This document appears to be notes from a physics lecture or textbook covering several topics:
1) It discusses Coulomb's law and the relationship between electric force and gravitational force.
2) It covers concepts related to voltage, current, and resistance including Ohm's law. Circuits are discussed including those in series and parallel.
3) Measurement units for current are defined ranging from amps to microamps. Formulas for resistance, power, and combining resistances are also shown.
22. nx66tib'% 0.S A 6iiafllslnGQ~l9~u66%~
0.1-0.2 A WIU
0.05-O.lA Mtpl'Ml"%Q
0.02-0.05A "~lilP16~~6ii~~~~,~-~~~~~l~66~~
O.Ol-0.02A Sm6lunlafi
O.OOS-0.01A Ht%Gh&lu
O.OOl-0.005A hlBiilCp~~~"lki
I = Aq/At
wr = q ̄
P *= IV = `f/R = I¨/ R
SC 102 325