Koinonians Presentationslide BaldiviaKoinonians is an association that shares common beliefs and goals, welcoming new members to work towards greater good. The purpose is to be a leader in network marketing by providing high quality products and services, building trust through shared values, and achieving loftier goals. The document then outlines the company's vision, mission, values and describes their skin care products which aim to moisturize, protect from UV rays, whiten skin, and reduce signs of aging through ingredients like snail mucus, collagen, and gold.
Class seven what can we doCambriannewsThis document provides instructions and content for an English lesson on keeping the environment safe and stopping global warming. It includes:
- Details on the lesson such as the topic, learning outcomes, and homework assignment
- Vocabulary words and their meanings to be learned
- Pictures to label with vocabulary words and activities to identify as helping or harming the environment
- Instructions for students to read textbook passages and answer questions individually and in groups
- A closing message about not polluting the environment and keeping it safe.
Class seven under the full moonCambriannewsThis document is a lesson plan for an English class on the topic of "Under the full moon". It includes directions for students to watch a video clip and answer questions about it. The learning outcomes are for students to be able to read and understand the text, pronounce words ending in "ch", ask and answer questions, write a short paragraph, and explain the meanings of key words. Students are instructed to look at a picture, do vocabulary work, read a passage individually and answer questions, and say words containing certain sounds. They are then given information and pictures about a classmate, Bishal, and told to ask and answer questions about how he spends his leisure time before writing their own paragraph on the topic.
Concentration levels and ecological risk of persistent organicTanita LREste documento resume un estudio sobre los niveles de contaminantes orgánicos persistentes (POPs) en sedimentos de la costa de Tianjin, China. Los autores midieron los niveles de hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (PAHs), plaguicidas organoclorados (OCPs), bifenilos policlorados (PCBs) y éteres bifenilos polibromados (PBDEs) en 10 puntos de muestreo. Encontraron que los niveles más altos de POPs se encontraban en sedimentos del río Dagu debido
ʰԳٲó1mariabgcEl documento describe las características de la interacción en la web 2.0, incluyendo el ingreso de datos personales para crear un nombre de usuario y contraseña, contacto en tiempo real e intercambio de información con otros usuarios, y la adquisición de conocimientos e innovación que la web 2.0 permite.
Ofício de albérisson solicitando desconto no 13º salário dos sóciosPolícia MIlitar de PernambucoA farsa de Albérisson cai por terra.
La historia del fútboljguerreror121El documento resume la historia y posiciones básicas del fútbol. Explica que el fútbol se originó en Inglaterra en 1863 y consiste en 4 posiciones principales: portero, defensa, mediocampista y delantero. Describe brevemente los objetivos y funciones de cada posición.
final coverJulie SkinnerThe document summarizes a book called "Nursing by Heart" which explores the author's personal and professional journey discovering effective self-care techniques for nurses. The book draws on ancient wisdom to create new ways for nurses to manage stress and prevent burnout. It teaches energy management strategies and encourages nurses to take responsibility for their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
Evaluation question 4Kerrie BinksThe document discusses the various new media technologies used at different stages of the project. Technologies like Photoshop, Final Cut Express, and GarageBand were used for construction and planning. YouTube, Blogger, and social media provided research, planning, and getting feedback. A DSLR camera was used to take photos and film footage. Overall, the wide variety of available media technologies allowed for effective research, planning, construction, and evaluation of the project.
загрязнение мирового океана и пресных водolya3marmelad
Glosario sistema cardiovascular-uniandesjohan paucarEste documento presenta un glosario de términos relacionados con el sistema cardiovascular. Incluye definiciones de más de 50 términos como accidente cerebrovascular, aneurisma, arteria, presión arterial, ritmo cardíaco y otros conceptos clave sobre la anatomía, fisiología y trastornos del corazón y los vasos sanguíneos. El glosario proporciona información concisa sobre cada término para ayudar a comprender este importante sistema del cuerpo humano.
Estudio "Concurso de Empresas en España de diciembre de 2013"INFORMA D&B2013 se cierra con 9.310 Concursos, un nuevo récord histórico. Se trata del séptimo año consecutivo de aumento en el número de procesos concursales, siendo esta cifra más de diez veces la de los 876 concursos registrados en 2006.
Events 2013Natasha KabraThe document summarizes 124 events held by Yahoo India in 2013 across different categories like flagship events, large format events, fun events, and global rollouts. Some of the major recurring events discussed are FYI, Internal Hackday, Have a Seat, Demos & Drinks, Social FYI, Bring your Kids to Yahoo, Year-end Party, Bloggers Night, TEDx, Big Thinkers, Summer School, HackU, and Yahoo Hack India. The document provides details on the participation and feedback for these events and gives the plans for continuing or enhancing them in 2014.
Class seven what happens in bangladeshCambriannews1. The document is an English lesson plan about climate change and its impacts in Bangladesh. It includes topics like floods, droughts, cyclones, rising sea levels, and more.
2. Students will watch a video, ask and answer questions, and learn vocabulary related to climate change impacts. They will read a text from their textbook and answer comprehension questions.
3. The lesson aims to teach students to ask and answer questions, read texts, discuss climate and environment topics, and infer the meanings of key words. Students will also discuss questions in groups and write slogans about climate change awareness.
Repaso verano-matematicas-5ºPepe AcostaEste documento presenta una serie de ejercicios de repaso de matemáticas para el verano divididos en 8 unidades temáticas: números naturales, operaciones con números naturales, división de números naturales, números decimales, operaciones con números decimales, fracciones, operaciones con fracciones y medida de longitud. Los ejercicios incluyen tareas como descomponer y ordenar números, realizar operaciones básicas, trabajar con fracciones y conversión de unidades.
TIPOS DE SACOLAS E MEDIDASbrunocalonicoEste documento fornece uma tabela de preços e especificações de sacolas plásticas de duas densidades (alta e baixa) fabricadas pela Plásticos Ltda. A tabela lista os tamanhos, pesos, cores disponíveis e pedidos mínimos para cada modelo de sacola.
verbsJanaica BellezaVerbs are an integral part of constructing sentences in English. They are used to describe actions, events, or states. There are different types of verbs including transitive verbs, which require a direct object, and intransitive verbs, which do not. Verbs also change form depending on tense - present, past, or future. However, some verbs are irregular and do not follow the typical conjugation patterns when changing tense. For example, the past tense of "drink" is "drank" rather than "drinked." This causes difficulties, especially for English language learners.
Class seven suman eng2nd class_7-prepositionCambriannewsThis document provides a lesson on the classifications of prepositions in English. It discusses the following types of prepositions:
1. Simple prepositions like at, on, by, for, from, with, after, of, off.
2. Double prepositions formed by combining two words like into and within.
3. Compound prepositions like across, about, behind, before, below, along, between, beside.
4. Phrase prepositions using more than one word like on account of, in stead of, by dint of, by means of, look for.
5. Participle prepositions using words ending in -ing, -ed like according,
Connected learners bettAnn MichaelsenIn this session, we will be looking at how you can use social media like Twitter, Skype and blogging to help students communicate and learn from peers around the world. Technology in the classroom offers endless opportunities to collaborate and engage your students in innovative authentic projects. Last year we wrote the book Connected Learners in class, using SkyDrive and OneNote. Our goal is to show teachers how easy it is to adopt this method and how much the students enjoy working like this. As a classroom teacher, you cannot create your own educational system. However, you can change what is going on in your classroom. This session will show you how to help your students become connected leaners. Our goal is for teachers and students to model a true learner centered environment. Ann will be speaking alongside two of her students: Hanne Wiger and Haakon Bakke
Connected learners scandinavian bettAnn MichaelsenThe document discusses a presentation by teachers from Sandvika high school in Norway about creating a global classroom through connected learning. The school has 900 students, a 1:1 device program, block scheduling, and teaches without textbooks by building students' personal learning networks using social media. The teachers share their seven steps for connecting students which includes using tools like Twitter, blogging, RSS feeds, Skype, Facebook groups, and Ning. They motivate connecting students to lead the way in sharing and learning from others around the world as digital learners.
Entorno personal de aprendizaje (PLE) de Luis Manuel Cruz Canario Luis Manuel Cruz CanarioHola Amigos y amigas, en esta oportunidad les presento la imagen del proyecto para crear mi propio entorno personal de aprendizaje (PLE). Construyendo mi PLE Trate de incluir la información sobre quién soy, qué hago o qué me interesa tanto a nivel personal como profesional, que he hecho, qué he logrado, qué terreno he cubierto, dónde estoy, cuál es mi entorno físico y con quienes comparto mis conocimientos y de quién aprendo.
Organizacion del servicio exterior nicaraguense unica 2014MAURICIO MAIRENAEl documento describe la organización del Servicio Exterior Nicaragüense. Está compuesto por misiones diplomáticas, representaciones permanentes, delegaciones y oficinas consulares en el extranjero, así como direcciones, departamentos y oficinas en el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores en Nicaragua. Las misiones diplomáticas se establecen de manera permanente o especial con otros estados, mientras que las representaciones permanentes y delegaciones participan en organizaciones internacionales. Las oficinas consulares ejercen funciones consulares.
«ЧАРІВНА СКРИНЬКА КАЗОК МИКОЛИ ЗІНЧУКА»: віртуальна книжкова виставка до 100-...Чернівецька обласна бібліотека для дітейВидатний історик, етнограф, фольклорист, "чорнороб культури", правдивий подвижник - це все без перебільшення сказано про Миколу Антоновича Зінчука.
У 2025 році виповнюється 100 років з дня народження видатного фольклориста, який за 87 років свого життя пішки обійшов сотні гірських сіл, побував у кожному регіоні України, зустрічався з тисячами людей, які розповідали йому казки. Ця титанічна праця вилилась у сорокотомне видання "Українських народних казок".
Зінчук Микола Антонович народився 7 березня
1925 році в селі Кошелівка Червоноармійського
району Житомирської області.
final coverJulie SkinnerThe document summarizes a book called "Nursing by Heart" which explores the author's personal and professional journey discovering effective self-care techniques for nurses. The book draws on ancient wisdom to create new ways for nurses to manage stress and prevent burnout. It teaches energy management strategies and encourages nurses to take responsibility for their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health.
Evaluation question 4Kerrie BinksThe document discusses the various new media technologies used at different stages of the project. Technologies like Photoshop, Final Cut Express, and GarageBand were used for construction and planning. YouTube, Blogger, and social media provided research, planning, and getting feedback. A DSLR camera was used to take photos and film footage. Overall, the wide variety of available media technologies allowed for effective research, planning, construction, and evaluation of the project.
загрязнение мирового океана и пресных водolya3marmelad
Glosario sistema cardiovascular-uniandesjohan paucarEste documento presenta un glosario de términos relacionados con el sistema cardiovascular. Incluye definiciones de más de 50 términos como accidente cerebrovascular, aneurisma, arteria, presión arterial, ritmo cardíaco y otros conceptos clave sobre la anatomía, fisiología y trastornos del corazón y los vasos sanguíneos. El glosario proporciona información concisa sobre cada término para ayudar a comprender este importante sistema del cuerpo humano.
Estudio "Concurso de Empresas en España de diciembre de 2013"INFORMA D&B2013 se cierra con 9.310 Concursos, un nuevo récord histórico. Se trata del séptimo año consecutivo de aumento en el número de procesos concursales, siendo esta cifra más de diez veces la de los 876 concursos registrados en 2006.
Events 2013Natasha KabraThe document summarizes 124 events held by Yahoo India in 2013 across different categories like flagship events, large format events, fun events, and global rollouts. Some of the major recurring events discussed are FYI, Internal Hackday, Have a Seat, Demos & Drinks, Social FYI, Bring your Kids to Yahoo, Year-end Party, Bloggers Night, TEDx, Big Thinkers, Summer School, HackU, and Yahoo Hack India. The document provides details on the participation and feedback for these events and gives the plans for continuing or enhancing them in 2014.
Class seven what happens in bangladeshCambriannews1. The document is an English lesson plan about climate change and its impacts in Bangladesh. It includes topics like floods, droughts, cyclones, rising sea levels, and more.
2. Students will watch a video, ask and answer questions, and learn vocabulary related to climate change impacts. They will read a text from their textbook and answer comprehension questions.
3. The lesson aims to teach students to ask and answer questions, read texts, discuss climate and environment topics, and infer the meanings of key words. Students will also discuss questions in groups and write slogans about climate change awareness.
Repaso verano-matematicas-5ºPepe AcostaEste documento presenta una serie de ejercicios de repaso de matemáticas para el verano divididos en 8 unidades temáticas: números naturales, operaciones con números naturales, división de números naturales, números decimales, operaciones con números decimales, fracciones, operaciones con fracciones y medida de longitud. Los ejercicios incluyen tareas como descomponer y ordenar números, realizar operaciones básicas, trabajar con fracciones y conversión de unidades.
TIPOS DE SACOLAS E MEDIDASbrunocalonicoEste documento fornece uma tabela de preços e especificações de sacolas plásticas de duas densidades (alta e baixa) fabricadas pela Plásticos Ltda. A tabela lista os tamanhos, pesos, cores disponíveis e pedidos mínimos para cada modelo de sacola.
verbsJanaica BellezaVerbs are an integral part of constructing sentences in English. They are used to describe actions, events, or states. There are different types of verbs including transitive verbs, which require a direct object, and intransitive verbs, which do not. Verbs also change form depending on tense - present, past, or future. However, some verbs are irregular and do not follow the typical conjugation patterns when changing tense. For example, the past tense of "drink" is "drank" rather than "drinked." This causes difficulties, especially for English language learners.
Class seven suman eng2nd class_7-prepositionCambriannewsThis document provides a lesson on the classifications of prepositions in English. It discusses the following types of prepositions:
1. Simple prepositions like at, on, by, for, from, with, after, of, off.
2. Double prepositions formed by combining two words like into and within.
3. Compound prepositions like across, about, behind, before, below, along, between, beside.
4. Phrase prepositions using more than one word like on account of, in stead of, by dint of, by means of, look for.
5. Participle prepositions using words ending in -ing, -ed like according,
Connected learners bettAnn MichaelsenIn this session, we will be looking at how you can use social media like Twitter, Skype and blogging to help students communicate and learn from peers around the world. Technology in the classroom offers endless opportunities to collaborate and engage your students in innovative authentic projects. Last year we wrote the book Connected Learners in class, using SkyDrive and OneNote. Our goal is to show teachers how easy it is to adopt this method and how much the students enjoy working like this. As a classroom teacher, you cannot create your own educational system. However, you can change what is going on in your classroom. This session will show you how to help your students become connected leaners. Our goal is for teachers and students to model a true learner centered environment. Ann will be speaking alongside two of her students: Hanne Wiger and Haakon Bakke
Connected learners scandinavian bettAnn MichaelsenThe document discusses a presentation by teachers from Sandvika high school in Norway about creating a global classroom through connected learning. The school has 900 students, a 1:1 device program, block scheduling, and teaches without textbooks by building students' personal learning networks using social media. The teachers share their seven steps for connecting students which includes using tools like Twitter, blogging, RSS feeds, Skype, Facebook groups, and Ning. They motivate connecting students to lead the way in sharing and learning from others around the world as digital learners.
Entorno personal de aprendizaje (PLE) de Luis Manuel Cruz Canario Luis Manuel Cruz CanarioHola Amigos y amigas, en esta oportunidad les presento la imagen del proyecto para crear mi propio entorno personal de aprendizaje (PLE). Construyendo mi PLE Trate de incluir la información sobre quién soy, qué hago o qué me interesa tanto a nivel personal como profesional, que he hecho, qué he logrado, qué terreno he cubierto, dónde estoy, cuál es mi entorno físico y con quienes comparto mis conocimientos y de quién aprendo.
Organizacion del servicio exterior nicaraguense unica 2014MAURICIO MAIRENAEl documento describe la organización del Servicio Exterior Nicaragüense. Está compuesto por misiones diplomáticas, representaciones permanentes, delegaciones y oficinas consulares en el extranjero, así como direcciones, departamentos y oficinas en el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores en Nicaragua. Las misiones diplomáticas se establecen de manera permanente o especial con otros estados, mientras que las representaciones permanentes y delegaciones participan en organizaciones internacionales. Las oficinas consulares ejercen funciones consulares.
«ЧАРІВНА СКРИНЬКА КАЗОК МИКОЛИ ЗІНЧУКА»: віртуальна книжкова виставка до 100-...Чернівецька обласна бібліотека для дітейВидатний історик, етнограф, фольклорист, "чорнороб культури", правдивий подвижник - це все без перебільшення сказано про Миколу Антоновича Зінчука.
У 2025 році виповнюється 100 років з дня народження видатного фольклориста, який за 87 років свого життя пішки обійшов сотні гірських сіл, побував у кожному регіоні України, зустрічався з тисячами людей, які розповідали йому казки. Ця титанічна праця вилилась у сорокотомне видання "Українських народних казок".
Зінчук Микола Антонович народився 7 березня
1925 році в селі Кошелівка Червоноармійського
району Житомирської області.
Третя річниця національного спротиву російській збройній агресіїostrovskogo1898Наголошуючи на важливій ролі бібліотек у процесі популяризації історичних знань, пам’яті та історичної правди, Сергій Бутко надав авторську презентацію «Третя річниця національного спротиву російській збройній агресії» для широкого використання. Радимо переглянути матеріали, а також запрошуємо до бібліотеки, де ви зможете знайти цікаві книги, відвідати різноманітні заходи, зустрічі та дізнатися про важливі для нашої країни теми та події.