Leadershift! Wat betekent het voor jou?Edith BrouwerOp economisch, ecologisch, sociaal en cultureel niveau verandert er veel. Wereldwijd is er een spectaculaire en niet te stuiten transformatie, een ‘shift’ gaande. Merk jij de gevolgen hier ook van? Hij vraagt om nieuw leiderschap. En om invulling te geven aan de andere behoeften die medewerkers ontwikkelen over werk en leven. Hoe kunnen we in deze tijd waarin organisaties vragen om vernieuwing meer passie, creativiteit en resultaten stimuleren bij managers en medewerkers? Zelfkennis is dé sleutel naar passie en succes. Hoe bewust ben jij je van jezelf? Hoe bewust maak je keuzes? Zelfkennis helpt óók jou in je ontwikkeling en persoonlijke groei.
My flatkrist2003The document describes a child's bedroom. The bedroom is light and cozy, containing a nursery bed and clothes. The child does homework at a table that has a large computer. There is also a piano and picturesque pictures hanging on the walls in the room. The document then briefly mentions the kitchen and living room before concluding.
My flatkrist2003The document describes a flat with several rooms. The narrator's room is a nursery that is light and cozy, containing a bed, clothes, a table with a computer used for homework. There is also a piano in the room. Pictures hang on the walls. Additional rooms mentioned include a kitchen and living room. The document ends by saying goodbye and providing the name of the presenter.
Uas b.indonesiaTuhfatus Sa'adahMakalah ini membahas tentang peranan matematika dan statistika sebagai sarana ilmu pengetahuan. Matematika berperan sebagai bahasa, sarana berpikir deduktif, dan untuk ilmu alam dan ilmu sosial. Statistika dapat menjadi sarana ilmu pengetahuan dengan mengumpulkan, menganalisis, dan mengklasifikasi data sebagai dasar untuk penarikan kesimpulan. Statistika juga berperan dalam berpikir induktif.
John AgardMajo GallenoSofia Lapique, Eva Romero, Mafe Zumaran, Luana Marton, and Martin Riesgo were born in British Guiana in 1949. The author is an Afro-Guyanese playwright, poet, and children's writer who taught languages after leaving school at age 18. He went on to work as a journalist and published two books while still living in Guyana before immigrating to Jamaica in 1967.
IGCSE Literature Section 1 bMajo GallenoThis document provides information about the different examination options for Cambridge's IGCSE Literature exam. It describes the various papers and their requirements. There are three main options: Option A consists of an open-book Paper 1 on set texts (75%) and a coursework Paper 2 (25%); Option B has an open-book Paper 1 (75%) and an unseen Paper 3 (25%); Option C comprises two closed-book papers - Paper 4 (75%) and Paper 5 (25%) - both on set texts. The document provides details on the structure, timing and assessment of each paper.
Periods in literature Majo GallenoThis document summarizes various periods and movements in literature, including Renaissance literature, Enlightenment literature, Romanticism, Victorian literature, and Modernism. It provides brief descriptions of each period, including key dates, historical context, and characteristics of the literature produced during that time. The Renaissance focused on Greek/Roman influences and humanism. The Enlightenment emphasized reason and scientific rationalism. Romanticism featured imagination/emotion over reason and an interest in nature. Victorian literature reflected Christianity and traditional gender roles. Modernism experimented with form and individualism through techniques like stream of consciousness.
John AgardMajo GallenoSofia Lapique, Eva Romero, Mafe Zumaran, Luana Marton, and Martin Riesgo were born in British Guiana in 1949. The author is an Afro-Guyanese playwright, poet, and children's writer who taught languages after leaving school at age 18. He went on to work as a journalist and published two books while still living in Guyana before immigrating to Jamaica in 1967.
IGCSE Literature Section 1 bMajo GallenoThis document provides information about the different examination options for Cambridge's IGCSE Literature exam. It describes the various papers and their requirements. There are three main options: Option A consists of an open-book Paper 1 on set texts (75%) and a coursework Paper 2 (25%); Option B has an open-book Paper 1 (75%) and an unseen Paper 3 (25%); Option C comprises two closed-book papers - Paper 4 (75%) and Paper 5 (25%) - both on set texts. The document provides details on the structure, timing and assessment of each paper.
Periods in literature Majo GallenoThis document summarizes various periods and movements in literature, including Renaissance literature, Enlightenment literature, Romanticism, Victorian literature, and Modernism. It provides brief descriptions of each period, including key dates, historical context, and characteristics of the literature produced during that time. The Renaissance focused on Greek/Roman influences and humanism. The Enlightenment emphasized reason and scientific rationalism. Romanticism featured imagination/emotion over reason and an interest in nature. Victorian literature reflected Christianity and traditional gender roles. Modernism experimented with form and individualism through techniques like stream of consciousness.