Getting Techno With Project Based Learning By: Tara CumbeecumbeeThis document provides guidance for designing technology-based project learning that integrates curriculum and reinforces skills. It recommends beginning with defining goals and objectives, planning integration and timelines for mini-lessons and assessments. Considerations for implementation include determining group structures, accountability measures, classroom setup and resources. Examples are given for incorporating technology like movies, presentations, spreadsheets and QR codes into projects around articles, controversies, research reports and more. The document encourages sharing ideas and planning to support project-based learning with technology.
Ncra 2015 slideshow tara paige cumbeecumbeeThis document provides an overview of strategies for teaching quality social studies lessons, including meaningful writing activities, improving student comprehension, and building student interest and success in ways that impact society. It discusses the importance of effective lesson planning, preparation, and assessment techniques like pre-tests, post-tests, and inquiry-based research. The document encourages bringing real-world elements into the classroom and fostering student leadership.
Getting Techno With Project Based Learning By: Tara CumbeecumbeeThis document provides guidance for designing technology-based project learning that integrates curriculum and reinforces skills. It recommends beginning with defining goals and objectives, planning integration and timelines for mini-lessons and assessments. Considerations for implementation include determining group structures, accountability measures, classroom setup and resources. Examples are given for incorporating technology like movies, presentations, spreadsheets and QR codes into projects around articles, controversies, research reports and more. The document encourages sharing ideas and planning to support project-based learning with technology.
Ncra 2015 slideshow tara paige cumbeecumbeeThis document provides an overview of strategies for teaching quality social studies lessons, including meaningful writing activities, improving student comprehension, and building student interest and success in ways that impact society. It discusses the importance of effective lesson planning, preparation, and assessment techniques like pre-tests, post-tests, and inquiry-based research. The document encourages bringing real-world elements into the classroom and fostering student leadership.
Integrating technology June 18cumbeeThis document discusses integrating technology into classroom instruction. It begins by defining "digital natives" and "digital immigrants" as terms coined by Mark Prensky to describe differences between students and adults in technology use. It then provides examples of how teachers can incorporate technology into their lessons in a limited way, such as using email for assignments, PowerPoint for presentations, and educational websites for practice and research. Specific programs and websites are recommended for activities like quizzes, videos, interactive lessons, ebooks, test preparation and allowing students to be creative. Time management strategies are presented for integrating technology while still focusing on learning.
Nonprofit center ga_june2014vfinalahemondThe document discusses how Google Analytics can help non-profits track key metrics from their websites and online communications to measure success against goals and inform strategic improvements. It recommends identifying measurable goals, using Analytics to track metrics over time, and evaluating returns on engagement and actions like donations to optimize performance. Analytics provides data on website traffic and user behavior to make informed decisions about content, design, and campaigns.
GAL Langhe Roero Leader - Animazione territoriale verso il nuovo Piano di Svi...GAL_Langhe_Roero_LeaderPresentazione delle opportunità offerte dalla futura programmazione Leader 2014-2020 e condivisione degli obiettivi
CV Best PracticesAlex BenjaminThe document provides best practices for creating an effective curriculum vitae (CV). It recommends including contact information, education history with degrees/certifications, and chronological employment history with duties and accomplishments. Employers typically spend 10-30 seconds reviewing each CV, so it is important to have good formatting, avoid "red flags" like incomplete education or job gaps, and highlight relevant skills and experience. The goal of a CV is to introduce yourself and elicit an interview, so it should provide enough detail about background and achievements to stand out from other candidates.
Social Studies and Reading ComprehensioncumbeeThis document contains the presentation slides from Tara Cumbee on enhancing social studies to improve reading comprehension. The presentation discusses strategies to improve comprehension like building student interest, using mind maps and anchor charts, creative assessments, and bringing museums into the classroom. It provides examples of activities like having students take on student roles to research historical topics of their choice and analyzing a letter from Abraham Lincoln about emancipating slaves during the Civil War that challenges assumptions about his views. The goal is to make social studies more meaningful and impact how students see society.