More than just likes!Samuel SpurrContent Marketing and Social Media for customer service and business development. Recently presented to Ryde Business Forum.
Perfumeyoab2012O documento compara quatro pares de frases originais e suas respectivas reformulações, sugerindo que as reformulações mantêm o significado essencial das frases originais de maneira concisa.
Facebook Policy PrimersophiegalatiThis document summarizes the key terms of Facebook's terms of use policies regarding ownership of content, privacy, surveillance, censorship, and freedom of expression. The policies state that content uploaded to Facebook becomes their property, and they can collect data on users from user activity and information shared by others. While privacy settings allow some control, Facebook retains the right to make some content public. The extensive data collection raises privacy concerns. The policies also give Facebook the ability to censor content and limit expression, though this aims to create a safe environment for users. Overall, the terms highlight tensions between Facebook's business interests and users' control over personal information and expression.
APBN dan APBDVanya AngellistaDokumen tersebut membahas tentang APBN (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara) dan APBD (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah). APBN dan APBD memiliki tujuan yang sama yaitu menetapkan rencana keuangan tahunan pemerintah pusat dan daerah. Mereka memiliki berbagai fungsi seperti otorisasi, perencanaan, pengawasan, alokasi, distribusi, dan stabilisasi. Proses penyusunan dan pelaksanaan AP
Jenis- Jenis Laporan keuanganVanya AngellistaLaporan keuangan memberikan informasi keuangan perusahaan dalam suatu periode akuntansi. Terdiri atas neraca, laporan laba rugi, laporan perubahan ekuitas, dan laporan arus kas. Bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pemakai dalam pengambilan keputusan.
KaroobiuxtehranThe document discusses user experience design for startups. It recommends that startups follow a process of researching customer problems, analyzing the data, designing solutions, and implementing a prototype. This process should involve storyboarding and writing specifications to help communicate the customer experience. Thorough testing and refinement of prototypes is also advised. Following a user-centered design process can improve operations, accelerate time to market, increase customer value, and extend the lifespan of an application.
Pizza Rossa Exec SummaryLuca MagnaniOur pizza by-the-slice is a delicious and healthy meal and our mission is to become the default brand for premium pizza by-the-square-slice in the UK. We target the high speed high quality segment of the fast food market.
We are currently seeking investors to back the launch of our first pizza outlet in Central London by early 2014. Please contact us at
The concept of Pizza Rossa was developed with the aim to create a new chain of premium quality Italian-style takeaway pizzerias by-the-slice in London. We want to be recognized as the namesake for takeaway pizza, a bit like Pret for sandwiches and Nando’s for chicken, but we will sell also other fantastic hot and cold foods and drinks.
The brand focuses on offering customers what they crave: a conveniently available, quick serving (up to 90 seconds for a piping hot delicious pizza), delicious product, easy to eat on the go and served by smiling staff. This also represents great value for money with slices’ prices ranging from £3.00 to £4.00.
In May 2013 we won the prestigious London Business School’s annual business plan competition and were runners up in the European Business Plan of the Year finals in Athens in June 2013.
We are proud members of the London Business School’s Incubator programme for high potential start ups and a winner of the 2013 Deloitte Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship’s Founders Award.
Kedatangan Proto Melayu dan Deutro MelayuVanya AngellistaDokumen tersebut membahas tentang kedatangan dua gelombang bangsa Melayu ke Indonesia, yaitu Proto Melayu sejak 1500 SM dan Deutro Melayu sejak 500 SM. Proto Melayu berasal dari Asia Selatan dan bermigrasi ke Indonesia membawa budaya batu, sedangkan Deutro Melayu berasal dari Cina Selatan dan tiba di Indonesia lebih maju dengan budaya perunggu dan besi.
Facebook Policy PrimersophiegalatiThis document summarizes the key terms of Facebook's terms of use policies regarding ownership of content, privacy, surveillance, censorship, and freedom of expression. The policies state that content uploaded to Facebook becomes their property, and they can collect data on users from user activity and information shared by others. While privacy settings allow some control, Facebook retains the right to make some content public. The extensive data collection raises privacy concerns. The policies also give Facebook the ability to censor content and limit expression, though this aims to create a safe environment for users. Overall, the terms highlight tensions between Facebook's business interests and users' control over personal information and expression.
APBN dan APBDVanya AngellistaDokumen tersebut membahas tentang APBN (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara) dan APBD (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah). APBN dan APBD memiliki tujuan yang sama yaitu menetapkan rencana keuangan tahunan pemerintah pusat dan daerah. Mereka memiliki berbagai fungsi seperti otorisasi, perencanaan, pengawasan, alokasi, distribusi, dan stabilisasi. Proses penyusunan dan pelaksanaan AP
Jenis- Jenis Laporan keuanganVanya AngellistaLaporan keuangan memberikan informasi keuangan perusahaan dalam suatu periode akuntansi. Terdiri atas neraca, laporan laba rugi, laporan perubahan ekuitas, dan laporan arus kas. Bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pemakai dalam pengambilan keputusan.
KaroobiuxtehranThe document discusses user experience design for startups. It recommends that startups follow a process of researching customer problems, analyzing the data, designing solutions, and implementing a prototype. This process should involve storyboarding and writing specifications to help communicate the customer experience. Thorough testing and refinement of prototypes is also advised. Following a user-centered design process can improve operations, accelerate time to market, increase customer value, and extend the lifespan of an application.
Pizza Rossa Exec SummaryLuca MagnaniOur pizza by-the-slice is a delicious and healthy meal and our mission is to become the default brand for premium pizza by-the-square-slice in the UK. We target the high speed high quality segment of the fast food market.
We are currently seeking investors to back the launch of our first pizza outlet in Central London by early 2014. Please contact us at
The concept of Pizza Rossa was developed with the aim to create a new chain of premium quality Italian-style takeaway pizzerias by-the-slice in London. We want to be recognized as the namesake for takeaway pizza, a bit like Pret for sandwiches and Nando’s for chicken, but we will sell also other fantastic hot and cold foods and drinks.
The brand focuses on offering customers what they crave: a conveniently available, quick serving (up to 90 seconds for a piping hot delicious pizza), delicious product, easy to eat on the go and served by smiling staff. This also represents great value for money with slices’ prices ranging from £3.00 to £4.00.
In May 2013 we won the prestigious London Business School’s annual business plan competition and were runners up in the European Business Plan of the Year finals in Athens in June 2013.
We are proud members of the London Business School’s Incubator programme for high potential start ups and a winner of the 2013 Deloitte Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship’s Founders Award.
Kedatangan Proto Melayu dan Deutro MelayuVanya AngellistaDokumen tersebut membahas tentang kedatangan dua gelombang bangsa Melayu ke Indonesia, yaitu Proto Melayu sejak 1500 SM dan Deutro Melayu sejak 500 SM. Proto Melayu berasal dari Asia Selatan dan bermigrasi ke Indonesia membawa budaya batu, sedangkan Deutro Melayu berasal dari Cina Selatan dan tiba di Indonesia lebih maju dengan budaya perunggu dan besi.
4. Ядерный топливный цикл (ЯТЦ)
1. Добыча урановой руды
2. Переработка руды и получение концентратов
3. Конверсия и разделение изотопов
4. Обогащение (разделение изотопов)
6. АЭС
11. Демонтаж АЭС
7. Хранение ТВЭЛов
8. Регенерация ОЯТ
9. Хранение
10. Хранение средне- и
низкоактивных отходов
5. 1. Добыча урана
• Урановые
• Попутно с золотом,
медью, свинцом,
бурым углем
• В воздух
(радон-222, пыль,
• Вода – откаченные
подземные воды,
стоки прачечных,
жидкая фаза
рудничной пульпы
• отвалы
6. Эффективность подземного и кучного выщелачивания по
сравнению с традиционной технологией
Традиционная технология 100%
Производительность труда горного цеха
225% объем добычи металла
Годовая производительность по металлу
Себестоимость готовой продукции
Численость занятых
7. 2. Переработка руды и получение
• Руда измельчается, поступает на ГМЗ
• Получаем концентрат U3O8
• Технология зависит от руды
1. Силикатные – выщелачивают H2SO4 с
2. Карбонатные - выщелачивают NaCO3 Na2CO3 с
3. Упорные – кислотное автоклавное
выщелачивание при высоких температурах
Полученный концентрат ЖЕЛТЫЙ КОКС
8. Ректоры
Теплоноситель – вода
Замедлитель – тяжёлая вода
Двухконтактный: парогенератор вынесен отдельно, стальной кожух
Теплоноситель – вода
Замедлитель – графит
Парогенератор не вынесен за пределы генератора. Нестабилен.
• БН
Теплоноситель – жидкий Na
Нейтроны не тормозятся, для сдерживания реакции используют U-238
Большие станции опасны, эффективны маломощные и компактные