Google Trust Signals: Google+ Authorship and Shifting Publisher PoweriAcquireiAcquire's General Manager, Tom Rusling, spoke at AZ Tech Beat on the importance of Google Authorship.
GAIQ - Regular expressions-google-analyticsAnkita KishoreGAIQ - Regular expressions-google-analytics; one of the best resources; concepts explained in a very easy to understand descriptive method with examples
The Future of Content MarketingiAcquireThe document discusses the future of content marketing. It notes that changes in digital technology and accessibility have forever changed consumerism and marketing. Specifically, it highlights the growth of smartphones and mobile usage, social media adoption, and how this has shifted consumer purchasing behavior. It then outlines how these changes have disrupted traditional media companies and journalism. The future of content marketing is discussed as relying more heavily on data analysis, targeted native advertising, retargeting across devices, and influencer marketing to better engage consumers.
The Wolf of Link Street - SMX Israel 2014iAcquireThis document appears to be a slide presentation about link building and influencing influencers on social media. Some of the key points discussed include:
- Link building tactics that involve unnatural or manipulative practices will be penalized.
- Relationships and providing value to others are more effective strategies for gaining links and attention.
- Tools like Twitter analytics can help identify influential people to engage with based on their interests, reach, and other factors.
- Creating high-quality, unique content that offers solutions and helps others is important for influencing influencers.
- It is important to focus on helping others first before asking for anything in return and to make requests easy for busy influencers to agree to.
The future of content marketing v2iAcquireThe document discusses the future of content marketing. It notes that changes in technology and digital accessibility have forever changed consumerism and marketing. Specifically, it highlights the growth of smartphones and mobile usage, increased online searches and social media participation. It also explores how this shift has impacted the consumer decision journey. The document then examines how these changes have disrupted traditional media companies and journalism. It discusses several emerging trends in content marketing, including the rise of big data and its applications in profiling, programmatic advertising, native advertising, retargeting, and the convergence of online and offline activities. Brands adopting content marketing strategies and the growing role of influencers are also covered.
SEO EvolutioniAcquireThis document discusses the evolution of SEO from 2012-2014, including:
1) Key changes in Google's algorithms like Panda, Penguin, and the rise of the Knowledge Graph during this period.
2) The evolving roles of SEO professionals, including specialists in local, mobile, video, social, and technical SEO.
3) How organic search has matured as a marketing channel that influences the entire customer journey and decision process.
4) Predictions that authenticated digital signatures through things like authorship and AgentRank will become more important ranking factors than traditional links.
Busting Barriers: If You Build the Process You Will Build the Team - Cindy Ni...iAcquireThe document discusses how to build an effective team by first establishing clear processes. It argues that defining the process comes before defining the team, as the process will determine the skills and roles needed. It identifies seven key factors for building a successful process: clear expectations, feedback, coaching, training, tools/resources, performance support, and motivation. The document provides guidance on implementing these principles, such as getting buy-in, involving employees, communicating context, and identifying barriers. The overall message is that processes must be established first to then build the right team to execute them effectively.
How Google Authorship will continue to change the search paradigm iAcquireThis year, Google Authorship will truly take hold and begin to reshape the search landscape. With the bridge that it provides across Google's products and services, Google+ has outgrown its social network pants and now serves as a platform for authors to verify their contributions to a website domain.
01 Windows ShortcutsCapeComputerTrainingA few Windows shortcuts which will enable you to become more effective on your computer.
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Building Your Business: Relationships and Other Critical "Soft" Skills (MozCon)iAcquireThis document summarizes Brittan Bright's presentation at MozCon on building business relationships and soft skills. The presentation emphasized important soft skills for business success like communication skills, empathy, emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and confidence. Bright discussed techniques for improving these skills, including empathy exercises and experimenting with different communication forms. She also shared quotes on effective communication, overcoming fears, and the importance of preparation and confidence.
Internet of Things & The Future of Content Marketing iAcquireThe Internet of Things is Here...
Big Data, Content Marketing, Native Advertising, Retargeting, Offline Convergence, and Influencers are changing the game.
Content Strategy For Digital MarketersiAcquireBe The King Of Your Content: A Six Week Guide to Creating, Promoting, & Measuring Great Content.
• Assess your existing content and execute changes that increase its
• Communicate a distinct brand message through a uniform voice and tone
• Create targeted content that engages your audience
• Manage the content strategy process and each contributing team member
• Implement cross-channel promotional strategies with long-term effects
• Set attainable goals and measure critical KPIs
Perfecting Pitches (MozCon)iAcquireThis document provides a summary of a content marketing pitch for improving Moz's keyword difficulty tool. It suggests adding a batch keyword difficulty feature to the Mozbar so that users can check the difficulty of multiple keywords at once from Google searches, addressing the needs of procrastinating inbound marketers. Measurement metrics proposed include reducing user churn, increasing account upgrades, more Mozboard downloads, and gains in links and social shares. The pitch argues this would allow Moz to continue leading competitors by better serving its audience and meeting users' expectations with new funding.
01 Windows ShortcutsCapeComputerTrainingA few Windows shortcuts which will enable you to become more effective on your computer.
Sign up for the newsletter on my website ( and receive free training videos.
Building Your Business: Relationships and Other Critical "Soft" Skills (MozCon)iAcquireThis document summarizes Brittan Bright's presentation at MozCon on building business relationships and soft skills. The presentation emphasized important soft skills for business success like communication skills, empathy, emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and confidence. Bright discussed techniques for improving these skills, including empathy exercises and experimenting with different communication forms. She also shared quotes on effective communication, overcoming fears, and the importance of preparation and confidence.
Internet of Things & The Future of Content Marketing iAcquireThe Internet of Things is Here...
Big Data, Content Marketing, Native Advertising, Retargeting, Offline Convergence, and Influencers are changing the game.
Content Strategy For Digital MarketersiAcquireBe The King Of Your Content: A Six Week Guide to Creating, Promoting, & Measuring Great Content.
• Assess your existing content and execute changes that increase its
• Communicate a distinct brand message through a uniform voice and tone
• Create targeted content that engages your audience
• Manage the content strategy process and each contributing team member
• Implement cross-channel promotional strategies with long-term effects
• Set attainable goals and measure critical KPIs
Perfecting Pitches (MozCon)iAcquireThis document provides a summary of a content marketing pitch for improving Moz's keyword difficulty tool. It suggests adding a batch keyword difficulty feature to the Mozbar so that users can check the difficulty of multiple keywords at once from Google searches, addressing the needs of procrastinating inbound marketers. Measurement metrics proposed include reducing user churn, increasing account upgrades, more Mozboard downloads, and gains in links and social shares. The pitch argues this would allow Moz to continue leading competitors by better serving its audience and meeting users' expectations with new funding.
Анализ на пазара на жилищни и офис сгради на територията на гр. София.
1. Анализ на пазара на жилищни
и офис сгради на територията
на гр. София
01.01.2013 г. – 01.12.2013 г.
Георги Димитров
Специалност: „Бизнес икономика“
Група: 1730
2. Класификация на офис сгради
Клас A
Клас B
Клас C
• А( -- )
• B ( ++ )
• B ( -- )
• C ( -- )
3. Офис сгради -Клас „А“
• BMS ( Building Management System)
• HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
• Пожароизвестителна и пожарогасителни
• Модерни висококачествени скоростни
• Два независими електрически източника
4. Офис сгради -Клас „А“
• Физическа охрана – 24 ч., въоръжена.
• Светла височина – 2,7 – 2,8 м. и нагоре
• Общи части на сградата - Не повече от 12%
• Двоен повдигнат под.
• Местоположение:
– Отличителна инфраструктура
– Удобен транспорт и подход към сградата.
5. Офис сгради -Клас „А“
• Паркинг – поне 1 паркомясто на всеки 100
кв.м разгъната застроена площ.
– Охраняем
– Подземен или на няколко нива
• Управление на сградата и услуги:
– Фиброоптична свързаност на сградата
– Стол за хранене
– Персонален достъп с ID Card Access Control
6. Офис сгради -Клас „B“
Сгради проектирани като жилищни и в
процес на строителство преустроени в
– Липса на отворено пространство
– Липса на централна вентилация и
– Непрофесионална охрана и управление
на сградата.
– Липса на видео наблюдение и
магнитни карти за достъп.
7. Офис сгради -Клас „B“
Стари,но реновирани административни
– Проблеми с окабеляване и
– Механични асансьори
– Зле поддържани общи части и
санитарен възел.
8. Офис сгради -Клас „C“
Преустроени жилища:
– Апартаменти, чието предназначение е
променено според изискването по
чл. 38 от Закона за устройството на
– Имат статут на офиси, но по
характеристика се доближават до
жилищни имоти.
– Централно отопление, лошо
окабеляване, липса на охрана, лошо
поддържани и непредставителни общи
части на сградата.
9. Клас „A“ в България – “East Park”
МЕСТПОЛОЖЕНИЕ: бул. Никола Вапцаров, кв. Лозенец, Широк център
СВОБОДНИ ПЛОЩИ: 150 – 490 кв.м
НАЕМНИ НИВА: 12 евро / кв.м
10. Клас „A“ – “Соравия Center”
МЕСТПОЛОЖЕНИЕ: ул. Цар Освободител № 14
ПЛОЩ: 6 312 кв.м
ЗАВЪРШЕНА: Декември 2003г.
11. Клас „A“ – “Соравия Мегапарк”
МЕСТПОЛОЖЕНИЕ: бул. Цариградско шосе №115Г
ПЛОЩ: 44,612 m2