Приветствие компании SAP.SelectedPresentationsVII Уральский форум
Информационная безопасность банков
Пленарное заседание. Часть I
Открытие Форума. Приветственные выступления
организаторов и представителей государственных структур-регуляторов.
Шепелявый Дмитрий Александрович, директор департамента продаж платформенных решений SAP
Источник: http://ural.ib-bank.ru/materials_2015
E-sourceJacksonandMurphyoctober2014Maureen MurphyThis document summarizes an interview with Jacob Okumu about his research on the experiences of emancipated foster youth transitioning to college. Some key points:
1) Emancipated foster youth face significant challenges transitioning to college like isolation and lack of family support. Their needs often differ from traditional students in needing financial and housing assistance.
2) Effective strategies for supporting these students include identifying policies that make them feel isolated, providing mentorship programs, and tailored advising that helps them develop holistically.
3) Implementing programs to help emancipated foster youth transition successfully is important for achieving diversity and ensuring this population can enroll and persist in college. Okumu's research is informing new mentoring
Effective presentation - TestingAnthi PanayiotakiThe document provides tips for designing effective PowerPoint presentations, including making text and elements big enough to be visible from a distance, keeping content simple with limited text and simple designs, and maintaining consistency in designs, formatting, and transitions to avoid distracting the audience. The presentation should guide the audience through the content in a progressive, step-by-step manner. Key recommendations are to use large, clear fonts; simple bullet points instead of lengthy paragraphs; high contrast colors; and minimal animations, sounds and transitions.
Xperia zrtechfameplusThis document summarizes the key specifications of the Sony Xperia ZR smartphone. It has a 13 megapixel camera, 16x digital zoom, full HD video recording, and face detection. The phone features a 4.6 inch HD display, 2GB of RAM, up to 8GB of internal storage and a removable 2300mAh battery. It is waterproof and dust resistant. The Sony Xperia ZR is available in pink, black and white colors for a price of Rs. 27461.
Nimcet 2014Sahil SainiThe document provides information about NIMCET 2014, the National Level entrance exam for admission to MCA programs offered at 11 National Institutes of Technology across India.
The key details are:
1) NIMCET 2014 will be conducted on 25th May 2014 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon at various test centers for admission to MCA programs at NITs for the 2014-2015 academic year.
2) Eligible candidates include those who have secured at least 60% marks in a BSc, BCA or BE/BTech degree, or 55% for SC/ST candidates, and have to apply online between specified dates and submit documents.
3) The admission process consists
Weakening rupeePranav KhullarThe document discusses the causes and effects of the weakening Indian rupee. It traces the historical exchange rate between the rupee and US dollar from 1947 to present. Key causes of the rupee's weakening include India's dependence on crude oil imports, gold imports, fiscal and current account deficits, the European debt crisis, and weak economic fundamentals. Effects include higher gold and fuel prices, increased education costs for students abroad, benefits for exporters, and increased borrowing costs. A weak rupee impacts many sectors of the Indian economy.
Ancaman Keamanan Jaringancandra358Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai ancaman dalam sistem keamanan jaringan seperti probe, scan, account compromise, packet sniffer, hacking, denial of service, malicious code, social engineering, phishing, dan deface. Ancaman-ancaman tersebut dapat menyebabkan kerusakan sistem, pencurian data, atau gangguan layanan jaringan.
TALLER DE CAKE POPSaulade5manuellianoEl documento presenta la receta de un taller de cocina realizado por niños de 2 a 5 años para preparar bolas de queso y bizcocho rellenas de chocolate. Los ingredientes necesarios son bizcochos, queso de caza, y chocolate para fundir. La preparación consiste en desmigar el bizcocho, mezclarlo con el queso, hacer bolitas y congelarlas, derretir el chocolate para bañar las bolas, y decorarlas con virutas de colores. Al final, los niños disfrutaron comiendo su creación.
Hst session 1CDA_DcampsThe document outlines the agenda and schedule for a health staff training session at Camp Rotary. It provides details on the daily and nightly routines at camp, including wake up times, meal times, activities, curfews and medical check-ins. A typical day includes flag raising, breakfast, sessions, snacks, lunch, rest, electives, dinner and an evening program. The training also covers policies, procedures, abuse reporting and expectations for staff participation.
Source pack installation of OpenFOAM.4.0 into RHLmmer547This slide is the presentation materials at 50th OpenCAE Local User Group at KANSAI.
Web site: http://ofbkansai.sakura.ne.jp/en/
Railroad Worker Severely Injures FootAnthony RothThe document discusses a recent Supreme Court ruling that makes it harder for plaintiffs to bring class action lawsuits against large companies. The ruling will make it more difficult for individuals with small claims to join together in class actions, as they now have to provide extensive evidence at the beginning of the case, before the class is certified. This ruling is a victory for large corporations as it limits their exposure to large class action lawsuits and makes class actions less attractive for plaintiffs' lawyers to pursue.
Proceso enfermerofaamiisaaEste documento describe el proceso enfermero para una mujer mayor de 70 años que es independiente. La enfermera realizó una valoración usando el modelo de Virginia Henderson y diagnosticó riesgo de caídas y disposición para mejorar el autocuidado. Se desarrolló un plan que incluyó ejercicios, educación nutricional y de la salud. Tras 6 visitas, la evaluación mostró mejoras en la conducta de prevención de caídas, movilidad y autocuidado.
The Pugh Group Listing PresentationSid PughThis document introduces The Pugh Group, a real estate team based in Huntsville, AL. It summarizes their services, which include providing buyers and sellers with a market analysis, professional photos and videos, heavy internet advertising, and use of technology like ShowingSuite to provide feedback and schedule showings. The document also highlights The Pugh Group's success, noting they were the #1 team in Alabama in 2013 with over 260 transactions.
Banker cover letterbradjenkins246This document provides samples and tips for writing a cover letter for a banker position. It includes two samples of banker cover letters addressing the hiring manager by name and highlighting relevant experience in customer service, sales, and banking. The cover letters indicate an interest in the position and request consideration of the attached resume. The document also lists additional free resources on the 4career.net website for writing an effective cover letter, resume samples, interview questions and answers, and tips for winning a job interview.
Digital Humanities Revisited - Summary ReportVolkswagenStiftung(DIGITAL) HUMANITIES REVISITED –
Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age; CONFERENCE SUMMARY on the Herrenhäuser Konferenz organized by the VolkswagenStiftung
7 Ways to Get Your Ship TogetherAngela DiniakRead More: http://www.revitalagency.com/7-ways-to-get-your-ship-together/
I’m no different than anyone else. I get tired. I get stressed. Life gets chaotic and my poor office looks like a war zone. By the end of the day, there are so many items on my desk I barely have room for my laptop. And when I get home, all I want to do is plop down on my bed and sleep the night away – which never happens.
When life gets hectic and unmanageable, it’s time to take back control and get back to be productive and happy.
Here are some tips on how to stay organized at work and get back on track.
Python powerpointfghjfkdsglsdfsPython is a programming language used for web applications, 3D modeling programs, image editing software, and more. It was created in 1991 to be a scripting language for computer operating systems with a clear visual structure using English keywords. Python code can be used to control and create other programs and is free to download for any user.
UPSC Examination Result Declared DelhiVIJAY NEWSWritten Result - Civil Services (Main) Examination 2013
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has finally declared the results of the Civil Services Mains 2013 written examinations. The test was conducted on December last year.
DotnetsathyancegonsoftCegonsoft is a Bangalore-based IT training and software development center specializing in HR consultancy. It has over a decade of experience in training and placements. Cegonsoft aims to bridge the gap between education and the IT industry by providing job-oriented training. It offers courses in technologies like .NET, Java, PHP and provides placements. Cegonsoft has expanded to multiple locations across India and has placed students in major companies. It provides updated training and lab facilities to help students become skilled .NET professionals.
Безопасность в сервисной модели: за и против.SelectedPresentationsVII Уральский форум
Информационная безопасность банков
Аутсорсинг ИБ. Облачные сервисы и другие технологии
Ляпунов Игорь Валентинович, директор ЦИБ ЗАО "Инфосистемы Джет"
Источник: http://ural.ib-bank.ru/materials_2015
Xperia zrtechfameplusThis document summarizes the key specifications of the Sony Xperia ZR smartphone. It has a 13 megapixel camera, 16x digital zoom, full HD video recording, and face detection. The phone features a 4.6 inch HD display, 2GB of RAM, up to 8GB of internal storage and a removable 2300mAh battery. It is waterproof and dust resistant. The Sony Xperia ZR is available in pink, black and white colors for a price of Rs. 27461.
Nimcet 2014Sahil SainiThe document provides information about NIMCET 2014, the National Level entrance exam for admission to MCA programs offered at 11 National Institutes of Technology across India.
The key details are:
1) NIMCET 2014 will be conducted on 25th May 2014 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon at various test centers for admission to MCA programs at NITs for the 2014-2015 academic year.
2) Eligible candidates include those who have secured at least 60% marks in a BSc, BCA or BE/BTech degree, or 55% for SC/ST candidates, and have to apply online between specified dates and submit documents.
3) The admission process consists
Weakening rupeePranav KhullarThe document discusses the causes and effects of the weakening Indian rupee. It traces the historical exchange rate between the rupee and US dollar from 1947 to present. Key causes of the rupee's weakening include India's dependence on crude oil imports, gold imports, fiscal and current account deficits, the European debt crisis, and weak economic fundamentals. Effects include higher gold and fuel prices, increased education costs for students abroad, benefits for exporters, and increased borrowing costs. A weak rupee impacts many sectors of the Indian economy.
Ancaman Keamanan Jaringancandra358Dokumen tersebut membahas berbagai ancaman dalam sistem keamanan jaringan seperti probe, scan, account compromise, packet sniffer, hacking, denial of service, malicious code, social engineering, phishing, dan deface. Ancaman-ancaman tersebut dapat menyebabkan kerusakan sistem, pencurian data, atau gangguan layanan jaringan.
TALLER DE CAKE POPSaulade5manuellianoEl documento presenta la receta de un taller de cocina realizado por niños de 2 a 5 años para preparar bolas de queso y bizcocho rellenas de chocolate. Los ingredientes necesarios son bizcochos, queso de caza, y chocolate para fundir. La preparación consiste en desmigar el bizcocho, mezclarlo con el queso, hacer bolitas y congelarlas, derretir el chocolate para bañar las bolas, y decorarlas con virutas de colores. Al final, los niños disfrutaron comiendo su creación.
Hst session 1CDA_DcampsThe document outlines the agenda and schedule for a health staff training session at Camp Rotary. It provides details on the daily and nightly routines at camp, including wake up times, meal times, activities, curfews and medical check-ins. A typical day includes flag raising, breakfast, sessions, snacks, lunch, rest, electives, dinner and an evening program. The training also covers policies, procedures, abuse reporting and expectations for staff participation.
Source pack installation of OpenFOAM.4.0 into RHLmmer547This slide is the presentation materials at 50th OpenCAE Local User Group at KANSAI.
Web site: http://ofbkansai.sakura.ne.jp/en/
Railroad Worker Severely Injures FootAnthony RothThe document discusses a recent Supreme Court ruling that makes it harder for plaintiffs to bring class action lawsuits against large companies. The ruling will make it more difficult for individuals with small claims to join together in class actions, as they now have to provide extensive evidence at the beginning of the case, before the class is certified. This ruling is a victory for large corporations as it limits their exposure to large class action lawsuits and makes class actions less attractive for plaintiffs' lawyers to pursue.
Proceso enfermerofaamiisaaEste documento describe el proceso enfermero para una mujer mayor de 70 años que es independiente. La enfermera realizó una valoración usando el modelo de Virginia Henderson y diagnosticó riesgo de caídas y disposición para mejorar el autocuidado. Se desarrolló un plan que incluyó ejercicios, educación nutricional y de la salud. Tras 6 visitas, la evaluación mostró mejoras en la conducta de prevención de caídas, movilidad y autocuidado.
The Pugh Group Listing PresentationSid PughThis document introduces The Pugh Group, a real estate team based in Huntsville, AL. It summarizes their services, which include providing buyers and sellers with a market analysis, professional photos and videos, heavy internet advertising, and use of technology like ShowingSuite to provide feedback and schedule showings. The document also highlights The Pugh Group's success, noting they were the #1 team in Alabama in 2013 with over 260 transactions.
Banker cover letterbradjenkins246This document provides samples and tips for writing a cover letter for a banker position. It includes two samples of banker cover letters addressing the hiring manager by name and highlighting relevant experience in customer service, sales, and banking. The cover letters indicate an interest in the position and request consideration of the attached resume. The document also lists additional free resources on the 4career.net website for writing an effective cover letter, resume samples, interview questions and answers, and tips for winning a job interview.
Digital Humanities Revisited - Summary ReportVolkswagenStiftung(DIGITAL) HUMANITIES REVISITED –
Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age; CONFERENCE SUMMARY on the Herrenhäuser Konferenz organized by the VolkswagenStiftung
7 Ways to Get Your Ship TogetherAngela DiniakRead More: http://www.revitalagency.com/7-ways-to-get-your-ship-together/
I’m no different than anyone else. I get tired. I get stressed. Life gets chaotic and my poor office looks like a war zone. By the end of the day, there are so many items on my desk I barely have room for my laptop. And when I get home, all I want to do is plop down on my bed and sleep the night away – which never happens.
When life gets hectic and unmanageable, it’s time to take back control and get back to be productive and happy.
Here are some tips on how to stay organized at work and get back on track.
Python powerpointfghjfkdsglsdfsPython is a programming language used for web applications, 3D modeling programs, image editing software, and more. It was created in 1991 to be a scripting language for computer operating systems with a clear visual structure using English keywords. Python code can be used to control and create other programs and is free to download for any user.
UPSC Examination Result Declared DelhiVIJAY NEWSWritten Result - Civil Services (Main) Examination 2013
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has finally declared the results of the Civil Services Mains 2013 written examinations. The test was conducted on December last year.
DotnetsathyancegonsoftCegonsoft is a Bangalore-based IT training and software development center specializing in HR consultancy. It has over a decade of experience in training and placements. Cegonsoft aims to bridge the gap between education and the IT industry by providing job-oriented training. It offers courses in technologies like .NET, Java, PHP and provides placements. Cegonsoft has expanded to multiple locations across India and has placed students in major companies. It provides updated training and lab facilities to help students become skilled .NET professionals.
Безопасность в сервисной модели: за и против.SelectedPresentationsVII Уральский форум
Информационная безопасность банков
Аутсорсинг ИБ. Облачные сервисы и другие технологии
Ляпунов Игорь Валентинович, директор ЦИБ ЗАО "Инфосистемы Джет"
Источник: http://ural.ib-bank.ru/materials_2015
Презентация Павла Титова на Georgia Gaming Congress 2015Betting Business RussiaНа этапе регистрации каждый шестой пользователь онлайн-казино и букмекерских контор злоупотребляет возможностями сайта. Об этом в ходе Georgia Gaming Congress сообщил специалист DupZapper по аналитике и обработке данных в онлайн-гемблинге Павел ТИТОВ.
Список потребностей CxO банка икак натянуть наних кибербезопасностьAleksey LukatskiyПрезентация "Список потребностей CxO банка икак натянуть наних кибербезопасность" с Уральского форума
«Анализ affiliate / партнерского маркетинга на основе данных платежных систем»BranchMarketing«Анализ affiliate / партнерского маркетинга на основе данных платежных систем»
Интегрированная система информационной и экономической безопасности в бизнес-...SelectedPresentationsVII Уральский форум
Информационная безопасность банков
Пленарное заседание. Часть II
Информационная безопасность в банковском секторе.
Нифатов Андрей Владимирович, менеджер по развитию бизнеса SAP
Источник: http://ural.ib-bank.ru/materials_2015
Прием платежей в Badoo взгляд изнутри. HighLoad++ 2014 (HL++ 2014)Anatoly PanovВысоконагруженный проект должен не только предоставлять быстрый и качественный сервис, но и окупать себя. Нам приходится бороться не только за проценты, увеличивающие производительность и надежность, но и за процент проведенных транзакций. При большом объеме платежей разница в 1% может быть внушительной и окупать все затраты.
Я расскажу о том, как устроен биллинг в таком большом международном проекте, как Badoo, расскажу про возникавшие по мере роста проблемы, продемонстрирую архитектуру, к которой мы в итоге пришли, и объясню, почему она получилась именно такой. Отдельная подтема - то, как мы «готовим» процессинг кредитных карт и как он устроен. Также я расскажу про рекуррентные платежи, процессе разработки и мониторинге
JSOC - первый рабочий инструмент по аутсорсингу информационной безопасностиjet_information_securityИБ на аутсорсинге. Первый центр мониторинга инцидентов безопасности.
Как довести проект по информационной безопасности до умаInfoWatchКак довести ИБ-проект до ума? Как и когда лучше преподнести проект руководству? Как обосновать бюджет на имиджевый ИБ-проект? Что такое модель зрелости ИБ Gartner?
Финансовое обоснование инвестиций в ИБ банкаAleksey LukatskiyОписание нескольких кейсов, в которых возможно продемонстрировать обоснование финансовых инвестиций в ИБ на примере типичных банковских процессов - кредитование, повышение продуктивности, удержание персонала, private banking, борьба с криптолокерами, отражение DDoS и т.п.
CТО БР ИББС 2014: актуальные измененияjet_information_securityКомпания «Инфосистемы Джет» представляет комментарии, посвященные изменениям в стандартах Банка России – СТО БР ИББС–1.0–2014, СТО БР ИББС–1.2–2014.
Комментарии основаны на оценках ведущих экспертов компании «Инфосистемы Джет» в области выполнения проектов по приведению в соответствие требованиям регуляторов. В комментариях представлены ключевые нововведения стандартов Банка России, которые могут оказать влияние на методику оценки соответствия комплексу стандартов, а также на способы выполнения банками требований по информационной безопасности.
Расследование инцидентов: как правильно понять, что он произошел и как об это...jet_information_securityИнформационная безопасность: кейсы расследования инцидентов
JSOC мы строили-строили и построилиjet_information_securityИнформационная безопасность на аутсорсинге. Опыт построения первого мониторингового центра в России.
Jet inView - новое имя на рынке ИБ. Наша продуктовая линейка сегодня и завтра.jet_information_securityРазвитие продуктов компании "Инфосистемы Джет" в области информационной безопасности. От "Застава-Джет" до Jet inView.
10 уязвимостей в мобильном ПОjet_information_securityРассматриваются уязвимости, типичные для мобильных приложений, по результатам исследования мобильных приложений из разных областей (банковское дело, телекоммуникации).
В качестве основных платформ рассматриваются наиболее распространенные в настоящее время мобильные платформы Android и iOS.
Если вы не видите фрода, это не значит, что его нет
1. Алексей Сизов,
руководитель группы разработки решений
по борьбе с мошенничеством
Центра информационной безопасности
компании «Инфосистемы Джет»
Если вы не видите фрода,
это не значит, что его нет
4 июня 2014 г.