The chocolate drink was first brought to Europe by Hernan Cortes and was sweetened for European tastes, spreading from Spanish to other European courts. In the late 18th century, French and Dutch processors experimented with chocolate liquid, leading to the production of chocolate powder and then solid chocolate. The document also lists different types of chocolate such as sweet, dark bittersweet, semi-sweet, baking chocolate, and describes white chocolate and milk chocolate.
Learn C with my C tutorial, which will take you from the very basics of C all the way through sophisticated topics like Array,Strings,data structures,Input and output etc.
The chocolate drink was first brought to Europe by Hernan Cortes and was sweetened for European tastes, spreading from Spanish to other European courts. In the late 18th century, French and Dutch processors experimented with chocolate liquid, leading to the production of chocolate powder and then solid chocolate. The document also lists different types of chocolate such as sweet, dark bittersweet, semi-sweet, baking chocolate, and describes white chocolate and milk chocolate.
Learn C with my C tutorial, which will take you from the very basics of C all the way through sophisticated topics like Array,Strings,data structures,Input and output etc.
The Eye gaze System is a communication system for people with complex physical disabilities.
This operates with eyes by looking at control keys displayed on a screen.