@第二屆科技與社會研究繼續教育工作坊 資訊科技與社會介入 Part I
CC BY-SA 4.0(引用圖文除外)
更多內容,見台灣科技與社會研究學會2014年6月電子報 http://bit.ly/1oUihMZ
My Apple Collection and the Stories behind them - During 1997~2000, The Rumbl...Hsiao-hsien Yang
During the years 1997-2000, Apple experienced a decline in its US market share from 13% in 1991 to 3.25% in 1997, representing a period of turmoil known as "The Rumbling Years". Several articles and videos from the time document Apple's struggles, including a 1997 TIME Magazine article about the company's challenges in Asia and various YouTube videos reflecting on Apple's position in the late 90s tech market.
This document discusses blogging and content creation platforms. It includes charts about contributor and lurker ratios on blogs. It also lists various blog and website creation tools, features, and customization options. Finally, it discusses potential partnerships, collaborators, and revenue models for a content platform called "ppolis".
@第二屆科技與社會研究繼續教育工作坊 資訊科技與社會介入 Part I
CC BY-SA 4.0(引用圖文除外)
更多內容,見台灣科技與社會研究學會2014年6月電子報 http://bit.ly/1oUihMZ
My Apple Collection and the Stories behind them - During 1997~2000, The Rumbl...Hsiao-hsien Yang
During the years 1997-2000, Apple experienced a decline in its US market share from 13% in 1991 to 3.25% in 1997, representing a period of turmoil known as "The Rumbling Years". Several articles and videos from the time document Apple's struggles, including a 1997 TIME Magazine article about the company's challenges in Asia and various YouTube videos reflecting on Apple's position in the late 90s tech market.
This document discusses blogging and content creation platforms. It includes charts about contributor and lurker ratios on blogs. It also lists various blog and website creation tools, features, and customization options. Finally, it discusses potential partnerships, collaborators, and revenue models for a content platform called "ppolis".
自律聯盟從近年來NPO活動問卷與研究中發現,NPO的多元化發展如:社會企業、公共關係、品牌建立、資源募集、企業社會責任等皆為NPO夥伴們關注的重要議題。因此,自律聯盟於102年11月27日(三)下午於台北市洪建全教育文化基金會敏隆講堂舉辦培力課程,由企業社會責任(Corporation Social Responsibility,CSR)的角度出發,談NPO的合作策略。