O Υπουργός ΠΕΚΑ, Γιάννης Μανιάτης, παρουσίασε το πρόγραμμα παραχωρήσεων για έρευνα υδρογονανθράκων στον ελληνικό θαλάσσιο χώρο της Δυτικής Ελλάδας (Ιόνιο) και Νότια της Κρήτης, στο Λονδίνο
The role-of-the-naval-architect -marine-engineer-in-tomorrows-shipping-edt-sh...somaadi1Naval architecture is the field of engineering concerned with the design, construction, and operation of ships. A naval architect specializes in ship and maritime technology across various vessel types. Major challenges currently facing the field include remotely operated and autonomous ships, as well as green ship design and decarbonization efforts to reduce emissions and meet international regulations. New technologies being explored include hybrid propulsion systems, alternative fuels like LNG, optimized hull designs, and renewable energy methods.
Diana Huster German cycling planveloforumThe National Cycling Plan outlines Germany's strategy to promote cycling. It has 9 action areas including infrastructure development, road safety, and linking cycling to other transportation. The plan provides 100 million euros annually for cycling paths along federal roads and highways. It also allocates 25 million euros for new "Cycle Superhighways" that are at least 4 meters wide and see over 2,000 daily bicycle trips. The plan aims to create a coherent network of existing and new cycling paths and superhighways that are usually over 10km in length. A monitoring report found cycling's popularity as transportation has increased 9% in the last 2 years in Germany.
CTE Olsztyn Job, Jun 2008Chris HutchinsonThis job involved placing a temporary water barrier and drainage pipes alongside a newly opened road in Olsztyn, Poland to protect it from heavy rains. A 14-person crew used a 14x12 cm mold over 1400 meters. When roads are built, the excavation destroys roots and leaves the area weak until regrowth. As Poland develops infrastructure and roads for EURO 2012, temporary barriers protect sides until roots regrow to prevent erosion and road damage from water runoff.
Sustainable tourism with abb technologyMARIASABINASILVESTREABB is a leader in developing sustainable technologies. Here’s a brief look at some of ABB’s sustainability achievements in the tourism industry
Sarah hazim p65407sarah_hazimStockholm is the capital and largest city of Sweden, with a population of over 870,000. It is built on 14 islands connected by 57 bridges and has a high quality public transportation system. Planning in Stockholm emphasizes sustainable development, with over 30% of the city consisting of waterways and green spaces. The city has invested heavily in its extensive metro system and other infrastructure to encourage density and limit car ownership.
Integrated Landuse and Transport PlanningSangge Nangkarintegrated Land use and Transport planning become very important tool in Planning which are usually practice in developed countries to improve their capacity to respond the urban complexities.
Atlantic Gateway ParklandsRichard TraceyThis document discusses the Atlantic Gateway Parklands initiative which aims to transform the landscape of the Atlantic Gateway region through green infrastructure and environmental projects. It outlines 15 priority investment areas and describes strategic environmental initiatives like the Irwell River Park, Port Salford Greenway, and Everton Park. The document recommends accelerating collaboration between partners and supporting the Atlantic Gateway Parklands as a nationally important initiative to deliver on the long-term vision of a transformed, prosperous landscape through natural capital investments.
Rising tide of_immigration_2013award79The document provides background information on mass immigration to the United States between 1880-1924. It describes the push and pull factors that drove immigrants from Europe and Asia to leave their homelands for America, the difficult journey across the Atlantic Ocean via steamships, the arrival and inspection process at Ellis Island, and how immigrants struggled with poor living/working conditions in ethnic enclaves and cities. It also discusses discriminatory laws and treatment faced by Chinese immigrants, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and detention at Angel Island.
Η χρήση ενδημικών φυτών και προοπτικές ανάπτυξης του πράσινου στο Δήμο ΑθηναίωνΥπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας "ΒΙΟΠΟΙΚΙΛΟΤΗΤΑ - ΝΤΟΠΙΕΣ ΠΟΙΚΙΛΙΕΣ", Μουσείο Ακρόπολης, Δευτέρα 7/10
Εισηγητής: Δημήτρης Κυριακάκης
ΣΕΒ: Εx post έκθεση συνεπειών ρυθμίσεων στην ανταγωνιστικότητα από την εφαρμο...Υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας Εx post έκθεση συνεπειών ρυθμίσεων στην ανταγωνιστικότητα από την εφαρμογή του ν. 4014/2011 (Κα Μαρίνα Σπυριδάκη)
Έκθεση αξιολόγησης του τρόπου εφαρμογής του νόμου 4014/2011Υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας Έκθεση αξιολόγησης του τρόπου εφαρμογής του νόμου 4014/2011 (Κα Ρεβέκκα Μπατμάνογλου)
Cyprus Oil & Gas AGM 15th december 2014Andy VaroshiotisThe document summarizes options for monetizing natural gas resources discovered in Cyprus. It discusses establishing a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal as the priority, while also considering a pipeline to export gas to markets in Europe and Turkey. Regional markets for gas exports via pipelines and compressed natural gas are also examined. The document concludes by emphasizing the need to exploit Cyprus' resources through partnerships with Israel and export opportunities to Europe and regional markets.
Transmission and transnational gas pipelinesRiddhima KartikOverview on Transmission pipeline of gas over the world
and the transnational pipelines fro India
Includes many countries pipelines such as Russia , Europe , China , Pakistan , India , Gulf Nations , Iran , Iraq and issues and challenges faced foe these pipelines by diffrent nations, both origin nation , destination and the mediator nations
Good Overalling
total slides = 46
pressented in year 2015
Transmission and transnational gas pipelinesRiddhi Kartikݺߣ on Transmission Pipelines in India
and Transnational pipelines through various oil countries
Mediterranean Gas & Energy Week - Southeast Europe Energy Opportunities Intro...George KovacicPresented at the IN-VR Summit on January 21st, 2021.
Abstract: Since the first Energy Summit in 2013 Southeast Europe has made tremendous progress. The Trans Adriatic Pipeline and LNG Croatia projects were built and commenced operations in early 2021.
Current global industry focus is on the Adriatic Sea where, in 2021, ENI and Novatek are spudding two offshore exploration wells in Montenegro. Hydrocarbon E&P will allow the region to address energy poverty and security as well as climate concerns. Regional E&P results in: lower cost energy and increased competition, decreased import dependency, tax revenue and jobs. Meanwhile climate concerns are addressed via carbon capture, utilization and storage; decreased use of coal and wood, extended use of assets and repurposing of infrastructure. Plus hydrocarbon E&P will address naturally occurring oil and gas seeps throughout the Adriatic Sea. Provided are German comparison examples - Nord Stream 2 and Mittelplate as well as US offshore production examples from Santa Barbara and Long Beach. A regional Greek example is provided from Kavala Bay.
Cyprus hydrocarbons - Energy security for the EU in the pipeline?Harris SamarasThe confirmation of significant quantities of hydrocarbons in Cyprus, (the Levantine Basin, the Nile Delta Cone, the Eratosthenes Continental Block and the Herodotus Basin) may prove to be a tremendous opportunity not only for the island but for the EU as a whole. The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that the aforementioned areas hold an estimated 13.8 trillion cubic meters (tcm) of natural gas. Also as per the BEICIP/FRANLAB and the Institut Français du Pétrole, the Cyprus Exclusive Economic Zone alone holds an estimated 3 tcm of natural gas.
Cyprus, an EU member country, a regional business and financial hub (and an established investment gateway to and from Russia) is firmly on its way to becoming an energy superpower and a guaranteed primary natural gas source and transit route to the EU, of the EU; a hub of reconciliation and regional stability!
Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) BrochureTSBReviewThe document discusses the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) project which will transport natural gas from Azerbaijan to Europe. Some key points:
- TAP will form part of the Southern Gas Corridor and transport natural gas from Azerbaijan through Greece and Albania to Italy.
- Construction began in 2016 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2019. It will increase energy security and diversify gas sources for southeastern European countries.
- TAP is working to minimize environmental and social impacts and has created jobs and economic benefits in host countries along the pipeline route. Community engagement efforts have helped gain acceptance for the project.
Global LNG bunkering infrastructure as of January 2014Lars Petter BlikomThe presentation summarizes all known LNG bunkering facility developments around the world as of January 2014.
XVI Foro del Futuro: Mauro MarianiCentro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico - CEPLANThe EU's Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) aims to provide a coherent approach to maritime issues and increase coordination between different policy areas related to oceans and seas. It focuses on "blue growth" to promote economic development from maritime sectors in a sustainable manner. The IMP covers cross-cutting policies like blue growth, marine data collection, maritime spatial planning, maritime surveillance, and sea basin strategies. It seeks to maximize sustainable use of oceans while supporting sectors like aquaculture, offshore renewable energy, seabed mining, and coastal tourism.
Η γεωπύλη του ΥΠΕΝ για την οδηγία 2007/2/ΕΚ/INSPIREΥπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας Η γεωπύλη του ΥΠΕΝ για την οδηγία 2007/2/ΕΚ/INSPIRE, Ελένη Γρηγορίου, Δ/νση Γεωχωρικών Πληροφοριών
Rising tide of_immigration_2013award79The document provides background information on mass immigration to the United States between 1880-1924. It describes the push and pull factors that drove immigrants from Europe and Asia to leave their homelands for America, the difficult journey across the Atlantic Ocean via steamships, the arrival and inspection process at Ellis Island, and how immigrants struggled with poor living/working conditions in ethnic enclaves and cities. It also discusses discriminatory laws and treatment faced by Chinese immigrants, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and detention at Angel Island.
Η χρήση ενδημικών φυτών και προοπτικές ανάπτυξης του πράσινου στο Δήμο ΑθηναίωνΥπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας "ΒΙΟΠΟΙΚΙΛΟΤΗΤΑ - ΝΤΟΠΙΕΣ ΠΟΙΚΙΛΙΕΣ", Μουσείο Ακρόπολης, Δευτέρα 7/10
Εισηγητής: Δημήτρης Κυριακάκης
ΣΕΒ: Εx post έκθεση συνεπειών ρυθμίσεων στην ανταγωνιστικότητα από την εφαρμο...Υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας Εx post έκθεση συνεπειών ρυθμίσεων στην ανταγωνιστικότητα από την εφαρμογή του ν. 4014/2011 (Κα Μαρίνα Σπυριδάκη)
Έκθεση αξιολόγησης του τρόπου εφαρμογής του νόμου 4014/2011Υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας Έκθεση αξιολόγησης του τρόπου εφαρμογής του νόμου 4014/2011 (Κα Ρεβέκκα Μπατμάνογλου)
Cyprus Oil & Gas AGM 15th december 2014Andy VaroshiotisThe document summarizes options for monetizing natural gas resources discovered in Cyprus. It discusses establishing a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal as the priority, while also considering a pipeline to export gas to markets in Europe and Turkey. Regional markets for gas exports via pipelines and compressed natural gas are also examined. The document concludes by emphasizing the need to exploit Cyprus' resources through partnerships with Israel and export opportunities to Europe and regional markets.
Transmission and transnational gas pipelinesRiddhima KartikOverview on Transmission pipeline of gas over the world
and the transnational pipelines fro India
Includes many countries pipelines such as Russia , Europe , China , Pakistan , India , Gulf Nations , Iran , Iraq and issues and challenges faced foe these pipelines by diffrent nations, both origin nation , destination and the mediator nations
Good Overalling
total slides = 46
pressented in year 2015
Transmission and transnational gas pipelinesRiddhi Kartikݺߣ on Transmission Pipelines in India
and Transnational pipelines through various oil countries
Mediterranean Gas & Energy Week - Southeast Europe Energy Opportunities Intro...George KovacicPresented at the IN-VR Summit on January 21st, 2021.
Abstract: Since the first Energy Summit in 2013 Southeast Europe has made tremendous progress. The Trans Adriatic Pipeline and LNG Croatia projects were built and commenced operations in early 2021.
Current global industry focus is on the Adriatic Sea where, in 2021, ENI and Novatek are spudding two offshore exploration wells in Montenegro. Hydrocarbon E&P will allow the region to address energy poverty and security as well as climate concerns. Regional E&P results in: lower cost energy and increased competition, decreased import dependency, tax revenue and jobs. Meanwhile climate concerns are addressed via carbon capture, utilization and storage; decreased use of coal and wood, extended use of assets and repurposing of infrastructure. Plus hydrocarbon E&P will address naturally occurring oil and gas seeps throughout the Adriatic Sea. Provided are German comparison examples - Nord Stream 2 and Mittelplate as well as US offshore production examples from Santa Barbara and Long Beach. A regional Greek example is provided from Kavala Bay.
Cyprus hydrocarbons - Energy security for the EU in the pipeline?Harris SamarasThe confirmation of significant quantities of hydrocarbons in Cyprus, (the Levantine Basin, the Nile Delta Cone, the Eratosthenes Continental Block and the Herodotus Basin) may prove to be a tremendous opportunity not only for the island but for the EU as a whole. The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that the aforementioned areas hold an estimated 13.8 trillion cubic meters (tcm) of natural gas. Also as per the BEICIP/FRANLAB and the Institut Français du Pétrole, the Cyprus Exclusive Economic Zone alone holds an estimated 3 tcm of natural gas.
Cyprus, an EU member country, a regional business and financial hub (and an established investment gateway to and from Russia) is firmly on its way to becoming an energy superpower and a guaranteed primary natural gas source and transit route to the EU, of the EU; a hub of reconciliation and regional stability!
Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) BrochureTSBReviewThe document discusses the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) project which will transport natural gas from Azerbaijan to Europe. Some key points:
- TAP will form part of the Southern Gas Corridor and transport natural gas from Azerbaijan through Greece and Albania to Italy.
- Construction began in 2016 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2019. It will increase energy security and diversify gas sources for southeastern European countries.
- TAP is working to minimize environmental and social impacts and has created jobs and economic benefits in host countries along the pipeline route. Community engagement efforts have helped gain acceptance for the project.
Global LNG bunkering infrastructure as of January 2014Lars Petter BlikomThe presentation summarizes all known LNG bunkering facility developments around the world as of January 2014.
XVI Foro del Futuro: Mauro MarianiCentro Nacional de Planeamiento Estratégico - CEPLANThe EU's Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) aims to provide a coherent approach to maritime issues and increase coordination between different policy areas related to oceans and seas. It focuses on "blue growth" to promote economic development from maritime sectors in a sustainable manner. The IMP covers cross-cutting policies like blue growth, marine data collection, maritime spatial planning, maritime surveillance, and sea basin strategies. It seeks to maximize sustainable use of oceans while supporting sectors like aquaculture, offshore renewable energy, seabed mining, and coastal tourism.
Η γεωπύλη του ΥΠΕΝ για την οδηγία 2007/2/ΕΚ/INSPIREΥπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας Η γεωπύλη του ΥΠΕΝ για την οδηγία 2007/2/ΕΚ/INSPIRE, Ελένη Γρηγορίου, Δ/νση Γεωχωρικών Πληροφοριών
Διαδικτυακοί Ιστότοποι Πρόσβασης σε Χωρικές Πληροφορίες και Χάρτες του ΥΠΕΝΥπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας Διαδικτυακοί Ιστότοποι
Πρόσβασης σε Χωρικές Πληροφορίες και Χάρτες του ΥΠΕΝ, Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Π. Στεφανάκης
Παρουσίαση καλής πρακτικής: Η πρόταση του Υπουργείου Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργε...Υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας Η ανοιχτή διακυβέρνηση ως στρατηγική επιλογή. Από τον σχεδιασμό στην υλοποίηση
Εθνικός Διάλογος για το Σύστημα Προστατευόμενων ΠεριοχώνΥπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας έναρξη του Εθνικού Διαλόγου για το Σύστημα Προστατευόμενων Περιοχών
Waste Prevention Programmes in the EU - OverviewΥπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας This document provides an overview of waste prevention programs in the EU. It defines waste prevention and outlines the EEA's activities in reviewing member countries' waste prevention programs. As of February 2014, 20 countries had published waste prevention programs, which differ in whether they are separate programs or part of wider waste management plans. The programs address various sectors and waste types, with some having quantitative targets and others qualitative targets or status quo goals. Instruments used range from informative to promotional to administrative to economic. Stakeholder involvement also varies. Little information is given on costs or cost savings of the programs. Overall, the programs differ substantially and experience implementing them is still limited.
UNDERSTANDING KENYA’S POSITION IN THE INDO-PACIFIC main document (10).pdfsamngacha Reflective News provides in-depth analysis and coverage of various global and
regional issues. The platform focuses on topics such as Kenya's strategic position in the
Indo-Pacific region, the influence of China, Japan, South Asia in Kenyan affairs, and the
impact of climate change on Kenya. Reflective News aims to offer insightful perspectives
on political, economic, and social developments, helping readers understand the
complexities of the modern world
How Edvardas Kuprenas Fooled Business Leaders Around the World.pdfnathaniel leonardEdvardas Kuprenas orchestrated a global financial fraud, deceiving investors across Switzerland, Dubai, and Singapore before vanishing with millions. Discover how Gatwick operated, the ongoing manhunt, and how victims are fighting back.
Godfred Dame’s warning to Hon. Dafeamekpor.pdfbusinessweekghana‘Only one bodyguard, no extravagance’ – Former AG demands retraction from Dafemekpor over false claims
FULL TEXT: President John Dramani Mahama's State of the Nation AddressKweku ZurekFULL TEXT: President John Dramani Mahama's State of the Nation Address
How Estevan Mercury Shaped Community Journalism for 122 YearsNorthland NewsThe Estevan Mercury has played a vital role in the city’s media landscape for more than a century. As one of the longest-running newspapers in Saskatchewan, its closure marks the end of an era for local journalism. With its final edition, No. 1228, the publication leaves behind a rich legacy of informing, educating, and connecting the people of Estevan. Editor David Willberg announced the difficult decision on social media, leading to an outpouring of tributes from residents and journalists alike. While print editions will no longer be available, articles from Estevan will still be accessible through SaskToday.ca.
John Schmitz Touts His Faith, So Why Was He Asked to Leave South Why Was He...Abdul-Hakim ShabazzJohn Schmitz Touts His Faith, but why was He asked to Leave Southport Christian Church where he was a member?
Petition-Ato-Essien-2.pdfPresident Mahama petitioned to pardon William Ato Es...businessweekghanaPresident Mahama petitioned to pardon William Ato Essien
The Tragic Case of Teresa Youngblut & the Fatal Shooting of David Maland.docxvoice ofarticleOn January 20, 2025, a routine traffic stop on Interstate 91 in Coventry, Vermont, escalated into a deadly encounter, resulting in the fatal shooting of U.S. Border Patrol Agent David Maland. The suspect, 21-year-old Teresa Youngblut, was taken into custody following the incident, while Felix Bauckholt, a German national, was also implicated. Authorities are investigating potential ties to the radical Zizian cult, raising national concerns. The tragic event has sparked debates on law enforcement safety and extremist threats. As details emerge, officials continue to piece together the circumstances surrounding this shocking act of violence.
Visit Here: https://voiceofarticle.com/teresa-youngblut/
MDPMI Media Release Provisional Report 24 February 2025.pdfSABC NewsThe Media and Digital Platforms Market (MDPMI) Inquiry’s provisional report has proposed remedial actions against Google, Meta, YouTube and Adtech.
The Future of Health Data Platforms_ Trends to Watch in the Next Decade.pdfInsider Market ResearchHealth data platforms in 2025: 1. Epic Systems 2. HealthTap 3. Teladoc Health 4. Fitbit 5. Practo 6. Zocdoc 7. Ada Health 8. Welltok 9. Apple Health and more
Sutton Community Council (final2.26.2025).pdfBrad KeithleyAt the request of the Sutton, Alaska, Community Council, our 2.26.2025 presentation on the Top 3 issues the #akleg is facing this session.
The Johns Hopkins Maya Trial_ A Landmark Case of Medical Negligence.docxvoice ofarticle
The Johns Hopkins Maya trial has captured national attention as a defining case of medical negligence, legal controversy, and institutional accountability. Filed by the Kowalski family against Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, the lawsuit centers around the alleged mistreatment of Maya Kowalski, a young girl diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). The jury’s verdict, awarding the family $261 million, has ignited discussions about patient rights, medical ethics, and legal recourse in cases of hospital negligence.
Was John Schmitz a Slumlord? It sure looks like itAbdul-Hakim ShabazzJohn Schmitz touts his business acumen and helping the poor. However the record shows more than 50 code violations on his properties that he's owned in the past.
Madhu Rajan - A Prominent JournalistMadhu RajanMadhu Rajan is a journalist and media personality known for his dedication to bringing important stories to light. Based in Bridgewater, New Jersey, Rajan has built a reputation for his in-depth reporting on social issues, humanitarian causes, and community resilience.
Millions Withdrawn Amid Scandal Surrounding Libra Crypto Token.pdfCIOWomenMagazineBlockchain researchers have revealed that approximately $99 million worth of cryptocurrency was withdrawn from the marketplace of the controversial Libra Crypto Token.
Millions Withdrawn Amid Scandal Surrounding Libra Crypto Token.pdfCIOWomenMagazine
παρουσίαση προγράμματος παραχωρήσεων για έρευνα υδρογονανθράκων
1. Prof. Yannis Maniatis
Minister for Environment, Energy and Climate Change
Pre-Launch Event for
“Greece Offshore Licensing Round 2014”
London, July 1st, 2014
2. • -+
SE Europe is a promising market
Greece a Gateway to SE Europe
South Stream
East Med
IGI Poseidon
IGI Onshore
Other Interconnectors
LNG Terminal
3. Greece: Gateway to SE Europe and EU
Geography and History have placed Greece in a crucial geo-
strategic region between Europe, Asia and Africa. At the
crossroads of East and West, North and South, in an area of
high geo-political importance, the Eastern Mediterranean
Significant energy
projects classified by
the European
Commission as
“Projects of Common
Interest” are “Greece
1 Underground storage facility
in South Kavala
2 Floating LNG terminals
either in Kavala or
3 Trans Adriatic Pipeline
4 South Med Pipeline
5 Euroasia electricity