Nimrud iraqcarmelogaleaFrom Saddam Hussein's vault.... Assyrian and Babylonian jewellery dating back to 4,000 years BC found in archaeological excavations in Iraq, "safe-kept" in Saddam Hussein's basement bunker. Impossible to estimate its value......and this man was captured while hiding in a hole. His stolen gold did not save him.
Nimrud iraqMô...Moema Anita ConceiçãoUM BAU ENCONTRADO A SETE CHAVES...
No Iraque, joias como outros objetos encontradas, algumas estão localizadas em um MUSEU daquele País...
7 bills and 7 ways to saveAmerican Debt Counseling IncThe document provides 7 money-saving tips for 7 common household bills: energy, mortgage/rent, water, internet, phone, insurance, and car payments. For energy bills, the tips include air sealing homes, using timers on devices, installing efficient lighting, lowering water heater temperatures, rewiring outlets for switches, making ceiling fans more efficient, and using programmable thermostats. For mortgage and rent bills, the tips include not overextending on home purchases, cohabitating to share costs, refinancing mortgages, making biweekly payments, automating payments, using government assistance programs, and utilizing payment holidays. For water bills, the tips include installing low-flow showerheads, faucet
How to use an atmAmerican Debt Counseling IncThe document contains embedded YouTube videos and links about automated teller machines (ATMs). It includes two YouTube embeds showing ATM usage and a link to download an ATM simulation program. A final link directs to an article on how to use an ATM.
Presentacion cecar tallerMeridiano de CórdobaEl documento describe el impacto de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en la educación y el trabajo. Las TIC han jugado un papel importante en actividades diarias y contribuyen al desarrollo individual, comunitario y de países. En educación, permiten el aprendizaje en cualquier lugar, desbloquean el aprendizaje y aumentan la disfrute del aprendizaje. En el trabajo, las TIC son una alternativa para encontrar empleo y son útiles en procesos de producción, investigación, nuevas máquinas y teletra
Registro anecdóticoSaul Torres SolisEl documento contiene tres registros anecdóticos de un profesor de matemáticas sobre situaciones en el aula. En el primer registro, el profesor decide hacer sesiones de refuerzo después de clase para los estudiantes que no aprueban las prácticas calificadas. En el segundo registro, el profesor lleva a dos estudiantes a salones vacíos para que completen sus tareas sin distraer a otros. En el tercer registro, el profesor ofrece apoyo adicional después de clase a un estudiante distraído para que pueda
Google Instant Impact on SEOOptifyThe document discusses how Google Instant impacts SEO. It provides background on the speakers Ian Everdell and Erez Barak. Google Instant allows dynamic search results and predictions as the user types their query. While the basics of SEO have not changed, searchers may be funneled to suggested queries, potentially helping those already ranking for popular long tail terms. Marketers are advised to continue optimizing content and tracking long tail traffic trends.
Word banklucia95This document is an ABC book created by Lucía Martín from the 3rd year of secondary school. It lists English words beginning with each letter of the alphabet from A to Z, with multiple words provided for some letters. Words included are for bake, boil, burn, busker, chop, commute, chest, duties, emergency, earthquake, forward, fit, fault, fit, gig, gross, hill, long-sleeved, mash, outkast, overweight, performer, ruckshack, snails, sell, thumb, twisted, weird, willpower, waist, wrist.
Understanding Chemical Reactions Revisionamr hassaanChemical reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms as substances are converted into different substances. Atoms are rearranged when bonds between them are broken and new bonds form. Chemical equations are used to represent chemical reactions by using chemical formulas to show what reactant substances are changing and what product substances are forming.
Google Simplicity Enterprise WpJuan PittauThe document discusses the high costs that businesses incur due to inefficient search systems, including time wasted searching for information, administrative overhead, and lost revenue opportunities. It advocates for enterprise search solutions that provide fast, accurate search results with minimal administrative overhead through an easy-to-use interface. Specifically, it highlights how Google's search appliance addresses this need through a simple, plug-and-play package that leverages the same algorithms and scalable infrastructure as to power intuitive intranet search for businesses.
Dobie Jr High MiM Project ListSandra ItesThe document outlines several projects for a Meet in the Middle initiative between 2009-2010, including creating awareness posters for the school, a campaign to promote respect among students, training buddies to help with Special Olympics events, publishing student work about Meet in the Middle events, starting a Young Athlete program and sports day for young children, and holding an end of year youth celebration event.
Coffee carrot-eggamr hassaanThe document tells a story using three pots as metaphors for facing difficulties in life. The first pot contains carrots that soften when boiled, representing people who become weak when facing problems. The second pot contains eggs that harden inside when boiled, representing people who become bitter and hardened. The third pot contains coffee beans that change the water, representing people who face difficulties and emerge stronger by learning from their experiences. The moral is that when facing problems, people should strive to grow stronger like the coffee beans rather than become weakened or bitter.
LotusJuan PittauThe document discusses strategies for migrating Lotus Notes applications to Google Apps. It recommends assessing applications based on usage and complexity in order to determine suitability for migration. Key aspects that can be migrated include application functionality, templates and logic, data, and allowing co-existence of Notes and Google Apps platforms. Google Sites, Spreadsheets, Scripts, Gadgets and App Engine are identified as targets for migrating different application components and functionality.
Trial3Shai OmaraliThe document discusses the meaning of the word "invisible". It provides 5 potential definitions: A) Easily seen, B) Strong and unconquerable, C) Cannot be seen, D) Cannot be divided, E) Not very clear. The correct definition that is closest in meaning to "invisible" is option C, "Cannot be seen".
Reporte vhd10Miguel Angel PeñaThe document describes a digital clock design project implemented in VHDL. The clock displays hours and minutes in 24-hour format using 7-segment displays. Key components include a clockSecond module to generate clock pulses, a counter7seg module to count the time, an anodeController module to multiplex the displays, and a sevenSelect module to select the correct display digit based on the anode lines. The design was tested and able to correctly count and display the time in hours and minutes.
Psichologinė dėstytojo savijauta dėstant - Asist. Dainius Jakučionis, VU MF S...Dainius JakučionisPranešimas skaitytas Vilniaus universiteto Medicinos fakultete 2015 11 20 renginio "Šiuolaikiškas medicinos dėstytojas" metu.
Daugiau informacijos apie renginį galite rasti
Pranešimo skaidrių užrašus rasite čia -->
Anschp36FnC MusicThis document provides examples of using the lensmaker's equation to solve problems involving thin lenses and their images. It includes 23 example problems that calculate focal lengths, image locations and sizes, and magnifications based on given lens properties and object positions. The problems cover planar, convex, concave, and meniscus lenses, as well as converging and diverging lenses, and real and virtual images. Ray diagrams are used in some examples to illustrate image formation.
The Youtube of Dutch digital publications - one national platform for full-te...Olaf JanssenOlaf Janssen talking about the ambitions of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek - the national library of the Netherlands - to build the "YouTube of Dutch digital publications" - one national platform for accessing full-text digital books, newspapers and magazines.
I gave this presentation during the Connect! conference on 12th November 2010 in Zeist, the Netherlands
The presentation is in Dutch
How to Measure Inbound MarkertingOptifyIf you’re like most B2B marketers what you really care about most is cost effectively driving high-quality leads and growing your sales pipeline.
So which metrics actually prove that you’re inbound efforts are doing exactly that? Which are important indicators of future success and which metrics are just noise? In this deck you will find the top metrics you need to track to ensure that your inbound programs are making the right impact.
With the right metrics to guide your journey you’ll know where to focus your resources and be able to prove which programs and campaigns are worthy of continued or increased funding.
Digestive system very_goodamr hassaanThe document provides an overview of the digestive system through diagrams and images. It depicts the major organs of the digestive tract including the mouth, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine and large intestine. Exploded views show the anatomical relationship between these organs. Close-up images highlight features such as the structure of the stomach wall and function of liver lobules.
7 bills and 7 ways to saveAmerican Debt Counseling IncThe document provides 7 money-saving tips for 7 common household bills: energy, mortgage/rent, water, internet, phone, insurance, and car payments. For energy bills, the tips include air sealing homes, using timers on devices, installing efficient lighting, lowering water heater temperatures, rewiring outlets for switches, making ceiling fans more efficient, and using programmable thermostats. For mortgage and rent bills, the tips include not overextending on home purchases, cohabitating to share costs, refinancing mortgages, making biweekly payments, automating payments, using government assistance programs, and utilizing payment holidays. For water bills, the tips include installing low-flow showerheads, faucet
How to use an atmAmerican Debt Counseling IncThe document contains embedded YouTube videos and links about automated teller machines (ATMs). It includes two YouTube embeds showing ATM usage and a link to download an ATM simulation program. A final link directs to an article on how to use an ATM.
Presentacion cecar tallerMeridiano de CórdobaEl documento describe el impacto de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en la educación y el trabajo. Las TIC han jugado un papel importante en actividades diarias y contribuyen al desarrollo individual, comunitario y de países. En educación, permiten el aprendizaje en cualquier lugar, desbloquean el aprendizaje y aumentan la disfrute del aprendizaje. En el trabajo, las TIC son una alternativa para encontrar empleo y son útiles en procesos de producción, investigación, nuevas máquinas y teletra
Registro anecdóticoSaul Torres SolisEl documento contiene tres registros anecdóticos de un profesor de matemáticas sobre situaciones en el aula. En el primer registro, el profesor decide hacer sesiones de refuerzo después de clase para los estudiantes que no aprueban las prácticas calificadas. En el segundo registro, el profesor lleva a dos estudiantes a salones vacíos para que completen sus tareas sin distraer a otros. En el tercer registro, el profesor ofrece apoyo adicional después de clase a un estudiante distraído para que pueda
Google Instant Impact on SEOOptifyThe document discusses how Google Instant impacts SEO. It provides background on the speakers Ian Everdell and Erez Barak. Google Instant allows dynamic search results and predictions as the user types their query. While the basics of SEO have not changed, searchers may be funneled to suggested queries, potentially helping those already ranking for popular long tail terms. Marketers are advised to continue optimizing content and tracking long tail traffic trends.
Word banklucia95This document is an ABC book created by Lucía Martín from the 3rd year of secondary school. It lists English words beginning with each letter of the alphabet from A to Z, with multiple words provided for some letters. Words included are for bake, boil, burn, busker, chop, commute, chest, duties, emergency, earthquake, forward, fit, fault, fit, gig, gross, hill, long-sleeved, mash, outkast, overweight, performer, ruckshack, snails, sell, thumb, twisted, weird, willpower, waist, wrist.
Understanding Chemical Reactions Revisionamr hassaanChemical reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms as substances are converted into different substances. Atoms are rearranged when bonds between them are broken and new bonds form. Chemical equations are used to represent chemical reactions by using chemical formulas to show what reactant substances are changing and what product substances are forming.
Google Simplicity Enterprise WpJuan PittauThe document discusses the high costs that businesses incur due to inefficient search systems, including time wasted searching for information, administrative overhead, and lost revenue opportunities. It advocates for enterprise search solutions that provide fast, accurate search results with minimal administrative overhead through an easy-to-use interface. Specifically, it highlights how Google's search appliance addresses this need through a simple, plug-and-play package that leverages the same algorithms and scalable infrastructure as to power intuitive intranet search for businesses.
Dobie Jr High MiM Project ListSandra ItesThe document outlines several projects for a Meet in the Middle initiative between 2009-2010, including creating awareness posters for the school, a campaign to promote respect among students, training buddies to help with Special Olympics events, publishing student work about Meet in the Middle events, starting a Young Athlete program and sports day for young children, and holding an end of year youth celebration event.
Coffee carrot-eggamr hassaanThe document tells a story using three pots as metaphors for facing difficulties in life. The first pot contains carrots that soften when boiled, representing people who become weak when facing problems. The second pot contains eggs that harden inside when boiled, representing people who become bitter and hardened. The third pot contains coffee beans that change the water, representing people who face difficulties and emerge stronger by learning from their experiences. The moral is that when facing problems, people should strive to grow stronger like the coffee beans rather than become weakened or bitter.
LotusJuan PittauThe document discusses strategies for migrating Lotus Notes applications to Google Apps. It recommends assessing applications based on usage and complexity in order to determine suitability for migration. Key aspects that can be migrated include application functionality, templates and logic, data, and allowing co-existence of Notes and Google Apps platforms. Google Sites, Spreadsheets, Scripts, Gadgets and App Engine are identified as targets for migrating different application components and functionality.
Trial3Shai OmaraliThe document discusses the meaning of the word "invisible". It provides 5 potential definitions: A) Easily seen, B) Strong and unconquerable, C) Cannot be seen, D) Cannot be divided, E) Not very clear. The correct definition that is closest in meaning to "invisible" is option C, "Cannot be seen".
Reporte vhd10Miguel Angel PeñaThe document describes a digital clock design project implemented in VHDL. The clock displays hours and minutes in 24-hour format using 7-segment displays. Key components include a clockSecond module to generate clock pulses, a counter7seg module to count the time, an anodeController module to multiplex the displays, and a sevenSelect module to select the correct display digit based on the anode lines. The design was tested and able to correctly count and display the time in hours and minutes.
Psichologinė dėstytojo savijauta dėstant - Asist. Dainius Jakučionis, VU MF S...Dainius JakučionisPranešimas skaitytas Vilniaus universiteto Medicinos fakultete 2015 11 20 renginio "Šiuolaikiškas medicinos dėstytojas" metu.
Daugiau informacijos apie renginį galite rasti
Pranešimo skaidrių užrašus rasite čia -->
Anschp36FnC MusicThis document provides examples of using the lensmaker's equation to solve problems involving thin lenses and their images. It includes 23 example problems that calculate focal lengths, image locations and sizes, and magnifications based on given lens properties and object positions. The problems cover planar, convex, concave, and meniscus lenses, as well as converging and diverging lenses, and real and virtual images. Ray diagrams are used in some examples to illustrate image formation.
The Youtube of Dutch digital publications - one national platform for full-te...Olaf JanssenOlaf Janssen talking about the ambitions of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek - the national library of the Netherlands - to build the "YouTube of Dutch digital publications" - one national platform for accessing full-text digital books, newspapers and magazines.
I gave this presentation during the Connect! conference on 12th November 2010 in Zeist, the Netherlands
The presentation is in Dutch
How to Measure Inbound MarkertingOptifyIf you’re like most B2B marketers what you really care about most is cost effectively driving high-quality leads and growing your sales pipeline.
So which metrics actually prove that you’re inbound efforts are doing exactly that? Which are important indicators of future success and which metrics are just noise? In this deck you will find the top metrics you need to track to ensure that your inbound programs are making the right impact.
With the right metrics to guide your journey you’ll know where to focus your resources and be able to prove which programs and campaigns are worthy of continued or increased funding.
Digestive system very_goodamr hassaanThe document provides an overview of the digestive system through diagrams and images. It depicts the major organs of the digestive tract including the mouth, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, small intestine and large intestine. Exploded views show the anatomical relationship between these organs. Close-up images highlight features such as the structure of the stomach wall and function of liver lobules.
Gas exchangeamr hassaanThe document describes the process of breathing and gas exchange in the human body. It explains how oxygen from the air passes through the trachea and bronchi into the lungs, where it diffuses across the alveoli into blood vessels. Meanwhile, carbon dioxide diffuses from the bloodstream into the alveoli to be exhaled. It also outlines the role of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles in inhaling to expand the lungs and exhaling to contract the lungs during breathing.
Light by nightamr hassaanThe document lists over a dozen cities and locations that Peter Alexander has visited including London, Paris, Rome, Metz, Bruxelles, Ghent, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hong-Kong, Heidelberg, Rügen, Wien, Budapest, Santorini, Scotland, Wales, Chicago, and Quebec. It ends by wishing the reader a beautiful night.
4 nice storiesamr hassaan1) A boy with a bad temper is given nails by his father to hammer into a fence each time he loses his temper. Over time, the boy loses his temper less as it is easier to hold his temper than create holes in the fence that will never be repaired.
2) A guy with a terminal illness falls in love at first sight with a girl at a music store. Each time he visits, he leaves his number for her but dies before they can meet. His mother finds many unopened CDs from the store, each containing a love note from the girl.
3) Two ill men share a hospital room, one by the window who describes the outside scene. When he passes, the other man
Cactus in bloomamr hassaanThe document provides tips for living a better life in 2010, including recommendations to take daily walks while smiling, meditate for 10 minutes each day, sleep 7 hours per night, embrace energy, enthusiasm and empathy, play games, read books, drink water, eat more natural foods and less processed foods, spend time with both the elderly and young children, forgive others and past mistakes, and focus on the present moment rather than things outside of one's control. The overall message is about maintaining a positive outlook, taking care of one's physical, mental and social well-being, being mindful, and letting go of negativity, comparisons and past issues.
A butterfly’s lesson in english درس الفراشة رائعamr hassaanA man asked God for a flower and butterfly but instead received a cactus and caterpillar. Though initially sad, over time the cactus bloomed into a beautiful flower and the caterpillar transformed into a butterfly. The story teaches that God's plans are always better than our own and that what we need is not always what we want. Today's thorns can become tomorrow's flowers if we trust in God's timing and choices.
Cities from the_planeamr hassaanThe document lists various cities and locations around the world, with several mentions of London, New York, Chicago, Sydney, and Rio de Janeiro.
Great wordsamr hassaanThis document provides a collection of philosophical sayings and proverbs. It offers advice around being cautious but optimistic about time, focusing on future opportunities rather than past mistakes, treating people well at all times, avoiding unnecessary explanations especially to enemies, acting with courage in spite of fear, and taking responsibility for one's own growth and future.
Amazing cairoamr hassaanThe document provides instructions for enjoying a file, stating that the user should not use the mouse wheel, should only use the left mouse button, and should adjust the volume to a middle level. It also repeatedly lists the word "Cairo".
Defensive driving النقطة العمياء لسائقي السياراتamr hassaanOver 600,000 accidents occur each year in the US due to drivers changing lanes without seeing other vehicles. Positioning side mirrors at a 90 degree angle rather than facing the side of the vehicle reduces blind spots and improves visibility of nearby cars. With the side mirrors angled outward, drivers will be able to see other vehicles faster and for longer periods of time, reducing the risk of accidents when changing lanes. Good visibility enabled by properly positioned mirrors can help drivers avoid accidents.
الإبداع والابتكار ريادة الاعمال الباب الثالث الاستاذ الدكتور هاني عاطفHany Atefتعريف الإبداع وأهميته في ريادة الأعمال
تعريف الإبداع
الإبداع هو القدرة على إنتاج أفكار جديدة ومبتكرة، أو إيجاد حلول غير تقليدية لمشاكل قائمة. يتضمن التفكير خارج المألوف والتفكير النقدي لتحويل الأفكار إلى أفعال أو منتجات يمكن أن تضيف قيمة للمجتمع أو السوق. في سياق ريادة الأعمال، الإبداع لا يقتصر فقط على ابتكار منتجات جديدة، بل يشمل أيضًا طرقًا جديدة لإدارة الأعمال، تطوير العمليات، وتحقيق التميز في تقديم الخدمات.
أهمية الإبداع في ريادة الأعمال
التمييز في السوق
في بيئة الأعمال التنافسية، يصبح الإبداع أحد العوامل الرئيسية التي تميز الشركات الناشئة عن منافسيها. ابتكار منتجات جديدة أو تقديم خدمات بطريقة مختلفة يعزز من قدرة المشروع على جذب انتباه العملاء وخلق قيمة مضافة.
حل المشكلات
ريادة الأعمال تتطلب القدرة على حل المشكلات بشكل مبتكر، سواء كانت تتعلق بتلبية احتياجات السوق أو تحسين العمليات الداخلية. الإبداع يساعد رواد الأعمال على إيجاد حلول فعالة للتحديات التي قد تواجههم، مما يعزز استدامة أعمالهم.
تحقيق النمو والابتكار
الأعمال التي تعتمد على الإبداع تكون أكثر قدرة على التكيف مع التغيرات في السوق. الابتكار المستمر لا يؤدي فقط إلى تحسين المنتجات والخدمات، بل يفتح أيضًا آفاقًا جديدة للنمو والتوسع في أسواق جديدة.
جذب المستثمرين
الأفكار الإبداعية تجذب اهتمام المستثمرين، الذين يبحثون عن مشاريع تتمتع بإمكانات نمو عالية وأفكار مبتكرة تميزها عن المنافسين. الاستثمار في الأفكار الجديدة قد يوفر رأس المال اللازم لتطوير الأعمال.
تحقيق التفوق التنافسي
الشركات التي تعتمد على الإبداع تتمكن من تقديم حلول متميزة أو منتجات مبتكرة تمنحها ميزة تنافسية كبيرة. هذا التفوق يساعد في الحفاظ على حصتها السوقية وتوسيع نطاق تأثيرها.
استراتيجيات الابتكار وتطوير الأفكار في ريادة الأعمال
الابتكار هو عنصر أساسي لضمان نجاح المشاريع الريادية والنمو المستدام. يمكن للابتكار أن يكون العامل المميز بين الشركات التي تنجح وتلك التي تفشل. من خلال تبني استراتيجيات مبتكرة لتطوير الأفكار، يمكن لرواد الأعمال التميز في السوق، وحل المشكلات، وتحقيق النمو. فيما يلي استراتيجيات فعالة لتطوير الأفكار والابتكار في ريادة الأعمال:
التفكير التصميمي (Design Thinking)
الشرح:التفكير التصميمي هو منهجية تركز على المستخدم وتساعد على الابتكار عبر خمس مراحل: التعاطف مع المستخدمين، تحديد المشكلة، توليد الأفكار، إنشاء النماذج الأولية، والاختبار.
الفائدة:هذه الاستراتيجية تركز على إيجاد حلول عملية وملموسة للمشاكل من خلال فهم عميق لاحتياجات العملاء، مما يعزز من فعالية الأفكار والمنتجات المطروحة.
كلمات و رسائل المشاركین حول المؤتمر الدولي العاشر حول القضايا الراهنة للغات،...The Annual International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literatureكلمات و رسائل المشاركین
المؤتمر الدولي العاشر حول القضايا الراهنة للغات، علم اللغة، الترجمة و الأدب
2-1 فبرایر 2025 ، الأهواز
تم استلام البحوث من بلدان مختلفة (و ذلک من الجزائر، العراق، سلطنة عمان، تونس، روسيا، كندا، قطر، اليابان، الولايات المتحدة، فرنسا، إسبانيا). و قد تم تحكيم هذه البحوث عبر اللجنة الأخصائية الدولية للمؤتمر و من ثَمّ طبعها و نشرها. كان تقديم البحوث في المؤتمر بإحدی اللغات التالیة: العربیة، الإنجلیزیة و الفارسیة.
لا تتردد فی مراسلتنا للاجابة عن ای استفسارات.
اللجنة المنظمة للمؤتمر،
الأهواز / الصندوق البريدی 61335-4619:
الهاتف :32931199-61 (98+)
النقال و رقم للتواصل علی الواتس اب : 9165088772(98+)
البريد اﻹﻟﮑﺘﺮوﻧﻲ:
ريادة الاعمال الباب الرابع.أ.د. هاني عاطفHany Atefدراسة الجدوى للمشروعات الصغيرة
دراسة الجدوى هي العملية التي تهدف إلى تقييم ما إذا كان المشروع سيحقق النجاح المالي والتشغيلي المتوقع أم لا. تعتبر دراسة الجدوى خطوة أساسية في عملية تأسيس المشروعات الصغيرة، حيث تساهم في تحديد مدى قابلية المشروع للتنفيذ وتساعد في اتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة بشأن الاستثمار والموارد.
أهمية دراسة الجدوى للمشروعات الصغيرة
تحديد قابلية الفكرة:تساهم دراسة الجدوى في التأكد من أن فكرة المشروع قابلة للتنفيذ وتلبي حاجة في السوق.
تقييم المخاطر:تساعد في تحديد المخاطر المحتملة التي قد تواجه المشروع، مما يتيح لرائد الأعمال التعامل معها بشكل مسبق.
تحديد الاحتياجات المالية:من خلال دراسة الجدوى يمكن تحديد التمويل اللازم لبدء المشروع وتنفيذه بشكل فعال.
تحديد الجدوى المالية:تساهم الدراسة في تقدير الأرباح والعوائد المحتملة للمشروع، مما يساعد في تحديد إذا ما كان المشروع سيكون مربحًا أم لا.
زيادة فرص النجاح:من خلال التحليل الدقيق للعوامل المختلفة، تساعد دراسة الجدوى في تحسين فرصة نجاح المشروع وزيادة فعاليته.
small project uae vocabulary united arab emiratesuaqmoh
اثار النمرود فى العراق ودور صدام فى الحفاظ عليها
3. شاهدوا كنوز الملك النمرود الذي حكم العراق وكان هو الذي حاجج سيدنا ابراهيم عليه الصلاة والسلام .. كانت موضوعة في اسفل مبنى البنك المركزي العراقي حيث امر الرئيس الراحل صدام حسين بحفظها بعناية فائقة كي تسلم من ايدي العابثين والمخربين , طبعا بعد ما وصل العلوج مع أعوانهم لم يتركو شيئا لم يعبثو به ومن ضمنها متحف العراق و كنوز الملك النمرود !!