DIAGRAMA 2pctechnicalEl documento proporciona instrucciones para resolver problemas con un modem externo o interno que no está funcionando correctamente. Primero se debe verificar si el modem es externo o interno y asegurarse de que esté conectado al puerto o línea telefónica correcta. Luego, se deben revisar los prefijos de marcación y deshabilitar las llamadas entrantes para evitar desconexiones. Finalmente, se debe verificar que el modem no esté compartiendo IRQ con otro dispositivo.
PHR use supports closer patient-professional relationships in diabetes carePete DaviesOverview of progress & evaluation using a personal health record 'Patients Know Best' to help & support people with type 1 diabetes
Contemporary and Alternative Medicine Waldeis Gilfert CoddingtongilfereaReflexology is an alternative medicine technique that involves applying pressure to certain points on the feet, hands and ears that are believed to correspond to different parts of the body. The document discusses how reflexology is based on the principle that stimulating zones in the feet, hands or ears can positively impact related areas of the body like glands, organs and systems by helping to correct imbalances. A brief history of reflexology is provided, noting its origins in ancient Egypt and its modern founder William Fitzgerald. Potential benefits include relaxation, improved circulation and stress reduction, though adverse reactions like fatigue or nausea are possible.
Community Voice Ltd Application FormAmelia TattersallThis document is an application form for a position with Community Voice Careline Response Limited. It requests personal details, employment history, references, education history, and availability from applicants. It notes that successful candidates will be asked to complete a medical questionnaire and that CVs should not be enclosed. Applicants are asked to sign declaring that all information provided is true and complete.
jpalmer-rec - BrownJennifer PalmerJennifer Palmer is a strong candidate for workplace or graduate opportunities based on her academic and personal achievements. She is an intelligent and driven student who has won writing awards and consistently earns high grades. Additionally, Jennifer overcame a serious brain injury in 2013 that required her to relearn basic skills, demonstrating great perseverance. The professor recommends Jennifer highly and believes any organization will be proud to have her based on her strengths in language, intellect, and inner courage.
Chapter 10 Group 5Keitt ZaniyahSocial networks allow users to connect and share information online. Popular social networks include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Marketers can benefit from social networks by finding customers, building brand awareness, and conducting research. For example, Quantivo used LinkedIn groups to share content and generate over 70 leads. Nonprofits can also create private social networks to organize supporters and raise funds. The future of social networks remains strong as sites like Google+ continue growing rapidly.
Mathematical proofPatricia RossouwThe process of starting with an assumption, or a statement which is given, and, by using logical argument, arriving at a conclusion
AI&Big Data Club спікер Дмитро Сподарець "Які інструменти використовують в Da...Lviv Startup ClubДмитро Сподарец - засновник компанії FlyElephant, викладач кафедри системного програмного забезпечення ОНПУ, організатор технічних конференцій про Data Science, AI, BigData, HPC, JS.
Тема: Які інструменти використовують в Data Science?
Декілька слів від самого спікера:
"Наша команда FlyElephant, в конце прошлого года, провела среди дата-сайентистов опрос об инструментах, которые они используют в своей работе. В докладемы рассмотрим, с какими объемами датасетов они работают, какие библиотеки, языки и облачные сервисы они используют, какой софт для сбора, хранения и визуализации популярен. Поговорим о проблемах, с которыми они сталкиваются и том, что может помочь ускорить их работу"
Gamification why, how, whatMission StartDe Golden Circle van gamification. Gamification is niet alleen games en apps, maar ook fysieke en hybride spelconcepten. Ontdek het in deze breakdown.
Manual mapas mentalesTeresa Clotilde Ojeda SánchezManual del curso básico de Mapas Mentales desarrollado por el Departamento de Innovación y Sociedad del Conocimiento de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa - España
Adverse Drug ReactionMayur ChaudhariThis document discusses adverse drug effects, including definitions of terms like adverse drug reactions, adverse events, pharmacovigilance. It describes types of adverse effects such as side effects, secondary effects, toxic effects, intolerance, idiosyncrasy, drug allergy. It provides examples of different types of drug allergies and clinical manifestations. The document also covers topics like drug dependence, withdrawal reactions, teratogenicity, mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, and drug-induced diseases.
omkar-hybris-cvomkar singhOmkar Singh has over 3 years of experience in web application development using Java/J2EE technologies and Hybris e-commerce. He has expertise in e-commerce development including customizing, implementing, and integrating Hybris accelerators for B2B and B2C applications. Some of his projects include developing GDM 2.0 using Hybris 6.1 for integration of Hybris commerce, C4C, and marketing and GDM 1.0 using Hybris 6.0 for integration of C4C and marketing. He also has experience with AngularJS, NodeJS, Spring, Hibernate, MySQL, Eclipse, and version control tools like Git and SVN.
mHealth: Redefining Healthcare [x]cube LABSThis document discusses the growing market for mobile health (mHealth) technologies. It notes that the mHealth market is growing rapidly due to factors like increasing smartphone and tablet use, demands from patients and doctors, and a focus on patient-centered care. Mobile technologies can help address challenges in healthcare like staff shortages and rising costs by improving efficiency and access to care. The document provides examples of popular mHealth solutions and opportunities in areas like patient engagement, remote monitoring, and hospital administration. It also discusses barriers to adoption like data privacy concerns and potential costs.
Working in ICTLarry NelsonThe document outlines objectives for examining how information and communication technologies (ICT) have changed the way people work. Students will write essays discussing how ICT has made some jobs redundant while creating new jobs, and how ICT has changed the way people work through examples and case studies. Higher performing students will write well-structured essays with minimal grammatical or spelling errors. Tasks involve reading about how job descriptions have changed over time and researching how ICT has transformed work by writing a short essay. Recommended websites provide additional information on these topics.
The Hero's Journey to Catharsis Το Ταξίδι του Ήρωα προς την ΚάθαρσηNiki Lambropoulos PhDThe Hero's Journey to Catharsis
Δημιουργική Γραφή / Αφήγηση και Νέες Τεχνολογίες στην Εκπαίδευση
ΧΟΥΝΤΑ ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΑ_ υποστηρικτική τεχνολογία στα άτομα με νοητική αναπηρίαSasaHounta1Εργασία για την υποστηρικτική τεχνολογία στα άτομα με νοητική αναπηρία
AI&Big Data Club спікер Дмитро Сподарець "Які інструменти використовують в Da...Lviv Startup ClubДмитро Сподарец - засновник компанії FlyElephant, викладач кафедри системного програмного забезпечення ОНПУ, організатор технічних конференцій про Data Science, AI, BigData, HPC, JS.
Тема: Які інструменти використовують в Data Science?
Декілька слів від самого спікера:
"Наша команда FlyElephant, в конце прошлого года, провела среди дата-сайентистов опрос об инструментах, которые они используют в своей работе. В докладемы рассмотрим, с какими объемами датасетов они работают, какие библиотеки, языки и облачные сервисы они используют, какой софт для сбора, хранения и визуализации популярен. Поговорим о проблемах, с которыми они сталкиваются и том, что может помочь ускорить их работу"
Gamification why, how, whatMission StartDe Golden Circle van gamification. Gamification is niet alleen games en apps, maar ook fysieke en hybride spelconcepten. Ontdek het in deze breakdown.
Manual mapas mentalesTeresa Clotilde Ojeda SánchezManual del curso básico de Mapas Mentales desarrollado por el Departamento de Innovación y Sociedad del Conocimiento de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa - España
Adverse Drug ReactionMayur ChaudhariThis document discusses adverse drug effects, including definitions of terms like adverse drug reactions, adverse events, pharmacovigilance. It describes types of adverse effects such as side effects, secondary effects, toxic effects, intolerance, idiosyncrasy, drug allergy. It provides examples of different types of drug allergies and clinical manifestations. The document also covers topics like drug dependence, withdrawal reactions, teratogenicity, mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, and drug-induced diseases.
omkar-hybris-cvomkar singhOmkar Singh has over 3 years of experience in web application development using Java/J2EE technologies and Hybris e-commerce. He has expertise in e-commerce development including customizing, implementing, and integrating Hybris accelerators for B2B and B2C applications. Some of his projects include developing GDM 2.0 using Hybris 6.1 for integration of Hybris commerce, C4C, and marketing and GDM 1.0 using Hybris 6.0 for integration of C4C and marketing. He also has experience with AngularJS, NodeJS, Spring, Hibernate, MySQL, Eclipse, and version control tools like Git and SVN.
mHealth: Redefining Healthcare [x]cube LABSThis document discusses the growing market for mobile health (mHealth) technologies. It notes that the mHealth market is growing rapidly due to factors like increasing smartphone and tablet use, demands from patients and doctors, and a focus on patient-centered care. Mobile technologies can help address challenges in healthcare like staff shortages and rising costs by improving efficiency and access to care. The document provides examples of popular mHealth solutions and opportunities in areas like patient engagement, remote monitoring, and hospital administration. It also discusses barriers to adoption like data privacy concerns and potential costs.
Working in ICTLarry NelsonThe document outlines objectives for examining how information and communication technologies (ICT) have changed the way people work. Students will write essays discussing how ICT has made some jobs redundant while creating new jobs, and how ICT has changed the way people work through examples and case studies. Higher performing students will write well-structured essays with minimal grammatical or spelling errors. Tasks involve reading about how job descriptions have changed over time and researching how ICT has transformed work by writing a short essay. Recommended websites provide additional information on these topics.
The Hero's Journey to Catharsis Το Ταξίδι του Ήρωα προς την ΚάθαρσηNiki Lambropoulos PhDThe Hero's Journey to Catharsis
Δημιουργική Γραφή / Αφήγηση και Νέες Τεχνολογίες στην Εκπαίδευση
ΧΟΥΝΤΑ ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΑ_ υποστηρικτική τεχνολογία στα άτομα με νοητική αναπηρίαSasaHounta1Εργασία για την υποστηρικτική τεχνολογία στα άτομα με νοητική αναπηρία
ΤΑ ΚΡΥΜΜΕΝΑ ΠΑΙΔΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΚΑΤΟΧΗΣ Ιστορίες παιδιών που σώθηκαν κρυμμένα.Σ.pptxSevastoulaTsirigoti1Πώς σώθηκαν τα παιδιά στην Κατοχή; Ποιοι ήταν αυτοί που έβαλαν σε κίνδυνο τη ζωή τους και τις οικογένειές τους για να σώσουν παιδιά;