Lp myth&folkloreCatherine CallejaFolklore as Oral Traditions, Culture and Rituals
The document discusses different aspects of folklore including oral traditions, culture, and rituals. It provides examples of folklore as oral traditions such as folktales, proverbs, jokes, and examines aspects of culture including language, cuisine, values, and recreational activities. Rituals are also discussed as a form of folklore, whether formalized cultural or religious rituals or informal family practices. The document emphasizes that folklore shows the symbolism of culture and identity and helps preserve traditions over time while developing understanding of cultural roots.
Lp myth&folkloreCatherine CallejaFolklore as Oral Traditions, Culture and Rituals
The document discusses different aspects of folklore including oral traditions, culture, and rituals. It provides examples of folklore as oral traditions such as folktales, proverbs, jokes, and examines aspects of culture including language, cuisine, values, and recreational activities. Rituals are also discussed as a form of folklore, whether formalized cultural or religious rituals or informal family practices. The document emphasizes that folklore shows the symbolism of culture and identity and helps preserve traditions over time while developing understanding of cultural roots.
Anisa's keynote presintationanisatokThree best friends played outside for a long time, then got locked outside and had to wait until they received a card to get unlocked. They then sat down to drink hot chocolate before going to bed.
EditingShanniyheThis document summarizes a group evaluation of a project. Things that went well included having experience with the editing software, a large selection of shots to choose from, and good collaboration where members contributed ideas or took on supporting roles. Things that didn't go well were some unusable out-of-focus shots, the time it took to construct the timeline from many shots, and needing to change the opening structure and production credits due to unavailable shots.
Do's and dont's ngrimballThe document is an interactive story that teaches children appropriate behaviors for buying cotton candy at a circus or fair. It prompts the child to make choices at different steps of the process and provides feedback on whether the choice was correct or not. The key lessons are that children should ask permission, be patient, use polite manners, and follow instructions from adults.
SEMINARIO 3sarairuizherreraEl documento describe un objetivo de encontrar al menos 5 artículos en la base de datos CINAHL sobre el tratamiento hospitalario de infecciones de heridas por cesárea en los últimos 5 años. Se detallan los pasos para realizar la búsqueda en CINAHL usando términos médicos controlados y filtros de fecha. Se incluyen capturas de pantalla de los resultados de búsqueda y las primeras páginas de 2 artículos completos. También se proporcionan 6 referencias bibliográficas en formato Uniform sobre el tema.
April queen and savannah bowman project (final)Savannah BowmanThis document outlines a kindergarten lesson plan about the changing seasons. It includes having students memorize key facts about each season through a matching game. Then, students will analyze seasonal symbols by matching pictures to columns representing each season on a chart. Finally, students demonstrate understanding through creative activities like discussing scenarios and decorating a "Changing Tree" poster to illustrate seasonal changes over time.
My Presentation About Lynx'sanisatokThe lynx is a medium-sized cat that lives in northern parts of North America, Europe, and Asia. Lynx have long tufts on their ears, weigh between 18-40 pounds, and prey primarily on snowshoe hares. They mate in March and April and give birth to litters of kittens about 63 days later. Lynx are threatened by larger predators like wolves and cougars. There are four species of lynx that vary in size and color but all hunt using a stalk and ambush technique to catch small mammals and birds.
Exploring survey research 3 13 with audiobiscuit1The presentation discussed best practices for survey design and administration including reducing errors, determining appropriate sample and methodology, question design, and response rates. Key points included understanding sources of error, choosing between web, phone, mail or mixed methods, and factors like question wording, order, and length that influence validity and responses. Following guidelines like Dillman's tailored design method aims to improve response rates through pre-notice, personalized contacts, and reminders. Average internet surveys have lower response than mail but faster response time.