mroads-services-2016-AlineBritoAline L.mroads is a niche company that specializes in building a next generation workforce through technology and customized solutions like staff augmentation, project management, consulting, and outsourcing. They help clients reach their objectives through IT solution delivery, process improvements, product development, and other professional consulting services. mroads aims to simplify the hiring process for clients by using an in-house video interview platform and artificial intelligence to thoroughly screen candidates prior to submission, resulting in a proven conversion rate of over 30%.
mroads-services-2016-AlineBritoAline L.mroads is a niche company that specializes in building a next generation workforce through technology and customized solutions like staff augmentation, project management, consulting, and outsourcing. They help clients reach their objectives through IT solution delivery, process improvements, product development, and other professional consulting services. mroads aims to simplify the hiring process for clients by using an in-house video interview platform and artificial intelligence to thoroughly screen candidates prior to submission, resulting in a proven conversion rate of over 30%.
RFB PortfolioLili GreensteinDunkin' Donuts has introduced a new Wildberry Smoothie made with strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, and blackberry. The smoothie will be available for a limited time at participating locations in New England. Dunkin' is also offering new Fruited Iced Teas and seasonal flavors to help customers stay cool this summer.
KARL STORZ Industrial -- Products for Aviation & Engine RepairGary N. ParenteauKARL STORZ is a world leader when it comes to optics. Especially, when it pertains to FAA regulations, turbine repair, engine maintenance,
Reinke Resume Tim ReinkeTim Reinke has over 20 years of experience in agricultural land management and rangeland management. He has worked for Invista, the USDA-NRCS, and Texas Tech University developing conservation plans, implementing best management practices, controlling invasive species, and advising landowners. Reinke has a B.S. in Range Management from Texas Tech University and is a Certified Professional in Range Management.
WA CFO SymposiumDavid RounsevellJust like we are told not to do our groceries when hungry, organisations should not delve into cost cutting when they need it.
That is the single most important thing to keep in mind with regards to strategic cost management.
The words “strategic” and “management” both are equally important, because that’s where the difference lies.
While random cost cutting may show a marked improvement in costs during the current time-frame, what it does is essentially strip away necessary, value-adding parts of the organisation that would allow it to grow in the future.
Let’s start a discussion and hear your thoughts on this topic.
Aditivos de perforacion mi swaco base agua zona superficial e intermediaJairo HerreraEste documento proporciona una lista de aditivos de perforación de lodo de agua de la compañía MI SWACO, incluyendo su nombre, función, concentración recomendada y empaquetamiento. Los aditivos se dividen en tres zonas: zona superficial, zona intermedia y zona de producción. Algunos aditivos controlan la pérdida de circulación, filtración o hidratación de arcillas, mientras que otros actúan como viscosificadores, floculantes o densificantes. La mayoría vienen empaquetados en bolsas
Modelo Balanced Score Cared (BSC)narc8El documento describe el modelo de Cuadro de Mando Integral (Balanced Scorecard). Fue presentado en 1999 por la revista Harvard Business Review y sus autores fueron Robert Kaplan y David Norton. Es un sistema de medición del desempeño organizacional que define objetivos, estrategias e indicadores clave en las perspectivas financiera, del cliente, de los procesos internos y de aprendizaje y crecimiento. El modelo permite medir y controlar el desarrollo del plan estratégico de una organización.
Global Marine Technology Trends 2030QinetiQ AustraliaThis is the presentation Iain Kennedy, Strategy Director of QinetiQ UK's Maritime Division, gave at Pacific 2015. He discusses how future naval operations will be conducted, considering the application and integration of emerging technologies over the next two decades.
Defence Industry... Plus Some ThoughtsQinetiQ AustraliaPresentation by QinetiQ Australia General Manager Land & Maritime George McGuire at the Australian Naval Institute's Goldrick Seminar on 3 December 2015.
FEEDING SYSTEM DESIGN OF DUCTILE IRON DIKaram Sheikh KhaledThis document discusses the design of gating and risering systems for ductile iron castings. It begins with introductions to computer-aided design of gating and risering as well as the objectives of optimal design. The main body of the document then covers the following topics: risering system design principles and methods, including pressure control risering; gating system design principles and calculations for choke size and pouring time; and the algorithm used in the software for inputting data and calculating risering and gating dimensions based on casting properties. Design is checked to ensure adequate liquid feed is provided by the riser.
Los mapasprofeshispanicaEste documento trata sobre los mapas y las proyecciones cartográficas. Explica que un mapa es una representación de la Tierra y que existen diferentes tipos de proyecciones para proyectar la superficie esférica en una superficie plana. También señala que la escala de un mapa indica cuántas veces se ha reproducido una zona geográfica y que la escala se elige en función del espacio a representar y la información requerida.
PV inverter's instruction by thinkpowerChengdong LiThe document discusses Thinkpower's on-grid inverter product series for household use ranging from 1.5-5kw. It provides an overview of the key features and specifications of the T series and S series inverters, including dimensions, weight, power output, and efficiency ratings. It also describes the technological characteristics of Thinkpower inverters, such as their modular design, innovative cooling system, digital control system, use of high-quality components, and multiple protection features. Finally, it discusses the remote monitoring capabilities of Thinkpower inverters using wireless communication and data management through their online monitoring platform.
ABB Training Colombia Inverters - Focus on residential and commercial solutio...Jesús Leyton PEsta presentación pertenece a Marco Trova:
Director de Ventas y Servicio Técnico División de Energías Renovables.
Ingeniero Electrónico del Politécnico de Milán,Italia. Desde el 2003 Marco Trova se integró a la División de Energías Renovables y trabajó en el diseño e introducción al mercado de la línea de Inversores Solares AURORA®. En el 2007 fue nombrado como Director de Ventas y Servicio Técnico.
Marco Trova es miembro del IEC TC82 (Comité Técnico IEC 82: "Solar Photovoltaic Energy Systems”) en la rama italiana CEI, en el cual participa activamente en los grupos de trabajo encargados de la elaboración de nuevas normas, incluidos los nuevos códigos de red de baja y media tensión para sistemas conectados a la red.