD (linked open data) part 2 lod 구축과 현황LiST IncLOD , Linked Open Data 에 대해 구축 절차 및 도구, 사례에 대한 자료 입니다. LOD는 공공 데이터를 제공, 공유, 재활용하기 위한 또 하나의 방법이며 오픈 데이터(Open Data) 를 위한 하나의 방법으로 웹을 기반으로 데이터를 공유하여 재활용하고자 방법이며 기술이고 데이터입니다.
Open Data Conference - Rufus Pollock - Open Knowledge Foundation & CKANOpening-up.euThe document discusses the Open Knowledge Foundation's work in opening data and building tools to make data openly accessible and usable. It highlights CKAN, an open-source data publishing platform, and OpenSpending, a project creating an open map of government spending globally. The Foundation believes that open data, when made available in a standard format and of reasonable quality, can be used in ways not originally anticipated to create new insights when combined and analyzed by others.
The Semantic Web and Linked Open DataHaklae Kim한국 웹20주년 기념 컨퍼런스 발표
- 국내 시맨틱 웹의 간단한 역사와 현재, 미래를 살펴보았던 내용
- 시맨틱 웹의 미래는 지능형 서비스와 연결될 것인지에 대한 생각
- 양질의 데이터가 필요하다는 현재의 제한점.
Interlinking for Linked DataMyungjin LeeLOD(Linked Open Data)에서의 인터링킹(interlinking)에 대해 소개합니다.
인터링킹의 개념 및 중요성, 그리고 다양한 방법의 인터링킹과 어떻게 활용할 것인지에 대해 담고 있습니다.
Linked Open Data TutorialMyungjin LeeLinked Open Data의 소개부터 구축 및 발행, 그리고 활용방법까지 Linked Open Data의 전 과정에 대한 내용을 포함하고 있습니다.
해당 슬라이드는 CCKorea 주관 Tech 워크숍의 발표자료입니다.
LOD (linked open data) part 2 lod 구축과 현황LiST IncLOD , Linked Open Data 에 대해 구축 절차 및 도구, 사례에 대한 자료 입니다. LOD는 공공 데이터를 제공, 공유, 재활용하기 위한 또 하나의 방법이며 오픈 데이터(Open Data) 를 위한 하나의 방법으로 웹을 기반으로 데이터를 공유하여 재활용하고자 방법이며 기술이고 데이터입니다.
Open Data Conference - Rufus Pollock - Open Knowledge Foundation & CKANOpening-up.euThe document discusses the Open Knowledge Foundation's work in opening data and building tools to make data openly accessible and usable. It highlights CKAN, an open-source data publishing platform, and OpenSpending, a project creating an open map of government spending globally. The Foundation believes that open data, when made available in a standard format and of reasonable quality, can be used in ways not originally anticipated to create new insights when combined and analyzed by others.
The Semantic Web and Linked Open DataHaklae Kim한국 웹20주년 기념 컨퍼런스 발표
- 국내 시맨틱 웹의 간단한 역사와 현재, 미래를 살펴보았던 내용
- 시맨틱 웹의 미래는 지능형 서비스와 연결될 것인지에 대한 생각
- 양질의 데이터가 필요하다는 현재의 제한점.
Linked Data Technology and StatusMyungjin LeeThis document provides an overview of linked data and semantic web technology. It discusses key concepts like URIs, RDF, SPARQL, and OWL. URIs are used to identify things on the web so they can be referred to and looked up. RDF is a general method for conceptual description or modeling of information using subject-predicate-object triples. SPARQL is a query language for retrieving and manipulating semantic data in RDF format. OWL builds on RDF and RDF Schema to provide additional vocabulary for describing properties and classes of semantic web resources.
Linked Data in Healthcare and Life SciencesJames G. Boram KimThe Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group aims to develop and promote the use of Semantic Web technologies in healthcare, life sciences, clinical research, and translational medicine. These domains would greatly benefit from improved data interoperability enabled by Semantic Web technologies. The group will continue developing high-level and architectural vocabularies, implement proof-of-concept demonstrations, and disseminate information about their work to accelerate adoption of these technologies.
Open Data and Linked DataJames G. Boram KimThis document discusses open data and linked data. It provides definitions and background from experts such as Tim Berners-Lee. Open data is defined as data that can be freely used, modified, and shared by anyone subject to preserving provenance and openness. Linked data follows principles like using URIs to identify things and providing useful information about those URIs to interconnect data on the web. The document outlines standards, licenses, and formats that help make data more open and linked to realize its economic and social benefits.
고려대 교육정보서비스 시스템 4-5주 JM code group고려대학교 대학원 교육정보서비스 특론 수업 4-5주 교안
고려대학교 정보대학 컴퓨터학과 강장묵 교수 강의
본 교안은 빅데이터 기술을 활용한 교육정보서비스에 대한 것임
강의는 교육정보에서 활용될 수 있는 여타 ICT 기술의 원리 중 정보공유와 API, 빅데이터 정보처리 과정과 하둡 프로그래밍의 이해, 구글 지도와 크레이그리스트의 매쉬업 사례 등을 다룸
고대8 9주 빅데이터JM code group9 주; 2015.4.29. 수
교육정보서비스에서 정형/반정형/비정형 데이터 처리는 어떤 의미를 갖는가?
(교육정보에서 핵심 가중치를 두어야 할 데이터는 무엇인가?
몇 가지 추천하고 그 이유를 논한다.)
키워드 : 교육정보, 교육 데이터 마이닝, 교육 빅데이터
위에 대한 내용으로 고려대 정보대학 컴퓨터학과의 강장묵 교수 (연구)의 정규 교과목 교안 입니다.
Carpe Data: Supporting Serendipitous Data Integration in Personal Information...Jinhan ChoiCarpe Data: Supporting Serendipitous Data Integration in Personal Information Management
+ CHI 2013
-Max Van Kleek et al.
x 2013 fall
OKFN Korea 소개자료Haklae KimThe document discusses establishing an Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) chapter in Korea. It provides background on OKF and its goals of promoting open data and building communities. It outlines OKF Korea's proposed activities, including launching an open data portal, organizing events, and translating datasets. The presentation requests confirmation from OKF to move forward and use the OKF Korea name for upcoming events. It aims to improve access to and use of open data in Korea through community building and open source projects.
Extended open data and big data in public sectorHaklae KimThis document discusses extending open data and big data initiatives in the public sector in South Korea. It provides an overview of open government efforts by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, including increasing transparency, opening more public data, and using big data for various policy cases. It also discusses extending data efforts by expanding the range and types of data shared, unifying access across different levels of government, and linking related data. Finally, it emphasizes the need to extend participation by strengthening the open data ecosystem through increased sharing and engagement among data owners, consumers, cooperators, and providers.
오픈 데이터 현황과 과제Haklae KimThis document discusses the current state and issues surrounding public sector data in Korea. It defines open government data as data produced by government entities that can be freely used, reused and redistributed. While Korea has built various data through e-government initiatives, most data is not truly "open" as it cannot be freely reused or used for commercial purposes without restrictions. The document also outlines some international and domestic open data portals that have been established to increase access to government data.
오픈 데이터에서 링크드 데이터로 진화 Haklae KimThis document discusses establishing an Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) chapter in Korea. It provides background on OKF and its goals of promoting open data and knowledge. It outlines reasons for starting an OKF Korea, including learning best practices from other countries, making Korean open data more accessible worldwide, and building better communities around open data. Plans are described to collaborate with existing groups doing related work and to launch open data projects and events. The vision is for OKF Korea to help advance the quality, accessibility and use of open data in Korea.
Data science-2013-heekimHaklae KimThe document describes a unified music recommendation system that combines users' listening habits and semantics of tags. It proposes generating three types of user profiles: listening habits-based, tag-based, and a hybrid approach. A tag and emotion ontology are used to preprocess tags and assign weights. A music recommendation algorithm finds similar users and calculates item scores. An evaluation of the approaches found the hybrid method achieved the best precision and recall based on F-measure, outperforming listening habits only or tag-based recommendations. Statistical analysis confirmed the hybrid approach performed significantly better.
Open Data and Linked Data Haklae KimThe document provides an overview of open data, linked data, and the semantic web through conceptual explanations, case studies, and discussing next steps. It describes how open data can increase government transparency and public participation, and highlights top apps developed using open government data. The presentation also outlines the growth of interlinked datasets on the semantic web and discusses Google and Apple's implementations of semantic search and their virtual assistants.
시스템 엔지니어가 바라보는 시맨틱웹과 빅데이터 기술Haklae KimThis document discusses semantic web, big data, and the Internet of Things (IoT) from the perspective of a system engineer. It describes how semantic web technologies can make web information machine-understandable. It provides examples of semantic web applications for intelligent search and knowledge management. It also discusses trends around the massive growth of data and explores how system engineers can help develop technologies to address issues of portability, interoperability, and scalability for IoT applications. Finally, it shares examples of IoT platforms and applications for smart homes and public parking lots.
인간의 경험 공유를 위한 태스크 및 컨텍스트 추출 및 표현Haklae KimKAIST is a university located in South Korea that focuses on education and research. The document discusses extracting and representing tasks, contexts, and experiences from human experiences to enable sharing of human experiences. It also discusses mining tasks from various online sources like how-to articles and blogs to build a knowledge base of experiential knowledge related to events, people, places, and times. The goal is to apply natural language processing techniques to represent experiential knowledge in a structured way and enable context-aware applications.
606. Summary
Data on the Web
Data is information about things
Data is something machines can process
Data drives applications (e.g. web sites, mobile services)
Data is relations among things
607. Summary
Open Data vs Linked Data
Open Data starts with making available the data that you already have, in whatever format.
Open Data
• Equal access for all
• Licensing, legal issues
• Transparency
• Changing the way government works
Linked Data
• URIs
• RDF vocabularies
• Standards