Fifa womens wc 2015 semifinal match livecyrilculverThe document is a link for streaming the live FIFA Women's World Cup 2015 semifinal match. It directs to a website where the semifinal game can be watched online in real-time. The URL provided is to access the live stream of the FIFA Women's World Cup 2015 semifinal game.
Environment monitoring and device control using arm based embedded controlled...EcwaytechThe document proposes an ARM based embedded controlled sensor network to effectively implement environmental monitoring solutions. It uses an ARM microcontroller and wireless sensors to control devices and monitor environmental information using Zigbee and GSM technologies. This proposed system aims to be more cost effective and user friendly than existing systems which are bulky, costly, and difficult to maintain.
Preliminary plans for pumped storage at Columbia GorgeNate SandvigClean Power Development has applied for a preliminary permit for the proposed Columbia Gorge Renewable Energy Balancing Project in the US. This 1200MW closed-loop pumped storage facility will be a sustainable brownfield redevelopment of the
former Columbia Gorge Aluminium smelter that closed in 2003.
2nd year poster_MFammMargaret FegenThis study aims to investigate whether adipose tissue inflammation plays a role in PAR2-mediated joint damage in osteoarthritis. The animal model used is destabilization of the medial meniscus in mice. Preliminary results show that PAR2 may be expressed in the infrapatellar fat pad in mice and is upregulated in human chondrocytes stimulated by inflammatory cytokines. Conditioned media from human fat tissue explants upregulated PAR2 expression and MMP1 levels in human chondrocyte cell lines, suggesting inflammatory factors from adipose tissue may contribute to joint inflammation and osteoarthritis progression. The study will further examine the role of PAR2 in osteoarthritis pathology using cell culture, tissue explants, and a mouse
PRUEBA DE INFORMATICAmaryromero96Mis amigos son muy importantes y pasan por muchas cosas inesperadas en la escuela, tanto buenas como malas. El autor se siente bien y tiene esperanzas de lograr sus metas a futuro porque es inteligente.
Коммуникации в социальных медиаKorneev DigitalПомогаем выстроить общение компании с целевыми аудиториями в социальных сетях.
felicidadesJenniffer Valencia PeñarandaFeliz cumpleaños en este día especial. El documento repite varias veces la frase "Feliz cumpleaños en este día especial" para desearle un feliz cumpleaños a alguien en su día especial.
Sport in my lifeprosvsportsThe document discusses the importance of sport in the author's life and their coach Denis Senyagovsky. Denis is a professional karate coach who has won many competitions and teaches karate to children and teenagers, developing their character. The author sees Denis as a born teacher who trains students for competitions while cultivating moral values and physical abilities. Denis teaches students how to set and achieve goals, and is a role model for the author in continually improving themselves through karate.
Photography Bookhayleylou11Photography Applications discusses different types of photography including advertising, fashion, and photojournalism. Advertising photography aims to promote products and is often highly produced using artificial lighting and post-production techniques. Fashion photography typically features models wearing designer clothing in a controlled studio setting with artificial lighting and post-production used to achieve perfection. Photojournalism documents real events using natural lighting to provide unbiased images that convey honest emotions.
Informe de químicadismarpEl informe describe los instrumentos utilizados en un laboratorio de química, incluyendo embudos, matraces, vidrios de reloj, pizetas, morteros, pipetas, lámparas de alcohol, pinzas de madera, trípodes, aros metálicos, balones de destilación, termómetros, espátulas, embudos de separación, tubos generadores de gas, triángulos de porcelana, erlenmeyers, probetas, tubos de ensayo, buretas, cápsulas de porcelana, pinzas para cris
Towards the implementation of iot for environmental condition monitoring in h...EcwaytechThe document discusses an implementation of IoT for monitoring environmental conditions in homes using low-cost ubiquitous sensing systems. It presents an integrated network architecture and mechanisms for reliably measuring parameters like temperature and humidity using smart sensors and transmitting the data via the internet. A longitudinal learning system provides self-control of the monitoring devices. Testing of a prototype using this framework achieved 97% reliable transmission of sensed data through the integrated network for real-time graphical monitoring rather than just a test bed scenario.
Compartinedo recursos Adrina Alexandra Maza ErreisEl documento describe tres herramientas de compartición de recursos en la Web 2.0: ݺߣshare, que permite compartir presentaciones y documentos PDF; Flickr, que permite almacenar, organizar y compartir fotografías en línea; y YouTube, que permite compartir videos subidos por usuarios.
CAMS - Prevención Lavado de DineroJorge CoutoEl documento describe el sistema CAMS-iTech, un sistema de gestión de cumplimiento y administración corporativa desarrollado por Impact-iTech. CAMS-iTech centraliza y normaliza la información de clientes y contactos, automatiza procesos de debida diligencia y prevención de lavado de dinero, y genera informes dinámicos para cumplir con regulaciones financieras internacionales.
Pair Programming - Discute con tu compañero, no con tu tecladoAvanetPresentacion completa con todos los temas que los participantes a la desconferencia, pudieron simular realizando el juego "PairDraw"
Biomedical sensor network for cardiovascular fitness and activity monitoringEcwaytechThis document describes a prototype for a cardiovascular activity and fitness monitoring system using biomedical sensor networks and IEEE 11073 standards. The system would use short-range wireless sensor nodes to acquire, retrieve, and communicate physiological parameters to monitor for severe cardiovascular issues, while maintaining patient mobility and convenience. It identifies requirements for resource-limited sensor nodes and defines how IEEE 11073 and medical-grade ZigBee networking standards work together for telehealth applications.
Interval training pulsaciones y recuperación.xlsxevamontoyajaimeEl documento es una hoja de registro de los latidos por minuto de Eva Montoya de 3oB mientras realiza un entrenamiento de farlek. El farlek involucra repeticiones alternando entre carreras a diferentes velocidades, lo que hace que la frecuencia cardíaca de Eva fluctúe entre 100 y 180 latidos por minuto a lo largo de las 10 diagonales, y luego baje a 140 y 100 latidos por minuto durante los períodos de recuperación de 1 y 2 minutos respectivamente.
2nd year poster_MFammMargaret FegenThis study aims to investigate whether adipose tissue inflammation plays a role in PAR2-mediated joint damage in osteoarthritis. The animal model used is destabilization of the medial meniscus in mice. Preliminary results show that PAR2 may be expressed in the infrapatellar fat pad in mice and is upregulated in human chondrocytes stimulated by inflammatory cytokines. Conditioned media from human fat tissue explants upregulated PAR2 expression and MMP1 levels in human chondrocyte cell lines, suggesting inflammatory factors from adipose tissue may contribute to joint inflammation and osteoarthritis progression. The study will further examine the role of PAR2 in osteoarthritis pathology using cell culture, tissue explants, and a mouse
PRUEBA DE INFORMATICAmaryromero96Mis amigos son muy importantes y pasan por muchas cosas inesperadas en la escuela, tanto buenas como malas. El autor se siente bien y tiene esperanzas de lograr sus metas a futuro porque es inteligente.
Коммуникации в социальных медиаKorneev DigitalПомогаем выстроить общение компании с целевыми аудиториями в социальных сетях.
felicidadesJenniffer Valencia PeñarandaFeliz cumpleaños en este día especial. El documento repite varias veces la frase "Feliz cumpleaños en este día especial" para desearle un feliz cumpleaños a alguien en su día especial.
Sport in my lifeprosvsportsThe document discusses the importance of sport in the author's life and their coach Denis Senyagovsky. Denis is a professional karate coach who has won many competitions and teaches karate to children and teenagers, developing their character. The author sees Denis as a born teacher who trains students for competitions while cultivating moral values and physical abilities. Denis teaches students how to set and achieve goals, and is a role model for the author in continually improving themselves through karate.
Photography Bookhayleylou11Photography Applications discusses different types of photography including advertising, fashion, and photojournalism. Advertising photography aims to promote products and is often highly produced using artificial lighting and post-production techniques. Fashion photography typically features models wearing designer clothing in a controlled studio setting with artificial lighting and post-production used to achieve perfection. Photojournalism documents real events using natural lighting to provide unbiased images that convey honest emotions.
Informe de químicadismarpEl informe describe los instrumentos utilizados en un laboratorio de química, incluyendo embudos, matraces, vidrios de reloj, pizetas, morteros, pipetas, lámparas de alcohol, pinzas de madera, trípodes, aros metálicos, balones de destilación, termómetros, espátulas, embudos de separación, tubos generadores de gas, triángulos de porcelana, erlenmeyers, probetas, tubos de ensayo, buretas, cápsulas de porcelana, pinzas para cris
Towards the implementation of iot for environmental condition monitoring in h...EcwaytechThe document discusses an implementation of IoT for monitoring environmental conditions in homes using low-cost ubiquitous sensing systems. It presents an integrated network architecture and mechanisms for reliably measuring parameters like temperature and humidity using smart sensors and transmitting the data via the internet. A longitudinal learning system provides self-control of the monitoring devices. Testing of a prototype using this framework achieved 97% reliable transmission of sensed data through the integrated network for real-time graphical monitoring rather than just a test bed scenario.
Compartinedo recursos Adrina Alexandra Maza ErreisEl documento describe tres herramientas de compartición de recursos en la Web 2.0: ݺߣshare, que permite compartir presentaciones y documentos PDF; Flickr, que permite almacenar, organizar y compartir fotografías en línea; y YouTube, que permite compartir videos subidos por usuarios.
CAMS - Prevención Lavado de DineroJorge CoutoEl documento describe el sistema CAMS-iTech, un sistema de gestión de cumplimiento y administración corporativa desarrollado por Impact-iTech. CAMS-iTech centraliza y normaliza la información de clientes y contactos, automatiza procesos de debida diligencia y prevención de lavado de dinero, y genera informes dinámicos para cumplir con regulaciones financieras internacionales.
Pair Programming - Discute con tu compañero, no con tu tecladoAvanetPresentacion completa con todos los temas que los participantes a la desconferencia, pudieron simular realizando el juego "PairDraw"
Biomedical sensor network for cardiovascular fitness and activity monitoringEcwaytechThis document describes a prototype for a cardiovascular activity and fitness monitoring system using biomedical sensor networks and IEEE 11073 standards. The system would use short-range wireless sensor nodes to acquire, retrieve, and communicate physiological parameters to monitor for severe cardiovascular issues, while maintaining patient mobility and convenience. It identifies requirements for resource-limited sensor nodes and defines how IEEE 11073 and medical-grade ZigBee networking standards work together for telehealth applications.
Interval training pulsaciones y recuperación.xlsxevamontoyajaimeEl documento es una hoja de registro de los latidos por minuto de Eva Montoya de 3oB mientras realiza un entrenamiento de farlek. El farlek involucra repeticiones alternando entre carreras a diferentes velocidades, lo que hace que la frecuencia cardíaca de Eva fluctúe entre 100 y 180 latidos por minuto a lo largo de las 10 diagonales, y luego baje a 140 y 100 latidos por minuto durante los períodos de recuperación de 1 y 2 minutos respectivamente.
Для меня наиболее романтичным местом в
нашем городе является балкон моей бабушки.
В детстве я проводил на нем очень много
времени: в майке и шортах летом, и в
пальто, сапогах и шапке - зимой. Тогда около
дома моей бабушки проходила железная
дорога. Поезда ходили не очень часто и
я, каждый раз заслышав свист
паровоза, бросал все свои дела и
игрушки, бежал на балкон и смотрел как
состав под’езжает к станции.
. Теперь на месте железной дороги
проходит автотрасса и наблюдать за ней
менее итересно, чем за поездами, зато вид
на город и Арарат остался прежним.
Именно из-за него балкон все еще остается
обязательным местом семейных собраний
и праздников. Все друзья моих родителей
и бабушки обязательно должны <<
отметиться>> на балконе.
Надеюсь, что к тому возрасту, когда мне
можно будет пить кофе, дом моей бабушки
не будет застроен новомодными
многоэтажками и я, как и мои родители
смогу насладиться чашкой утреннего
кофе, наблюдая как восход озаряет
белоснежную вершину Арарата.